The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1367: Approaching the line

The Tianluo umbrella completely resisted the water dragon dragonfly of Xu Ziyan, and the flame ejected by the gourd could not hurt Xu Ziyan, but if the clothes on his body were ignited, it was also very embarrassing. I want to know that Xu Ziyan is self-supporting the body of the Eight Immortals, and he did not wear any treasures, just dressed in general clothes.

The mind was moved and the fire spirit was summoned. At this time, Huo Linger has recovered 30%, and quickly formed a layer of fiery red film on the surface of Xu Ziyan, seeing the flame inside the gourd sprayed, and absorbing the flame unceremoniously. And fortunately, I gave a message to Xu Ziyan in the past:

"Master, the quality of this flame is too low, it is of no use to me."

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile, and did not pay attention to the fire spirit, but only controlled the water dragon constantly impacting the Tianluo umbrella.

The huge water dragon in the air roared, twists and turns, the overwhelming ice gun hit the sky umbrella, and on the other side, the monks of the four cicada continents smashed two monks with more smells, only slightly prevailing. .

This is the bottom line. After all, the four monks of the Cangwu mainland have just broken through the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, and the two monks who heard more about it are the late peaks of the old Da Luo Jinxian. There is also a fatal weakness, that is, the practice of ignoring one pulse is higher than that of the other, and their combat experience is also richer, that is, one pair and two are not exposed, but only slightly Downwind.

At this time, all people are very clear in their hearts. This big ratio actually sees Xu Ziyan alone. As long as Xu Ziyan wins, the mainland will win. Once Xu Ziyan lost, there would be no effort to fight back. However, looking at the current situation, the two sides have entered a stalemate. Xu Ziyan's water dragon can't break the other's Tianluo umbrella, and the other's fire gourd has no effect on Xu Ziyan. This depends on who will be able to persist in the end, who is more profound.

There is only one person in Xu Ziyan, and her fairy power is deep. Can you resist three people? Everyone is the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, is in the same realm, even if Xu Ziyan body is deep and powerful, where can I go deep? She not only has to attack, but also resists the attack of the fire gourd. The consumption of Xian Yuanli can be imagined.

Everyone’s heart thinks so, no one is optimistic about Xu Ziyan. Only they are very interested in the layer of fiery red film released by Xu Ziyan. They can see that it is a fire attribute, but they can't see what the treasure is.

at this time. Xu Ziyan also frowned slightly, but she was not worried that she would consume the other three. Not to mention three people, that is, three more people, Xu Ziyan also accompanied. The reason why she wrinkled her brows was because she felt so stagnant. I am afraid that the battle could not be solved within half an hour, and the ratio would be ended in a draw. This is not the result she wants to see.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan only slightly wrinkled his eyebrows, and immediately turned his fingers again and turned his palms.


Another water dragon roared out, and instantly zoomed in on the space, and a large faucet was found from the clouds. With the roaring sound, countless ice guns slammed into the sky.


All the monks were eager to see, and no one thought that Xu Ziyan had the ability to release a water dragon, that is, his ancestor Xu Zhenshan was no exception.

In fact, not only these family members. It was Xu Zhenshan who first saw Xu Ziyan’s shot when Dabi started. But starting from the big ratio. Xu Ziyan has always been tepid and law-abiding. Although the ancestors felt that Xu Ziyan had left room for it, but did not expect Xu Ziyan's Xianyuan force to be so deep.

The three more scented monks trapped by two water dragons became pale and their eyes were desperate. The pressure of the two water dragons is that they can't bear the weight. Tian Luo Umbrella is in jeopardy. The handcuffs they shot were shaking. Just for the honor and benefit of the family, it is impossible to give up, only to bite the teeth.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. She does not want to be so stagnant with the other party. After all, after this big ratio, they will continue to make the next big ratio. Even if the purple smoke is strong, it cannot be consumed.

"You four are coming to my body!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly shouted at the four monks of the Cangwu mainland. The four monks did not even hesitate, and immediately flew to the back of Xu Ziyan. They have already admired Xu Ziyan from the depths of his heart. Xu Ziyan’s words are orders that they cannot violate.

The remaining two more monks and monks stood there and they did not know why Xu Ziyan let the four monks who had the upper hand retreat behind her. I don’t know what I should do for a while? Is chasing the four monks, or attacking Xu Ziyan?

Xu Ziyan looked at them and said faintly: "You also retreat farther!"

The two monks looked like a change. They watched the two huge water dragons that could not hover in the air, and the ice guns that were covered with the sun were illuminated by the sun, and the colorful light reflected from the ears echoed the shocking dragons. Knowing that Xu Ziyan let them both retreat, I am afraid to display even more powerful fairy scorpions.

However, the two of them are not able to retreat!

Can not help but say that Xu Jiazheng has been struggling in the middle reaches of the second-rate family, and the disciples within the family are very united. No matter what kind of battle, the hearts of every tribe have not left the idea of ​​running away from their companions. The faces of the two men showed a firm color, and when they were floating, they rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

A dragon tail descends from the sky and sweeps across the sky.


Under the protection of the six-piece fairy, the two monks swept out of the dragon's tail and flew out into the distance. At the same time, there was a whistle in the air:

"Burst ~~"


There was a bang in the sky, and there was a trembling in the link. A water dragon exploded.

The violent energy is raging in space, impacting back and forth, strangling, forming a small black hole. With the cultivation of Xu Ziyan today. It’s absolutely horrible to show it again!


Three more monks squirted blood, and the look was reduced. The scope of the umbrella was also cut in half. In the distance, Xu Ziyan flew two more and more one-eyed monks in shock and looked at the space, and his face became pale. At this point they all know. If Xu Ziyan first hit them, it would be seriously injured in the self-explosion of the water dragon. If it is not good, it will fall. For Xu Ziyan's mercy, my heart could not help but be grateful.


The remaining water dragons struck the three monks. Three people sighed. I know in my heart that I can no longer resist the self-destruction of a water dragon. Waving the Tianluo umbrella and collecting it, heading toward Xu Ziyan:

"We admit defeat!"

A huge faucet quickly stopped at a distance of less than ten meters from them. The hurricane brought by them blew their clothes and sang, swaying back and clinging to them.

Xu Ziyan printed a fairy with his hands, and the water dragon began to disperse from the head, and the time of the interest turned into a water curtain, reflecting the rainbow. A magnificent piece.

Xu Haotian looked at Xu Ziyan, who was adjusting interest rates. His eyes showed cautiousness. Now Xu Ziyan has already defeated seven of the nine teams in the central region. The next one is facing the central region’s second-largest growth in the mainland. One pulse has once again defeated the growth of the mainland, and they have the qualification to challenge the line.

This situation has not happened for many years, and the shackles have always appeared in a very detached attitude above the ratio of the family. Usually it is not to participate in the big ratio, because there is no one branch with that strength and that confidence dare to do so. However, looking at the current momentum of Xu Ziyan, if they really defeated the growth of the mainland, it is bound to challenge the line. Xu Haotian frowned slightly, although he had confidence in the shackles, but he didn't know what was going on, and his heart was always a little uneasy.

This is the last big ratio of the eight major branches of the central region. Before that, no one expected that the mainland of China would go so far. Until now, those ancestors of the cloud still seem to be dreaming.

Is this sky really so strong?


Only one of the Xu Ziyan is powerful. Although the rest of the disciples have made breakthroughs in recent times, they have a big gap with Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the Xu Ziyan side has been opposed to the five monks who grew up in the mainland. Xu Ziyan’s eyes passed a little cautiousness. The reason for her caution was not because of the high quality of the fairy on her body. Instead, the other five people have only one person holding a gossip disk in their hands. At first glance, it is a six-product early defense genius. The other four monks are the peak equipment of the five products.

Did they give up?

This is impossible! If you give up, why bother to fight up, do you just accept the loss?

The other party must have an unexpected card.

As soon as the bell rang, Xu Ziyan immediately released a water dragon, trapping three monks inside, and naturally there was a monk with a six-factor defense genius. His eyes locked him tightly and looked at what he had. At the same time, the remaining four monks and monks also rushed to the other two monks, and the two attacked one.

Xu Ziyan just looked at the corner of the eye slightly, and the heart was shocked. The other party was not the second branch in the family. One pair and two did not fall into the wind, and they fought a tie. The four monks on their own side did not even have Take advantage of the slightest.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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