The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1368: Dragon bucket

I am very grateful to the fish and sword classmates, june_8306 classmates, 3 big laughter classmates, lazy heaven classmates, drunk dance madland classmates, daily listening to classmates, not classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, laughing students, ~~Fireworks~ ~ Classmate, the pink ticket of the Zishen Rui classmate!


At this time, the monk trapped in the middle by the water dragon sacrificed the gossip in his hand to the air. The gossip disk was instantly enlarged, hovering in the air, releasing the Taobao light, and protecting the three people inside. The light completely resisted the attack of the water dragon, and did not reveal a trace of attack.

Standing between the two monks who control the gossip of the Eight Diagrams monk, there are a few more charms in their hands. Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a shrink, how can she not recognize it, that is, a few five-character charms.

One left and one right throw a five-character fairy, which is the first five fairy tales.


Two explosions, the space raging the power of riots, the ice guns sprayed by the water dragons all became ice. The whole water dragon's body swayed, like a water pattern. However, there is no harm to that water dragon.

There was no slight relaxation in Xu Ziyan’s heart, because at this time she had already seen the immortality that began to be released in the hands of the two men.

Xu Ziyan pointed to the flash, and a palm was shot at the end of the dragon.


The dragon roared, and a power could be rendered in the air. The huge, mighty power spit out from the dragon mouth, but it was the magical power of the water dragon:

Frozen for thousands of miles.

I saw a frost around the three monks in the middle of the water dragon, and the sound of "咔咔" was heard. The entire space is frozen.

The monk in the middle suddenly condensed a big hand, and the big hand continued to sway the finger in the space, and the last palm was shot on the gossip plate.


The gossip disk rotates more quickly, and its speed is so fast that it is difficult to distinguish. It looks like it is still. Hanging from the edge of the gossip plate, Baoguang, wrapped the three people inside, the ice seal can not invade. The look of Xu Ziyan is a change, but at the same time. The hands of the two monks of the other party were raised and detonated two of the five mid-term immortals.


The fascinating power, even the ice-filled thousands of miles are melting, thousands of feet of water dragons instantly reduced by a third, Xu Ziyan eyes shrink, did not hesitate to detonate the water dragon.


This power can make the world change, and it is filled with space. The six monks who fought on the other side were discolored, and they still had to fight. One by one, the figure flashed and flew away from the corner inside the enchantment. At this time, the six people rushed away from the place where the detonation center was away, and they flew to the same corner.

Six people looked at each other and saw bitterness and helplessness from the other's eyes. At the same time, they chose to take a truce, because at this time they all understood that they had no effect between winning and losing. The center of the war was on the side of Xu Ziyan. What's more, there is no difference between the six of them. It would be better to stand by and watch.

The energy of the air riots has not disappeared, and Xu Ziyan released a water dragon and rushed to the opposite three. The opposite three were not in a hurry at this time. There was even a hint of joy on his face.

They are not worried that Xu Ziyan will continue to release the water dragon, but he is worried that Xu Ziyan still has any cards they do not know. Now I saw that I just released a water dragon, which shows that the water dragon is the last card of Xu Ziyan.

Just look at the power of the dragon, you know that this fairy 诀 消耗 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修Because they release the fairy and do not need to consume their own mana. Supporting a gossip is just a defense, and it costs far less than the offense. The most important thing is that even in the end, even the monk who controls the gossip can't support it, and the three of them can rotate the support. Do the three people still consume a little purple smoke?

One left and one right two monks took out the five-character late fairy charm. At the corner of her mouth, she passed a glimmer of joy, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed, and she did not want to wait. She is not afraid of consumption, but if it is deadlocked. She is afraid that she will be dragged to a draw.

Xu Xiaotian’s eyes revealed a smile, and he has already defined this big ratio.

Xu Ziyan lost one party.

No one is more clear than him. He knows that there are three episodes of the early six products in the hands of the growth of the mainland. That is the ancestor who grew the mainland, in an accidental opportunity, obtained in a monument. It is necessary to know that the power of the six characters is equivalent to the attack of the nine-day Xuan Xian. It is not a monk who can be resisted by the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. Since the growth of the mainland can produce the five-character late charm, it will not take out the six-character charm, because it is related to the cultivation environment of the next century. At least one will be taken out.

Therefore, the vast continent will lose!

Suddenly, a smile in his eyes turned into a horror, not just him. At this time, the ancestors in the clouds all sounded the sound of cold air, even Xu Zhenshan, the ancestor of the mainland. exception. The Xu disciples who watched all around were even more exclaimed, and the whole enchantment was awkward.

Within the enchantment, I saw Xu Ziyan's hands continually flipping, and the ten fingers pulled out the blurred afterimage, which could not tell the ten fingers of Xu Ziyan, completely blurred.

Just in this fast fingering, a strip of water and dragons continually jumped from the fingertips of Xu Ziyan and instantly amplified to thousands of feet.


The whole enchantment was poured out into a dragon scream, and the whole enchantment seemed to be filled with dragon shadows, and the overwhelming Longwei was overwhelmed.

In the air, eventually 20 dragons were tumbling, hovering, dive, rising, stirring the wind and rain, letting the monk who was still opposite to Xu Ziyan completely sluggish, staring at the dragon in the sky.

What a shocking scene!

From time to time, a huge faucet swayed in front of their eyes, causing them to be shocked. The three men looked at each other and their eyes were firm. The two monks turned their hands and put together the five-character late fairy charms. One of the monks looked very serious and took out a fairy charm.

That is the six-character fairy!

This fairy charm is the last ground given to them by the ancestors. There are only three families. For this big ancestor, one of them is very clear. If they release this six-character fairy, they still don’t. Can beat Xu Ziyan, this is bigger than they lost.

The six-character fairy was sacrificed and hovered in the air. It was a fire attribute of the six-character fairy, which coincided with the water dragon. This is also the choice to grow the mainland ancestors after serious consideration. In his view, this six-character scent that restrains the attributes of the purple smoke must be able to defeat Xu Ziyan.

The six-piece fairy has just released a circle of red, has not been completely released, a dragon suddenly slammed a mouth, and swallowed the six-character fairy.

All people collectively lose their voices, and no one can think of it as such a result.


Extremely silent!

As if everything is still!

Just in the silence...


The body of the water dragon that swallowed the six-character charm suddenly became red, and the water and fire were compatible, releasing a brilliant color.


The whole water dragon burst and the sky reflected a red.

The six-character fairy symbol is like a rebirth.


From the fairy charm, thirty-six fire dragons were thrown out, and the power was better than the water dragon. It was like a burning cloud that rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

A water dragon was exploding, and there were only 19 water dragons left in the air. But the other side has thirty-six fire dragons, and each fire dragon releases the power of the early nine days of Xuanxian.

" Lost!" The old ancestor Xu Zhenshan looked blank.

"Win!" The ancestors of the cloud also sighed a sigh of relief. During this time, the pressure of the mainland was too much pressure for them.

"It's over!" The head of the patriarch Xu Yantian showed a touch of ease, but he looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze, and his heart said:

"This Xu Ziyan is definitely a treasure of the family. No matter what conditions she puts forward, she promised her. She wants to get a cultivation of the holy land and let her get it. I can pour a place for her."

"That's the end? If the purple smoke also has a six-character fairy..." Xu Qinyang is unwilling to look at him. At this time, he is very appreciative of Xu Ziyan.

"How could this be?" The disciples of the mainland of the Cangwu are all unwilling to face.

The piece of flaming red is spreading rapidly toward Xu Ziyan. In front of Xu Ziyan, 19 water dragons are struggling to resist.

Xu Ziyan's hands were interlaced on the chest, and then extended to the sides of the body. The side of the body stretched, and the ten fingers quickly twitched the fingers. Like the piano, the hands stretched to the sides of the body and slammed.


The treacherous dragons were deafening, and the whole space was turbulent. From the back of Xu Ziyan, 18 dragon heads were suddenly picked up. The 18 dragons screamed in the sky and slammed into the air. As they rose, Pulling out the 18 dragons, Xu Ziyan actually released 18 water dragons at once.

All people are eclipsed!

How strong is this fairy power?

Is she still the peak of the late Luo Jinxian?

Seventeen of the eighteen water dragons roared and rushed to the thirty-six fire dragons, and the original nineteen water dragons were exactly thirty-six water dragons, just right on thirty-six fire dragons. The remaining water dragon was flying high, crossed all the water and fire double dragons, and then swooped and slammed toward the three monks.

Xu Ziyan’s shocked people soon passed, and the disciples who had a pulse from the mainland of China were cheering. All of them calmly thought that Xu Ziyan eventually lost. Because she is only the peak of the late Luo Jinxian, the release of the water dragon 吟 should also be the realm of the late Luo Jinxian peak. The growth of the mainland is the release of Liu Pinxian, and each fire dragon is the realm of the early days of Xuantian.

How can this purple smoke win? But it is the last struggle!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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