The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1380: Leading element array (three more pink)

Congratulations to the heartbreaking 33 students to become the best law!


Xu Ziyan took a break and took out a way that the mainland of the Canggu and the Xu family can accept, and said:

"The patriarch, I can re-arrange the formation for the family, but from today we have a pulse of the mainland or a volume of Tianfeng, and we need to get 30% of the family's annual harvest."

"Good!" Xu Haotian immediately nodded: "However, I still have to hold a family meeting, otherwise it will cause dissatisfaction with the pulse. Purple smoke, you can rest assured. In today's situation, the pulse will definitely agree."

"Xujia situation?" Xu Ziyan's gaze revealed the color of the inquiry.

Xu Haotian sighed: "This is what I want to discuss with you today."

Xu Ziyan straightened up, and she saw the seriousness of the matter from Xu Zhentian’s serious look. Xu Haotian’s eyes revealed a trace of exhaustion:

"Ziyan, you are not in the family this month, you don't know what happened in Yueji City. This month, the Dragon family has completely unified the three third-rate families and small families in the northern part of Yueji City into the affiliated family of the Dragon Family. Looking at the current strength, the situation in Yueji City has changed. The original strength is the Yang family, and now the strength of the first is already the Dragon family. And it is not a little stronger, the original Long family first arrived. The strength has already surpassed the Yang family. It is the real first in the city of Yueji. Nowadays, it has conquered so many affiliated families, which has far surpassed the Yang family.

However, the place where the Dragon family lived in Yueji City is the worst place for Xianyuan. A strongest family lives in the worst area of ​​Xianyuan, which is simply not normal. Therefore, the Dragon family will certainly **** a better cultivation area. ”

"They have already started to act?" Xu Ziyan's eyes were slightly shocked.

Xu Haotian shook his head and said: "Not yet. But this is only a matter of time."

Speaking of this, I took a look at Xu Ziyan and said: "Although they have not acted yet, they have nothing to do with two directions. One is to declare war directly to Yang family and to **** the best area in Yueji City. The other is to take the first from iron. Start with a family or a family. After growing up, we will deal with our Xu family and Yang family.

No matter which direction the Dragon family takes, this month, there will be a huge-scale fairy war in Jicheng, which will completely break the original balance situation. If they deal with Yang family first. After they defeated the Yang family, they will definitely turn to our Xu family, and then completely integrate the entire Yue Jicheng into their master's mastery. If you start with a family or an iron family, you will definitely deal with our Xu family and Yang family in the future. ”

“Don't the Dragon family not grab a region and then close it? Form the original balance situation?” Xu Ziyan asked softly.

“No!” Xu Haotian decisively denied: “When the Dragon family was at the border, it completely monopolized a city. In the style of their dragon family, there would never be a family existence in the city of Yueji. There are only two possibilities in the future. One is to destroy or expel the Dragon House, and the other is to be destroyed or become a subsidiary family of the Dragon Family."

The room was silent. It seems that Xu Zhenshan also knows that a face has been gloomy. Xu Ziyan has been indulging for a while:

“How is the patriarch prepared?”

“How can I prepare?” Xu Xiaotian said bitterly: “Now Yang, Xu, Ti, and Cheng have already given up their original grievances, and the four alliances have joined forces to stop the Dragon family.”

Xu Ziyan is silent. There was a trace of anxiety in his eyes, and he said: "The patriarch, the dragon family is the cousin of the first-class family grandfather. Even if we have the strength of the four family, the four are determined to destroy or expel the dragon family?"

Xu Haotian’s look is also very heavy: “This is the bad situation. Because of the scruples of the Sun family, we cannot take the initiative to take drastic action, so we can only be passive. In this way, our four families will be destroyed by the Dragon’s family sooner or later. Swallow. And this is not the main..."

Xu Haotian’s look has become more gloomy: “The current situation is very clear to everyone. I doubt how long the situation of the four alliances will last? If the Sun’s family is slightly stressed, we are four. The alliance of the family may collapse immediately.

On the one hand, it can only be passively defended, and the final result is likely to be annihilated. On the other hand, I went to the Dragon House earlier. Become a subsidiary of the Dragon family and survive in a low voice. The choice of each family is now unknown. ”

"That... If you leave Yueji City?" Xu Zhenshan said softly on the side.

Xu Haotian shook his head and said: "This is unrealistic, but it is only a path of helplessness. Xu family has taken root in Yueji City. If you leave to set up another family base, it is easy. If we have a background like Dragon, we are good. But we No."

The three people were silent for a while, Xu Ziyan said softly: "These things are still handled by the patriarch. I will first re-arrange the family's big array. So even after the last step, we can hide in the big array, there is no genre. The danger. As for the future, there is always a way for us to go."

"Alright!" Xu Haotian was also a courageous person. He immediately stood up from the chair and said: "I will go to the family meeting first, and then you will re-arrange the family."

Xu Ziyan nodded: "The patriarch, I will send you out. After a few days, I will refine some jade cards and give them to the patriarch and the patriarchs. So you can enter and exit Tianfeng at any time."

Xu Haotian nodded and understood in his heart. In the future, this amount of Tianfeng became the forbidden place of the Xu family. Apart from the pulse of the mainland, only he and his son Xu Qinyang can enter and leave at any time.

However, he did not have any dissatisfaction, but instead became curious about Xu Ziyan. He knows that Xu Ziyan is so arranged, she must have her thoughts. She is very curious about how the purple smoke will eventually become what the mainland of the Canggu is like. Suddenly remembered, just Xu Ziyan's words, she said that the mainland of the Cangwu is a pulse of Tianfeng. Does she really want to build a spiritual sanctuary in the amount of Tianfeng?

It will be so easy to build a sanctuary, not only a lot of resources, but also inheritance. Do not say inheritance, just say resources. How can the 30% resources that Xu family give to the mainland of China to support a cultivation holy place?

Xu Haotian left the amount of Tianfeng with confusion and hope.

Xu Ziyan sent the patriarch away and talked with Xu Zhenshan about his thoughts. Xu Ziyan's grand goal made Xu Zhenshan open his mouth and did not close for a long time. Finally, some incredulously said:

"Ziyan... What do you mean... to build a spiritual sanctuary in the amount of Tianfeng?"


"Have you talked to the patriarch about this matter?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Just talking to Xu Qinyang slightly, did not talk to the patriarch. Originally, I wanted to acquire some resources through the power of the family to provide us with the cultivation of Tianfeng disciples. However, the situation in Yueji City is not Allow us to do this. If we do this, it will immediately become the focus of Yueji City's gaze, because they need too many resources and too much. So, I think about the resources. After solving the situation in Yueji City. The family can work. At that time, the amount of Tianfeng will be much easier."

Xu Zhenshan was excited. He stood up from the chair and said: "Ziyan, I immediately summoned everyone, and then announced that I will pass you the position of the elders of the mainland."

Xu Ziyan quickly waved his hand and said: "My ancestors, I have a lot of things. And I have to spend a lot of time on cultivation. I will only exert some strength when I first created it, and I will rely on my ancestors to take care of it in the future. I will not do this elder."

Xu Zhenshan immediately understood that Xu Ziyan wanted to put himself in a detached position. There is no substantive position, but it is above anyone's status.

However, Xu Zhenshan did not have the slightest disappointment, but was excited. Needless to say, the strength of Xu Ziyan, the ancestors lived so, the eyesight has. It is Xu Ziyan’s erudition that is enough to sit in a transcendent position. Xu Zhenshan readily agreed, told Xu Ziyan that everything was done according to her intentions. Xu Ziyan told Xu Zhenshan that he would retreat for a while in the future. Don't let people bother her, Xu Zhenshan left.

Xu Ziyan closed the door, and then arranged a character array in the room, which took out an eight-piece fairy and broke the cone. This is one of the eight ornaments that Yanshan Spirit gave her.

Throughout the month, the underground veins in Jicheng were clearly replayed in the mind of Xu Ziyan. She was prepared to use the Xianmai in the central, western, southern and northern regions of Yueji City to lead to the Tianfeng Peak. She is not ready to move in the East occupied by Xu Jia, which will affect the cultivation of Xu disciples. It is the fairy veins of several other areas that she is not prepared to lead too much, so that it will be discovered by the families stationed there.

However, even if she only draws one percent from the fairy vein of each region, it is enough to increase the concentration of the celestial force of Tianfeng by two times. It is necessary to know that the Xianyuan force that she brought in is not provided to the eastern region occupied by the entire Xu family, but only a small amount of Tianfeng. These celestial forces will be covered by a large array of Xu Ziyan, and they will not leak out. I can imagine the concentration of the celestial force at the time.

However, Xu Ziyan will only lead one percent?

Xu Ziyan pushed the door and went out, turning around the Tianfeng. After that, I chose the side of the mountain and transported Xianli. I shot a cave and went straight to the middle of the mountain.

First, eight flagged flags were thrown, and a magical array was set up at the entrance to restore the original appearance of the mountain. Then came to the middle of the mountain, Xu Ziyan sat down, and then took out a eight-piece fairy, broken cone, this is one of the five eight-piece fairy that Yanshan soul gave her.

The hand was loose, and the cone fell on the ground, and it was drilled into the ground, breaking through the soil layer of the ground. According to the veins already designed by Xu Ziyan, the veins in the depths of the central area of ​​Yueji City where the Yang family were located went.


Stay tuned for the fourth chapter! Ask for a pink ticket again!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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