The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1381: Dragon family shot

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The broken cone moved very fast at the bottom of the ground, but it took a whole two hours to open a passage in the depths of the ground, and found the fairy vein of the Yang family.


The broken cones came out from the bottom of the ground and circled around Xu Ziyan. They were collected by Xu Ziyan. One by one, the flag was taken out of the storage ring by Xu Ziyan, and his hands were constantly punched out of the handkerchiefs, and then the flag was drilled into the hole, and the veins of the broken cones were broken. Along the Yang family's underground Xianmai, a lead matrix is ​​gradually being formed.

At this time, unconsciously, it has reached the noon of the next day.

There was a fierce battle in the city of Yueji.

The reason is that the Dragon family finally started, and they targeted the weakest family in the four families. How can a family get unprepared, and the guardian clan is fully open, but it is just like the Xu family in the present. In fact, at this point, the four big families are the same. It is the strongest Yang family, and the guardian squad that he owns is just a mid-five mid-range.

Such a fairy squad, let alone a nine-day sacred fairy, is to come to a dozen or so Luo Jinxian for several years of continuous bombardment, can be broken, not to mention the dragon family has many nine-day Xuan Xian period monks. Therefore, in less than a quarter of an hour, the family’s guardian squad was smashed, and the dragon’s monks smashed in.

but. When the Dragon family began to bombard the big battle, the message of help for the family reached the Yang family, Xu family and the iron family. These three monks, who were led by the patriarchs in person, all the nine-day Xuanxian monks flew away from the family. Just when the family was broken, the dragon monk smashed into the moment of becoming a family. Yang Jia, Xu Jia and Tiejia’s reinforcements arrived.

It was just an instant collision, and the double convenience temporarily stopped. Yang Jia, Xu Jia. Tiejia and Chengjia took turns to blame the Dragon family. However, the Dragon family is also very strong. The Dragon family has already released the words. It is impossible for the Dragon family to succumb to the weak north of the Xianyuan. The four families of Yueji City must give an explanation to the Dragon family.

The four families are depressed in the heart, give you a description of the Dragon family? Who asked you to come to Jicheng?

When it is noisy, it will not solve the problem at all. Whether it is Yang Jia, Xu Jia, or Iron Family and Cheng Jia. Who is willing to exchange the residence with the Dragon Family? Even if the composer and the Dragon family exchanged their place of residence, will the Dragon Family close it?

In desperation, the five decided to gather together to discuss a method that everyone can accept.

The five monks who had been clashed were scattered, and the five family members took a restaurant and sat around the table, and began a fierce quarrel.

Let's put it down here, Xu Ziyan in the amount of Tianfeng is completely unaware that the Yueji City at this time has already changed. Still keeping a banner of flags into the ground. When the last flag broke into the ground, Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and the high-load layout for one day and one night, so that Xu Ziyan was very tired, and the forehead was not full of sweat.

Swallowed a remedy, sitting cross-legged, Xu Ziyan began to adjust the interest to restore the spirit and Xianyuan.

Yueji Restaurant, three-story private room.

Yang, Xu, iron. to make. The Longwu family sat around the table. The Dragon family is very strong, Yang, Xu, and Iron. The four families were very united and the two sides were deadlocked.

The Long family proposed a strong condition that the four families must have a family to give them the family. Otherwise, do not hesitate to open the fairy war. And directly, the four of you can form an alliance, and the Dragon family can also ask for help. The four major families adhere to their final bottom line, that is, it is impossible to give any family to the dragon family, but they can make some concessions in various aspects of the city, such as the interests of various cities and towns can make Give the dragon a piece.

The Dragon family strongly disagreed, and the Dragon family is very aware of its current situation. Long Jiachu arrived in Yueji City, the foundation is still shallow. If you stay in the north, you will only win some market share, and the result will be very serious. The weaker Xianyuan force in the north will slow down the cultivation of the dragon disciples. In time, the strength of the four old brands in Yueji City will catch up with the dragon family. And those market shares are based on strength. If the strength of the dragon family is slowing down, and the strength of other families is growing, eventually the market share will be lost. Maybe after the millennium, the dragon family will fall. Into the third-rate family, completely suppressed by the four major families of Yueji City, the situation in Yueji City will become the original appearance, and their Dragon family will become a dispensable role.

Both sides have their own bottom line, but they are not satisfied with their own. Finally, the dragon family chief was angry and left, arguing with strength.

The first round of negotiations broke down...

Xu Ziyan sits cross-legged in the mountain, and there is a strong fairy power from the hole that opened in the broken cone. That is the introduction of the Yang family's veins, but it is only for the total amount of the Yang family. Less than three percent can be said to be minimal, and the Yang family monks simply can't feel it.

The strong Xianyuan force and the potency of Xiandan let Xu Ziyan recover quickly, and then began to guide the iron veins of the Iron House. The disciples of Tianfeng have been summoned by Xu Zhenshan at this time to tell Xu Ziyan’s plan. The fighting spirits in one heart are all high.

Xu Zhenshan said very clearly that Xu Ziyan will not give them time. The amount of Tianfeng will become the holy land of Xu family in the future. Then, it means that the amount of Tianfeng is not only a vein of the mainland, but belongs to the entire Xu family. In the future, the disciples will be recruited throughout the Xu family. The reason why Xu Ziyan gave you a period of time is that he wants the core of the mainland to become the backbone of the Tianfeng cultivation of the holy land in the future, so as not to be too weak in the future, so that the power is too weak, and eventually it is kicked out by Xu. The amount of peaks.

In the description of Xu Zhenshan, under the leadership of Xu Ziyan, the amount of Tianfeng will be very strong in the future and the resources are extremely rich. It is a shrewd holy place. Such a local strength is undoubtedly the most important.

Disciples of the mainland of Cangwu understand that after the meeting, they are all devoted to cultivation. There is a yearning for the heart, and with strength, each disciple feels that his mood is different from the past. However, this is what they just felt, but in less than two days, they felt that the fairy power around the Tianfeng had changed and became more intense than before.

The amount of Tianfeng originally belonged to the central area of ​​Xujia, and the concentration of Xianyuan was twice that of the valley in the north where they once lived. But today's Xianyuan force concentration is significantly higher than twice, and this concentration is still rising.

Every disciple stopped the cultivation, and they ran out of the room one by one, gathered together, and experienced the concentration of the celestial force constantly growing, while whispering.

In this case, Xu Zhenshan naturally felt it. He immediately understood in his heart that all this was made by Xu Ziyan. He immediately went to the room of Xu Ziyan, but found that Xu Ziyan was missing. The gods spread out overwhelmingly, covering the entire volume of Tianfeng, but still did not find traces of Xu Ziyan.

Shaking his head, Xu Zhenshan thought with a smile, Xu Ziyan is really mysterious, and she does not know how much she does not know. Forget it, anyway, for the sake of Xu, I will wait for the purple smoke to come out.

However, he soon had to find Xu Ziyan again. Because Xu Haotian ran into the big battle, and Xu Ziyan did not pass the law of the air to Xu Zhenshan at the beginning, he could only watch Xu Tiantian yelling in the illusion and flying around.

At this time, Xu Haotian was completely trapped in the illusion, and he could not get in, and he could not get out. Without the inheritance of Xu Ziyan, he couldn't even talk to Xu Haotian. This problem is big. The patriarch of the Xu family was trapped here. There was no patriarch to sit in the town. What happened to the Xu family? How is it good? Especially in the current situation of the Yueji City crisis.

Xu Zhenshan immediately mobilized all the disciples of the mainland, looking for Xu Ziyan, but five days passed, and there was no trace of Xu Ziyan. However, the concentration of the celestial force of Tianfeng has increased five times, which is ten times that of the northern valley where they originally lived.

When did the concentration of Xianyuan force, when did they see it?

I am ecstatic, but I am worried. They are worried about the patriarch and Xu family. Now that Xu Tiantian has been trapped in the magical array for five days and five nights, he has not shouted or flew, just sitting on a large rock, his face is gloomy. He didn't understand why Xu Ziyan trapped him. What happened to Tianfeng? He is even more worried about the situation in the city of Jiji in the past five days.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is very happy at this time. The Yinyuan array has been completed. The central area of ​​Yuejicheng, the western, the southern and the northern fairy veins have attracted less than 3 percent through her lead, but this is Less than 3 percent can be increased by five times the concentration of the celestial force. With such a concentration of celestial forces, the speed of cultivation of disciples in the Cangwu mainland will increase very quickly, not to mention the elixir that they will reward them in the future.

Xu Ziyan came out of the cave and collected the magical array of the hole. Then he used the fairy to restore the cave. The lead element in the mountain was not discovered, and the entire lead frame, Xu Ziyan, was laid in the depths of the ground. In the future, someone would open a hole in the mountain and would not find it.

The figure was vertical and flew up the mountain. The next step was to re-lay the Tianfeng. But when she flew up the mountain, her face could not help but show a bitter smile. She naturally saw Xu Xiaotian trapped in a magical array.

Looking down for a moment, Xu Ziyan decided not to let Xu Haotian know the changes in Tianfeng. Otherwise, he forced to let the monks in the family enter the amount of Tianfeng cultivation, and he really refused. If you refuse, the relationship with you will break down. When the sacred continent developed, the patriarch knew it, and there was nothing to help. After all, the system has always been in control of resources, maintaining the strength of the system, Xu Ziyan's practice Xu Yantian can understand.


Comrades, the bell does not say anything!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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