The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1386: Chu Jiaxianjun

I am very grateful to Mei Shu, gq1000, silina0628, and the pink ticket of Man Qiao!


The eyes of Yanshan swept over the body of the fairy king, and he smiled at the corner of his mouth: "No one can take my things away. Brother will let you know that there is something called brutal!"

A big hand grabbed the past with the Jiang family ancestors. The Jiang family ancestors wanted to struggle, but they couldn't move. They watched the big hands of Yanshan soul catching them.


The body of the Jiang family's ancestors was captured by the Yanshan soul, and the body of the fairy king was picked up by the wave, and the eight-faced flag was put away. The body shape flashed, and the Yanshan soul had left the gate of Jiang.

It was not until a month later that the situation in the secret room was discovered by the top of the Jiang family, but the top of the Jiang family did not reveal it. Although the Jiang family still has two early Xianjun, one in the middle of the Xianjun and one in the late Xianjun. However, there is one less monk who is at the peak of the late Xianjun. They are afraid of being annexed by Xiangjia, Chujia, and Yunjia. Therefore, they clung to this secret, and even dared not send people to investigate the reasons for the death of their ancestors.

You think! A person who can kill his ancestors without a word, where do they dare to investigate? Just praying every day, that person should stop coming to kill them. For a time, under the squatting of the Jiang family, the Jiang family monks became a lot of low-key.

However, they know where the other three super-families are at the same time as their Jiang family, so the ancestors of the four super-families have mysterious death. There was a kind of uneasiness flowing in the top of the four super-families, and they all kept secrets of the death of their ancestors, for a while. The four super families are all low-key.

Yanshan soul really left the Zhongyuan Galaxy...

At this time, Xu Ziyan was already in the territory of the Chu family of the super family, and it was the empty city on the empty star of the Chu family.

She released a mission in the trading hall of the Sky City to acquire various alchemy symbols. The material of the refiner array. From one product to the super product.

In just seven days, the materials below the three products have been purchased a lot, enough for the family to practice. Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately canceled the acquisition of materials below three products.

These three-product materials are very large in volume. However, the amount of Xianjing is not much, but it consumes a thousand purple scented crystals of Xu Ziyan, and she has a body of 19 million.

After two days, Xu Ziyan canceled the acquisition of Sipin Materials. In the past few years, Xu Ziyan has spent 70 million of the best Xiangjing to acquire a lot of materials, but that is for the use of the device, so those materials can not be used by the family. However, the materials of these four products are much more expensive, and the amount of Xu Ziyan’s acquisition is large. As a result of these four materials, I spent a thousand of thousands of rare crystals, so that she has only eight million best crystals.

At the beginning of Xu Ziyan’s release of the task, there were not many high-ranking monks paying attention. When Xu Ziyan actually began to purchase a lot of materials from the four products, there were not many high-ranking monks paying attention because it was very Ordinary material.

However, wait until Xu Ziyan explicitly announced that he would not acquire the materials of the four products. When only five or more materials were purchased, it finally caught the attention of some high-ranking monks. Because they inquired, the materials of the previous four products, Xu Ziyan, were actually acquired. Some monks were moved, and they took some five materials to sell.

This time it was Xu Ziyan’s turn. After she only bought one hour, she didn’t have a fairy.

Xu Ziyan checked what was on his body. Luo Tian was in a fairy period. This is not a lot of fairy crystals in the Zhongyuan galaxies. The gas of life is 3,228, which is reluctant to use. There are a lot of fires in the nine days. Only Xu Ziyan does not know the value of geometry.

In the purple smoke space, there are cents everywhere. Xu Ziyan is a little bit uncertain about whether or not to take out some of the sale, as well as chaos.

In the end, Xu Ziyan chose the nine-day fire crystal. I took out a fist-sized nine-day fire crystal and walked out the door. Straight to the trading hall.

This trading hall was opened by the Chu family. Xu Ziyan changed his appearance before he came to the Earth Star, and even the breath changed. The body is faintly releasing a mysterious atmosphere.

Walked into the trading hall. Many people have bright eyes, and Xu Ziyan is now a celebrity here. She bought a lot of materials in such a large amount, and the categories are still so full. It is impossible to be famous.

All kinds of eyes are gathered on Xu Ziyan's body, and many of them have a bad eye. Today, Xu Ziyan is like a huge treasure. In the face of greed, almost no one can stand the desire of the heart.

Seeing Xu Ziyan's figure appear in the main hall, a Chu family of monks quickly greeted him. Xu Ziyan is also counted as a larger customer here, and there is naturally a special monk reception.

"Lingbo Daoyou, you are here." The monk greeted enthusiastically.

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "Chu Daoyou, I have a material I want to trade with you."

"Oh ~~" The monk looks awkward, Xu Ziyan has always bought materials, how can she sell materials? However, he just smiled for a moment and immediately smiled:

"Daoyou, please come with me."

Two people entered a single room and sat opposite. Xu Ziyan took out the nine-day fire crystal of the size of the fist and placed it on the table.

The monk's gaze fell on the nine-day fire crystal, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. His hands held the nine-day fire crystal in his hand and carefully measured it. He believes that this female practitioner on the opposite side will never take a common thing to fool the Chu family. After Xu Ziyan came here, he knew that the other party was a wealthy person.

But why can't you recognize this thing?

After carefully watching the sound, he did not recognize the nine-day fire crystal, and he looked up and asked a little:

"Lingbo Daoyou, what is this for you?"

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, she did not think that the other party did not recognize the nine days of fire crystal. I can't help but feel a little embarrassed. Is this to explain that the nine-day fire crystal is too ordinary, or is it too precious? Too precious, if it is too ordinary, then I have to get some fairy liquid to sell.

"This is nine days of fire crystal!" Xu Ziyan said softly.

"Nine days of fire crystals... nine days of fire crystals..." The monk muttered in a low voice, suddenly his face froze, and slammed from the chair and looked at Xu Ziyan’s trembling voice:

"You said this is a nine-day fire crystal?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded faintly. There was nothing so shocking. There was a lot of space in her purple smoke, like a mountain.

However, the monk was not calm, and he watched the fire for nine days in a serious manner, and then carefully placed it on the table. The tone has become more respectful:

"Lingbo Daoyou, please wait a moment here, this nine-day fire crystal is too precious, I can't do the Lord, I need to send someone to come."

"Okay, I am waiting here!"

The monk hurried away, and the time passed for a long time. There was a half-hour appearance and the door was opened. A middle-aged monk came in, and his eyes fell on the nine-day fire crystal on the table. Xu Ziyan secretly opened the eyes of Wu Peng, and his heart was shocked. The other party turned out to be an early Xianjun.

The original monk who received Xu Ziyan retired and closed the door. Xu Ziyan’s eyes fell on the body of Xianjun’s early days.

"This person should be the top of the Chu family. I didn't think that a nine-day fire crystal would lead a Xianjun early, I don't know if it will cause some trouble."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. After all, this is the scope of the Chu family. If the Chu family really has their own intentions, they may actually have an accident. Today, I face the huge monster of the Chu family and have no resistance at all. It seems that I still have some care. I loosened my brows, but my look was faint, but my heart was nervously looking at each other.

At that time, Xianjun simply ignored Xu Ziyan, but stood there and carefully measured the nine-day fire crystal, and carefully explored it with God. Xu Ziyan thought quickly, what if the Chu family shot for himself?

Hiding into the purple smoke space?


That is my biggest secret.

Nine-paste fairy nine-story pagoda?

The eyes of Xu Ziyan are bright, and the pagoda has been refining by her. As long as she hides into the nine-story pagoda, the nine-piece fairy is definitely not a sinister. There is only one trouble, that is, although the other party can not break through the nine-piece fairy, but it can erase the refinement of the gods, and then refine the nine-piece fairy, then there is no way to escape.


If the Chu family really thought about themselves, after hiding in the nine-story pagoda, they will release the ninth-level fairy sacred beast in the pagoda. On the ninth floor, there are many fairy beasts in the late Xianjun, and even The fairy beasts with some peaks in the late Xianjun will make the Chu family chaos and they will be able to run away.

With an idea in mind, the whole heart will be calm down, and I will look at the early stage of Xianjun without saying anything.


The early monk of Xianjun finally breathed out a long breath, and his face showed excitement. He had already concluded that this was a nine-day fire. Turning his head and looking at Xu Ziyan, she immediately saw that she was a monk in the early days of Xuantian, and turned and sat down opposite Xu Ziyan, looking at Xu Ziyan. The mind is thinking fast:

"Nine-day fire crystal is an absolutely scarce refiner material. It has been almost extinct in the middle galaxies. A nail-sized nine-day fire crystal can raise the fairy to a grade, and it can be seen from its preciousness. This is just the beginning of a nine-day Xuanxian. I want to pinch her like an ant. And I heard that she has been buying a lot of materials recently. It should be a wealthy person. If she kills her, maybe she will There was an unexpected surprise."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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