The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1387: Misunderstood

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The frown of Chujiaxianjun is slightly wrinkled:

"But the ancestors died inexplicably. Now the situation of the Chu family is very tense. Will it cause trouble? So I can buy the materials in such a large amount without any scruples, and dare to go alone to the Chu family to take the nine-day fire crystal. What is her background? Just know that she is called Lingbo..."

He frowned slightly: "I have never heard of such a person!"

Xu Ziyan looked at his unsettled changes, and his heart was tense. He was ready to enter the nine-story pagoda at any time, but his face was still faint and looked at him calmly.

The Chu family monk saw the calmness on the face of Xu Ziyan, and he was hesitant in his heart: "What is her background? Why is it so calm in the early days of her first nine-day Xuanxian? ...She is a monk in the other three families. When she came to the Chu family to test whether her ancestors had fallen, the ancestors’ family was very strict and did not reveal the slightest!”

Xu Ziyan looked at the hesitation in the other's eyes, and said in his heart: "Don't force me, if you force me. I will release the fairy beasts of the late Xianjun, and let the Chu family get a chicken and fly."

In my heart, I thought that once I released the fairy beast of the late Xianjun, the Chujia chicken fluttered like a dog, and the corner of his mouth could not help but pass a trace of sarcasm.

The sarcasm of her mouth was seen at the beginning of the opposite Xianjun. The heart is a shock:

"Is the other party sent by the person who killed the ancestors? What did he send this woman to repair? Is it not enough that he killed one of our ancestors, wanting to destroy the Chu family?

No, not like this. If that person wants to destroy the Chu family, it is not necessary to use that person to be fascinated. Then. What is the background of this Lingbo?

Forget it, no matter what background she is, now the Chu family is the eventful autumn, or trade with her normally! Perhaps it will make a secret force, and it will only benefit the situation of the Chu family today, and there is no harm. ”

Thinking of this, my mind made up his mind, and his face showed a gentle smile: "Lingbo Daoyou. You really want to sell this nine-day fire crystal?"


Xu Ziyan saw the change of the other side's look, and a big stone fell in his heart. If it is really the time to release the peak of Xianjun in the late Xianjun, Xu Ziyan does not dare to guarantee that he can safely escape. The other side put down the killing and can trade with himself. This is the most ideal result.

"This nine-day fire crystal I can give you 100 million best crystals, how do you see?"

Xu Ziyan really does not know what the price of the nine-day fire crystal will be. But when I saw that the other party slightly revealed the tension, I felt that this should be a fair price. Just a little bit:


The other party gave a soft sigh of relief, and the smile on his face naturally became a lot: "Dao You. I heard that you are acquiring various materials of more than five products?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

At the beginning of Xianjun, she said cautiously: "This way, what kind of materials do you need, all of which are sent to you by our Chu family. We Chu will send high-level officials to collect these materials for you, as long as you can come up with the corresponding Things to change."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was moved. If Chu’s acquisition for himself was made, it would be much stronger than a trading hall under the Chu family, and the speed would be much faster.

To be honest, the transactions in the trading hall are usually low-level materials, five products can be used, more than six products are very rare. As for the seven or more products, there is almost no. It’s just that if you trade with the Chu family. It is bound to expose its own greater wealth. A nine-day fire crystal has already let the other side just show a hesitant color. If you expose a lot of your wealth, will you let the Chu family hang a heart and rob yourself?

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and wondered there. Her hesitation was clearly seen by the other party. I can't help but think that it seems that the other person really has a net worth. As a result, she is more cautious. With such a monk, the background must not be simple.

As a super family, it is more natural to know about the Chinese galaxies than the average family. Is there only four peaks in the late Zhongyuan galaxies?

of course not!

Only in the bright face there are only four super families, there are still some hidden family, their strength is extremely strong. In the past, the Chu family had also contacted and traded several times with several hidden families. It is certain that the hidden family can do it.

If Xu Ziyan just took out such a nine-day fire crystal, it may be that she got it by chance. If she can take out a few pieces, or not less than the treasure of the nine-day fire crystal, it is enough to prove that Xu Ziyan is from Hidden family. However, why did the hidden family only send a monk in the early days of Xuantian to trade? And not directly to the four super families, but to the trading floor?

He also frowned slightly, and the room became silent and the atmosphere was a little heavy.

"Is it..." Xianjun’s heart moved: "Is this the woman who wants to cultivate some of her own power in the hidden family? Instead of trading for the family? So, to be able to come up with such a treasure exchange, The position of this woman in the hidden family is definitely not simple."

Xianjun’s heart is more cautious, and if this is the case, being able to make such an important disciple from the hidden family is absolutely invaluable for today’s Chu family. When I think of it, his expression is milder and he whispers:

"Daoyou, you can rest assured that our Chu family will definitely trade with you fairly. We Chu hope to get your forever friendship."

Xu Ziyan did not understand why the other side of a fairy would be such a low gesture for her nine-day Xuan Xian. Where did she know that the ancestors of the four super families were killed by the Yanshan soul. However, Xu Ziyan also considered that if he refused the Chu family, it is necessary to go to the trading halls of various families everywhere as before.

This time has taken too long and it is not yet possible to trade any precious materials. On the other hand, your fame will become more dangerous as the number of transactions increases and the time goes by. Relatively speaking, it is better to trade with Chu in one go. Anyway, it has already been stared at by the Chu family. If it is too big, it will hide in the pagoda and release the fairy beasts of the Xianjun period. Thinking about everything, Xu Ziyan stretched his eyebrows and said faintly:

"it is good!"

Seeing Xu Ziyan promised, Xianjun’s face showed a hint of joy: “What material does that friend need?”

"I need all kinds of materials for more than five products."

Xianjun said with a discretion: "The materials of the five products and the six products can meet your requirements. The materials of the seven products will take some time to trade with the other three families."

Having said that, he said seriously: "The Taoist friends are assured that we will keep confidential about your affairs and will not let the other three super families know. Also, I will arrange for the removal of the mission of the Taoist friends in the trading hall. ,what do you think?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "What about the eight and nine products?"

Xianjun smiled a bit: "Eight products of the eight families will not come out to trade, we Chu can come up with a part of trading with you, but the material you trade must be nine materials like Jiutian Huojing As for the materials of Jiu Pin, you don't even have to think about it. Even the four super families have very rare and will not be traded."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

Xianjun’s look was awkward, but he finally said: “Daoyou, this nine-day fire crystal is worth 100 million yuan, but let us Chu trade you a lot of materials for more than five products, which is too little. You have something like this?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I can naturally pay."

"This..." Xianjun said a little embarrassedly: "Look, for your safety, do you live in Chu? We have absolutely no other meaning, but after the task of withdrawing the trading hall is released, you Secretly reclusive in Chu, this is good for your safety."

Xu Ziyan thought about it. In fact, her current situation is no different from living in the Chu family. They are all at the center of the Chu family. If the Chu family wants to target themselves, there is no difference in living in the Chu family. Instead, as the other party said, being able to live in the Chu family will indeed save a lot of trouble for themselves.

"Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

The look of Xianjun is a loose, Xu Ziyan can promise so so happy, press to prove that the background of Xu Ziyan is really hard, simply not afraid of Chu family turned face. If the Chu family really kills Xu Ziyan, I am afraid that it will lead her to revenge madly behind her.

At this time, Xu Ziyan also reacted a bit. Xu Ziyan, who has a rich experience, can’t react if he can’t react. It’s a fool. He saw that the other side was too confused to understand his background, which was so polite to himself. However, Xu Ziyan also has some doubts. Is it true that the Chu family, as the superpower of the Zhongyuan Galaxy, will have scruples?

"Lingbo Daoyou, I am the elder of the Chu family, Chu Yunfei. We will leave here, and the Chu family must be a good friend. It is too slow."

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped, she remembered the situation on Lingbao Island when she was on the mainland. I thought that Xu Ziyan would only know the four superpowers on the mainland, the three major sects and the three major cities. Where else would you know that there is a hidden superpower, Lingbao Island? Presumably, the other person regards himself as a disciple in a hidden super family on the meta-galaxies?


Ask for a pink ticket~!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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