The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1388: Not calm

I am very grateful to the moon dance Fengqi classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, Zhang Muzhi classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, silina0628 classmates, singer Xin Bao classmates, Sophie Miafeita classmates pink ticket!


Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped, and while he was polite with Chu Yunfei’s departure from another secret passage in the trading hall, he thought in his heart:

"It seems that this meta-galaxies are not only four super-families! There are not only four peaks of the late Xianjun! I don’t know how many hidden families, how many Xianjun’s peaks? It seems this time. After a one-time transaction with the Chu family, he immediately returned to the family and managed to practice in a low-key manner. However, the Chu Yunfei in front of him was confused by his own unintentional actions, waiting to return to the Chu family, the high-level meeting of the Chu family. No other ideas?"

Xu Ziyan moved in the heart, she did not want to go to the final step of the death of the Chu family. Because once I got to that step, I hid myself in the pagoda and released the fairy beast of the immortal period. What was the final ending, Xu Ziyan could not predict. She may not be able to escape and escape. Maybe the pagoda will be taken away by the Chu family. Even when she escapes from the pagoda, she will be accidentally injured by the fairy beast she released.

In order to avoid this kind of thing, it is necessary to let the Chu family firmly believe that there is a strong and hidden family behind him. In this way, it is not enough to take out the treasure of the nine-day fire crystal. You need to come up with something.

Enter the Chu family. Xu Ziyan immediately felt that the concentration of Xianyuan in the Chu family was even stronger than that in the central area of ​​Xu. This is just the beginning of the door. When entering the central area of ​​the Chu family, the concentration of Xianyuan is three times that of the central area of ​​Xu. Gently take a breath and feel the sweaty pores of the body unfold. Shu Shu is in my heart.

This is the super family! However, it is still not as good as the purple peak. The amount of Xianyuan force in Tianfeng is five times that of the central area of ​​Xujia. However, Xu Ziyan is also very clear in his heart, and the super family like the Chu family must have his secret land. For example, in the cultivation of holy places of Chu family, the concentration of Xianyuan force should exceed the amount of Tianfeng.

Chu Yunfei directly invited Xu Ziyan into the green building, a quiet and beautiful garden. All the way to command a dozen female disciples, let them serve Xu Ziyan from today. There are also a few of the female disciples who have completed the cultivation of the nine-day Xuan Xian period. It is necessary to know that the central area of ​​the Chu family is the elite disciple of the Xu family. Those disciples who saw Xu Ziyan were only the beginning of a nine-day Xuanxian, and they were puzzled by Chu Yunfei’s instructions. However, after all, they did not dare to defy the orders of Chu Yunfei. One by one, the downturn should be accepted, but the heart is very dissatisfied.

What is her identity?

However, it was the beginning of a nine-day Xuanxian. The young chiefs of the other three super-families came and would not let them serve. What happened to the elders today?

Entering the room, the two female disciples went to Chu Yunfei and Xu Ziyan to tea, and they quit gently. Chu Yunfei is resistant to the temper to accompany Xu Ziyan to drink a cup of tea. I stood up from the chair and said:

"Lingbo Daoyou, you should rest first. I will go to the patriarch to discuss the time we agreed."

Xu Ziyan nodded gently, took a jade bottle and put it on the table, gently pushed it over. There is a seven-character chaotic Dan inside, with a smile on his face:

"This thing is annoying to friends. This is Lingbo's little gratitude."

"This... no need!" Chu Yunfei said.

Xu Ziyan gently waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "It's just a little meaning, not something."

Seeing Xu Ziyan saying so, Chu Yunfei had to collect the jade bottle on the table. Thank you. Left the room. After walking out of the room, the body was swept away and hurriedly flew toward the residence where the big brother Chu Yun moved. The figure was slightly in the air, and it was on the storage ring. Take the jade bottle that Xu Ziyan gave him, and open the bottle cap to see it. The figure was a glimpse, and almost fell off the cloud.

This ... turned out to be seven products chaos Dan?

To know that in the Zhongyuan galaxy Liupin Dan medicine is extremely scarce, seven products Xiandan is a legend. As a super family, the Chu family has uploaded a dozen or so seven-character immortals, but today there are only three. Xu Ziyan gave him a casually, and the indifferent tone completely made Chu Yunfei not calm.

To know that his cultivation at this time is the peak of Xianjun, with this seven-category chaos, when he breaks through the middle of Xianjun, he is definitely able to increase the chance of breakthrough by 30%.

The family's seven-character elixir is reserved for important family members in the period of breaking through the Xianjun period. Now there are only three left in the family, that is, Chu Yunfei wants to get one, which is extremely difficult. Therefore, in his heart, he is more determined that the identity of the purple smoke is not simple. After making a good decision with Xu Ziyan, he must say that the family is doing things for Xu Ziyan.

The figure once again swelled up and slammed into the courtyard of Big Brother from the cloud and fell directly to the front door of Big Brother. A sensation of the gods rushed out of the door, and it was immediately received, and then the voice of Chu Yun was unpleasant:

"The second brother, how is it still rough."

At this time, Chu Yunfei still took care of the big brother's tone, and rushed into the room where Chu Yun moved, and screamed:

"Big brother!"

Chu Yun moved slightly frowning, turned his face and looked at Chu Yunfei, his look was a slight movement, he saw the excitement of Chu Yunfei's face. His own younger brother knows very well that a monk who has cultivated to the Xianjun period can still have something to make him so excited? I haven't waited until Chu Yun moves to ask, Chu Yunfei will dump things like a bamboo tube, and Chu Yun will sit there. Half a ring, eyebrows jumped, and asked in a hurry:

"You said that the Lingbo fairy used a fist-sized nine-day fire crystal to exchange resources with our Chu family? And also very carelessly gave you a seven-character Xiandan to do errands?"

At this point, Chu Yunfei said everything, and his heart was very relaxed. After this speech, he calmed down and listened to what Chu Yun said, and said with a disappointment:

"Big brother, what is the errands money! Your brother, how do I say Xianjun now, how can I run errands for others? This is the gratitude of Lingbo Fairy, thank you! Do you understand?"

Chu Yun moved to laugh and cry for a while, when is this? The ancestors were inexplicably degraded, and the family was in a crisis, and their younger brothers provoked the words.

"Don't talk nonsense, is it true?"

"of course it's true!"

Chu Yunfei fell, put the nine-day fire crystal and the jade bottle on the table. Chu Yun’s gaze suddenly fell on the nine-day fire crystal, and he grabbed the nine-day fire crystal in his hand and carefully measured it. It is necessary to know that the nine-day fire crystal is not only a refining device, but also a master of fire properties. If you hold it in your hands, you can greatly improve the speed of cultivation, and it also has a great effect on the breakthrough order. Its preciousness is not It goes without saying.

After some exploration, Chu Yundong finally determined that this is the nine-day fire crystal. In this way, the seven-character elixir that the second brother said is also true?

Put down the fire crystal for nine days, slightly shaking and holding the jade bottle in his hand, carefully opening the bottle cap, a thick medicinal fragrance drifted out disposed inside the jade bottle.

Sure enough, it is a seven-category chaos Dan!

Hurry to cover the cap to avoid the effect. Handing the jade bottle back to the younger brother, looking enviously to the opposite brother said:

"Second brother, you really have a fate!"

"Big Brother." Chu Yunfei looked a whole and said seriously: "You think about it calmly."

Chu Yun moved a look, and suddenly there was a sigh of relief, and his face showed a twilight. Wherein I have a very small number, but I have to be very nervous. I closed my eyes slightly, carefully thought about the ins and outs of the matter, and carefully asked Chu Yunfei a few questions. Even the expression of Xu Ziyan asked a detail. Finally, he got the same as Chu Yunfei. Judgment.

So, his heart can not help but figure it out. Now that his ancestor has fallen, the highest in the family is him. Now his cultivation has reached the peak of the Mid-Autumn Army, but it is difficult to break through the stage of the late Xianjun. There are only three seven-s disposed immortals in the family, and even if he gives him three people, he may not be able to get a breakthrough. Its efficacy will also decrease. What's more, according to the family rules of the Chu family, he can only get a seven-character chaos, and it is impossible to give him three chaotic Dan.

However, if you can get a few chaotic Dan from Xu Ziyan, you can greatly increase your chances of breaking through the late Xianjun. As long as you can break through the late Xianjun, the family will have a guarantee.

However, it is only by these two things that we can completely confirm that the Lingbo fairy is from a hidden family? If not, there is no loss in the Chu family. Fair trade is fair trade. That is better than not knowing the other side's background, rushing to make things strong, Chu family at this time is not the time to cause trouble.

If it is from the hidden family, then... Is it possible to exchange some treasures that can improve her cultivation?

Thinking of this, even if he is a family of super families, it is not calm. Huo Ran stood up from the chair and said to Chu Yunfei:

"Second brother, take me to see the Lingbo fairy, I want to talk to her personally. No, immediately order the green casket to feast, you two take the wind for the Lingbo fairy."

The order was passed down, and Chu Yundong and Chu Yunfei’s brothers greeted Xu Ziyan in a verdant building. At the banquet, the two brothers also knocked on the side, but they were all told by Xu Ziyan. In this way, the two brothers are not good enough to ask, and to make a good deal with Xu Ziyan’s good deal, as long as the transaction can satisfy the other party, there will naturally be friendship. I will interact again a few times, thinking that the other party will not hide myself.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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