The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1390: 七品仙符师

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Xu Ziyan is only a five-pronged immortal master. After eating the elixir that Yanshan soul gave her, she will not have more than six products. However, she pondered a bit, and now Xiandan is not lacking for the time being, and although her combat power can be more difficult, it is still too weak compared with the entire Chinese galaxies. Therefore, she finally decided to practice the technique first. Now she is a six-character singer. She estimates that the Chu family can't prepare the resources that she needs in a short time. It is better to use this time to see if he can break through the seven-character.

Xu Ziyan entered the retreat and began to attack the Qipinxianfu. From the soul, the inheritance of the seven-character system is extracted, and it is stripped, disassembled, analyzed, combined...

Time rushed past seven days, Chu Yundong and Chu Yunfei had come twice, but when they saw the room surrounded by the array, they knew that Xu Ziyan was in retreat. In the heart, the diligence of the hidden family disciples, and then left to go for Xu Ziyan.

There are only a few high-level officials in the Chu family who know that Xu Ziyan is the so-called hidden family identity. The transaction with Xu Ziyan is strictly confidential. He only ordered family disciples to purchase materials, and several senior executives of the Chu family also personally appeared and some families. Including the other three super families to carry out some transactions. Therefore, in addition to those high-level executives in Chu, no one knows the true identity of Xu Ziyan.

Green and small building.

Originally, it was the place where the Chu family and the elite lived. Chu Yun moved to make the purple smoke quiet. The disciples in the green building were temporarily moved out, but only ten female disciples were left to serve Xu Ziyan here. In fact, Xu Ziyan has been retreating, and they simply can't use them to serve here, but Chu Yun's attitude must be put out.

Chu Yundong feels like doing this. It will definitely make Xu Ziyan satisfied, and will not cause any problems. However, the problem has finally appeared. It is not Xu Ziyan who is in trouble, but the Chu disciples who originally lived in the green and small buildings.

The monks living in the green building are some of the disciples of the early and middle period of the nine-day Xuanxian. If a disciple in the Chu family can practice cultivation until the late nine-day Xuan Xian, he can be qualified to open an independent government and start to serve as a family elder. He is no longer a disciple. Therefore, these nine-day Xuanxian disciples have been counted as the true elite disciples of the Chu family. As an elite disciple of a super family, how could they not be proud?

Such a group of proud disciples were born out of the early days of an unidentified nine-day Xuanxian, and not a monk of the peak to drive out the green building, and the ten female disciples who stayed were even more grievous.

Who are they?

They are proud swan, the elite of the super family. Where is it not being served? Today, I have to serve others like a sly. If the person who served is a high-end, it is still a nine-day Xuanxian early, how can they endure it?

Be sure to give her a great look!

This is the thought of every disciple in the Chu family's green and small building. They are not afraid of family punishment. In their view, this is normal, and it belongs to the normal learning of the younger generation. Whoever loses is not good at learning. This was when the four super family disciples exchanged ideas. occur frequently. Therefore, they think that even if Xu Ziyan suffers a little injury, the family will not say anything, because in the past they all did this, and did not see family punishment.

And they didn't want to take Xu Ziyan, just want to beat her, then humiliate her, let her know who is qualified to be proud.

But what discourages them is that Xu Ziyan retired on the first day. In this case, let alone they will not enter the array of the purple smoke. It is able to break in. They can't do anything like this!

It is possible to challenge Xu Ziyan, but to go to the retreat of the people, this is clearly to disturb the cultivation of others, which is a great feud in the fairy world.

Xu Ziyan is not closed. These Chu disciples are more angry. In their view, Xu Ziyan is obviously afraid. Where are the monks retreating in other people's homes? This is clearly a fear that Chu disciples will challenge her. Was defeated and lost face.

"Cut! Don't come to Chu to pretend if you don't have the ability?"

"Not only is it a low-level cultivation, it is the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian, and the courage is so small. Such people will have a future in the future? Letting such people live in green and small buildings is simply an insult to the green buildings."

"Those who are outside the so-called arrogant sons are nothing in front of our super family. She is so scared that she can’t close her door. Do she think that our Chu family will be bullied by the monks at the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian? I see The disciples of the early days of Xuantian are not used. The disciples of our Chu family are all proud, and the practice of cultivation can be challenged more and more. I think that the peak of the Da Luo Jinxian in the Chu family can easily defeat her."

This matter has spread completely among the disciples of the Chu family. Soon, almost all the Chu disciples know that the Qingcui small building has lived in a woman who is forced to make a family, so that the family will be in the green building. The disciple rushed out and let her live. For a time, the Chu family's disciples were in a turbulent situation, and the disciples in the various small buildings were disdainfully dismissed Xu Ziyan, while mocking the Chu disciples who were driven out.

Two months passed quickly, and all the purple smoke outside didn't know. She was completely immersed in the world of Fu. The symbols seem to have a life. When she succeeded in breaking through the early seven characters, she felt the closeness of those symbols.

Xu Ziyan now understands that only the seven-character charm teacher can be regarded as the world of entering the symbol. A symbol that I hand-painted seems to have life. Xu Ziyan is very skeptical. After breaking through the nine-character charm teacher, will it be true that the symbol is drawn?

Xu Ziyan prepared the material of the tune, and reached out and grabbed it in the air. He grabbed the pen that had been warmly raised in the chaotic gas, and filled the blood of the fairy, and Xu Ziyan portrayed a seven-character fairy on the fairy skin. Putting down the pen and hitting a ring finger, the fairy symbol turned into a person with a purple smoke appearance. From the outside, there is no difference. Just looking at the breath of the body, I can find that the Charity is just a monk of the Great Luo Jinxian period.

And Xu Ziyan knows that this Fulu Jinxian period can only maintain the time of ten interest. Sure enough, after the time of the tenth, the man was scattered, and the next animal skin was floating in the air.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, knowing that this was caused by two reasons. One was because his cultivation was not enough. It was only the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian, and the other was not the material. If you want to make a real seven-character fairy, you need the fairy skin and blood of the immortal period.

With the repair of Xu Ziyan to kill the fairy beasts of the Xianjun period? Just think about it, Xu Ziyan shook his head in the heart. That is no doubt to find death.

Suddenly remembered the nine-pound pagoda that Yanshan soul gave her, Xu Ziyan will sink into the seventh floor of the pagoda, where the fairy beasts lived in the early days of Xianjun.

The entire seventh floor is a vast space, mountains, rivers, mountains, plains, forests, etc., just like a small world. Today, Xu Ziyan has already refining the nine-pound pagoda, and left a glimpse of the gods on the pagoda. She is the complete controller of this pagoda.

The gods quickly spread the entire seventh floor. There are too many fairy beasts in Xianjun here, and there are nearly 10,000. Xu Ziyan took out a handcuff, pointing at the seventh floor of the pagoda. In the seventh floor, a large bucket of nine-footed gods thunder bombarded the head of a giant clam without warning. This Jiuyi Shenlei is innumerable than the Tianzhuo that Xu Ziyan experienced.

The original of Xu Ziyandu is Xianjun robbery. This Jiuyi Shenlei is infinitely many times more powerful than the nine-legged **** Lei that she experienced. How can this giant of the early Xianjun be able to resist the past? All of a sudden on the head was bombarded with a big hole, completely dead.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, immediately transferred the giant peak of the early Xianjun to the purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge disappeared into the purple smoke space, and immediately ordered the spring thirty-nature with the Yaozu to the giant蟒 peeling and cramping, bloodletting...

Two quarters of an hour later, a giant python at the beginning of Xianjun was cleaned up. Xu Ziyan took over a huge scorpion of Nei Dan, and collected the giant scorpion skin that had been cut by the spring 30 maiden and other monsters, followed by dozens of bottles of blood. .

Take out a bottle of giant scorpion blood, and take out a giant sable skin, Xu Ziyan grabs the pen and makes another seven-character. This time, the fuss produced has the power of Xianjun, but it is only the beginning of Xianjun, not the peak of Xianjun. This is the result of the lack of repair of Xu Ziyan. Moreover, Xu Ziyan observed that once this person is released, he can only maintain the time of five interest rates. This is because as the power grows, the time for maintenance will be shorter.

Looking at this futuristic dissipated in the air, Xu Ziyan sighed, or his own repair is too low. Once again, I picked up the pen and Xu Ziyan began to make a variety of seven-character charms. Eight copies have been made, and Xu Ziyan stopped. The mental power and the scent of the seven-character scent are very large, but only eight consecutive productions, Xu Ziyan has already appeared fatigue. I took out a symbol of humanity and put it on my body, and used it to defend myself at a critical time. After that, everything was collected and swallowed an elixir. Xu Ziyan entered the recovery of interest rates.

Long spit out a breath, Xu Ziyan woke up from the interest rate adjustment, more than two months passed, I don’t know how the thirty-six disciples of Xu’s family practiced, Xu Ziyan sank into the gods and entered Inside the palace, he carefully examined it and his face showed a smile.


Pink ticket, pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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