The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1391: You are good

I am very grateful to the rabbit ★ baby classmate (300), forever after the rainy season classmates (300), An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates (200), light rain think Han classmates (100), ppzozo classmates (100), annalin classmates (100), Yan Hui (100), Tu Yishui (100), hknt16104 (100), Xiaohao-xhsh (100), bookmate 121125180033556 (100), Xueyong Languan 0000 (100), 婉Ling Qing Zhang classmates (100) reward!


These disciples of Xu family also learned the alchemy system at the time of the family, and the refiner was arranged, but the learning was not deep and it was not systematic. However, they also reached the realm of the three products. It is necessary to know that the level of the three products in the Zhongyuan Galaxy will not flow at all. Nowadays, I have been studying systematically for more than two months. At this time, some of them have begun to learn the inheritance of the early four products. Although some of them are still in the late peak of the three products, in the view of Xu Ziyan, it is also the critical point to break through.

Xu Ziyan was very happy and retired from the knowledge. From the bed, I dissipated the array and prepared to go out and see how much the Chu family collected resources for themselves. Xu Ziyan is also anxious. After leaving the family for so long, I don’t know what the family situation is today.

Pushing open the door, walked out of the room, and walked slowly in the green building, ready to find a person, let him inform Chu Yun.

While walking, there was a female monk on the opposite side. The female monk saw Xu Ziyan. A look of surprise, then the face appeared ecstasy, turned and slammed and flew without a trace. This is to make Xu Ziyan a sigh, I don't know what happened to the Chu disciple? Slightly thought about it. Perhaps the Chu family has already prepared the resources they need, and they are waiting for their own customs. Now that the woman saw her own customs, she rushed to tell Chu Yun. Therefore, Xu Ziyan no longer looks for her. Instead, I wandered around in the green building. She hasn’t watched it carefully since she came here.

However, in less than a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan once again felt an accident. In the sky, he flew over to a monk, and Xu Ziyan stared at him. He saw some monks from the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian to the nine-day Xuanxian mid-peak. There are hundreds of people. And in the distance there are monks who are constantly flying towards here.

The disciples of the Chu family waited too long. After waiting for more than two months, they waited for Xu Ziyan to come out. They were so good. When did their Chu family disciples give others a place? When did their Chu family disciples serve others? This is what they should be treated to other families, but now they are reversed.

All these were secretly carried out by these elite disciples, and they were not known to the Chu family. Besides, today's Chu family executives are busy with the trading of Xu Ziyan. No one is concerned about the behavior of these disciples.


Numerous figures fell from the sky, enveloping the purple smoke in the center. Xu Ziyan looked at these monks in a strange way. It is impossible for Chu to deal with himself. If he wants to deal with himself, he will not be able to let some monks in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian come, but not a nine-day Xuanxian late monk.


Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the Chu’s elite disciples in front of him, and his heart was a bit stunned. Because she saw a shameful anger from those people's eyes, but did not kill. This shows that it is not that the Chu family has discovered their identity, but that these people are not convinced of themselves. With this direction of thinking, Xu Ziyan immediately understood. This is because I occupy a green building. And let them serve themselves, although they have been retreating, and did not let them serve themselves, but this name still makes these proud sons feel that they are being humiliated. This is to find the dignity.

Xu Ziyan licked the long hair in his ear, and he could not help but smile in the dark. This is because it has been affected for no reason. However, Xu Ziyan’s heart also ignited a passion, and she also wanted to try out the elite disciples of the four super families. This is also a kind of experience, a kind of bottoming.

In the future, Xu Jia may also have friction with the four super families. It can be said that if Xu Jia is in the status quo, then it will be fine. If you want to continue to develop, you will definitely threaten the status of the four super families in the future, so it will definitely have a fairy war with a super family. The strength of the four super families should be similar, and the strength of the Chu family elite disciples will be ascertained, and the strength of the other three super families will be almost clarified. Therefore, I want to understand all the Xu Ziyan, standing with my hands and looking around.

Her expression, this faint expression, even angered all the Chu family monks around. Finally, a female practitioner took a step forward. She was called Chu Yu. It was arranged to serve one of Xu Ziyan’s ten women, and she was trained to reach the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian.

In her view, she and Xu Ziyan are the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian, but the fighting power will definitely be stronger than Xu Ziyan. Is the name of the Chu family super family called white? That is qualification, practice, and all aspects of combat power beyond other families. She has been suffocating for a long time in these two months. If she can't beat Xu Ziyan with her own hands, this grievance in her heart will not be vented.

This step stepped out, the momentum of the early nine days of Xuanxian suddenly erupted, but still maintains the super family's etiquette, and said:

"Dao You, Chu Yu ask!"

Xu Ziyan knows that his identity at this time represents the hidden family, and his demeanor is faintly proud, but he thinks quickly in his heart. In the future, I will walk the fairyland as Xu Ziyan. If I use the ability that I have already known by some people, I will probably know the card of Chu in the future, so the metality and water properties, as well as the Lei attribute method. Enough is enough, it is best not to use wood properties, fire properties and soil properties. Then only the light and space properties are left. These two attributes are only a small realm, but these two attributes are more mysterious, coupled with their own powerful ontology. It is very consistent with the mystery of the hidden family.

The time of calculation was only an instant, and Xu Ziyan nodded faintly, without any words. But her arrogance is even more angering all Chu disciples. Especially Chu Yu, this arrogance has appeared on their faces before. When can other people treat them with this attitude?

The right arm was stretched toward the side of the body, with one hand and one hand, and a metal lance was quickly condensed between her right hand, releasing a substantial light.

She is metallic!

Xu Ziyan secretly nodded. She has already seen that the other party has cultivated metality to the realm of Zhongcheng. The other party's age is not large, it is not easy to have this result, it is much stronger than the Xu family's disciples.

Chu Yu raised the rifle with one hand and slammed it toward Xu Ziyan. The lance was rushing in the air with a metallic scent, and it was constantly enlarged, and it had already condensed into a dozen guns. The power of the early nine days of Xuanxian rushed to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan has realized the spatial attributes to the realm of Xiaocheng. After integrating it into the cloud body, the mystery has reached a new level.

The huge golden gun broke through the air, and its speed allowed thousands of tiny vortices to appear at the tip of the gun, sharply tearing the space, and the tiny guns there, there were extremely small cracks.

Both of them are the beginnings of the nine-day Xuanxian, so Chu Yu’s shot is full. There is no trace of keeping hands.

The gun was bombarded on Xu Ziyan's body without any suspense, and the surrounding Chu family monks were happy. However, it was a glimpse again, because Xu Ziyan was not seen in the situation, but the Xu Ziyan, who was holding the hand, suddenly disappeared silently.

It is a afterimage!

Everyone’s face is stunned. At this time, the shape of Xu Ziyan appeared in the other direction. Xu Ziyan's space conversion speed is too fast, and he left an image that could not be distinguished by the other party.

Chu Yu’s look is a glimpse. Both hands are holding a fairy in front of the chest. The giant gun in the air is swept away and rolled toward Xu Ziyan.

The shape of Xu Ziyan was broken silently. In the other direction. Xu Ziyan's figure appeared again.

Chu Yu's face turned red, Xu Ziyan did not even shoot, but by virtue of his body, he could not help her. This is contemptuous, naked disdain. This makes her heart more shameful. Double-handedly took a residual image, a fairy smashed out, the airborne gun, whistling toward Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan still had dozens of meters, it burst into flames and turned into a thousand gold guns to kill him.

The shape of Xu Ziyan in the air is broken and instantly dissipated in the air. Appeared behind Chu Yu. Chu Yu turned his head and looked at Xu Ziyan with anger and anger:

"You only hide?"

"You let me shoot?" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The words of Xu Ziyan made Chu Yu more angry, that is, the Chu disciples around him were also very angry.

What do you mean?

It turns out that people don’t even have the meaning of shooting. Is this disdain? How long has it been? No one dares to speak like this in front of them?


Xu Ziyan’s voice faintly remembered that the tail of the last word of the two words was still floating in space, and the shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared. This time he not only integrated the spatial attributes into the flow cloud, but also integrated the light attributes. The flow of the cloud body method, the speed has exceeded the scope of Chu Yu's understanding, has not seen the figure of Xu Ziyan, was inexplicably hit and flew out, spewed a blood in the air, body fell to the ground, He stepped back a dozen steps and was supported by his disciples.

Xu Ziyan’s body slowly fell to the ground, looking at Chu Yu’s faint saying:

"You are good!"

Xu Ziyan’s praise is sincere. She really feels that Chu Yu is stronger than the majority of Xu’s early nine-day Xuanxian monks, and it is not only stronger.

However, her sentence made the defeated Chu Yu feel a high-pitched tone.

How can this be?

How could she use this tone to talk to Chu disciples?

How dare she talk to Chu disciples in this tone?


Urgently ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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