The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1392: Streak

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Chu Yu struggled to rush to Xu Ziyan again, but was held down by a hand and turned to look at it, but it was the strongest in the family during the peak period of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Chu Yu’s eyes are bright, and Chu Li’s shots are unmistakable. However, immediately after the eyes are dark, even if it wins, the Lingbo is the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian, and Chu Lie is the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, which has exceeded the other side in the realm.

A few people in the air are hiding in the clouds. They are the Chu family executives who heard the report. There are Chu Yundong and Chu Yunfei. They heard the Chu family disciples challenge Xu Ziyan, and did not get angry, but showed interest. Challenges like this are often carried out between families, and there is nothing surprising about it. Chu Yundong is not worried that Xu Ziyan will be angry, but instead wants to take this opportunity to touch the hidden family. Therefore, they are all hidden in the cloud, paying attention to this time.

Xu Ziyan can be said to be a stroke to hurt Chu Yu, so that Chu Yun eyes bright. But there is not much surprise. If Xu Ziyan can't simply defeat her opponent in the same realm, then the hidden family behind her will have no strength. To see Chu Lie appearing, Chu Yun’s look is somewhat serious.

Chu Lie’s strength is very clear. He is definitely the strongest in the Chu family’s nine-day Xuanxian Peak. With Chu Lie shot, it should be able to force out the true strength of Lingbo.

at this time. Chu Lie has already walked to the opposite side of Xu Ziyan. Although his realm is beyond Xu Ziyan, but there is no slightest contempt in his heart, standing firmly ten meters opposite Xu Ziyan, he said:

"In the next Chu Lie. The peak of the nine days of Xuan Xian, can you ask?"

Xu Ziyan still has a good impression on Chu family so far. In any case, the quality of Chu’s disciples is good. Just like Chu Lie. Knowing that his cultivation is higher than that of Xu Ziyan, so he can ask questions in a negotiating manner. A slight nod, Xu Zi fluttered:


Chu Lie’s eyes flashed a layer of red.


The momentum of the body suddenly violently rose, and a flame was released from the body. The whole person was like a huge flame. The hands flipped in front of them and slammed into the sky.


A phoenix sounded, and the flame of Chu Lie gathered toward the middle. Turned into a phoenix, slammed the past toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's figure appeared in the other direction, and the fire phoenix shattered the image left by Xu Ziyan. Chu Lie’s knowledge quickly spread out, shrouded the entire battlefield, and turned his hands again.


Another sound of Fengming, with Chu Lie’s fairy singer, another fire phoenix condensed in the air. Going to Xu Ziyan, the other fire phoenix is ​​hovering in the air, ready to attack the transient purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan moved again, but this time it was a continuous teleport, leaving a few images of Xu Ziyan. Chu Lie’s eyes changed, and the fairy in his hands continued to play. When he gathered the fifth phoenix, Xu Ziyan left a sixth image in the space.

Above the clouds in the sky, Chu Yun flies to the Chu Yun movement. "Ling Bo has already cultivated the space attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng!"

Chu Yun moved his head and said: "Yes, the space attribute has always been the most difficult to cultivate. It is also the most mysterious attribute. I didn't think that Lingbo Daoyou had realized the space attribute into the realm of Xiaocheng in the early days of a nine-day Xuanxian. The family is really mysterious!"

"Big Brother, when we arrived, Chu Yu has already lost. We have not seen the process of Lingbo Taoyou and Chu Yu fighting, I don't know Lingbo Daoyou in addition to space attributes. What other cards?"

"Look!" Chu Yun’s look was slightly dignified.

Within the battlefield, Chu Lie’s look has become very ugly. It is his limit to condense five phoenixes. He is always at Chu’s home. In the same rank, he can win the opponent by condensing four phoenixes. . Now that he has reached the limit, the other party is still strolling.

One bite, one hand and one turn, a slap-sized flagpole appeared in the hand, and the wind was known, and it was straight to Zhang, and Chu Lie held the flagpole with both hands.


The whole battlefield is full of hot flames, and the flames are like a fire phoenix, and the hundred phoenixes sing and scream.

"Chu Lie's kid has used all the cards in the fire!" Chu Yunfei said on the cloud.

"It is estimated that there is no use." Chu Yun moved faintly: "Chu Li has a fairy, isn't Lingbo Daoyou have no fairy?"

"It is also said." Chu Yunfei nodded.

At the moment when Chu Lie sacrificed the fire cloud, Xu Ziyan pulled out the fire spirit and formed a faint red film in vitro. Huo Linger generally swallows the flame released by the fire cloud, and whispers to Xu Ziyan:

"Master, his flame is much stronger than the fire grades released by your disciples. This is actually a five-piece flame, and it has a little effect on me. You can take the broken scorpion to the fire spirit!" ”

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but smile, and she was afraid that Huo Linger would go to grab the fire of Chu Lie. Don't say, if Huo Linger goes to grab, then Chu Lie really can't keep it. I rushed to the fire to say:

"Don't mess around, don't be allowed to grab the fire of Chu Lie."

At this time, Chu Lie’s eyes showed a bit of heartache, because he could feel the flame of his own fire cloud being swallowed by Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s body had a faint flaming red, and he did not know that it was the purple scent of cultivation. Oh, it’s still a fairy.

At this time, Xu Ziyan moved again. He appeared in front of Chu Lie without warning. He punched a fist on Chu Lie, and the flame in the sky suddenly dissipated. Chu Lie’s figure flew out. The fire cloud smashed the space flame, and circled the body of Chu Lie, and slid into his body.

Above the clouds in the sky, Chu Yun moved with great eyes: "She still has light attributes? It is a mysterious attribute!"

Above the ground, Chu Lie stabilized his figure and marched toward Xu Ziyan: "Thank you for your help."

Xu Ziyan’s pale red color was taken into the body and he said to Chu Lie: “Carrying!”

The scene was silent for a while, and Chu Lie was not the opponent of Xu Ziyan. Not to mention the other peaks of the nine days of Xuanxian. And even if it is a general nine-day Xuanxian mid-up, it is useless, because the general nine-day Xuanxian is not an opponent of Chu Lie in the middle, and how is Xu Ziyan's opponent?

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the crowd, and she really wanted to be a young generation of the Chu family. With the eyes of Xu Ziyan swept away, the Chu family disciples were all hot on their faces. Focus one by one on one person.

That person is called Chu Qing, and it is the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term. It is infinitely close to the critical point of the late nine-day Xuan Xian. It is the strongest at the Chu disciples.

Xu Ziyan looked over everyone's eyes. It was a Tsing Yi woman. She saw her cultivation, and Xu Ziyan's heart raised a burst of excitement. The two opponents before were too weak, not as good as the long-awaited days of Yue Jicheng. Of course, Xu Ziyan knows that Long Aotian is only a case of the Dragon family, but the performance of the Chu family is still somewhat disappointing.

Seeing all the eyes including Xu Ziyan focused on her body, Chu Qing no longer waited, stepped out of the crowd, standing opposite Xu Ziyan.

"Big Brother, your daughter is going to shoot!"

Chu Yun nodded and looked a little dignified.

"In the next Chu Qing, Jiu Tian Xuan Xian mid-peak, please advise."

Xu Ziyan nodded, no words. Chu Qing's face did not change at all, and did not change color because Xu Ziyan was slightly proud. She is a proud person, and she also believes that people with skills should be proud. At this time, in her heart, Xu Ziyan is a person with skill, and it is not normal to be proud.

The right foot just lifted forward, and the scene of the entire battlefield changed instantly and turned into a verdant world. Xu Ziyan was like standing in a forest, and the old trees stood tall and the grass on the ground. Growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, the earth suddenly vibrates, and the huge old trees suddenly lived up and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. The huge branches were like an arm that whipped toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's figure once again teleported in space, but when her figure appeared on the other side of the space, she suddenly found that the grass full of land was rushing to her like a support arrow.

The sky is full of radiant grass, filling the entire space. Let Xu Ziyan hide from hiding, and hide it.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was excited. I didn’t expect Chu Qing to practice the wood property to this extent. Around her, the grass like a sharp arrow continually shot at Xu Ziyan, and the old trees rushed toward him. Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly raised a warning sign, and looked up and saw the countless ancient vines hidden in the grass as if they were coming to her. If they are entangled by these ancient vines, they will be beaten by the old trees, and the grass will be blazed. Although the body of the mid-term of the nine purple smoke will not be injured, the shame is certain.

Xu Ziyan's hands spread out on both sides, and a dazzling light spread from her body. As soon as the light spread out of the outside of Xu Ziyan, it turned into a whirlwind and hovered around Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stretched his hands on both sides and suddenly slid up and joined together. The figure circulated and flew into the air. The whirlwind around the body circled with the shape of Xu Ziyan, like a light dragon.

The light dragon is composed of a handle light knife, and the dense light knife whirls rapidly. One handle and one handle form a huge light knife. The whirlwind rotates around Xu Ziyan, reflecting the dazzling light and smashing the close grass. Ancient vines and giant trees.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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