The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1401: 七品仙符师

I am very grateful to the cartoon 伶 classmates (1888), An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates (400), forever after the rainy season classmates (200), annalin classmates (199), light rain think Han classmates (100), book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100) , Fuyang Feixing classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (99), Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates (99) reward!


The monks in the hall immediately reacted. Xu Ziyan was afraid of those monks who died outside. The jade cards on the body were obtained by the dragon family, and then they used these jade cards to enter the big battle. The faces of the elders of each pulse have shown a color of appreciation. Xu Haotian eyebrows pick one:

"Can the Dragon family crack the way the jade is made?"

Xu Ziyan proudly smiled: "Where the methods I give are so easy to be cracked, unless they are more than seven products."

"Okay, I am relieved!" Xu Xintian smiled and said: "So we will have a long battle with the Dragon family."

"Not only this!" Xu Ziyan laughed.

Other monks heard the words are also bright eyes, looking at Xu Ziyan.

"We still have to pull some allies."

"Allies? Where are we allies? Do you want Xu to go to a friend to help?"

“No!” Xu Ziyan shook his head. “We can have a secret contact with the companies in Yueji City that are not dragons. I believe they will form an alliance with us in the face of huge interests.

What's more, we don't need them to do dangerous things, just let them give us some news. As long as these news make us successful in the robbery of the Dragon House, we will give them some profits. Say. With these allies, the resources we have robbed may not be available and can be traded with them. So, even if our Xu Jiaming face is closed. However, it is possible to continue the transactions in secret, and in fact there is no difference between them and no closure. ”

"Great!" The people couldn't help but applaud.

Xu Qinyang slightly frowned and said: "Ziyan, if we continue this way, we will completely anger the dragon family. If the dragon family really sent a large number of monks to surround us, how is this good?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Want to completely surround us, it is almost necessary to pour their entire family of monks to do it. However, they will not look at us to robbery, so they will definitely There is action. This is the danger I have said.

Their Dragon family is afraid to send a large number of monks to ambush around our family, to slay our disciples who have gone out. This is not the most powerful. Because of this, after all, it is necessary to involve them a lot of strength and delay the development of the Dragon family. and so. Their Dragon family is likely to release a reward, turning the family around the family into a hunting ground. At that time, I am afraid that there will be a lot of scattered or other family disciples coming here to murder our Xu disciples. On the one hand, they used the Xujia disciples here as a trial. On the other hand, they were able to take the heads of our Xu disciples to the Dragon House. ”

The atmosphere inside the main hall was silent. Suddenly Xu Haotian said with a loud laugh: "If this is the case, let the family around Xu become a hunting ground. I think every monk who came to hunt our Xu disciples also has resources. They hunt us, we You can also hunt them. Let us make our family strong in battle!"

After some detailed deliberation. The ancestors of each pulse left the hall with a half-stress and a half-excited mood. After Xu Ziyan passed the new method of making jade cards to Xu Haotian, he left the hall and returned to Tianfeng.

After discussing with the ancestor Xu Zhenshan, it was decided that after three months of the breakthrough of the mainland China, they were all allowed to enter the pagoda for trial. After a period of trials, they formed a small team to go to the family. Hunting outside. It is the real place for trials. It is the real trial of the war with the human monks to truly stimulate the potential of the monks.

The entire Xu family is very quiet. It seems that I have to hide in the big array. A month later. After the break of the Iron House's Dragon House, it has already launched a strong attack on the Yang family.

In the seven days, the original Yang family, the first family of Yueji City, was destroyed. Throughout the month, Jicheng fell into the hands of the Dragon family, except for the Xu family that could not be sealed.

The dragon family took out the monks who will be invited to send them away. Started the operation of Yue Jicheng. Just took the two squad's disciples to monitor the Xu family.

It is also a headache for Xu Jialong's family, and the entire Xu family has been huddled in a large array. They have no way to take Xu. They also asked the monks who had peaked in the late nine days of Xuanxian, but no one came to them after they had been rushing here for several years. Even the Sun family did not pay attention to it. This is simply a sale that is not worth the loss. Who will come?

Please Xianjun?

That's still okay, don't say no, but even if you can, can you please?

Seven-Player Master?


Is that a legend?

However, the Dragon family does not know whether the big array of the Xu family is a few products, so this Master has to ask, but this... not good!

Therefore, the Dragon family can only send two teams to monitor the situation of Xu Jia, and began to use all the energy in the operation of Yueji City and the development of various mines.

Another month passed.

Yueji City has developed efficiently, Longjia has also entered the development period, and everything is on the right track. The reputation of Longjia is booming. The Xu family is still a mountain-like appearance. There is no trace of movement. The dragon family has almost forgotten the existence of the Xu family. If it is not the Xu family, it is not only forgotten by the dragon family, but also those who come to the moon. The monks who opened the store in Jicheng will also forget the Xu family.

However, even so, Xu family gradually faded out of the vision and memory of everyone.

Another month passed.

Yueji City has prospered more and more, and the family around the family has been able to open the net.

In this disparity contrast, the various monks in Xujialiang Tianfeng completed successive breakthroughs.

For nearly a year, the ancestor Xu Zhenshan was helped by Qi Pin Dan. It reached the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term.

The original nine nine-day Xuanxian early monks reached the peak of nine days of Xuanxian. The original sixty-eight Da Luo Jinxian late peak monks broke through the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian. Ninety-five of the Luo Luo Jinxian reached the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. One hundred and twenty-five great Luo Jinxian reached the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian. Nine Da Luo Jinxian reached the middle of the Da Luo Jinxian. Nine Luo Tianshang's late peaks broke through to the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian. Twelve Luo Tian Shang Xian's late monks broke through to the peak of Luo Tianshang's late stage, and the seven early days of the Luo Tian Shang Xian broke through to the middle of Luo Tian Shang Xian. Twenty-two Tianxian late peak monks broke through to the early days of Luo Tianshangxian.

It is worth mentioning that Tuo Xing Mang broke through the nine-day Xuan Xian, and with the help of Xu Ziyan's large amount of medicinal herbs, he became a nine-day Xuan Xian early peak monk.

The cultivation of Xu Ziyan is still the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian. There is no way, even if the medicinal herbs she takes are better than the other monks, but she needs too much accumulation. but. There is also good news. The good news is that her state of mind has finally recovered to the mid-ninth period of Xuanzang by uninterruptedly drinking tea.

Another good news is that Xu Ziyan has become a seven-pronged master. And after becoming a seven-product Xiandan teacher, she discovered a kind of elixir in the inheritance, called Shen Yuandan.

This kind of immortality is not only to enhance the immortal power of the monks, but also to enhance the understanding of the monks on the heavens, that is, the power of the gods. So it is called Shen Yuan Dan.

However, the two main medicines required for this kind of remedy are legendary things, one is called the gas of life. One is called Enlighten Tea.


Both of these materials have purple smoke.

There are a lot of Wudao teas, and even if they run out, there will be next year. But her life is only 3,228. If you run out of it, there will be no more.

However, this kind of immortal she can not be refining, because its effect is too great, not to mention the increase of Xianyuan force, that is, to increase the understanding of the heavens is absolutely more than ten times more effective than drinking tea alone.

This kind of remedy is too precious. Ignore all kinds of barriers. If there is a **** Yuan Dan in the breakthrough, it will definitely increase the chance of breakthrough by 50%.

This kind of elixir is prepared for the sake of breakthrough, not for the monks to take food. However, Xu Ziyan did not think so, she refining is to give her usual meals. Of course, when the family's top monks break through, she will consider giving one.

Well, this is also a way to quickly improve the strength of the monks in the mainland.

Therefore, after the disciples of these disciples, Xu Ziyan will be all the monks. Including the ancestor Xu Zhenshan, they all rushed into the trial pagoda. Let them continue to try in the pagoda, and let them enrich their experience while completely consolidating their own realm.

Of course, they can still get some resources from it. Then use these resources in exchange for the contribution value.

And Xu Ziyan is beginning to retreat alchemy. Refining the **** Yuan Dan.

At this time, the Xu family, which has been quietly forgotten, has burst into a huge sound. Overnight. The two squadrons of the Long family disciples outside the Xu family were quietly killed. After that, the Xu family ransacked half of the shops in the Longjia Town of Yueji City. The direct losses were enough for all the disciples to practice for three years.

This makes the dragon family violently thunderous. While sending a large number of family disciples to encircle the family, Xu Xiaoqian's wife, Sun Xiaoqian returned to his family, and Sun Jia asked for help.

Sun Xiaoqian's grandmother's silk is dressed in a golden kimono, but her head is filled with jewels, which is not an ornament of the secular world but a fairy. Lazily sitting on a high-backed chair, under the clear forehead, the eyebrows wrinkled slightly. An old woman who has lived for thousands of years is like a woman in her thirties in the secular world.

Sun Xiaoqian looked at her grandmother in her seat, but her heart was a little anxious, but her face was a respectful and respectful look:

"Grandma, Qianer is married from the first-class family grandfather's family. You look at Qian's being bullied by a second-rate family. If the grandmother doesn't care about Qian'er, let other families see it, and no one is going to bully. Qianer!

Oh, it’s not that my husband’s family is not enough, but Xu’s family doesn’t know where to get a big array of people who don’t know a few things. We simply couldn't get in. We originally thought that regardless of Xu's family, let them kill themselves. Who would have thought that Xu had dared to kill and robbed us of a lot of resources. If Xu Jiashi came out to grab it from time to time, how would the Dragon Family stand in Yueji City? ”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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