I am very grateful to KONG888 classmates, Betsys classmates, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, cartoon 伶 classmates, Yun Yuer classmates, parasitic world classmates, Su Liuyan classmates pink ticket!


Sun Xiaoqian, who was looking at the tears in front of her eyes, could not help but feel a little embarrassed. At the beginning, I also received the gift of the four old family members of Yue Jicheng, and promised that the four major families would not help the Dragon family, but they would not manage the things in Yueji City. And she is doing the same, that is, the foreign aid that Long family invited to go is not the monk of the Sun family. At this point, the wire still insists on its own character.

And in her heart, I firmly believe that with the strength of the Dragon family, even if the four families of Jicheng will not be swallowed, they will gain a foothold in Yueji City, and then slowly plan.

Sure enough, the news came back that the Dragon family not only stood firm, but also three of the four families have been given to the genocide, and only one more family is also like a tortoise.

Originally thought that this matter has come to an end, but did not expect Xu's counterattack to be so sharp. The wire's gaze became deep and whispered:

"Do you know that the big array is a few lines?"

Sun Xiaoqun hesitated: "The specific grade we don't know, but it is definitely a big array of six or more."

The wire frowned slightly and said: "Do you have more than six products?"

Sun Xiaoqian looked nervously at the silk, and when she saw her grandmother just sitting there hesitating and not speaking, she carefully said:

"Grandma, can you let the family's white masters go and see?"

"White Master?" Pansi's eyebrows slightly picked it up: "It is not easy to ask the Master of White, and he may not be able to break the big array. Are you sure to ask Master White?"

Sun Xiaoqian frowned, and finally bite his teeth: "Grandma, please give the elderly an accommodation, what resources does the White Master need. We are from the Dragon."

"Good!" Pansi nodded: "White Master will still give Grandma a little face. But you must know that even if the White Master can't break the big array, as long as he goes, the resources you send will not go back. ”

At this time, Sun Xiaoqian wanted to open it. The tone said firmly: "Grandma, you can rest assured that Qianer will not make you embarrassed."

"That's it, you go back first, Grandma is going to visit Master Bai."

Sun Xiaoqian withdrew from the silky room and looked up at the sun in the air. The sun shone on her face, but it didn't feel the slightest warmth. Instead, she saw the cold from her face...

The amount of peaks.

Xu Ziyan went out, she used eight hundred lives. Refining more than 3,000 Shen Yuandan.

Yanshan soul gave her the nine-character fairy Dan Ding really powerful, as long as a furnace can refine tens of thousands of elixir. It’s just that Xu Ziyan didn’t dare to refine so many elixir. After all, this is the Seven Pinxian, and she has just become a seven-pronged master. What's more, she can't bear to use all her life.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan also got an unexpected joy through this refining of Shen Yuandan. That is, when she kept refining the **** Yuan Dan with Enlightenment Tea, she improved her mood to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term, and broke through to the nine-day Xuanxian late stage.

Standing on the peak of the sky. Spreading the knowledge of God, I found that the disciples of the Cangwu mainland still did not come out of the trial pagoda. Slightly tilted his head and thought about it, looked up and looked at the moon in the air. The shape of the flash disappeared in the air.

When she reappeared, she was already standing in the jungle outside the family. Slightly frowned, Xu Ziyan felt that there was an unusual atmosphere in the jungle. Immediately spread your knowledge.

Suddenly her eyes twitched, and she felt that there was a glimpse of consciousness that was rushing in the direction of her gods. There is only one explanation for this, that is, she was discovered.

It is necessary to know that the consciousness of Xu Ziyan is the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. It can only feel her gods, and only those who can attack along the path can only be monks who are stronger than her. Xu Ziyan has already felt that the other party is a nine-day Xuanxian late monk.

Just in the blink of an eye. That **** has already come across. The battle of the gods is not false. If it is normal to play, Xu Ziyan can still rely on the strength of the body and the power of the body and the other side, not necessarily can not beat each other, or even kill each other. but. This sacred attack is based on the strength of both sides.


The other side's saga attack rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, if it was a long time ago Xu Ziyan. Even if it is not dead, God's knowledge will be hit hard. However, since Xu Ziyan invented the use of God to build a maze and a palace in the sea of ​​knowledge, her gods' attack power has not improved, but its defense has become very powerful.

What's more, the other person's knowledge is only one step higher than her, and does not force her too much. But even so, after the gods rushed into the sea, although they were consumed by the various martyrdoms of the labyrinth, there was still a small part of the outermost part of the labyrinth of the gods that was set up by Xu Ziyan.

The dragon monk ambushing in the jungle is a nine-day Xuanxian late monk of the Dragon family. His gods can feel the sound of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea, which is the voice of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea labyrinth. .

I was overjoyed in my heart. I thought that I had destroyed the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. A figure flew out from the distant jungle and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. The eyes sparkled with smug eyes, because he saw Xu Ziyan standing in the same place, completely destroyed by a sea.

Without hesitation, he fell to the front of Xu Ziyan and extended his big hand to the top of Xu Ziyan. Although the consciousness of Xu Ziyan in his heart has been destroyed by himself, he can still get some information by using Soul Art. His figure has fallen to the front of Xu Ziyan, and the big hand is only three inches away from the head of Xu Ziyan.


Suddenly felt that Dan Tian had a pain, looked down and saw that a hand of Xu Ziyan had been inserted into her Dantian. The fairy power of the whole body is disappearing.

The body of Xu Ziyan is in the middle of the eight products, and how can his body resist the purple smoke when the other party is not prepared?

One hand and one force.


Xu Ziyan crushed the other side's Dantian, revealing an incredible color in the other's eyes. From the top of the head, he rushed out of a god, and he ran away in a panic, but he did not expect that the purple smoke had already been prepared. After the sacrifice, Guanghua swept his **** into the mirror.

All of this ended in silence, and there was no even fluctuation in the power of Xianyuan. Xu Ziyan searched the body of the dragon monk again, and then erased the knowledge on the other's storage ring, looking inside, and nodded with satisfaction. A nine-day Xuan Xian late monk is really good.

The storage ring was taken into the purple smoke space, thrown into the peach flower, and the peach flower was sorted and stored. Then Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed the dragon god's **** from Tian Luojing and began to search for the other's memory using Soul.

After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan worked hard with one hand and pinched the **** of the hand into a powder. The corner of his mouth could not help but pass a smile. She really didn't think that Xu's action would be so big, she even robbed half of the shops in the Longjia of the city. The dragon family was furious, and now almost all the disciples of the Dragon family were sent to the home of the Xu family, and the lady of Long Gufeng went to the Sun family for help, and wanted to ask the Sun family to come to the first place. Cracked the Xu family of guardians.

Reading the memory of the monk, Xu Ziyan also knows that Bai Ruguang is a fairy singer in the early stage of six products. Xu Ziyan can not help but sneer, what is the use of a fairy singer in the early stage of six products? Is it still that the cracked first stage of the seven products that I laid out?

Xu Ziyan took out a convergence symbol and opened it on the body, then converges on the gods, and turns the illusion into a flying bird, flying toward the air.

Looking out from the air, the whole month of Jicheng has entered a quiet, there are patrol squads in all directions in Yueji City. Xu Ziyan fell on a tree and moved motionless.

The sky was white, and when the first sun shone, the whole month of Jicheng gradually became noisy.

There is an old tree behind a Wanxing shop, and a palm-sized white bird is on the branch of the old tree. The white bird looked around and looked around. The wings spread and fell behind the Wanxing shop. As it fell to the ground, it instantly became a human figure. It was Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan changed his appearance again, and then walked out from the back of Wanxing Commercial Store and walked around in Yueji City. At noon, I used a meal at a restaurant.

This day's time allowed Xu Ziyan to have a precise understanding of the Long family's shops in Yueji City. And now she already knows that the Dragon family is no longer living in the northern region, but is living in the territory of the original Yang family in the central area of ​​Yueji City.

Xu Ziyan did not return to Xu, but lived in an inn. On the occasion of the rise of the moon, Xu Ziyan left the inn from the window as a black eagle, and flew toward the family of the dragon family in the central area.

The Long family's guardian squad is not a hindrance to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan studied the time of half an hour, and then quietly passed through the guardian squad to enter the Long family territory.

After reading the memory of the late monk's nine-day Xuanxian late monk, Xu Ziyan quickly flew over to a mountain peak in the back of the dragon family. Falling down on a tall old tree, a pair of eagle eyes looked around.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to release his own knowledge, and used the convergence to completely converge his breath, just quietly squatting on the tree.

Sure enough, after half an hour, the insights of the sixteen strong scorpions from the eight directions were scanned across the mountain. After a quarter of an hour, these gods were collected.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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