The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1407: Five years

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Xu Ziyan shook his head and chuckled, then said to Xu Yutian: "The patriarch, we went back. After the smashing of the dragon family battle, the disciples have some insights, and Tianfeng is going to retreat for a while."

"Good! Good! Good!"

At this time, the Xu family was preserved because of the large array of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan took the Cangwu mainland to smash the dragon family when he invited the White Master to break the battle. A blow from the family. How can I still propose my own conditions to Xu Ziyan, although he has now moved to see the mind of Tianliang, but he still did not say anything.

Xu Ziyan returned to the Tianfeng with a monk from the mainland. Everyone happily sorted out his own harvest. The same was true for Xu Ziyan. This time, the harvest in the original family treasure house was far higher than the last time. Xu Ziyan left a part of the treasure house of the Northern Dragon family, and gave the other to Xu Zhenshan.

Xu Zhenshan’s eyes have long been a seam, with these two lootings, if only the Tianfeng is less than 400 people come to practice. It is enough for five hundred years.

Xu Ziyan, everyone cultivated well, and then returned to the amount of Tianfeng. She is now a seven-character singer and a seven-character sage master. I temporarily put down the practice of practicing alchemy, and I want to improve my cultivation. The cultivation of the early days of Xuantian is still too low.

but. If you just take the remedy step by step, you don't know when you need to practice. Sitting on the knees and sitting on the octagonal pavilion on the top of the Tianfeng Peak, I looked at the water in the stone pool in front of me and hanged down the cliff. Xu Ziyan thought carefully.

Xu Ziyan thought about it from beginning to end, and she finally chose to understand the meaning of fire. After all, today's Huo Linger has merged with the nine-day fire, and has already exceeded himself in the meaning of fire. Today, the level of Huo Linger seems to have been similar to the water of Xu Zhiyan, and he has seen the spirit of Yanshan. Her innate Xianbao five attributes long sword, Xu Ziyan has been able to distinguish the water of a palm is a congenital treasure, but it seems to have been greatly hurt, has been in recovery.

And Huo Linger is after the integration of the nine-day fire. Also swallowed a group of chaotic gas, but also evolved into a congenital Xianbao, but Xu Ziyan felt that his level is still weaker than a palm of water. However, even if he is weaker, it is a congenital treasure, too much beyond the level of Xu Ziyan. With Huo Linger, Xu Ziyan feels that as long as he is willing to take the time to comprehend. It is absolutely possible to cultivate the fire attribute to the great perfection. After all, her understanding of the fire attribute is now a realm of greatness, and it is only one step away from the great perfection.

Xu Ziyan sat in the gazebo and closed his eyes. He summoned the fire spirit to let him wrap his whole body inside, and his mind was immersed in comprehension.

The clear waters of the Shitan Lake are flowing, and the green bamboo forests are shaking with the wind, and the peach blossoms on the other side are open and thankful.

Time flies for five years.

The monks in the entire amount of Tianfeng are working hard to cultivate, of course, they also enter the trial pagoda hunting from time to time. In exchange for the contribution value. Then exchange for the resources you need to cultivate. The entire amount of Tianfeng has entered the right track.

The entire Xu family is also in a quiet cultivation, and at the same time, people are constantly going out to hunt and fight with the dragon monks.

Master Bai did not leave, although it has been five years. But as a fairy sergeant, I found that a seven-character array is very attractive to him. His whole heart is immersed in the deduction of the law.

The monk of the Long family had already withdrawn. Just left some masters in protecting the white master. At the same time, some disciples were left to monitor Xu’s disciples around the Xu family, lest they come out to rob the Long family’s shops in Yueji City. Especially when Long Gufeng discovered that the Dragon House had been robbed of a family land five years ago, it was even more annoyed. Therefore, although he removed most of the monks from the Long family, he still left a lot of disciples around the Xu family. In the middle of the heart, I hope that Master Bai will be able to crack the Xu family in one day, and will surely squander the hatred of the family.


This day.

The whole amount of Tianfeng rushed a humming sound, and then the whole sky was like a colorful cloud, a fiery red. The piece of fiery red in the sky lasted for a quarter of an hour, only slowly falling down, like a fire under the air, gathering toward the Tianfeng, gathering toward the octagonal pavilion, gathering toward the body of Xu Ziyan, then disappearing In the body of Xu Ziyan, Huo Linger also returned to the purple smoke space, and Xu Ziyan cultivated the meaning of fire to the great perfection.

The movement caused by Xu Ziyan alerted all the disciples on Tianfeng, one by one, awakened from cultivation, and walked out of the cultivation of the Dongfu, looking toward the Tianfeng.

The rich Xianyuan force in Tianfeng began to gather toward the body of Xu Ziyan, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the concentrated Yuanyuan force gathered like a solid, covering the body of Xu Ziyan with a layer of On the first floor, it seems that a giant egg will wrap the purple smoke inside.

There was a sudden burst of music in the sky.

The monks in the Tianfeng Peak are in vain, and they have never seen a monk breakthrough that will cause such a celestial image. The fairy voice hangs from the air with an endless heaven, although they do not know why it leads to such a heaven. Where do they know that Xu Ziyan’s breakthrough is different from theirs. Her body has a world, which is a world improvement, which naturally leads to the world’s favor. However, these amount of Tianfeng monks know that this is a rare opportunity. If you can take the opportunity to comprehend when Xu Ziyan breaks through, it is definitely a rare breakthrough. Can not look at a pair of binoculars to Xu Zhenshan.

Xu Zhenshan quickly thought about it in his heart, and finally felt that this did not bother with Xu Ziyan, and he was rumored in the monks:

"We are weighing Tianfeng, but don't be too close to the purple smoke, don't be jealous!"

On the face of every monk in the vast mainland, there is a ecstatic color. With Xu Zhenshan flying on the Tianfeng, they did not dare to enter the bamboo forest where Xu Ziyan broke through, but instead sat in the bamboo forest on the other side. Next, I felt the endless sky falling, and I was immediately immersed in the comprehension.

At this time, the immortal force in Xu Ziyan's body continued to grow, gradually growing from the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, and then began to impact the barriers in the body one after another, and launched in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian. The impact. At the same time, it was surrounded by the sky where the sky fell. The mind was washed by the sound of the sounds of the gods. The state of mind was also constantly raised, and slowly accumulated and began to impact the nine days of Xuanxian.

Time passed by, and after nine days passed, Xu Ziyan was still wrapped in the giant egg that the fairy power condensed into, and the sky was still singularly...

Suddenly there was a sound of eternal riots in the Taolin over there. A figure rushed out of the peach forest and flew away to the distant peak of Tianfeng. I saw him directly toward the amount of Tianfeng. Outside the big array, I rushed out, and my body was extremely unstable. It turned out to be a monk breakthrough. If the monks in the constant Tianfeng broke through, Xu Zhenshan took them secretly to sneak out a large array, disguised as a patrol to avoid the Longjia monks, and sneaked out of the place where Yue Jicheng looked for a robbery. Fortunately, in the past, they were all monks and robs, and Xu Zhenshan was also very careful. He was very familiar with Yueji City, but he was not discovered.

However, Xu Zhenshan is now immersed in comprehension, and there will be someone to control him. So he was a little panicked, standing on the edge of the big array, some do not know how to do it?

One bite, left the amount of Tianfeng, and carefully out of the Xu family of the guardian family, immediately felt that there are many dragons and monks are patrolling around, which does not include some dark whistle. He cautiously converges on his body and goes forward, but he has not seen a hundred meters, and he was discovered by the monk's monk. The air rushed to the air and the four or five figures flew toward him.

The monk's face showed a helpless color, and the reflexive body returned to the guardian's large array, looking at the five figures of the figure, and gnashing his teeth. Thinking for a while, and finally a foot, he returned to the amount of Tianfeng. Looking up at the sky, I couldn't help but sigh.

No matter what the big battles can't stop the robbery, the robbers can ignore the existence of the big array and accurately bombard the breakthrough monks. Just like the ancient ruins on the mainland of the Cangwu, the robbery can still break through the large-scale bombardment on the body of Yanshan. The monk had no choice but to run to a corner and prepare for a robbery.


The whole earth was trembled, and the monk’s catastrophe began! However, before he was completed, there was a figure flying in the Taolin, and another catastrophe was forming in the sky. Then in the days that followed, there were constant breakthroughs by the monks, and the catastrophe on the Tianfeng Peak never broke, and the rumbling continued to hang down.

Forty-nine days have passed, and the sky above the Tianfeng Peak is surrounded by clouds, and the sound of rumbling is endless. Outside the Tianfeng Peak, Xu Yutian and all the Xu family’s monks looked at the sky above the sky. They did not know that the monks in Tianfeng were enjoying the robbery because of the fall of the robbery. Instead, they were full of joy. concern.

Because the sky robbery that hangs down in the sky will smash the Hu family’s guardian squad, this is because the monks in the Tianfeng are not hundreds of people, and they have not robbed the nine-day Xuanxian. Otherwise, the Xu family guardian squad has long been smashed, but even so, the Xu family's guardian squad is always at risk of being broken. When every monk crosses the robbery, the power of the robbery is equivalent to the power of the monk to break through the level, but it is the power of the level of full blow. But the robbery that day was not just a bombardment, but countless times.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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