The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1408: Nine-day Xuanxian mid

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Originally, this kind of catastrophe couldn’t be a big battle for the Xu family. But the monks on the Tianfeng couldn’t stand the breakthrough. Sometimes it was a dozen monks who broke through together. This is comparable to the monk’s bombardment with the fairy. many. Because the monks of the monks can't be close to the all-powerful bombardment every time, they always consume the celestial power in the body, but the catastrophe does not have this shortcoming. Every bombardment is extremely strong, and it is stronger than once. If this is a few hundred monks on the Tianfeng Peak, they will be robbed at the same time. Maybe this guardian squad will be smashed by the sky.

However, even so, the catastrophe has been bombarded for forty-nine days in a row, and there is no tendency to stop. If it continues to bombard, Xu Tiantian and others are really unfounded.

Looking at the power of the robbery that day, Xu Haotian couldn't help but sigh in his worries. This is the early stage of the seven products that Xu Ziyan set up. If it was the previous five-product mid-term big array, it would have been robbed by the sky.

In addition to the large family of Xujia guards, Long Gufeng looked at the robbery clouds in the sky. He did not expect that after Xu’s closure of the mountain, Xu’s family could have so many monks to break through. This means that the strength of the Xu family is further enhanced and the threat to the Dragon family is further increasing.

Looking at the crumbling Xu family of the guardian family, his eyes flashed a glimmer of hope, hoping that the robbery could smash the big family of Xu. Such a happy event of Xu Jiaxiu’s breakthrough will become the death knell of Xu’s family. He immediately summoned the dragon's monks to start assembling to Xu, and waited for the Xu family's guardian squad to be robbed by the sky, so that they would kill the family and destroy them.

The rumored annihilation of the white master who was immersed in the sensation of the road was awakened, and the look of the sky was changed. But he also knows that under such circumstances, he can no longer continue to comprehend. And in the past five years, he has had many insights. He feels that as long as he can understand these things thoroughly, he can become a mid-sixth mid-senior.

It is no longer necessary to stay here at his current level. Standing up from the ground, faintly and the ancient winds of the dragon came to a "resignation" and disappeared.

Long Gufeng looked at the direction in which the white master disappeared, biting his teeth, but there was no way. Master Bai is a character he can't afford. Besides, he has seen it clearly in the past five years. This white master can't break the big family of Xu family. If it can be cracked, it still takes five years? Nowadays, he only has to pin his hopes on the squad that can smash the Xu family.

The robbery was still in the constant bombardment, and another thirty-six days passed. The thunder in the sky finally disappeared gradually, and all the monks in Xu’s family were relieved, and the large array of Xu Ziyan finally blocked the robbery. At this time, Xu Xintian's heart was full of admiration for Xu Ziyan. At the beginning, Xu Ziyan said that this early stage of the seven products could block dozens of nine-day Xuan late masters who kept bombarding for decades, and that was the case.

The disappointment of the dragon ancient wind outside the Xu family, stood there dumbly. I hope that the Xu family will pass the sound of robbery. However, let him stand there for a whole day and eventually he was disappointed. And the monks who came from the collection also left.

Within the Tianfeng, the monks who completed the robbery were all happy. This joy was not only because they successfully robbed, but also because the annihilation did not destroy the big squad. However, their happy face turned into a bitter face, because the amount of Tianfeng in this time has been smashed by the sky, as if it was destroyed, there is still a little wonderland.

Looking up and looking at the distance in the distance, Tianfeng. One by one, I was relieved. Fortunately, they are all away from the amount of Tianfeng. Otherwise, if the amount of Xu Ziyan’s Tianfeng is destroyed, it’s what Xu Ziyan doesn’t say, and their hearts are not willing to go.

Suddenly, the celestial force on Tianfeng Peak rioted. "咔嚓咔嚓" The giant egg cracked, and Xu Ziyan came out like a broken one. The breath of the body continues to climb, and has been climbing to the mid-ninth period of Xuanxian.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, his body shape rose to the sky, his eyes saw the ruins of Tianfeng, and his eyes were shocked. He reacted in an instant, this was bombarded by the sky, and the gods swiftly spread out. She was very worried that the family’s big squad was robbed by the sky, when she discovered that the catastrophe did not break through the big bang. The heart was relieved. However, the face was changed, but she knew the power of her own robbery. If you are in a family robbery, let alone a large group of guardians, it is this amount of Tianfeng big array I am afraid I can not keep.

It seems that I have to leave Xu family!

Xu Ziyan didn't have any worry about leaving the Xu family. He played with the whole dragon family. Xu Ziyan would fall into the wind, maybe it would fall, but suddenly escaped, but the dragon family could not stop it.

After making a decision, Xu Ziyan's body shape flashed and disappeared in the air. In the next moment, there was a large family of Xu family guards. They simply made a big move in succession. They had not waited until the dragon monk reacted and Xu Ziyan had disappeared.

Xu Ziyan is simply using the big shift regardless of the direction, and after a total of more than a dozen large shifts, the cloud baby is summoned out, riding the cloud baby, let the cloud baby raise the speed to the limit, toward the sea disease Fly away. In the depths of the sea, I chose an uninhabited island to collect the baby, and took out the nine-piece fairy Dan Ding to prepare for the robbery.

The clouds of the sky began to gather, and the whirlpools were thick and heavy. Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at the Jiu Shen Shen Lei in the air. He remembered the lightning giant sword in the purple smoke space. The last time he could not resist the catastrophe, he saved the lightning giant sword, is it it? Want to restore the power of lightning?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan sinks into the purple smoke space. Shouting at the void and saying what I meant.


There was a thunder in the void, like a giant net. The giant net gathered in the middle, and the Thunder giant sword appeared. Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed it, adding extra care, for fear that the Thunder giant sword would give her electricity to the outside. However, the result was a great surprise for her, and the Thunder giant sword was honestly in her hands. Xu Ziyan’s heart was overjoyed, and the nine-piece Dan Ding was taken up, holding the Thunder’s giant sword and waiting for the robbery.

Finally, the robbers fell down that day, Xu Ziyan stood on the small island, his hands raised the Thunder giant sword and greeted the past with the falling purple scorpion.


The purple scorpion thunder bombarded on the Thunder giant sword, the entire Thunder giant sword shined brightly, the thunderbolt slammed toward the spread, and was absorbed by the Thunder giant sword, only a small part spread to Xu Ziyan.

It’s just that this small part simply doesn’t hurt the body of Xu Ziyan’s mid-eight products. She immediately runs the sword and absorbs the lightning. The whole skin is covered with a thunder of lightning, and then hidden into the body of Xu Ziyan. As the sword gas is constantly forging the skin, flesh, ribs, veins, bones, marrow, and dirty of Xu Ziyan, the body of Xu Ziyan is lifted in a glimpse.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed in his heart, and the horror of the sky was full of desire. Across the road, the thunder and the thunder fell, and the entire island was shrouded in thunder, as if it were a thundering world. However, in the middle of this thunder network, Xu Ziyan is a sweetheart. She and the Thunder giant sword division of labor is clear, most of the Jiu Shen Shen Lei are absorbed by the Thunder giant sword, Xu Ziyan can feel the power of the Thunder giant sword is climbing. The small part of the Jiu Shen Shen Lei was absorbed by Xu Ziyan, and her swordsmanship was also climbing a little.

This sword, one person, was so safe and self-sufficient in the day of the robbery. After 18 days, the robbery cloud finally dissipated.


Xu Ziyan spit out a breath and held the Thunder's giant sword in his hand. He just wanted to carefully measure the amount, but he saw the intensive thunderstorm in the hilt, and took her flashlight out of focus. Xu Zi smoker a loose, the handle of the Thunder giant sword leisurely into her body, into the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and then he couldn't help but smile: "It's a white-eyed wolf. When there is lightning for you to eat, it is supple. When you finish eating, you turn your face and don't recognize people."

Some anger in my heart, I will spread the knowledge of God and explore whether there are monks around. This release of the gods, Xu Ziyan heart can not help but a joy, her gods actually raised the peak of the nine days of Xuan Xian. Exploring his own cultivation is only a mid-term of the nine-day Xuanxian, and did not reach the peak, not to be discouraged. In the knowledge of the gods, there was no monk around, so he flew into the purple smoke space.

Let go of the gods to cover the entire purple smoke space, and soon discovered the Thunder giant sword hidden in the void, involuntarily chilled to it:



In the consciousness of Xu Ziyan, a consciousness was immediately heard, and that clearly was a cold cry. Don't ask, let Xu Ziyan know about the Thunder giant sword, that is, it issued. I couldn’t help but let Xu Ziyan cry and laugh.

Shaking his head, no longer paying attention to the Thunder giant sword, just want to pay attention to it and temporarily can not afford it. Now, five years have passed, Xu Ziyan also feels that he should take a good look at his purple smoke space.

This breakthrough has made the space of purple smoke wider, the space has become more stable, and each star has become larger. Xu Ziyan’s figure landed on the purple smoke planet and dissipated his breath.

"the host!"

"the host!"


Peach blossom, spring thirty mothers and other demons felt the breath of Xu Ziyan, and flew toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's eyes swept away, and the joy was on his eyebrows. The peach blossoms and the spring 30-year-old mothers are now in the middle of the Da Luo Jin Xian, and hope is even more than the beginning of the nine-day Xuan Xian. The tree-shelled demon and the monsters, which are surrounded by black and pressed by more than 6,000, are also the repairs of Luo Tianshang, and the tens of thousands of fairy-tale monsters.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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