The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1409: Card recovery

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His eyes fell on the six monks of the first class, and his eyes could not help but shrink. The six people’s cultivation now has reached the beginning of the nine-day Xuanxian. It seems that the body of the monster is stronger than human beings, and the human talent is not comparable to the monster. After reaching the Tianxian period, the cultivation and understanding of the cultivation of Tiandao can not be separated, and the cultivation of the six people of the first class has begun to surpass the demon of the peach blossom and the spring thirty.

After waiting for the actual situation of the first class, Xu Ziyan’s heart was even more joyful. The first class of six people have now reached the end of the six products, the peak of the fairy charm, Xiandan division, fairy teacher and fairy sergeant.

Waving the hand to wait for the first class and the demons to disperse, only the peach blossoms and the spring 30-year-old mother stayed around, flying slowly around the purple smoke star, the peach blossoms and the spring 30-year-old mother explained to her the five-year purple The changes in the smoke star have now surpassed the thousand medicine gardens on the purple smoke star. The purple herbs and various herbal seeds collected by Xu Ziyan have finally reached the harvest season.

After reading all this, Xu Ziyan was very satisfied. When she was happy, she remembered that she had not eaten for a long time. She sent peach blossoms and cooked for herself, but she took a shower first. After changing a new dress, this was sitting under the tea tree of Enlightenment. Chun 30 was hand-made for Xu Ziyan to make tea, Xu Ziyan was sitting on the bamboo chair. With a sigh of tea, the whole mind was relaxing and closed his eyes slightly.

A small head suddenly appeared on the tea tree of Enlightenment behind him, like a boy of about ten years old. The boy is very cute and cute. However, the hair was black and white, and his eyes looked at Xu Ziyan. His face showed a joy, and he slammed out from the tea tree of Enlightenment and threw himself into the arms of Xu Ziyan:

"Master, you haven't come for a long time!"

Xu Ziyan took a closer look, but the more he came to realize the shape of the tea tree, the hands and the pull and the chubby face of the tea tree that laughed at the tea tree:

"Small enlightenment. I did not think that this little lazy egg is also the peak of the peak of the late Tianxian period. If you are willing to spend a little effort on your qualifications, I am afraid that it will have surpassed the peach blossom and the 30th mother."

Xu Ziyan said it well. Enlightenment Tea originally had a very high advantage for comprehending Tiandao. It was just that this kid was too lazy to know naughty all day and never practiced. That's why he also unknowingly cultivated to the peak of the late Tianxian period, if he is willing to cultivate a little. I am afraid that the repair of Xu Ziyan will not be repeated in a short time. However, this Wudao tea is lazy and has never been willing to practice. He only knows how to play around and let Xu Ziyan shake his head once.

The speed of the peach blossom is very fast. Xu Ziyan ate a bowl of long-lost Ling Rice and Ling Cai, drank a bowl of Ling Yu Tang, and drank some Xianxian wine. He found that the taste of this wine was more pure, and the peach blossoms were boastful. A pass. After that, I left the purple smoke star. Came to the Nether Star. Seeing that today's Nether Star has been thoroughly developed, those Nether Tree Fairies have developed into hundreds, and all kinds of Netherweed herbs are growing vigorously. The cultivation of those ghost tree demons has also been upgraded, and the highest cultivation has reached the peak of the late Tianxian.

After the inspection. Xu Ziyan went to the second earthen planet to see the land bear. I saw those big bears playing happily, chasing each other. The holy fruit on the head swayed with their running, and the appearance of Xu Ziyan could not help.

The figure flashed and he came to the first earthen planet. His eyes looked around the planet. Looking for the earth dragon, he heard a dragon dragonfly:


The squeak shook the whole planet, and then in the field of Xu Ziyan, the circle around the whole planet faced the outer bulge, and then a very large faucet was lifted from the ground. Xu Ziyan suddenly discovered that the dragon had coiled the whole planet. inside.


The earth dragon flew high above the planet and hovered in the sky, covering the sky. After that, the figure was still shrunk, and finally it was reduced to a palm-sized human appearance. A five-year-old boy, looking very honest, was honest and flew toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan reached out and touched him and couldn't help but smile: "Tulong, how do you become a human figure?"

Tulong said with a thick smile: "I don't know, it's the case after refining the earthen treasure."

Xu Ziyan nodded and released the gods to seriously explore the earth dragon, and he was shocked. At this time, the soil property in this soil is very pure, pure as the water property contained in the water of the same palm. The fire property contained in the body of Huo Linger only feels that his strength is better than the water and fire of a palm. Linger is weak, but it has reached the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian late peak, surpassing Xu Ziyan in strength.

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but rejoice. Now this Tu Long has become a pure earth property. His future cultivation will be very fast and will soon become a good helper. Stretched and pinched the earth dragon, said with a smile:

"You will be called Xiaotu in the future, so stay here and practice, and help the owner in the future."

"Yes, master!" The little bandit nodded.

"Go!" Xu Ziyan sent the small soil out.


A dragon scorpion, small soil and turned into a dragon around the planet, and then hidden into the planet.

Now there is a small soil, Xu Ziyan can not help but think of the fire Linger and a palm of water, the body shape flashed to the Sun Star, the body just fell on the Sun Star, they saw a red shadow came to her Xu Ziyan reached out and caught the fire, but it was the fire.

Opened the eyes of Yingpeng and looked at the fire and looked at the fire, and found that the fire spirit has completely recovered, but also slightly grows, and the heart is overjoyed. Played with Huo Linger for a while, Xu Ziyan shrouded the entire purple smoke star and found that the water of a palm still slept in the Xianhe, could not help but frown and asked:

"Fire Linger, this palm of water has never thought of coming over?"

Huo Linger shook his small head and shook his way into Mars: "Wake up once, then she said she would sleep again."

Xu Ziyan heard a word, and the gods shrouded the water in the palm of his hand and found that the water of one palm had completely recovered. At this time, lying quietly at the bottom of the river, the breath of the body was weakly elevated.

"Is this palm of water improving?"

Knowing that the water of a palm is not recovered because of the injury, Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief. And Huo Linger quit, thinking in his mind that he had three pure attributes, one palm of water, Huo Linger and Xiaotu. In the heart of the move, suddenly remembered the **** gold.

When the figure was moving, he stood on the metallic planet. The gods had just covered the entire Venus, and they saw a little man. The golden light was shining on his body, swaying toward himself, a mouth. As if the gold and iron strikes in general:

"the host!"

Xu Ziyan stunned and reached out and took the little golden man in his hand. He suddenly asked, "Are you the **** gold?"

"Yeah!" Xiaojin man nodded his finger and nodded.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and looked up and down the small gold. He couldn’t help but giggled, and the eyebrows were full of joy. This **** Jin is actually a congenital celestial treasure. When the laughter falls, Xu Ziyan holds the golden road in his hands:

"The master gave you a name, um, is it called Xiaojin?"

"Good!" Xiaojin nodded hard.

Playing with Xiaojin for a while, put Xiaojin back to the ground: "Go play by yourself!"

"Yeah!" Xiaojin nodded, but still staring at his fingers and staring at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s heart softened, but thinking that he still had a lot of things, he shook his hand at Xiaojin and his body shape disappeared in the air.

The figure reappeared and stood on the edge of the space. Just stopped the figure, and I saw a big head out of the chaos. I saw Xu Ziyan, cheering, rushing from the chaos Out, but it is the white that has been sleeping. Followed by Xiaobai is the cloud baby.

"the host!"

Xiaobai turned into a human figure, standing in front of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan looked at it, could not help but reach out and smile at Xiaobai’s head:

"Xiaobai, OK, even repaired more than the master, reaching the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian."

Xiaobai’s face was bitter: “That’s not the master.”

"Looking for an opportunity to try?" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"Good!" Little white eyes lit up.

Xu Ziyan smiled and looked at the cloud baby and smiled: "The cloud baby is also good, it is already a six-piece fairy."

"Master!" said Yun Bao, "The speed of the baby is fast!"

"Know you are amazing!" Xu Ziyan laughed.

Reaching out and picking up Tilian, I found that Tilian had completely recovered, and my heart was overjoyed. I finally got a card again. I immediately poured Tilian into my body. On my sole, I showed a lotus flower, my right foot was red, and my left foot was white.

Once again, I reached out and took the Ruyibao bottle out. When I saw that the Ruyibao bottle was completely restored, I received the eyebrow. Xu Li stood in the air and thought, Xu Ziyan left with satisfaction, and finally came to the chaotic planet, and his body figure fell in front of the chaos. The chaos opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan. The eyes were full of kindness. Xu Ziyan’s eyes are also full of kindness. Nowadays, because of the confusion, the sea has its own god, and seeing her is like seeing herself. Looking at her, five years, the chaos of cultivation has been upgraded to the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, surpassing the body of Xu Ziyan.

However, even so, Xu Ziyan is somewhat surprised. In the chaotic past speed increase, Xu Ziyan originally thought that she had reached the realm of Xian Wang, and the worst should be Xian Jun.

The confusion immediately knew the heart of Xu Ziyan, and smiled bitterly: "Ziyan, I am already fast enough. In total, I have been practicing for a few years, no more than ten years? And I am not going to be so fast, I will repair it later. The slower you will improve."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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