The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1412: Jianmu

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The amount of Tianfeng will undoubtedly become the cultivation place of the Xu family elite, which has been recognized by the present Xu Tiantian and his son. They also saw the heart of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan had no interest in the position of the patriarch. Even the control of Tianfeng, the cultivation of the holy land, was not of interest. As long as the amount of Tianfeng was controlled in the hands of the mainland.

Xu Yutian proposed that Xu Ziyan was the first generation of the saints who cultivated the holy land in Xujia, and was refused by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan said that now that the Xujia cultivation holy land has been established, she can let go, not ready to pay attention to these, and prepare to concentrate on cultivation.

Xu Haotian indulged for a while and said cautiously: "Ziyan, now I have reached the critical point of breaking the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian late stage. This cultivation holy place is very helpful for my breakthrough. Qinyang is now nine days. In the mid-term of Xuanxian, the most important thing is that he is the root of the five attributes."

Speaking of this, Xu Haotian took a deep look at Xu Ziyan and continued to say: "Ziyan, you are also the root of the five attributes, you should know that another name of the five attribute Lingen monks is the invincible in the same realm, now the piano Yang, even I may not be his opponent, so I want to pass the position of the patriarch to Qin Yang."

Xu Ziyan is very much in favor of Xu Haotian's decision, but in his mind, he can't help but think of Long Aotian's defeat of Xu Qinyang in the same realm. In the heart:

"It seems that the incompetence of the five attributes in the same realm is not absolute, but that Dragon Aotian is a freak. If it was not his own body that was stronger than him, and he found his weakness, he might not be able to overcome him. However, I feel that he is no longer a human. It is a piece of metal."

At this time, Xu Haotian’s face showed a smile: “Ziyan, should you know the legend of our Xujiawang?”

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Now the Xu family has two spiritual roots of you and Qin Yang. It is really a help for the family. The uncle thinks this way. Qin Yang inherits the position of the family and becomes the king of the Xu family. And you founded the Xu family to practice the holy land. Become the saint of the Xu family. You two will join hands to bring the family to the glory."

When Xu Xiaotian’s voice fell, Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang’s eyes showed light. And Xu Ziyan was slightly squinting and pondering for a while, then gently shook his head:

"The position of this saint is still to let the ancestors take it first. I don't want to distract my energy. The patriarch knows how difficult it is for each monk to raise the ranks of the five spiritual roots. I have already laid the foundation for the cultivation of the holy land. I will put it later. The experience is on the cultivation. Of course, I don’t care about the things of Xu, but I don’t participate in the usual things.”

Xu Xiaotian and his son showed regret in their eyes, and they also had a touch of ease. It can be seen from the attitude of Xu Ziyan that Xu Ziyan is really not interested in rights. The establishment of this Xujia cultivation holy place is also for the prosperity of Xu family. However, the two of them are also very clear. Xu Ziyan can not fight for power, but he has to fight for the power of the mainland. It can be seen from the attitude in Xu Ziyan's words that this cultivation of holy places must be in the hands of the mainland. Otherwise, she will not wait until the cultivation of the monks in the Cangwu mainland is promoted to the Xu family.

However, even so, Xu Haotian is fully acceptable and happy. However, he is still a little worried. He is worried that there is a purple smoke in the cultivation of the holy land. After all, the strength of Xu Ziyan is there, and the ancestors of each vein will converge in front of Xu Ziyan, acknowledging the status of the mainland in the cultivation of holy places.

but. If Xu Ziyan is practicing with one heart. See Xu Ziyan, the speed of cultivation, once she went to the Shangyuan Galaxy in a short time, and Xu Jia has other monks who have repaired more than Xu Zhenshan, once guilty. Competing for the full strength of the cultivation of the Holy Land has produced guilt. This is the result that Xu Haotian does not want to see. Now Xu Xiaotian saw the sincerity of Xu Ziyan. He was also a little selfish, and he sincerely said his fears.

Xu Ziyan said with a slight indulgence: "The patriarch, no matter the family, can't guarantee that his family will be able to live forever. We can only do good things for our generation."

However, in the heart of Xu Ziyan, I was thinking about another thing. Now that I have my own, the mainland of China will definitely control the holy land. At the same time, I will focus on cultivating a few disciples. It is impossible for other veins to compete for power with the mainland of China in a short period of time. The most important thing is that there is a Xu Xingfan in the veins of the Cangwu mainland. When Xu Ziyan comes to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, he has the cultivation resources he has given him, and he can become a true saint.

Hearing Xu Ziyan said, Xu Haotian also fell into meditation.

Yes, who can guarantee that his family will live forever! Children and grandchildren have their own children, and they only have a good foundation for their children and grandchildren. Thinking quickly in my mind, I quickly formed an idea, looking at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, I think so, this first generation of saints must be you anyway. You retired as the first generation of saints who founded the holy place of cultivation, and Zhenshan became the second generation saint management sanctuary, you see how is it?"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and then she told Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan very simply. She did not participate in the rest of the matter, let them have a good idea, she went out of the octagonal pavilion and returned to her bamboo house to practice.

Xu Xiaotian and Xu Zhenshan looked at each other with a smile, but how to choose to enter the practice of the Holy Land monks, as well as the future rules of practice in the Holy Land, as well as responsibility, status and other issues are imminent. The three people now understand the temperament of Xu Ziyan, and they no longer insist on Xu Ziyan to participate in these chores. Now they all know that Xu Ziyan is the first master of Xu family today, and belongs to the kind of people of the town.

"Hey, these little things are still for us to discuss. I really hope that the purple smoke can break through the nine-day Xuanxian late, not to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, not to mention the second-rate family like the Dragon family, which is the first-class grandson. The family we can also touch the family." Xu Haotian said longing.

"This..." Xu Zhenshan said cautiously: "The patriarch, it is said that the purple smoke broke through the late nine days of Xuanxian, and the strength of our Xu family is not enough. To know the first-class family like the Sun family, the monk of the late nine-day Xuanxian peak But no less than one hundred!"

Xu Haotian’s face was red: “I just yearn for it, don’t mind Zhenshan.”

“So best!” Xu Zhenshan nodded. “We are a lot better than the first-class family like Sun’s.”

Xu Xiaotian understands the meaning of Xu Zhenshan, that is to say, if Xu Ziyan breaks through the late nine-day Xuan Xian, Xu Jia will forget it, it will harm Xu family. The heart is more and more embarrassed, but now Xu Zhenshan's cultivation and status are different, and Xu Zhenshan said that it does make sense. He can only level the mind and start discussing with Xu Zhenshan about the cultivation of holy places.

This deliberation has been going up to the moon, and Xu and his father stood up excitedly and just wanted to leave. Xu Haotian’s heart moved, his face hesitated, turned his head and looked at Xu Ziyan’s bamboo building, his eyes flashing.

Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang did not know why Xu Haotian was so, and looked at Xu Haotian in confusion. In the end, Xu Tiantian seemed to have made up his mind to decide what to do. He walked toward the bamboo building of Xu Ziyan. When Xu Zhenshan and Xu Qinyang saw that Xu Haotian did not let them go together, they looked at each other and sat on the stone bench, looking at the back of Xu Tiantian.

Xu Ziyan walked to the front of the bamboo building and said, "Is it possible to come in?"

After a while, when the bamboo door opened, Xu Ziyan stood at the door and smiled at Xu Haotian: "The patriarch invited."

The two were sitting opposite each other, and Xu Ziyan showed his eyes. Xu Haotian has now made up his mind to take a touch on the storage ring and take out a jade to the table and whisper:

"Ziyan, this is the treasure of our Xu family ancestors. In the past, it was always the patriarch of Xu family who was qualified to use it. Uncle gave him to you today."

Xu Ziyan glanced at the jade, and shook his head gently: "The patriarch, since it is a family ancestral training, the purple smoke is still not needed, please take back the patriarch."

Xu Haotian said with firm eyes: "The ancestral training is also determined by people. Uncle's heart is very clear. Whether Xu family can escape this disaster depends on you and Qin Yang. However, Qin Yang is weaker than you. Something, so I decided to give it to you. I just hope that whenever you arrive, don't forget the home."

Seeing that Xu Ziyan still sat there and did not move, the look still revealed a rejection, Xu Haotian said with a smile:

"You open it first."

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it, and took the jade on the table and gently opened it. The look is a change. The jade is the root of a tree. It is more than two feet long, and a wooden property with a strong to the extreme is blowing. Xu Ziyan quickly searched in the inheritance. She had the inheritance of Dan Fuzong, and there was no record of plants in an alchemy heritage.

Suddenly she looked a glimpse and then ecstasy. Even a lot of Xu Ziyan can't control his emotions at this time. According to the record given in the inheritance, this rhizome turned out to be a building block.

Legend has it that this building is a kind of tree that can communicate with each interface and is the king of the wood attributes. After Jianmu grows, each branch will generate a portal to each interface. Only later did not know why it was destroyed, which also made it impossible for each interface to be established. The fairy world can also establish a transmission matrix, and the real world is completely unreasonable. Only the way to fly up can go.

And don't forget, it is the king of the wood attributes, even that the tea of ​​the Enlightenment is lower than it is innumerable. This is of great benefit to Xu Ziyan's understanding of the wood properties. It can be said that Xu Haotian gave her a big chance. In this way, this machine is not allowed to be purple smoke. However, what she thought was another matter. She wondered if she could save this building and use this rhizome to plant a building in her purple smoke space.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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