The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1413: Holy land establishment

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Looking up at the opposite Xu Tiantian, whispered: "The patriarch, please wait a moment, let me feel the roots of this building."

Xu Haotian's figure is a shock: "Do you know that it is built?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and Xu Haotian was shocked. He thought that Xu Ziyan came from Fanshi, although it was a high-level, but it was because of her qualifications. However, the knowledge is not necessarily good. I did not expect Xu Ziyan to recognize that this is Jianmu. If Xu Zhenshan had already experienced the blood of Xu Ziyan, Xu Haotian really doubted her origins.

In front of Xu Haotian, the rhizome of the building wood floated from the jade, and slammed into the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Haotian only thinks that Xu Ziyan is the root of the building wood wrapped in the body to understand the wood properties, because he used to do so. He is the root of the three attributes, and there is the root of the wood attribute. However, in fact, Xu Ziyan took the rhizome of this building into the purple smoke space and handed it to the peach flower. Let her see if she can live it.

Xu Ziyan’s glimpse of the sacred look of Xu Ziyan stood in front of the peach blossoms. The peach blossoms held the two-foot-long roots of the woods carefully, and the face appeared a distressed color. Xu Ziyan’s look is a change, whispered:

"Peach blossom, the fairy power here is so rich. And there is still an inexhaustible fairy liquid. Is it also impossible to save the building?"

Peach blossomed with regret and shook his head. Just wanted to talk, and his look suddenly slammed. Then reveal the color of the road:

"Master, slaves think of a way to save the building."

"What method?" Xu Ziyan was excited.

"If the owner can provide more chaos of the slaves that were given to the slaves in the vast mainland, the slaves will be able to save it, and it doesn't need so much, just cut a section from the stem." The rest of the owners can use it as a refiner or alchemy."


Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and dissipated the gods. At the same time, the eyes were opened in the bamboo building, and the rhizome also floated out of the body and fell into the jade. Xu Ziyan said that Xu Xiaotian, who was opposite, said softly:

"The patriarch, I received this gift. But I don't need so much, just a paragraph."

Xu Haotian shook his head and smiled: "Ziyan, I have not thought about cutting the roots of this building for a while, so that Qinyang can also cultivate. But the roots of this building are too hard, and the Xujiazu got it. That's the time, there is no fairy to cut it."

"Is that right?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, think about it, this root can be rooted in the innate fairy treasure, how can the ordinary fairy cut it.

With one hand and one hand, there is a more fairy sword in the hand, but it is the innate fairy treasure five attribute long sword that Yanshan soul refining for her. Xu Haotian fixed his eyes and looked confused. He found that he could not see the grade of the sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan.

I saw Xu Ziyan holding a head of the rhizome in his left hand. In the right hand, hold the sword and smash it toward the root of the tree.


Xu Ziyan felt his wrist shocked and stared at him. He saw a slight crack on the rhizome. Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh, this building is not a congenital treasure. This inferior Xianbao in his own hands could not even break it.

She is lamented here, and the opposite Xu Tiantian is directly shocked and sluggish. He naturally saw the tiny crack on the roots of the wood. Can not help but stare at the sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan, this is what kind of fairy, can cut the roots of the building wood!

Xu Ziyan locked the crack on the root of the tree, and the sword in the right hand pulled up the blurred afterimage. It only took a thousand swords in a row, and smashed for a quarter of an hour, and finally heard it. "Oh," the sound of the roots of the wood was smashed down a long section.

In the eyes of Xu Yantian, Xu Ziyan smashed the section of the building that fell to the ground, pretending to be a storage ring, and sent it directly to the hands of the purple smoke space peach. Then put the roots of the wood in the left hand into the cover of the jade, and pushed it to Xu Tiantian:

"The patriarch, you take it back."

Xu Haotian finally reacted from the shock, but the sword Xu Ziyan did not say, he also did not want to ask, it is the privacy of others. However, he still pushed the jade to the past:

"Ziyan, you cut it down again, I will give Qinyang."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan once again took out the roots and swords of Jianmu, and it was a smashing shackle. He laid a section of Jianmu and put it into the jade, and pushed it to Xu Haotian.

Xu Haotian no longer quits this time and immediately took the jade. Just wanted to say goodbye to Xu Ziyan, but I saw Xu Ziyan took a jade bottle from the storage ring and handed it to him:

"The patriarch, there are four gods, Dan, and you and Qinyang brothers each."

"Shen Yuan Dan?" Xu Xiaotian frowned, thinking, he really did not hear this kind of remedy. Opening the lid of the jade bottle, the look is a change. He does not know Shen Yuan Dan, but he knows Qi Xian Xian Dan. Suddenly looked up and said to Xu Ziyan’s trembling voice:

"This is... seven products Xiandan?"

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: “This kind of **** Yuan Dan can not only enhance the monk’s accumulation of the celestial power, but also enhance the understanding of the monks on the heavens. The patriarch has two gods, Yuan Dan should be able to break through to the nine days of Xuanxian. At the end of the peak, Qin Yang brother should also be able to reach the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term."

"This... is too expensive!" Xu Xiaotian said with a trembling voice.

"Receive it! The roots of the wood are also very important to me." Xu Ziyan said softly.

"Good!" Xu Haotian no longer quits, and his heart is filled with the idea of ​​going to practice immediately. But he knows that this is impossible. There are still many things that Xu needs to do. There is no thought here. After returning to Xu Ziyan, he immediately took Xu Qinyang and left Tianfeng.

Xu Ziyan sent Xu Xiaotian's father away, standing at the peak, looking at the flowing water. Fall into meditation. No wonder those masters in the fairy world are born in the family, the fate of the scattered repairs are very rough. As long as you can see this from your own body, when you are on the mainland, because of the low level. And it is not obvious that he has the inheritance of Dan Fuzong. However, after coming to the fairy world, if there is no family, how can I get the five-line conversion and determine the direction of my practice?

If there is no five-line conversion, I don’t know how long I have to explore, maybe I will go on the road. If there is no family. How can I get the way to split the Yuan Shen to practice? If the chaos eventually produced self-awareness and swallowed up on one of his own gods, the consequences were terrible.

If there is no family power behind, what would be so easy to get roots? Originally, Xu Ziyan thought about it, waiting for himself to enter the Shangyuan Galaxy, or to cultivate in the identity of the scattered, but at this moment she made up her mind. To practice as a disciple of Wan Jianzong. Although it will be responsible, it cannot be denied that there will be many unexpected benefits.

Returning to the mainstream, playing the eight-faced flag set out, and then flashed into the purple smoke space. First, I installed a large bottle of chaotic gas before I landed on the purple smoke planet.

When I saw that the peach blossom had already planted the wood, I handed the jade bottle to the peach blossom road: "Not enough to control me."

Peach nodded to the jade bottle, then opened the lid, dropped a few drops of chaotic gas on the soil that planted the roots of the wood, and then closed the lid and closed it.

"Peach blossom, how long does it take for you to build this wood to grow up?"

"This..." Peach Blossom said with some uncertainty: "I am afraid it will take tens of thousands of years. Or hundreds of thousands of years..."

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan directly became speechless. quite a while. Reaching out and patted the shoulder of the peach flower: "Then take care of it, I am leaving."

When the words fell, the body shape left the purple smoke space and returned to the bamboo building. The bitterness of a face thinks:

"I was originally thinking about what it looks like in Jianmu Changcheng. It seems that I have to wait!"

Standing in the bamboo building for a moment. She has now broken through the mid-ninth period of Xuanxian, and wants to break through to the late nine-day Xuanxian, unless it is to understand the nature of a certain property, or it will slowly accumulate. She is different from Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang is still only a five-in-one spiritual root, and has not merged five attributes to cultivate a world. However, Xu Ziyan has a world in his body, and his accumulation is much more than Xu Qinyang.

Besides, even if Xu Ziyan cultivated the world, he could not compare with Xu Ziyan. I want her master to practice the world in the world, but his body world is just a continent, and Xu Ziyan is a universe, the difference is too great.

Since it was slowly accumulating, Xu Ziyan was no longer anxious, and he thought about practicing alchemy first. After making a decision, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and the body shape flashed to the Tianfeng alchemy room, shutting the door of the alchemy room and starting alchemy.

When Xu Ziyan was immersed in the alchemy world, the Xu family completely boiled up. The patriarch Xu Tiantian personally announced that Xu Jia practiced the establishment of the Holy Land. Xu Ziyan was the first generation of saints, but now Xu Ziyan has retired and concentrates on cultivation. The second generation of the saints was served by Xu Zhenshan, who was already the peak of Xuantian in the late nine days, and began to select disciples of the Holy Land.

The amount of Tianfeng has risen in just a few years, and every Xu disciple is watching. Nowadays, I heard that Tianfeng is open to Xu, and the hearts of each one are hot.

All this, Xu Ziyan shut them out.

Tian Jianxing, Sun Jia.

Pansi sat on the big chair and frowned slightly. Sitting in the first place, Sun Xiaoqian, bitterly face, looking at the wire from time to time. Finally, the cold voice of Pansi sounded in the house:

"The ancient style of the dragon is really not the mud of the wall. A Xu family can't solve it. When I married you to the ancient wind, I worked hard to transfer the dragon home back from the front line and put it on Tianguixing. What is it for?" Isn't it just for you to expand your power and win the position of the world for the second son? Now you have not only failed to complete this task, but also dragged the white master, what do you want to use? If you let the big son become a son, you will have the inheritance rights of the grandson. Where can we still have a good time in the future?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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