The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1415: Gradually upgrade

Thank you very much ※Fengye classmates, Linglin 2 classmates, wheart classmates, condensed smoke 1208 classmates, eryanu classmates, dark fragrant classmates, purple strange fluttering classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, summer aroma RR classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates Liu Youchen, Xiaoli lily classmates, light purple 1985 classmates, plums ~~~ classmates, Betsys classmates, Ziyan classmates, Xianyi floating classmates' pink ticket!


Long Aotian paused for a moment and extended a second finger: "If these scattered repairs can't solve the Xu family, those families will definitely shoot. Especially the Sun family, when we don't have to ask them at that time, they will Will take the initiative."

"They... will take the initiative?" Long Gufeng looked at his son incredulously.

Long Aotian definitely nodded and said: "It will be."


"Father!" Long Aotian said seriously: "You have only eight first-class families in the Zhongyuan Galaxy for thousands of years. Are you not surprised?"

"What is so strange? Because they have the strongest strength in eight, there are nine days of Xuanxian late peak monks sitting in the town." Long Gufeng said in disapproval.

"No!" Long Aotian firmly shook his head and said: "For thousands of years, the entire Zhongyuan galaxy is only the eight major families will have nine days of Xuanxian late peaks? Other families have no monks to practice until the nine days of Xuanxian late peak?"

"This is not the case!" Long Gufeng said: "In addition to the eight first-class families, there are two types of monks who break through the peaks of the nine-day Xuanxian period. One is the scattered repair. Such monks and eight families will invite them to join the family. If they disagree, the eight big families will not say anything. Because he is only a one-off, one-person, will not pose a threat to the eight families. And they think that they are single and have no worries. Once they offend them, If you can't kill them, it's a problem.

The second is that the disciples of a certain family have appeared in the late nine-day Xuanxian monk, and the eight major families will also invite to join their family. Become an elder in the eight major families. If the family refuses, it will be destroyed, because if you let the family of the nine-day Xuanxian late monk develop, it will threaten the status of the eight first-class families. They are not a mess, but a family. In fact, not only the eight first-class families, but also the four super-families are also working, they can not let Xianjun appear outside the four major families. ”

Speaking of it. The dragon's ancient look looked awkward, and then the eyes lit up: "Aotian, do you mean that the Sun family will do it?"

Long Aotian confidently said: "Yes, they will not let Xu family grow up within Sun's sphere of influence."

"But..." Longgufeng looked hesitant and turned to look at Sun Xiaoqian: "Will the Sun family invite Xu’s nine-day Xuanxian late peak into the Sun family? What is the late nine-day Xuanxian peak of the Xu family? What is the reputation?"

Sun Xiaoqian’s eyes are bright: “I will go to the grandson’s house to find my grandmother. Xu’s unnamed monk can be the late nine-day Xuanxian’s peak, which proves that Xu’s family may not have only one nine-day Xuanxian late peak. I will speak Grandma said that Xu Jiabao had a misfortune and wanted to seize the status of Sun’s family. As long as her grandmother was told by me, Grandma would go to lobby for the Sun family and let the Sun family dispatch the nine-day Xuanxian late peak to the Xu family.

“Good!” Long Gufeng stood up excitedly. “We first spread the news that Xu Jia had nine days of Xuan Xian’s late monk monk, and presented him with a reward. Then Mrs., you immediately set off for the Sun family!”

"Father!" Long Aotian stopped the ancient winds of the dragon: "We don't want our mother to go to the grandson's house for a while, waiting for the time to pass. If those nine days of Xuanxian's late peaks in the meditation can destroy the Xu family It is also said that we have broken down to the Xu family independently, that is, the Sun family will also look at our dragon family at a high price. If those scattered repairs did not destroy the Xu family, then go to the Sun family at that time. Xu family appeared in the late nine-day Xuanxian peak The news of the monk has appeared for so long. However, if he does not contact the Sun family, he will be more realistic about the facts of the home. When the mother says that it is easier to move the Sun family."

"Yes! We just want to push Xu to the corner." Sun Xiaoqian said gloomyly.

Two months later, Xu Ziyan has already broken the alchemy technique to the peak of the late seven products. I started to try to break through the eight-piece Xiandan division. Xu Haotian finally broke through to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, and Xu Qinyang also broke through to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. However, the two did not break the order. So there is no robbery, everything happens quietly.

However, the two of them did not break the order, but other monks had a breakthrough order. Xu Haotian did not dare to let them rob the Tianfeng. Nowadays, Tianfeng’s position in Xu’s heart is the Holy Land. Xu Haotian had already chosen a place in the Xu family to give a breakthrough disciple.

Contrary to this budding momentum, Xu Zhenshan's face is very gloomy. In the past few days, he took the Xu family to go hunting. He was besieged by two monks of the late nine-day Xuan Xian. Not only did the Xu disciples have many casualties, but he also tried to cover the retreat of the Xu family.

At this time, within the Dongfu of Xu Zhenshan in the amount of Tianfeng, sit on the top of the Holy Land. Xu Haotian looked at Xu Zhenshan, who had recovered some injuries:

"Zhenshan, this time you are somewhat rash. You exposed this nine-day Xuanxian late peak, and the pressure on Xu will be even greater."

At this time, Xu Zhenshan had already understood the seriousness of the matter, and his eyes showed remorse. He still had insufficient vision. Although the cultivation has suddenly increased, but after all, it was only a small role in the Xu family, and it was not enough. Xu Haotian did not blame Xu Zhenshan again, but turned his attention to the crowd:

"Now we only have two ways to go. One way is that I immediately set off to go to the Sun family and get in touch with the Sun family. I will explain the situation here and the Sun family. I and Zhenshan joined the Sun family to become elders. So, it is the Dragon family. I dare not ask us how to make a home again. We can open the mountain gate and stop the mountain.

The other way is to resolutely not go to the Sun family, so our opponents will no longer be the Dragon family, but will become the first-class family grandchildren. This road will be very difficult and there is a danger of being destroyed. But there is also hope for the complete rise of the Xu family. ”

All the people are silent. It is reasonable to say that the current situation of Xu’s family should be chosen as the first road. However, every Xu family’s mind has a desire to grow into a first-class family like Sun’s family. The road is too dangerous, everyone is afraid to make this determination.

And the most important thing is that once you have made up your mind to take the second road, you will go to a road of no return. Even if Xu Jia eventually became a first-class family like Sun Jia, would Xu Jia stop to move forward? If one day the family appeared Xianjun, would it surrender to the four super family?

The answer is no, Xu will definitely challenge the four super families. And even if you don't challenge, you will be willing to surrender to the four super families. Will the four super families believe in Xu?

To know that Xu Jia has a criminal record, from the second-rate family to the first-class family, how can the four super-families believe in the sincerity of Xu family? Therefore, Xu family can only embark on a road of constant challenge. Not rising in the challenge, or dying in the challenge.

This is a major problem that the family faces the demise of the genocide. No one dares to express his position easily.

Time is passing silently, and the air is full of stagnation. Xu Zhenshan reflected on himself there, suddenly moving in the heart, with his own small and cautious personality, how can he now think of not surrendering to the Sun family, wanting Xu to become a first-class family like Sun? What gave me this idea?

Xu Ziyan!

Yes, Xu Ziyan gave him the idea of ​​generating this idea. Every change of Xu family is brought by Xu Ziyan. Perhaps only Xu Ziyan can make the decision to go that way? Thinking of this, Xu Zhenshan said with a hoarse voice:

"The patriarch, is this thing waiting for the purple smoke to go out and negotiate again?"

Everyone listened, and their eyes were bright. At this time, their hearts suddenly became stunned. All of them were hesitant to go that way because of the changes that Xu Ziyan brought to Xu, and they made everyone challenged without knowing it. Confidence. Xu Haotian’s eyes also showed a hint of sorrow. Although Xu Ziyan’s time to Xu’s family was very short, the short one could be neglected. But her influence has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Slightly pondered, said:

"The order, Xu family disciples from this moment canceled out hunting, waiting for the purple smoke to go out and then decide the direction of the future."

What is Xu Ziyan doing now?

Still in alchemy. She spent nearly seven months, but still did not break through to the Eight Pinxian Master. Of course, during these seven months, she is not always in alchemy, she also needs rest, to ease the nervous nerves. When she was a monk, she sometimes cultivated and sometimes condensed her sword. During these seven months, her cultivation was steadily improving, and she gathered more than 3,000 swords. Every sword has it. The power of the eight-product mid-peak peak fairy.

The Dragon family spread the news of the nine-day Xuanxian late peak monk at the fastest speed, and then issued a reward. Over time, more and more nine days of Xuanxian’s late peaks were scattered toward the Xu family. Convergence. However, the Xu family seems to be the real mountain, and there is no longer a Xu family monk. This made these distractions anxious, although they all knew that there was a grandson behind the dragon family and they dared not make too much. However, it also caused the Yueji City to get messed up.

The Dragon family has no way to do this. It can only endure the hope that the Xu family can come out. However, the Xu family was given the order of Xu Haotian, and they all hid in the large array of cultivation, and no one came out.

This situation lasted for another three months, and those scattered and the monks of the Dragon family were upset. Finally, the nine-day Xuanxian late peaks can not help but the troubles began to make trouble with the Dragon family, so that the Dragon family can find a way to let the Xu family that nine-day Xuanxian later peak. Or find a way to break the large family of Xu family.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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