If you don’t ask for anything, you’ll add a more chapter and send a welfare O(∩_∩)O


I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates, chasing daughters of Japan, wqiy2003 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Cycs classmates, Susu children, first classmates, fat non-classmates, CHOCO619 classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates, maylao Classmates, fat people, non-classmates, late autumn dream students, Tang Tang 8719 classmates, Eason to classmates, He Silao classmates, Sinan Xuan classmates pink ticket!


Long ancient winds are crying and laughing, how can the Dragon family let the Xu family listen to their own? Let the people of Xu family come out and come out? As for the break of the Xu family guards? The eyes of Long Gufeng turned, but they played the idea of ​​the peak of these nine days of Xuan Xian.

After negotiating with these scattered repairs, they rushed to the Xujia Husbandate, and dozens of nine-day Xuanxian late monk monks were screaming at the Xujia Husbands for seven days. In the late nine-day Xuanxian period, it was clear that the Xujia’s guardian squad was absolutely powerful. With these people, I am afraid that they will be bombarded for several years.

several years?

This time, these scattered trainings were exhausted, and the method of discussion was noisy.

It took another month for this to come and go. Some of the scattered repairs just left, but some scattered repairs were left because the Long family promised to find a way.

The amount of peaks.

Alchemy indoors.

Xu Ziyan shot on the top of Dan Ding, and the last handcuffs broke into Dan Ding and closed the fire. Opened the lid, Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, waved the Dan medicine inside Dan Ding, she finally broke through to the eight Pinxian Xiandan.

Danding will be collected. Adjusted for a while. I remembered the thirty-six disciples of Xu Jia. Now it has been nearly a year. I don’t know how the thirty-six disciples learned.

A glimpse of the gods into the Ding Ding, and soon Xu Ziyan took back the gods. There was a smile on his face. Nowadays, the thirty-six disciples have passed the middle of the five products, and there are still several disciples in the realm of the early six products. Although they are far from the expectations of Xu Ziyan, with this foundation, they can be released. Tianfeng worked.

As for the future development, they realized it by themselves. Xu Ziyan can pass on to them, but they cannot continue to stay in the palace. On the one hand, the understanding of more than six products is quite difficult. It is not a short time to comprehend. However, as long as there is inheritance, they do not have to stay in the palace, they can return to the family to slowly comprehend. On the other hand, Xu family should now enter a period of rapid development and need them to come back.

Xu Ziyan went to find a chance to leave Xu, pretending to go to a hidden family to pick them up.

I remembered the confusion. Then he flew into the purple smoke space and landed in front of the chaos. Seeing that the chaos is still the cultivation of the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, the heart could not help but be lost. Chaos shook his head and said:

"Ziyan, my realm has a direct relationship with you, although for my physical reasons, it may be higher than your cultivation, but there are restrictions, after all, I am just your avatar."

"What restrictions?" Xu Ziyan suddenly.

"Mood is repaired!" The chaos said softly: "My cultivation will not be too high for your state of mind. After all, our two gods are figured out."

Xu Ziyan is amazed. At the beginning, the chaos broke through to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. His own cultivation is only the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term, but his own state of mind has been long, and it has been nearly a year to unconsciously tea, and because of alchemy. The cultivation of one's own state of mind has reached the peak of the nine-day period of Xuanxian. So the worst of the chaos should be Xianjun, right?

Chaos shook his head and said: "I also need time to absorb the chaos. I told you that my future cultivation will not be as fast as it was. However, I don't think it will take much time for me to break through to Xianjun. ”



"Great! You will practice well, I will not bother you."

When Xu Ziyan fell, he left here and came to the Ziyan Planet. The first thing that made her happy was that the water of a palm woke up. Xu Ziyan now can't even see the realm of the water of a palm. The rest of the demons have also improved, but the realm of promotion is not big. Xu Ziyan was happy to leave the purple smoke space.

Outside the Xu family, the Dragon family and those scattered studies finally negotiated a result.

this day.

The monks of the Long family built a strong and huge downfall outside the gates of the Xu family, challenging the Xu family. The Xu family's monks did not respond, but the dragon family gathered a thousand monks standing on the platform, magnified the door and began to smash the Xu family. The snoring was extremely rude and wretched, and a group of people changed for a group of people. From the morning of the morning to the night, and from the night to the dawn.

Which family has no blood, and people are blocked by the door, and many people can hold back? Unless she has no shame, she has no self-esteem.

Xu’s **** disciples finally couldn’t help it!

"Work with them!"


"It’s just that you can die and make a tortoise!"

"Crush out and fight with them!"


When a monk rushes out, a group of monks will rush out.


The Xu family's monks rushed out of the big platoon like a torrent, and rushed to the past with the dragon monks on the ring. The tens of thousands of monks in the sky were red and madly killed the family.

"Don't go out!"

Xu family's ancestors screamed and screamed, and more ancestors flew toward Tianfeng, and asked for help from Tianfeng. When Xu Tiantian rushed out with the monk of Tianfeng, he saw Xu’s disciples falling from the sky like rain. It was a fallen Xu family.

The dragon family and those scattered corrections are madly killing the Xu family monks!

"Give me back!"

Xu Haotian shouted, his eyes left tears, and his body rushed out. Xu Zhenshan followed closely, and the monks who measured Tianfeng followed closely behind. While blocking the other side's attack, while protecting the Xu family disciples to withdraw from the Xu family.

Blood should not be condemned, but blood will often give up life.

It was just a quarter of an hour. Xu’s disciples have fallen thousands of times. At this time, they are all awake, and they saw the patriarch’s eyes cracking and shouting. Flowing one by one, and withdrawing from the family.

Xu Ziyan opened the alchemy room, and came out with joy from the inside, flying toward the amount of Tianfeng.


Suddenly she found out that it was wrong. How can Tianfeng be so quiet, it is impossible to retreat. In the past, some people always went out to do something else, such as sorting out some medicine gardens and the like.

Xu Ziyan quickly spread his knowledge. Soon after, the entire amount of Tianfeng was covered for a hundred miles, and his face changed immediately. Except for a few closed, the remaining monks did not even measure Tianfeng.

"problem occurs!"

Xu Ziyan’s body shape instantly revealed the amount of Tianfeng, and the gods spread to the Xu family, and when they arrived, they suddenly split their eyes. I was seeing the mess inside the family, and some monks were rushing out. Some monks are rushing in...

Xu Ziyan's body shape flashed again, and there was already a large family of Xu family guards. In her vision, Xu disciples were in opposition to the monks outside.

It is said that it is not appropriate to hedge. It should be said that it is murdered. Most of the monks who have fallen from the sky are Xu disciples. In particular, there are dozens of nine-day Xuanxian late monk monks who are madly killing Xu Jia. Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan have been seriously injured, and they squirt blood on their lips. They seem to be madly blocking each other, and Xu’s disciples see their patriarchs and saints in the encirclement. Seeing it will fall. One by one became more crazy, like a moth, and knew that he was dying and struggling toward the other side.

Xu Ziyan did not know why the Xu family was going crazy and rushed out of the big array, but she knew that the situation at the moment was very dangerous.

"Wan Jian!"


There was a cicada in the sky. On the head of Xu Ziyan, there were nearly four thousand swords in the air, and the purple air was lingering. Every sword is exuding the power of the Eight Elements in the mid-term.

"go with!"

Nearly four thousand handles of the sword screamed and fell from the sky, and each sword was spurred to the dragon monks and those scattered.


Numerous dragon monks and sorcerers fell from the air, and the power of the nearly four thousand-handed swords that suddenly appeared shocked the monks and sorcerers, releasing spells or offering swords to block the air. A handful of self-contained hands have a seven-piece fairy, while dialing the gas sword, while rushing to Xu Haotian, want to leave the head of the nine-day Xuanxian late peak to the dragon family to receive the reward.

"The purple sword is in the river!"

Nearly four thousand handles of the air sword suddenly formed like a river of heaven, roaring across the air, separating the Xu family monks and the dragon family monks.

“The first line runs through!”

Eighteen-handed swords from the purple long river were lined up in a line, and the spurt of the hand-held seven-piece fairy was lasing.

"When ~~"

The scattered sword was smashed on the annihilation clock that Xu Tiantian had sacrificed. Xu Tiantian, who was already at the end of the strong battle, flew in the air and spurted a blood.


The first squirt was hit on the defensive Qi Pin Xian, and the slash repaired the body to be poured on the seven-piece celestial device, resisting the 18-handed sword.


The sound of the crash came from the air, and the sword with one handle and the other was intensively hit on the scattered seven-piece fairy. Before the end of the 18-handed sword, Xu Ziyan reached out and took a stroke. Another hundred swords flew out of the purple long river and practiced to go to the spur of the spur.

Xu Ziyan Yu Jian's speed is too fast, one handle and one handle, and finally the thirty-eighth handle Qi Jian suddenly shattered the scattered fairy, the other's body through, the next dozens of swords will spread that It was cut into a sieve and fell from the air.

"go back!"

Xu Ziyan drunk, at this time, the dozens of scattered corrections each sacrificed a fairy, formed a battle, broke the purple sword into a river, approaching Xu Ziyan.

"The dance of the big river!"

Xu Ziyan, while drinking Xu Xiu, let them return to the guardian squad, while the whole purple sword danced into the river, like a purple dragon swimming in space.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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