The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1421: Street fighting fairy

I am very grateful to the students of the dark incense, the classmates, the kineika classmates, the knowell classmates, the book friends 120927170647085 classmates, the book friends 110908074409551 classmates, the cartoon 伶 classmates, the heartbreaking 33 classmates, the condensed classmates, the lonely fleeing classmates, the Xuanyuan scars Classmates, snowy night pistachio classmates, fat people, non-classmates, sand time classmates' rewards!


At this time, the stinging man strolled on the streets of Yueji City, frowning and wondering how to approach the Xu Ziyan.

Opposite her, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang's eyes are looking at her. Xu Qinyang whispered with a smile:

"Ziyan, your beauty and you have a fight!"

Xu Ziyan gave him a look. He just wanted to say something, but he saw the beautiful woman across the face suddenly raised his head and looked at her sharply.

There are no people around Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. Otherwise, Xu Qinyang will not whisper and talk to Xu Ziyan, but use the sound. However, what is the sting of mansions?

It is Xianjun!

Even if she was absent-minded, Xu Qinyang’s “Ziyan” was also passed to her ears. A shock in my heart, my eyes looked at Xu Ziyan.

The thorny family has a kind of supernatural power, called "broken sputum!"

This magical power can break all illusions, even the magical movement of the **** machine is no exception. At this point, the sturdy scorpion's eyes floated a layer of faint black gas. In this layer of black air, the true appearance of Xu Ziyan appeared in the eyes of the thorns.

"Xu Ziyan!"

The thorny man’s mouth flicked a smile: “I didn’t think she would still be a magical instrument of the **** machine. I am more and more interested in her.”

The thorn mang smiled slightly toward Xu Ziyan, and his eyes showed an appreciation for Xu Ziyan, who is also a beautiful woman. Xu Ziyan also politely smiled at the thorns. Although she felt the sharpness of the thorny eyes just now, but the eyes of the thorns were very soft at this time, Xu Ziyan was somewhat confused, but still raised his vigilance in his heart. And told Xu Qin Yang to be careful by voice.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang whispered and hurriedly hurried forward, and the thorns also looked away from Xu Ziyan's body and looked at the surrounding scenery with a shallow smile on his face. Just like the shallow smile on the face of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

The three people are relatively slow and gradually approaching.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang were taut in their hearts, but their faces were still smiling and whispering. The thorns are also looking at the other direction, the smile on the face is more and more full, as if the mood is very good at this time.

Both sides passed by...

One hand of the stabbing man suddenly extended and grabbed it toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang turned at the same time, and each of them shot and slammed out...

The sky is flying. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang's chest intuition was boring, and the figure was swept out by the thorns, and the thorns stood as loose and the lines did not move.

Just looking at Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang's eyes revealed a hint of curiosity. She did not want her emotions to have been pretending to be very good. It was actually discovered by two people, and she did not even think that the two nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term could even join hands to resist her. Although she did not make full efforts.


The body shape of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang fell to the ground in more than 20 meters. The figure again took a few steps backwards and spit out a sulking sigh in the chest.


Xu Ziyan is just the blow, just sure that the other party is definitely the cultivation of Xianjun. No longer hesitate, he wanted to escape to the family with Xu Qinyang.

The face of the piercing man suddenly burst into a beautiful smile, with a touch of sarcasm in his eyes, and a finger pointed out to Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang:


Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang immediately felt that the air around them became extremely heavy, as if they had become a copper wall and the iron wall was squeezing toward them, making both of them extremely difficult. At this time, the two thorns of the two twenty meters away from them are blooming with a smile and lightly moving towards the Xu Ziyan section...

Xu Qinyang sat cross-legged. His right hand was lifted **** his chest. As his right hand slowly lifted up, the space was rippling, and a guqin appeared out of thin air, lying across his lap...

Xu Ziyan stood beside Xu Qinyang. With both hands lifted up, a jade flute appeared in her hand. Horizon across the lips...

"嗡~~" Xu Qinyang put his hands on the strings, and a circle of halo swayed around...

"呖~~" Xu Ziyan's slender fingers jumped lightly on the jade flute, and a circle of halo swayed around...


Under the joint force of the two men, the halo instantly broke the impediment around the body and slammed into the squeezing air, and the air barrier from the thorns shook.

Xu Qinyang’s hands pulled out the shadows on the guqin, and the loud humming sounds burst in the space. In this huge roar, a high-pitched and beautiful flute sound like a crane, like Fengming, with Xu Ziyan The fingers of the spirit went straight into the sky.

Xu Qinyang squatted on the ground, Xu Ziyan stood aside.

Just sit!

Stand up!

The hurricane swayed their clothes, fluttering their hair, and the opposite thorns still bloomed with smiles, and the money came...

“Is this the true strength of Xianjun?”

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a little embarrassed to think of the scene in which she and the chaos continued to fight the iron and the end of the world. Although the iron Tianya released the scent of Xianjun, it was too different from the woman in front of her...

The thorny mantle comes from the distance, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang are less than five meters apart...

Xu Ziyan’s heart glimpses and concentrates on his own attention. Now is the moment of life and death!

Centered on Xu Ziyan, a layer of faint five-color circles whirls rapidly and spreads toward the outside world. This is the first time she has used the five elements of illusion to display it through sound. She hadn't been able to do this before, until she practiced the real five-line conversion.


Xu Qinyang's hands suddenly increased the intensity, a five-color circle more intense than the purple smoke color, and Xu Ziyan's eyes narrowed. Xu Qinyang’s sound power is even deeper than himself.

However, she understood it in an instant. Xu Qinyang is the root of the five attributes, and he does not know how many thousands more than himself in the sound of the gong. It is normal to surpass himself.

Two five-line rings come out. The surrounding air barriers began to crack in an instant.

Xu Qinyang’s five elements rose upwards, and the five lines of Xu Ziyan fell to the bottom...


The two five-row rings merge together, instantly magnifying and spreading rapidly.


The entire air barrier crashed...

The violent power of the opposite side impacted the thorns on the opposite side. The group of thorns was blown up. The look of the thorns changed slightly, and the eyes revealed interest. When the fingers slammed, the fingertips had a feather, and the fingertips flicked. The feathers flew to Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.


A noisy sound, the feather turned into a huge black giant bird, and two sharp giant claws were struck toward Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.


The five elements of Xu Ziyan were stripped from the fusion. Shrinking toward the middle, and then one, turned into a phoenix, and slammed into the black giant bird.


Xu Qinyang’s five-line ring was similarly shrunk, turning into a dragon and slamming toward the thorns.

However, it was Xu’s sound and dragon Fengming, Xu Ziyan played Fengming, and Xu Qinyang played the dragon.


The phoenix of Xu Ziyan slammed away. The color of the black bird faded by half, but it still rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

The thorn man reached out with one hand, and the hand was instantly enlarged on her chest. He grabbed the faucet released by Xu Qinyang and squeezed it with force. He slammed and the faucet was broken.


From the faucet to the dragon body to the dragon tail, it is as fragile as ice...


Xu Ziyan's mental strength and Xianyuan force have been running to the extreme, and the corner of the mouth has oozing blood, along with her high-pitched sound. There was a dense squadron. Each hand armed with a blade of war rushed to the past with the black giant bird in the air.


At the same time, Xu Qinyang's mouth also oozes blood. With the sharp strokes of his hands, the dense and gloomy army of ghosts appears out of thin air. The past was bombarded with the soul of the thorns.

This is exactly what Xu Jiayin has done.

"These two people are Xu family monks? How dare they come out?" The surrounding monks of the city of Jiji were stunned.

"Who is that woman? She is very good."

The space burst out of raging energy, and the shape of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang flew backwards. And the footsteps of the thorns went down, and I looked at the two people's eyes and revealed a hint of surprise, faintly said:



Xu Ziyan sighed softly, and Xu Qinyang took the whistle and flew in the direction of Xu.

A figure appeared in front of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, but it was the dragon proud to stroll on the street. Since it is a Xu family monk, he has no reason to let go. As soon as the two fists came out, the two arms extended forward and turned into two metal dragons to strike with Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

He did not ask to hurt Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, as long as they can block it slightly. As long as they are blocked for a moment, the beautiful woman behind will catch up, and the two monks of Xu family will be killed by the beautiful woman. Maybe because of his own help, that beautiful woman will also favor her, and Long Aotian’s eyes have a haze, and there is still a look.

"Yin Yang brother, you go."

Xu Ziyan fell, extending two hands in the space to enlarge, and instantly grabbed two faucets, that is, the two fists of Long Aotian, then turned and squatted, and the body of Long Aotian was smashed by Xu Ziyan. An arc was drawn in the air, crossed the top of Xu Ziyan's head, and the thorns that followed the back bombarded the past.

In the air, Long Aotian was shocked. He saw the thorns of the mans. If the thorns were inconvenienced, they would give themselves a punch, and they would really fall on the spot. In the moment, I made a decision, and immediately broke my two fists, and one body flashed out to the side.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes narrowed, and she did not think that Long Aotian would break the wrist. Now she only has two fists in the hands of Long Aotian, and she does not want to throw it at the thorns. At this time, Xu Qinyang didn't even think about it. He knew that he would stay here. I am afraid that it would only add chaos to Xu Ziyan. The figure was teleported out and went to the family.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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