The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1422: Stinging surprise

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For Xu Qinyang's departure, the stab is not reasonable, her goal is only Xu Ziyan. With a wave of sleeves, the two fists of Long Aotian flew out, and the body shape flashed to the front of Xu Ziyan. A hand grabbed Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan switched his body in an instant and chaos, and a fist rang the palm of his hand.


The raging hurricane flew out from between the two people. The violent hurricane, like a sharp blade, even killed a few close-knit monks.

The chaotic figure flew out, and a spurt of blood was poured out in the first place. The eyes were stunned, and both hands were clenched together into a fist and slammed out.

I saw the sky suddenly darkened, covered with layers of fairy mountains, the top of the fairy mountain is a fairy palace, the fairy gongs inside the fairy palace, squeezing the past to the thorn.

The face of the thorn mang has finally changed, with a shock, and a bit of surprise. A pair of big sleeves flew outwards, and the front of the fairy mountain was shot, and the mouth laughed:

"Ha ha ha. I am looking for you!"

The chaotic head did not return to the teleport, and halfway through, he grabbed Xu Qinyang, who was flying, and flew away to the Xu family.

"Are you running? Hahaha..."

The thorns behind it opened the encirclement of Xianshan, and stepped across to Xu Ziyan.


There were a thousand swords on Xu Ziyan’s head. Going to the thorns behind him. On the side of the thorns, she instantly recognized that the grade of these swords was not something she could resist, and the figure flew back sharply toward the rear.


Xu Ziyan threw Xu Qinyang into the big guardian, and she stood outside the big array. Turned his head and looked behind him. His eyes can't help but be dark, and his own sword can't catch up with the thorns. The mental power control swayed the sword and swung towards him. These are all Xu Ziyan's hard-to-converge, she can't bear to throw it away.

The thousand-handed sword is like a purple long river rushing toward Xu Ziyan. The thorns finally show an anxious color. If Xu Ziyan escapes, it is difficult to find such an opportunity. At this point, she could not help but blame herself for ignoring the other side, if she took out her full strength from the beginning. Maybe this time I have already caught Xu Ziyan and rushed back to the family.

The stinging figure disappeared in the air, and Xu Ziyan’s heart was tight. She was sure that if she did not respond, the next moment would appear next to her.

As soon as the mind was moved, a hundred-handed sword formed a fan shape in the air, and then immediately:



The sword of the mid-top of the 100-piece eight-piece smashed suddenly, and the space burst into numerous cracks. The shape of the stinging man was smashed out, and the clothes on his body were blown up, and a face became very ugly.

The purple long river was hidden in the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s body shape flashed into the large circle of the Xu family, and the disappointing sky was left outside.

Within the big array, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang looked at each other and saw the horror from the other's eyes. Half-sounding, Xu Qinyang asked softly:

"Who is that woman?"

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head and said: "I don't know, but she is a real fairy."

"What do we do then?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the thorns outside the big array. The eyes flashed. I finally bite my teeth and said: "I have to get the three people from the West Gate as soon as possible. I will go now."

"Ziyan!" Xu Qinyang grabbed Xu Ziyan's arm and said: "Are you going out to find death now?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "She never thought that I would run out again after fleeing to the family. This is the best time. Qinyang brother, you go back first. I sneak out from the other side."

If you fall, you will not pay attention to Xu Qinyang. The figure flickered away from the other side of the Xu family.


Xu Qinyang anxiously shouted, but only saw the back of Xu Ziyan disappeared. Anxiously squatting on the sleeves, turned his eyes and stared at the thorns outside the big array, monitoring what would happen to her.

The thorns looked at the Xu family of guardians, their eyes continually flickering, and finally they hated and slammed their feet, and their bodies disappeared in the air.

Xu Ziyan changed his clothes and changed his appearance. He walked toward Yueji Inn. Carefully observe the traces of the thorns along the way. It was not until she walked into the Yueji Inn that she found no trace of the thorns, which was a sigh of relief.

Go straight to the counter and whispered: "Excuse me, the treasurer, is there a monk called Simon's solitary smoke?"

The treasurer looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan: "He just returned, on the second floor of the B-room."

Xu Zi fluttered a thank you, walked toward the second floor, went up the second floor, came to the front of the B-shaped room door, and flexed his fingers gently.

The door was opened, and the solitary smoke in the west gate stood in front of the door, and looked at Xu Ziyan with vigilance.

"Senior Simon, I am a purple smoke."

The solitary smoke of Ximen looked awkward, and since nodded, Xu Ziyan was put in. Xu Ziyan entered the room and saw Di Yi and Yan Xingyun sitting in the room. At this time, they all stood up from the chair, and some looked confusedly at Xu Ziyan.

When Xu Ziyan saw the solitary smoke in Ximen, the door was closed, which revealed his original appearance. The solitary smoke of Ximen, Di Yi and Yan Xingyun were shocked, and then they said:


Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Don't say it first, I will take you into the Xu family and talk again."

When the words fall, the cloud baby is summoned and sees the cloud baby. The three people in the West Gate are even more convinced that the person in front of them is Xu Ziyan. One by one, they immediately entered the body of the cloud baby, and then Xu Ziyan collected the baby. Changed the appearance again, and walked out of the room of the solitary smoke in Ximen. Then leave the Moonji Inn.

This time, I still haven’t encountered a sting. Sure enough, the stabbing did not expect Xu Ziyan to run out so quickly, so that Xu Ziyan safely returned to the Xu family.

Arrange the solitary smoke of Ximen, Di Yi and Yan Xingyun to live in the amount of Tianfeng.

Within the bamboo building. The four people spoke to each other with joy and disapproval. Xu Ziyan was a little strange. Why did Xu Tianwo and Ling Xiao not break through Da Luo Jinxian? In her view, two of them have a squatter, and one has a white tiger, which is the two people who should break through the big Luo Jinxian. How come there is no breakthrough yet?

After the explanation of the solitary smoke in Ximen, Xu Ziyan understood. There is sigh and excitement in my heart. In the past few years, Xu Tianlang has always wanted to establish a Xujiaxian country. The feelings of Ling Xiao and Xu Tianwo are extremely deep. Half of them are willing to accompany this good brother to do a career, and half want to complete a wish for Xu Ziyan. Therefore, both of them have delayed cultivation.

Now Xu has established a country, although it is still a very small fairy country, but it is still expanding. There is another thing that makes Xu Ziyan excited, that is, Xu Xingfan broke through the peak of the late Mahayana period. Soared to the fairy world.

Xu Ziyan was not seriously injured this time. On the one hand, because of the contempt of the thorns, on the other hand, because the thorns did not want to kill her, but wanted to catch her.

After the long smoke with Ximen, Di Yi and Yan Xingyun, the next day, Xu Xiaotian, Xu Zhenshan, and Xu Qinyang sat in the bamboo building of Xu Fengyan.

Four people discussed the half-ring in the bamboo building, and did not analyze who the sting man was. From which force. At last. Xu Haotian asked with concern:

"Ziyan, now you still insist on going to the Sun House?"

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, slightly thinking for a while, and the look became firm: "I still have to go to the Sun family to see. I hope that the Sun family can give them a peaceful time. If we rush to fight with Sun, we Xu's current strength. It is really not the opponent of Sun's family. We have a large group of guardians, but if Sun Jia is determined to destroy our Xu family, don't forget, Sun Jia has more than one hundred and nine days of Xuanxian late At the peak, if they all come, and then invite some of the nine-day Xuanxian late peaks, we will not be able to persist for a long time."

The bamboo house was quiet, and everyone’s face was very ugly.

"And..." Xu Ziyan’s voice rang again: "Now the Dragon family recruited a disciple of God, and there is another Xianjun who does not know where it came from. We must solve the Sun family's affairs as soon as possible, otherwise the Xu family will have great difficulties. ”

Xu Haotian also had to compromise, but he said with a sigh: "Ziyan, you must be careful!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"When are you going to leave?" Xu Zhenshan asked softly.

Xu Ziyan hesitated and said: "I have to recover the injury first, and then I have to prepare for it again. It will take some time. And..."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan glanced at Xu Qin and said: "This time Qin Yang brother will not go out with me."

Xu Qinyang’s eyebrows picked up and just wanted to say something, but he saw Xu Haotian posing with his hand:

"Ziyan, I know what you mean. You think that going out this time will be very dangerous. I am afraid that there will be an accident. Ziyan, don't worry about this matter. You are the saint of the Xu family and should bear the responsibility of Xu. Similarly, Qin Yang is the king of Xu family, and he can't escape. He must go with you, even if he died outside, that is his life."

Xu Ziyan had to stop her mouth, and she also admired Xu Haotian from her heart. She did not avoid risk because Xu Qinyang was his son. At this time, Xu Qinyang is an angry look with Xu Ziyan, which means that it is clear;

"Do you give me another look?"

Xu Ziyan only smiled and nodded, and Xu Qinyang’s face slowed down.

"Well, we are scattered, purple smoke needs healing, Qin Yang, you also hurry to heal." Xu Haotian said with a smile.

The crowd dissipated, and Xu Ziyan sat on the bamboo bed with his knees and swallowed Shen Yuandan to start healing. Although this time it was not as heavy as the last injury, it was not a minor injury. Both physical and mental damage, Xu Ziyan did not dare to drag down, so as not to leave dark diseases.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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