The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1423: Fighting

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Xu Ziyan spent eight days recovering the injury. In another ten days, he condensed five hundred swords. After that, he spent seven days making dozens of seven-character charms. Going out of the bamboo building.

When the sky was empty, he walked in the clouds and fell in front of Xu Qinyang’s Dongfu. He shouted to the inside:

"Qin Yang brother!"

The formation was scattered, and Xu Qinyang came out from the inside. When she saw Xu Ziyan, her eyes were bright:

"Ziyan, are we going to leave?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Advanced, I have something for you."

Xu Qinyang looked a glimpse, and then happily invited Xu Ziyan into it, Xu Ziyan wants to send something to him! Don't ask, you must be a life-saving thing. I am happy to follow Xu Ziyan into my own Dongfu. The two sat opposite each other, and Xu Qinyang looked forward to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took out five Qi Pinxian from his hand and handed it to Xu Qinyang, and then whispered their functions to Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang’s hand moved and Huo Ran stood up from the chair. The trembling said: "Ziyan, what do you say? This is... the seven-character fairy? Can you have the power of Xianjun?"

Xu Ziyan nodded gently, Xu Qinyang was not calm, and walked back and forth in the room. Suddenly stood in front of Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan. With such a thing, we are still afraid of the Sun family's fart? How much do they come, how much we will kill, why bother to go to the Sun family?"

Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Qinyang's excited look. He couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Jin Yang brother, this can't be done. What if we don't use these seven products? Even if I don't practice, I have been making this kind of seven products for the family. But once you let other people know that our Xu family can make a seven-character charm, will the four super-families not respond? The result is that we have destroyed the first-class family of Sun, but it has attracted a more powerful super family. .

Therefore, in the future, even if we destroy the grandson's family and replace the grand family's first-class family status, we will not be able to reveal this immortality. This is just a life-saving thing. ”

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan's look became serious. The condensate said: "Unless we are close to the four super families in terms of strength, we can be unscrupulous."

Xu Qinyang’s face was a red, and he said in a sincere manner to Xu Ziyan: “Thank you for the purple smoke sister’s pointing, it’s my brother’s smashing.”

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I will leave three for each of the patriarch and Uncle Zhenshan, and then we will leave immediately."

Xu family outside the land.

high altitude.

Since the day when Xu Ziyan escaped into the family, he had been sitting high above a cloud in the sky, slid down from the air and closely monitored the gates of Yueji City.

She did not believe that Xu Ziyan would never come out. The reason why she did not monitor the Xu family was because she felt useless. In the city of Yueji. Even if Xu Ziyan came out. It is also too close to the Xu family, and it is likely to give Xu Ziyan a chance to escape into the family. If Xu Ziyan escapes for the second time, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan will be scared, and maybe he will not hide in it for hundreds of years.

So she is ready to give up the month. Even if Xu Ziyan came out of the Xu family, she did not care. She waited for Xu Ziyan to leave Yueji City. At that time, it was not so easy for Xu Ziyan to escape to the Xu family. After all, it was far away from the Xu family.

This day.

She was scanning the monks from the gates in a boring manner, and two familiar figures were heard in the gods. The two figures are not the appearance of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang have changed another appearance this time. However, the thorns are very familiar, these two are the Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang she has been waiting for.

In an instant, she made a supernatural power, and the true image of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang immediately appeared in her vision. There was a smile on her face, and her eyes watched as Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang left from the gate of the city, and they sneaked into the distance and flew away.

Xu Ziyan did not immediately take out the cloud baby, because she was afraid that the cloud baby was too conspicuous and was recognized by people in Yueji City. Then he and Xu Qinyang talked all the way to the distance and flew away. A cloud in the sky follows them not far.

Both of them are the masters of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term, and Xu Qinyang has reached the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. The speed of the two people can be described as a thousand miles.

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw the monk who had not flown around. He wanted to summon the cloud baby, and at this moment, she and Xu Ziyan felt that the space around them was blocked.

In an instant, two people chose the same decision, and opened the seven-character charm of the body. The breath of the early Xianjun broke out from the two of them.


The two men blasted each other and smashed the space. In their vision, a big hand fell from the sky and caught Xu Ziyan.

At the same time, the two people opened the second seven-character fairy, and at the same time blasted another punch.


The big hand paused in the space, narrowed in half, and continued to grab the past with Xu Ziyan.

At this time, it was too late to open the seven-character fairy charm. In a moment, a handle-shaped sword was pulled out from the body of Xu Ziyan, like a long purple line continually banging the big hand of the thorn mans.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

Constantly blasting. Finally, the big hand was smashed, but Xu Ziyan did not stop. At this time, she has already seen the figure of the thorns. One bite his teeth and his lips are curved into an arc.


A thousand slashes of swords came out, and there was no pause at all. Then he went to the thorns. The look of the thorns is a change, the big sleeves are waving forward, and the figure is going to fly back. She knows that she wants to control the thousand-handed fairy, and the mental energy she consumes is enormous. As long as you and Xu Ziyan have been circling for a while, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan will be comatose.

She knows this result, and Xu Ziyan also knows the result. Therefore, Xu Ziyan can only fight fast.

The right foot is in the air:

"Step by step lotus!"

The whole sky has turned into a lotus sea. The sensation of the thorns has a momentary embarrassment. It is the embarrassment of this moment, which makes her body shape pause. The front of the thousand-handed purple air sword has reached the front of the thorn mans.



The shape of the thorn mantle flew out, half because of the blasting of the sword in front of the handle, and half of it was that she actively retreated after waking up in an instant. but. At this point, she has reacted a little too late. Xu Ziyan controlled a thousand swords and continued to pursue the thorns.

The thorn was injured, and two horns appeared on her head, and a pair of wings were unfolded behind her. Her speed suddenly increased and flew away.

"Devil!" Xu Qinyang was stunned.


The wing of the wind behind Xu Ziyan unfolded, and he slammed into the thorns. Xu Ziyan knows that if he can't kill the other person by this opportunity, wait for the other party to slow down. It is definitely a deadly threat to yourself.


The last batch of qi blasting, so that the mouth of the thorns oozing blood, eyes coldly looking at the chasing of Xu Ziyan, but suddenly gaze.

What did she see?

She saw Xu Ziyan's head, and there was a dense purple sword in the sky, releasing the power of the eight-product mid-peak peaks, and rushed to her.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan once again stepped out on his right foot.

"Step by step lotus!"

The seven scorpions of Xu Ziyan ooze blood, and she squeezed out her potential. The speed of the sword was doubled. In an instant, it spurred into the front of the thorn.


There are huge cracks in the space. The thorns reacted absolutely fast enough to fly like a meteor toward the distance. But even so, her body was bombed and ruined. The breath on the body is extremely weak. Looking back at the huge mushroom cloud in the air, there was a hint of fear in his eyes. Flying fast in the distance, no longer dare to make the slightest stop.


Xu Ziyan squirted a blood, his eyes closed, he was in a coma, and his body fell helplessly from the air.

A figure flies from a distance, and Xu Ziyan catches his arms and flies away in the distance. It was just Xu Qinyang who came over. After flying for a while, he released a fairy boat and hugged Xu Ziyan into the fairy boat and flew away.

In the fairy boat.

Xu Qinyang gently placed Xu Ziyan on the bed, then took out a medicinal herb and gave it to Xu Ziyan, and then took the hand of Xu Ziyan to transport the celestial force in his body.

After four hours, Xu Qinyang loosened his hand with exhaustion, but Xu Ziyan still had no attributes. He knows that this is because Xu Ziyan is not only a problem of consuming Xian Yuanli, but the most important thing is that Xu Ziyan consumes too much mental power, only waiting for Xu Ziyan to slowly wake up.

one day later.

Xu Qinyang, who recovered from the interest rate adjustment, opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan, still in a coma, wondering if he would return to the family with Xu Ziyan. However, he was afraid that the stabbing man would wait for them in Yuejicheng. In the end, he made a decision to change the direction of the fairy boat and go overseas.

After driving for seven days in a row, I found an uninhabited island in the sea, coming out of the fairy boat and looking for a place without people. Then I opened a cave house and took Xu Ziyan into it. Put it inside the Dongfu, he was sitting cross-legged at the hole, waiting for Xu Ziyan to wake up.

After another three days, Xu Ziyan woke up from a coma. A painful embarrassment was made, and she felt that her head was being like a needle with thousands of needles.

Hearing the sound of Xu Ziyan, the body shape of Xu Qinyang sitting on the knees came to the front of Xu Ziyan and whispered softly;


"Qin Yang brother..."

Xu Ziyan struggled to sit up and want to sit up. Xu Qinyang hurriedly reached out and lifted her up. Xu Ziyan looked around and said:

"This is where?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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