The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1424: Unpredictable

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"This is an island overseas. Your injury is too heavy, so I took you here to heal."

"Yeah." Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "How long have I been in a coma?"

"It has been ten days."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and checked his body. He could not help but sigh gently: "It seems that I have been healing for a long time, and I don't know if I can stop the Sun family's actions against us."

Xu Qinyang’s face also showed a hint of anxiety, but he quickly hid it: “Ziyan, don’t think about it anymore, or hurry up and heal, what is left behind.”

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Take the Shenyuan Dan from the storage ring and start healing. Xu Qinyang also returned to the hole, taking the drug and starting to practice. From this fight with the thorns, he once again felt the gap with Xu Ziyan, he is also a proud person, how could he be willing to be left by Xu Ziyan.

Time passed in the healing of Xu Ziyan...


Yue Jicheng.

Sun Xiaoqian returned, and she returned with her, Sun Jiaxuan, the second son, Sun Yue.

Sun Xiaoqian’s lobbying for Sun’s return did not succeed. The Xu family appeared in the three peaks of the nine-day Xuanxian period. Sun Jia also heard about it. He also knew that the Dragon family had offered a reward for the late peaks of Xu Jia’s nine-day Xuan Xian, but they did not take it as a matter of fact. It is believed that the Dragon Family wants to annihilate the bait made by the Xu family as soon as possible.

Xu family is a second-rate family, and is a second-rate family with medium strength. How could it be that three nine-day Xuanxian late peaks appeared at once? If there is a credibility, there are three that have gone too far, which is absolutely impossible.

However, Sun Xiaoqian is here. Brought real news.

After careful inquiry, Pansi finally believed Sun Xiaoqian's words. The face changed constantly, and eventually she ignored Sun Xiaoqian's words. This thing in Sun Xiaoqian's view, Grandma will definitely help her, because she also feels that her son Long Aotian's analysis is very thorough. Aren't the previous situations exactly the same as Long Aotian's analysis? Didn't those scattered repairs come to Jicheng?

However, whether it is Long Aotian or Sun Xiaoqian, their pattern is too small. This matter is already a very serious matter in Pansi. It’s not that she can be the master, or to push the waves, which is related to the big things in their veins.

Three nine-day Xuanxian late peaks! And not a loose repair, standing behind the Xu family such a second-rate medium family. If such a force is brought to the side of the second son, it is definitely an important boost for the second son. However, it is much stronger than the Dragon family.

At this point, in the heart of Pansi has given up the Dragon family, and casually sent Sun Xiaoqian away. She went to the line to see the two sons and grandchildren.

Under some arguments, Sun Yue was also shocked. He decided to go to Yueji City to recruit Xu Jia personally. At present, it is the key moment for him and Dagongzi to compete for family inheritance rights. If you can attract the three peaks of Xuantian in the late period, you will undoubtedly hold the whole Xu family in your hands. Greatly increase his stack.

Therefore, he came with enough sincerity. Even prepared to move the entire Dragon House and hand over Yueji City to the Dragon House. However, the Xu family must be loyal to him, the most important thing is. Xu Jia’s three nine-day Xuan Xian late peak monks must accompany him to the Sun family. Already the elder of the Sun family. This is a family rule and cannot be biased.

Moreover, what he wants to know most is why Xu’s family suddenly appeared in the late nine peaks of Xuantian. Whether it is accidental or something amazing. and so. He must go to the Xu family to have a good look and not let go of any place. Therefore, this time he led ten monks of the late nine-day Xuan Xian, and brought the master of Bai.

If in the Xu family, the White Master found something that attracted him enough, and Xu Jia refused to give it away, he did not mind to give up the Xu family.

Of course, it all depends on his ability to enter the Xu family. But does he need to worry? As a second son of the first-class family, he visited the court and Xu family had reason to refuse it?

Tian Jianxing.

Sun Jiaxuan is a cultivating place.

Sun Qiang, grandson of Sun Jiada.

At this time, the hand was standing under a maple tree, the setting sun was shining, the sunset glowed with the maple tree, and a woman was standing beside him, standing behind a half-shoulder standing behind a middle-aged monk. Sun Qiang’s lips taunted a bit and said faintly:

"Uncle Hai, the second child should have arrived in Yueji City now?"

Uncle Hai laughed silently: "Yes, it should be."

On the side of the woman, Liu Yan said: "Strong brother, why don't you grab the Xu family before Sun Yue?"

Sun Qiang's eyes shone with light, and ignored the woman, but against Haishu: "Uncle Hai, do you think he can succeed?"

Uncle Hai wrinkled his brow slightly and indulged for a while: "Not good judgment. It is reasonable to say that Xu has appeared in the late nine peaks of Xuantian. They should come to report to Xu, they are also old-fashioned second-rate families, no They may not know the rules. However, they did not do so, so there are only two reasons.

One is Xu's ambition to become the ninth first-class family. The second one is what secrets Xu may have, and this secret they don't want to be known by others. Therefore, they forced them to embark on the battle with our grandchildren. In any case, Xu did not seem to want to surrender to the Sun family, so I only advised the Dagongzi to let go of this time and see it later. I didn't think of the second son, but he couldn't help it, huh, huh..."

Sun Qiang was silent. Looking up at the sunset. The glow of the evening glow fell on his delicate face, giving him a pale blush on his pale face.

From the wooded path ahead, a young man came up and saw Sun Qiang under the maple tree, his eyes lit up. Quickly came to Sun Qiang’s front and called:

"Big brother!"

Sun Qiang Zhan Yan smiled: "Six brothers, in a hurry, what?"

The coming person is Sun Qing’s sixth brother Sun Qing. Laughing and said: "Big Brother, I have already inquired about the things of Xu."

"Hey? Tell me." Sun Qiang smiled arrogantly.

"The change of Xu family is inseparable from one person. The woman is called Xu Ziyan. It is a monk who came up from the lower yuan galaxies. After she opened to Xu family, she re-arranged the guardian squad. The big squad is said to be It is a big seven-piece, but even if it is not a big seven, it should be a very powerful big line. Because the family's white masters can't break.

Moreover, the Xu family appeared in the late nine-day Xuanxian period, and it was the most recent thing. After Xu Ziyan recognized his ancestors, the most important thing was that Xu Jia’s three nine-day Xuanxian late monks had Xu Ziyan. and so. Every change of Xu family should be related to Xu Ziyan. It should be that Xu Ziyan changed everything in Xu. If the Xu family has a secret, it is also on the body of Xu Ziyan. ”

Sun Qiang's eyes flashed a bit, and turned his head and asked softly: "Uncle Hai, do you think the second brother will succeed at this time?"

Uncle Hai smiled softly: "I think he will eat closed doors, and Xu Jialian will not let him in. Unless there is a mistake in the investigation of the six sons, Xu family has no secret at all."

"Oh..." Sun Qiang said with a light smile: "I am more and more interested in the Xu Ziyan. The sixth child, who sent people to stare at the Xu family, if Xu Ziyan came out and tried to catch her, I really wanted Look at what is secret in her body, so that in a short period of time, a second-rate family will have three peaks in the late nine-day period."

Endless voids, endless black clouds circling, exudes a sense of silence.

A figure is approaching quickly.


It is a woman with a horn on her head and a double-winged back. It is the sting that returns here. at this time. Her face is still a little pale. The figure rushed into the endless black cloud.

As soon as you enter the endless black clouds, there are dense black whirlwinds, like a huge black pillar hovering in the air. Around the black whirlwind are countless meteorites flowing very fast.

The piercing eyes floated a layer of light black, locking each gap. Carefully marching deep into the depths. So, there is a full day. There was a black light curtain in front of her, and a tiny crack appeared in the light curtain. The staggered figure stood in front of the tiny crack, and a whistling sound was heard in the mouth, which was transmitted from the crack. .

Soon, the tiny crack began to tremble. It seems very laborious, expands little by little, and finally expands to the size of a person, and the stinging figure is worn. The crack on the black screen quickly closed, but only a trace of cracks could not be seen in an instant.

A huge galaxy appeared in the dark curtain, and the thorns and a few of the powerful demons of the body greeted each other and then entered the transmission array.

A transmission array followed by a transmission array, a month later, the thorns appeared in a huge palace. Kneeling at the feet of a double demon.

"See the devil handsome!"

"Get up!"

The devil looked at a tall chair with two heads and four eyes looking at the thorns standing below, faintly saying:

"You are hurt?"


"Talk about it!"

The thorn mantle will tell the magician in detail outside, and then he will fall into silence in the hall. For a long time, there was a hint of excitement in the voice of the devil:

"You mean, that Xu Ziyan is probably the one we are looking for?"


Once again, the hall was once in silence, and the voice of the devil was heard again in the hall:

"You go ahead!"

"Yes!" The stabbing man leaned back and retreated.

Only the devil in the big chair was left in the hall. The head on the left turns to the head of the right:

"What do you think? Don't always say anything."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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