The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1425: Tianjiancheng

The head on the right opened his eyes and said: "There is nothing to say. Since the Xu Ziyan is probably the one we have been looking for for thousands of years, it is natural to get her back."

"Are you not nonsense? You don't know, with our current ability, we can only send out a monk at the beginning of Xianjun. The stabbing is not the opponent of Xu Ziyan. It is useless to go out with other demons. "The head on the left said angrily.

The head on the right turned a white-eyed road: "In the past, we didn't send it out to Xianjun's late peak. This time we sent out a peak of Xianjun."

The head on the left no longer speaks, and the half-sounding said: "But... this will cost us a lot of Shouyuan!"

The head on the right smirked and said: "If you don't lose your life, you will be here to die."

The head on the left seems to be determined: "But... this big array wants to open again the gap that can send the peak of Xianjun's later peaks, and it takes another fifty years..."

"Fifty years is fifty years old." The head on the right said faintly: "Do you suspect that Xu Ziyan will die within 50 years, or is she afraid that she will go to the Shangyuan Galaxy in 50 years?"

The head on the left looks a glimpse, then laughs and laughs spontaneously: "That's fifty years."

In a month's time, Xu Ziyan's injury was better than 80%. She worried that the Sun family would take action on the Xu family, and would not hesitate to heal in the cave again. He and Xu Qinyang discussed and went to Tianjianxing to heal the wound. Xu Qinyang resolutely disagreed. He was frightened by the thorns, and he was afraid of any accidents. However, he could not hold the ink of the purple smoke. Finally agreed to Xu Ziyan.

Two people are flying on the cloud baby to the sky sword star...


Sun Yue came to the Xu family with the white master and ten nine-day Xuanxian late peaks.

Sun Yue looked at the Xu family shrouded in a big array and said faintly: "Communicate!"

The master of the white hand raised a jade sword, and the jade sword flew into the air, constantly striking the big array. Make a scream.

This kind of humming shocked the big array, so Xu Tiantian, who controlled the big array, felt it instantly. He opened his eyes and did not immediately charge the jade sword, but his body shape. Then he left the Tianfeng, stood by the big array and looked out.

Sun family, he also went, naturally, at a glance, he recognized Sun Yue, who stood proud outside the big array, and could not help but frown deeply.

"The grandchildren are still coming!"

Shaking his head, Xu Haotian stood still in the big array, did not leave, did not open the big array to welcome Sun to come in. His eyes swept over the ten peaks of Sun Jiu’s ten days later. The eyebrows wrinkle more tightly. In this case, he could not open the mountain gate and let Sun Yue and others come in. If they are allowed to come in, they will be able to level off the Xu family with the strength brought by Sun Yue.

Xu Ziyan had a deep discussion with Xu Haotian before leaving Xu. Both people thought that Xu family could not put Sun family into the big battle, otherwise it would be a very dangerous thing. It is better to pretend to be a true mountain and ignore the outside world. Anyway, the Tianfeng Holy Land has a trial pagoda. It is better to really seal the mountain and practice well.

Outside the big array, Sun Yue is standing in the air and looking down at the Xu family...

One quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

Half an hour...

The arrogance on his face turned into intolerance...

After an hour...

The intolerance on his face turned into a sorrowful anger, and his face gradually became gloomy. He is still standing in the air and bombarding the Xu family without anger, because he has already heard the white master said that this big battle is not a few dozens of nine-day Xuanxian late peak bombardment can be blasted several times, it needs a lot year.

Therefore, he did not move, otherwise it was very shameful. He knows that although his eldest brother did not come, he must have a joke that his older brother is watching.

"Master Bai, is there really no way?" Sun Yue asked softly.

"There is no way." The white master shook his head gently.

Sun Yue’s face instantly turned red. This face is lost. Big Brother doesn't know what it will look like. I personally came to a second-rate family and actually ate a closed door?

The spread of this incident has had a great impact on his reputation. He has now regretted coming to Xu. However, since it is here. It is necessary to clean up the mess, and absolutely cannot let the reputation of his painstaking efforts be damaged. Since Xu Jia gave himself a closed door. Then only the Xu family will be destroyed, let the people of the world know the consequences of offending themselves.

Thinking of this, Sun Yue suddenly slammed a punch, and that punch hit a large array of Xu family guards, bursting out a spark, composed of two big characters:


After that, Sun Yue’s robes and sleeves drove away. He wants to go back to the family and say that the family will act against the Xu family and will destroy the family. This humiliation must be found back...

The news reached Sun Qiang's ear. He chuckled and shook his head slightly.

Tian Jianxing.

Tianjian City.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang walked on the street with ease. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already recovered. Xu Ziyan had not been to Tianjianxing. Anyway, there is no chance to approach Sun’s family anymore. He will let Xu Qinyang take her around.

Seeing that the night is going to end, Xu Ziyan suddenly blinked and saw a young man with a group of people releasing a strong breath to walk past, including the white master who had cracked the Xu family.

The voice of Xu Qinyang from the ear: "Ziyan, the young man is Sun Yue, the descendant of the Sun family."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at Sun Yue’s back and said to Xu Qinyang: “It seems that they have returned from the family, and things are a little urgent. After they have eaten the closed door from Xu’s family, they will definitely have some action. Otherwise, Sun’s family Where is the face? We have to act quickly."

Xu Qinyang smiled and said: "How do you act? There is no such thing!"


The news that Sun Yue came back quickly spread to Sun Qiang’s ear. Sun Qiang smiled and got up and left the practice room to go to his father’s residence.

When Sun Qiang went halfway, he saw a monk and he came face to face. Came to the front of Sun Qiang and whispered:

"Da Gongzi. The family members of the second son have already known. The patriarch is furious and is convening the elders' deliberation in the main hall of the proceedings. I will inform you at the order of the patriarch."

Sun Qiang gently nodded and said: "Thank you!"

The monk hurriedly said: "Dare to do things for the Dagongzi. It is a small honor."

Sun Qiang’s expression was more gentle, reaching out and taking a picture of the monk’s shoulder and going to the hall of the parliament.

As soon as he entered the hall of the proceedings, he saw his father sitting on the top of the main position with a sullen face. The family elders had already come to three. Sun Yue also sat on a chair at the end with a sullen face.

Sun Qiang first met his father and then saw the three elders before he turned to Sun Yue and asked with concern:

"Second brother, how is your trip to Xujia? It must be the return of the three nine-day Xuanxian late monk of the Xu family. So the strength of our grandson has increased, and the second brother has contributed."

A face of Sun Yue became red and stunned, but did not say a word. At this time, Sun Qiang turned and sat down, looking at him with a puzzled look. This expression makes Sun Yue eat more. There was a shy anger in his eyes.

At this time, the elders of the family of Sun Jiaxuan walked into the hall of the deliberation and continued to sit in their own positions. The old gods are hanging on the ground.

Seeing that the people have arrived, Sun Hao, who sat in the first position, said with a deep voice: "Xu's family has three monks in the late nine-day Xuanxian period. Sun Yue got my consent and went to recruit them. I didn't expect Xu family to actually Bold, I gave Sun Yue a closed door. Do you have an idea?"

There is no imaginary anger inside the hall. Everyone has already known this through various channels, and it is very detailed. It is the anger in my heart, and I have calmed down a lot at this time. On the surface, Sun Qiang is a serious face, but his heart is secretly sneer.

Sun Yue was clearly kicked on the iron plate. He thought that this matter was handled very well and he rushed to the Xu family. I want to recruit Xu to my camp. I did not expect to eat a closed door. Now I want to rely on the strength of the family to earn face for him. Where will it be so easy for you to succeed?

This is an opportunity to completely step on your feet.

Sun Qiang smiled in his heart, and suddenly another thought emerged in his heart. If you take advantage of this opportunity to step on Sun Yue, but the face of the family will be lost. Besides, within the sphere of influence of Sun’s family. How can I allow a family like Xu to exist? If this precedent is opened. How to manage those second-rate families in the future?

However, the guardian of the Xu family is really a hard turtle shell!

The silence of the entire hall is silent. Every monk understands that the family of the Xu family is not unable to break. But that requires too many nine-day Xuanxian late peak monks. And it is not broken in a short time. This is the most difficult place for them. As for the three nine-day Xuanxian late peaks of Xu’s family, they are not in their eyes.

Seeing the silence inside the hall. The face of the patriarch, Sun Hao, was even more ugly, and he slammed the armrest of the chair. He said:

“Our Sun Jiatang’s first-class family was eaten by a second-rate family. This has already shown that Xu’s family has made up its mind to oppose our grandson. In the sphere of our Sun’s power, this is absolutely not allowed. Otherwise, where is the face of our grandchildren? Not to mention how to manage those second-rate families in the future, that is, laughter will be laughed at by other seven first-class families. Xu family must destroy the family!"

Sun Qiang glanced at Sun Yue and saw his face showing a happy color. I can't help but sneer at the heart. Now how can the situation of the Sun family be able to destroy the Xu family? I am afraid that my father is only taking an attitude to conceal, this silly boy is still serious. Ha ha……


I am very grateful to Rain868, sand time classmates, pig head to Zunbao classmates, Xiaoai cc classmates, KELLY classmates who love dogs, oldandstupid classmates, the passing years of the wind, cold and **** classmates, Nuo Xinyan classmates, nana8214 classmates, chasing the sun Daughter classmates, chubby doodle bear classmates, asd21323 classmates, Voilet classmates, lazy cats 11 classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, parasitic heaven and earth classmates, I am not Angel classmates, Yan Yun classmates, Qiqi 198 classmates, KONG888 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, Cool snake classmates, Meng o (∩ _ ∩) o... classmates, Yan Yu 645098 classmates, Oriental Yu Yu classmates, Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates, Rangers GB classmates, Xuanyuanzhi classmates, susantsh0905 classmates, purple 妍? Zhao Yilin, classmates, immortal classmates, Xueyong Languan 0000 classmates, amanda810888 classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, book friends 121125180033556 classmates, blue-faced confidant classmates, sand time classmates, soil water classmates pink ticket!

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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