The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1428: I am a genius.

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Xu Ziyan nodded slightly: "I have no problem with this repair, because I can challenge more and more, this is even more mysterious. How are you? Can you overcome the challenge?"

Xu Qinyang slightly wrinkled his brow and said: "It can also be a challenge. You know, our five-skilled monks can be challenged by level. I am just not as exaggerated as you are. And I am not like you, I found that you are more challenging. At the time, you can't see that you are the root of the five attributes.

And if I want to leapfrog, I need five attributes to come out, so it is easy to be seen that I am the five attribute roots. This is in the Sun family's territory, even if they can't recognize me, they are afraid that they will recognize me as a disciple. After all, in the fairy world, Xu disciples are the most multi-functional family. ”

Xu Ziyan also frowned slightly. She was not afraid of being exposed because of her practice. Because she was not a spiritual root of five attributes, she used the power of space.

Do not!

It should now be counted as the power of the world. Her leap-forward challenge does not require multiple attributes to come out, and her body strength is there, how can anyone see it?

but. Xu Qinyang is worrying here. Looking at Xu Qinyang whispered: "Yangqin brother, do you have the highest attribute of the five attributes now?"

“One is a wood attribute and the other is a water attribute. Both of these have now reached the realm of Dacheng.”

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, first took out ten gourd scented piles on the table and said: "These are all scented. There are mustard space inside. Wait for you to buy more hoists to pack the wine inside. For a moment, for the rest of the day, you are awkward. Well, you are the appearance of a wine sword fairy, and then you will be free to free yourself."

Xu Qinyang heard it. At this time, I was not too busy against Xu Ziyan. First, I quickly put ten wine gourds into the storage ring, and then I said extremely sadly:

"Ling Bo, do you mean let me drink these wines for others?"

"Of course, it's not for you to give others a drink, but you can't be too stingy. You have to be proud, not what kind of people are in your eyes. Let the other person know that you can drink your wine. It is his life. The most honored thing."

"Of course is the most honored thing!" Xu Qinyang said seriously: "Your wine is not only excellent in taste, but its effect is no less than six products, and there is no side effect. This is absolutely all The dreams of the monks can definitely reveal the mystery of the hidden family. But... I just said that the strength..."

Xu Ziyan took out five seven-character fairy charms and handed them to Xu Qin. "The five seven-character fairy charms are collected. The last five of them are basically used up. Remember to put them on the body, and you can scare each other or save your life." ”

Xu Qinyang nodded and closed. Xu Ziyan called out the water of the palm of his hand. I saw a group of water in the hands of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan played in his hands and looked at Xu Qinyang:

"This is a water system, I will lend you for the time being. She will make your strength soar. So, you can use other attributes, only the water property. Especially its defense is amazing, of course, the attack power is not Weak. This way we can challenge beyond the level and not reveal our identity, keeping our mystery to the end."

Xu Qinyang took the water from the palm of the hand that Xu Ziyan had handed over and looked at it curiously. He just wanted to learn to play Xu Ziyan. I saw that the water suddenly jumped into the air from his hands. Turned into a transparent little man, frowning and shouting:

"People are girls, you are not allowed to touch the ropes."

Xu Qinyang was still there, and Xu Ziyan smiled and swayed. Xu Qinyang saw Xu Ziyan laughing there. The look is a bit sloppy:

"Lingbo, it..."

Xu Ziyan endured a smile on the head of the water in the palm of his hand and said: "Don't make trouble. This time is very important to us. You have to cooperate with the dulcimer brother to listen to him. When this time is over, it will let you come back."

The face of a palm of water tangled into a ball, and finally looked pitifully at Xu Ziyan nodded. "嗖" stood on Xu Qinyang's head. Before Xu Qinyang reacted, he felt that there seemed to be a waterfall flowing down his head, but there was no wet feeling.

Only in an instant he felt that he seemed to be wrapped in a very thin layer of things. However, this is only a moment, he feels that he seems to be surrounded by the world of water, feel it with his heart, and the mind has a roar.

This...this is...the meaning of water...

Xu Qinyang's look changed dramatically, and his face showed extreme excitement. He looked excitedly at Xu Ziyan:

"I... I have to retreat. In a few days, I will be able to break through the meaning of water. I have already reached the peak of Dacheng, but I have a chance."

Xu Ziyan was amazed, and then some enviously said: "Your understanding is very good."

Xu Qinyang has a chest: "What? I am a genius in Xu family for many years. If you didn't go to Xu, I am still the first day of Xu."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan waved his hand and said: "You are going to retreat now, I am here to protect you."

Xu Qinyang immediately sat in the chair and closed his eyes. Xu Ziyan also swallowed a **** Yuan Dan into the cultivation. She has been injured twice, basically because of her mental exhaustion. However, it unexpectedly allowed her mental strength to grow. Seeing that she would break through the early days of the nine-day Xuanxian period.

Time passed by, and it took twenty-six days to pass.

Like a statue of Xu Qinyang, his body suddenly burst into a strong breath. The opposite Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. The face showed a joy, she saw Xu Qinyang break through, and the breath is clearly the breath of the late nine-day Xuan Xian. This shows that he realized the great satisfaction of the meaning of water.

She sighed in her heart. She knew that this was because Xu Qinyang had already reached the critical point of the perfection of water. Now with the help of the water of the palm of the hand, it has accumulated a lot of momentum and broke through in one fell swoop. And now, in addition to the three attributes of gold, water and fire, they have achieved great perfection. Other attributes do not realize the critical point of breakthrough, and it is difficult to break through in a short time.

Raise his hand to play a converging symbol on Xu Qinyang's body, suppressing the boiling scent of his body. Then, facing the Xu Qin who has opened his eyes:

"We have to leave here to find a place to rob!"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and took the flag. Xu Qinyang and the two quickly left the inn, left Tianjian City, and darted to fly overseas with a cloud baby. They found an uninhabited island and two people came out from the cloud baby. . One went to robbery. One is guarding the law.

The robbery clouds in the sky began to gather. After two hours, the robbers began to fall. Xu Ziyan looked at the robbery in a boring way, thinking in her heart:

"This day is too weak, although it is much stronger than other monks, but it is not in a grade than my catastrophe. I really don't know why God wants me to be like that. I don't have a body." The world?"

Five days. Xu Qinyang’s catastrophe is over. This result made Xu Ziyan pouting silently, and his heart was very uncomfortable.

Xu Qinyang was happy to fly to Xu Ziyan’s smirk and said: “Ziyan, I broke through. I am now a nine-day Xuanxian late monk, hahaha...”

Xu Ziyan looked at him silently, waving his hand and summoning the baby to the cloud: "Qin Yang brother, we should go back."

"Yeah!" Xu Qinyang nodded, and flew into the fairy boat with Xu Ziyan, and flew toward Tianjiancheng.

"Ziyan sister, I broke through the nine days of Xuanxian late!"


"Ziyan sister, now I am also a nine-day Xuanxian late monk. Plus my leapfrog ability. The ordinary nine-day Xuanxian late peak is not my opponent."


"Ziyan sister, I have just broken through the nine days of Xuanxian in the middle of the period, this has broken through the nine days of Xuanxian late, this speed... oh... hahaha..."


"Ziyan sister. Am I a genius?"


Xu Ziyan put away the cloud baby, two people landed from the air. At this time, there is only one month left before the Wanxian Conference. The whole city of Jicheng has been overcrowded throughout the month. Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyan followed the flow of people to the world.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has changed a dress, which was the style of the Chu family. And Xu Qinyang is a white robe, not very new, very casually worn on the body. The hair was scattered, and a wine gourd was in his hand, his eyes were loose and proud.

Xu Ziyan turned to look at Xu Qinyang and smiled lightly: "Yongqin brother, you really are wearing dragons like dragons, and tigers are like tigers!"


Xu Qinyang took a sip of wine and put out his tongue and licked the wine stain on his lips, making his image more wild and uninhibited:

"That is of course, don't forget that I am a family patriarch, the change of temperament must be practiced, otherwise how to deal with other families?"

Xu Qinyang looked at the crowds around and frowned slightly. To the voice of Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, I am still worried. Even if we are famous in Tianjian City, we may not be recognized by the top eight families as we are a hidden family."

Xu Ziyan said: "Don't worry, I used to pretend to be a hidden family."

"You..." Xu Qinyang looked shocked at Xu Ziyan's voice: "Have you ever pretended?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan raised his eyebrows and smugly said: "I used to pretend to be a hidden family in the Chu family of the four super families, and they kept them. How? I am amazing?"


"And you don't have to worry that the people from Chu who came here don't know me. I have a high reputation in Chu."


"Want to know why I am well-known in the Chu family? That is because I have played all the young disciples in Chu family without rivals."


"I am a genius?"


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath, and finally spit out his voice on the road. For a moment, I only felt refreshed and smiled.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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