The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1429: Ling Li shot (a more pink)

I am very grateful to susantsh0905 classmates, night moon 缥缈 classmates, soul first classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates, Xuanyuan scars classmates, Ж绫罗Ж classmates, Ai Feng C classmates, jj Xiaojin adults classmates, forever after the rainy season classmates pink ticket!


Two people came to the Tianxia Inn. Just entering the entrance of the inn, the shopkeeper's face in the counter was changed. He hurriedly walked out from the counter and walked to the front of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. He stopped the two and smiled. Said:

"Two, you have not returned in a few days, thinking that you are no longer coming back. So..."

"So what?" Xu Qinyang's lazy eyes suddenly became sharp.

"So..." The shopkeeper’s eyes evaded: "Your room has been rented out."

The strong breath of Xu Qinyang was gradually released, and the laziness of his body had completely disappeared and became sharp. Xu Ziyan is standing on the side, sinking like water.

"I remember that we paid the rent for half a year?"

"Yes, we will return the rent to you immediately."

Xu Qin Yang smiled and said: "Return to us? What do you think of us as a person? Do you want to stay and stay, want to catch up?"

"What do you want?" The shopkeeper saw that he couldn't convince the other party, and the tone became tough.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan came early, and they chose the best inn in Tianjian City. This inn background cannot be simple. Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan even thought that this is the inn of Sun Jiakai. However, the two people originally thought of making a name, since someone sent them a step. I am sorry if I don’t step on it. So, Xu Qinyang was too lazy to talk to the nonsense of the shopkeeper, and a big mouth flashed.

Although the other party is a nine-day Xuanxian early monk, but in the late nine days of Xu Qinyang, there is nothing wrong with it.


A loud slap in the face directly fanned out. Hit the wall behind it. Xu Qinyang shouted coldly:

"Give you a quarter of an hour, immediately pour out our room, or I will smash your bird shop."

"Do you dare?" The shopkeeper climbed up from the ground and glared at Xu Qin with a sullen face: "I want to marry our store. I really licked your dog's eyes. I don't see who is behind this inn." Xiaozi, tell you, it’s a grandson. You want to marry the grandson’s inn on the site of Sun’s home, even Laozi admire you...”


His words have not been finished yet, and Xu Qinyang's figure has been swept away. A big slap in the face is on his face, and he flies out again. The two guys saw everything that happened and a hurriedly went upstairs. The other ran out of the door. Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan saw it clearly, but neither of them blocked it.

This matter must be solved, not only for the sake of fame, but for the problem of living. As long as you look at the street, you can know that all the inns must be full. If they don't have these two rooms, they will both be on the streets. Therefore, the two of them are not afraid to make trouble at this time. I have to let this inn come out with a person who said it.

Xu Ziyan quietly stood beside the counter, and Xu Qinyang slowly moved toward the shopkeeper, with a smile on his mouth and a faint smile:

"You have two choices. One is to immediately drive me out of the cat and the dog that occupies our room, and then clean it up cleanly. Another option is that I slowly kill you and let you taste the death. pain."


The building applauded the applause. Xu Qinyang didn’t look back at the upstairs who was applauding. Instead, he raised his hand and another slap in the face of the shopkeeper, and said coldly:

"Do you want to be clear?"

At this time, on the second floor stairs stood a pair of young men and women and four middle-aged monks. The young man saw Xu Qinyang simply ignore him. When the face was on time, it changed color, and there was a shy anger in his eyes. He turned to a middle-aged monk and said coldly:

"Go, kill him for me!"

The middle-aged monk nodded. There was a trace of solemnity in the eyes. He is a nine-day Xuan Xian late, naturally also sees that Xu Qin Yang is also a nine-day Xuan Xian late. This made him very uncertain to kill Xu Qinyang. However, since the Lord has issued an order, he has to go up.

In the inn, he did not dare to release the fairy tales, so he really married the inn, not to mention the owner behind the inn. Business reform, who said that we are living here in the hotel. Once they angered them, they really didn’t know how to die. Therefore, his figure disappeared instantly in the upstairs, and he was already standing opposite Xu Qinyang. He raised his fist and punched the door to Xu Qinyang.

The young man just heard a clear and clear voice, and Xu Qinyang’s eyes showed a stern color.

"If you want me to die, you will have a sense of death!"

Xu Qinyang did not dodge, and did not go to the other side's attack, but the palm of the hand inserted into the heart of the other side. His shot is much faster than the other, the opponent's fist has commonly not bombarded his face, his palm has been inserted into the other's chest, grabbed the other's heart and squeezed.

"Hey" slammed his heart, and a **** rose from the top of the middle-aged monk, full of panic.


Xu Qinyang was cold and cold, and this "哼" secretly used the sound, and the panicked **** was in the air. In this moment, Xu Ziyan smashed it.


A slap fan was on the face of the shopkeeper who wanted to escape, and he was turned back again. Then Xu Qinyang looked at the youth on the stairs coldly and coldly, saying:

"Are you taking my room?"

The young man woke up from the shock. He did not think that a nine-day Xuan Xian was actually taken away by a man. That is the late nine-day Xuanxian, how many nine-day Xuanxian late in their family?

This young surname Jiao, called Jiao Yong, Jiao Jia and Xu Jia, is also a second-rate family, and the family is ranked above the Xu family. This time his father Jiao Jiao took him to attend the Wanxian Conference.

Only the Sun family is only hosting the four super families, and the rest of the seven first-class families. I have already arranged a place to live in the family. As for the family below the second-rate, I am sorry, let me find a place to live.

When the Jiaojia father and son came to Tianjiancheng, the inn was almost full. Finally, I only booked two rooms in an inn, and Jiao Yong let his father take his men to live. And with his men, he continued to find a place to live in Tianjiancheng.

When they came to the world inn, it was also the greedy shopkeeper of this inn. When they saw that Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan had not returned for so long, they thought they were dead outside. Anyway, this kind of thing is not a strange thing, so I rented the room owner to Jiao Yong.

Now facing the violent means of Xu Qinyang and asking coldly, Jiao Yong’s heart hangs up. He feels that as long as one of his answers is wrong, the other party will pounce on and kill himself.

He is only the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, the other party can easily kill a nine-day Xuanxian late monk, even if there are three nine-day Xuanxian late monks next to him, he also feels unsafe, extremely insecure. However, as soon as he gave up the room, he was extremely unwilling, and he said weakly:

"We also pay for it! When we came in, there was no one. Why is the room yours?"

Xu Qinyang turned back to the shopkeeper and hooked his finger. The shopkeeper saw that Xu Qinyang dared to kill people here, and he knew that the other party was a jealous character. Did not dare not obey, then walked to the side of Xu Qinyang.


Another big slap in the face of the shopkeeper took off, "噗通" fell to the foot, Xu Qinyang's voice rang coldly:

"You tell him who the room is?"

"Who is it, I have to say the finale!" Tengdi came from the door and heard a voice.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look around and saw a nine-day Xuanxian late monk who came in from the gate and stood right beside Xu Ziyan. He didn't know Xu Ziyan, and thought that Xu Ziyan was watching the excitement, but he turned his anger at Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang looked at him faintly: "Who are you?"

"I am the boss here!" The man looked at Xu Qinyang proudly. At this time, he had already seen that the other party was only a late nine-day Xuanxian, and he did not even bring a hand. It was a loose repair. Who is not bullying such a person to bully? Gloomy face, big hand wave:

"You roll me right away, I don't welcome you here!"


His voice just fell, Xu Ziyan extended a hand to grab his neck, then sealed his air, slammed his head on the counter and smashed the counter.

There were several people coming in at the gate. One of the middle-aged monks was the Jiao Jiao who came to hear the news. When he saw that his son was not injured, he was relieved. Then I saw a nine-day Xuanxian late monk in my family died on the ground, and a face was gloomy, and I looked at Xu Qinyang with a bad eye.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang looked at each other, and Xu Qinyang’s figure suddenly rushed to the stairs, while Xu Ziyan was suddenly focusing. As soon as this Jiao Fa came in, he looked at his son and then looked at Xu Qinyang. He really didn't have time to pay attention to the Xu Ziyan around him.

Jiao Fa is really a late nine-day Xuan Xian, originally not Xu Ziyan's opponent, but also in the unintentional, and was subdued in an instant, let Xu Ziyan throw it to the innkeeper's side. A few people around Jiao Jiao did not respond in a hurry. When they reacted, Jiao Jiao was already at the foot of Xu Ziyan. How dare they act? Just staring at Xu Ziyan with a threatening look.

At this time, the three middle-aged monks above the stairs saw Xu Qinyang rushing up, and then he was behind him, and also shocked the past with Xu Qinyang.



*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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