The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1430: First name (two more pink)

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Xu Qinyang now has a palm of water protection. Where are these three monks his opponents? He didn't defend at all. The three men's fists hit him like a breeze, and at the same time he quickly blasted three punches to blow the three monks, a big hand smashed. Jiao Yong's neck.

Things are too sudden, everyone has scruples in their hearts, did not expect to attack with immortality. Waiting for this time, they want to use the fairy tales, but find that several heads have fallen into the hands of Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan.

Xu Qinyang took Jiao Yong's neck and walked down the stairs. At this time, he had sealed Jiao Yong's air machine and came to the front of Xu Ziyan, throwing Jiao Yong to the ground. Then I stared coldly at the three people lying on the ground.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang both understand that they are going to make a name, but they are not going to fight in Tianjian City. If that is the case, you may not have the opportunity to stay in Tianjian City. Things can be big, but they can't be out of control. After all, this is a major event related to the survival of the family.

Therefore, Xu Qinyang just killed a monk and revealed his strength. This is to tell them that he can kill at any time. With this psychological oppression. At this point he looked at the three people lying on the ground coldly, and the three men felt the body cool.

Jiao Jiao was shocked and thought: "What is the background of the two people in front of you? Why dare not put us in the eyes? This man is also a late nine-day Xuan Xian, the woman is more than a nine-day In the middle of Xuanxian, how could we subdue us so easily?"

but. At this time, it is not the time to entangle this, but the life is important. Towards Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan's politeness:

"Teach two from that family?"

Xu Qinyang loosely pulled a chair and sat down, and restored the lazy and noble appearance:

"You don't know this!"

Jiao’s look was stagnation, but he was under the eaves. Have to bow. Depressed the anger in my heart:

"I don't know how the dog offended the Taoist friend?"

Xu Qinyang’s lazy eyes suddenly condensed, causing Jiao’s heart to jump. And Xu Qinyang regained his lazy appearance at this time, reaching out to the boss:

"You ask him!"

Jiao Jiao turned to the boss, and even if the boss knew what was going on, he would pretend not to know it. Glance in the inn, saw the treasurer, and shouted to him:

"come here!"

The shopkeeper first looked at Xu Qinyang, and waited until he saw Xu Qinyang nodded lightly. Only carefully came over and whispered:


"That, what's the matter?" The boss blushes thickly toward the dispenser.

"Yes..." The treasurer was able to take all the responsibilities on his body at this time. His face was shy and said: "I was greedy for a while, I saw these two... The two seniors did not return for a few days. Unauthorized to rent the room to someone else..."


The boss gave the shopkeeper a slap in the face, though it was because he was sealed at this time. This slap in the face of the treasurer is lighter than the mosquito, but this attitude must be made. After the slap in the face, I turned my head and said shyly:

"Two friends, this is my lack of discipline, I immediately ordered them to clean up your room, you see ... how?"

Xu Qinyang raised his hand and lazily stroked a strand of hair hanging in front of his face, faintly said:

"I am in a bad mood!"

"Yes, yes, it has affected your mood, this is the fault of our shop. You see... this shop will compensate you for the 10 million top grades."

Xu Qin Yang’s mouth glimpsed. With a faint disdain in his eyes: "Thousands of top grades are crystallized? Forget it. You can keep it for yourself. If you have this attitude, my anger will disappear."

The innkeeper and Jiao’s heart are shrinking.

That is 10 million top grades! Not the next product, Xianjing! Even in the eyes of the other party is just a small amount of money, as long as the mood is good, say no, don't want it. What is the identity of the other party? What is the background?

Both of them originally had their minds. After waiting for the danger, you must pack up two people, Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan. The boss even thought about going back to the Sun family. Convince the family to deal with Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan.

However, the minds of both people have changed now. Xu Qinyang’s demeanor made them very scrupulous and confused. It is not realistic to say that he is a monk in the four super families and first-class families. The monks in those families were greeted by the Sun family, how come they would come here to fight for the room. If they are just second-rate families, but that attitude and strength simply do not want to!

Jiao Jiao has already retired in his heart, and decided to endure this tone and see Sun’s actions. If the Sun family does not move, it proves that this man and a woman are not provoked, and they are far away. If the Sun family moves, they may fall into the rocks and avenge their family monks.

The boss of the Sun family made up their minds. This must be a local reaction to the family. It must not be addicted. It must be objective. Then I will hand it over to the family to investigate the background of the other party. Just before the family has acted, just wait for the two people.

This day the inn is opened by the Sun family, and of course has the responsibility of investigating the news. It is natural to report this as soon as it happens.

The thoughts of their two hearts were turned in an instant, and at this time Xu Qinyang’s eyes had turned to Jiao. Na Jiaofa quickly said:

"Daoyou, we really didn't know that the two rooms were yours before, we will leave immediately. If you are still not angry, you can easily raise the conditions, we are fully satisfied."

Xu Qinyang stood up from the chair lazily: "Forget it, what conditions can you meet me?"

If you fall, you will be impatiently posing: "Come on, don't bother me here."

Immediately after the big sleeves waved, they unlocked three popular machine seals, and three people hurriedly climbed up from the ground. Jiao Fa screamed Jiao Yong, and left a corpse and family monk in a hurry. The innkeeper was swearing at the shopkeeper and quickly re-arranging the room for Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan. And he is standing with two hands in front of two people with a smile.

The speed of the inn was very fast, only a quarter of an hour, the two rooms were cleaned. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang came back to the place.

Two people entered the room of Xu Ziyan together. As soon as they entered the room, Xu Qinyang silently rubbed his chest and felt a painful heart. Xu Ziyan’s incomprehensible voice;

"Qin Yang brother, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Qinyang painfully said: "Thousands of top grades are so beautiful, so they are rejected by the faint brother, heartache, heartache kills me!"

Xu Ziyan laughed out and said to Xu Qinyang: "Yin Yang brother, you have done a great job! Only in this way can we show that our background is strong and let them have scruples. Don't say, you are very much now. Like a son of a hidden family, giggling..."

Xu Qinyang made a gesture of arrangement to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan sleeved a wave, and the eight-faced flag fell into the room, separating it from inside and outside.

"Ziyan, what do we do next?"

Xu Ziyan said with a light smile: "Through this matter, Sun Jia will definitely pay attention to us and investigate our background. What we have to do is to play the show well."

Xu Ziyan’s body leaned back and lazily leaned against the back of the chair and said with a smile: “We have been retreating and then going to the robbery. I haven’t understood the Wanxian Conference for more than a month, and I’m seeing it start. Let's go out tomorrow and see if there is any chance for us to be famous."

"it is good!"

Xu Qinyang got up from the chair and Xu Ziyan waved his hand to collect the flag and sent Xu Qinyang out of the door.

Just during the time when Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang talked, the owner of the inn was going to the family. Entering the Xu family, I found Sun Yao, the head of the outer door, and said the things happening in the inn in detail.

Sun Yao frowned slightly and whispered: "Sun Jiang, how many times have I told you that during the Wanxian Conference, we must do things well and not be able to accidents. It is only held in such a five hundred years. Who knows who will come in the ceremony? Go back, don't make trouble."

"Yes!" Sun Jiang bowed and retired.

Looking at the back of Sun Jiang, Sun Yao’s brows wrinkled more and more tightly, and he murmured:

"What is this identity of a man and a woman? Is it a second-rate family with a top ranking? Or is it a strong and powerful one? Or..."

Sun Yao’s heart suddenly missed half a beat and his face changed dramatically. Just yesterday, Sun Jia’s master Sun Hao personally went to the gate to meet two people, one was a young woman and the other was a middle-aged woman. As a foreign minister, she naturally knows that these two people are neither the four super families nor the disciples of the first-class family. Because now the four super families and all the first-class families have arrived. Although it is said that the real days of the Wanxian Conference have not yet arrived, these people have arrived in advance. These days, these families are not Taobao in the city, or participate in various activities to expand the influence of their families.

So, who are the two women?

After Sun Yao had inquired, he couldn’t help but be surprised. The other party turned out to be a hidden family. I did not expect that the Wanxian Conference would attract the hidden family. So it seems that the one man and one woman Sun Jiang said is also a hidden family? Should I tell the patriarch?

But if they are not? Don't you want to be drunk by the patriarch?

And if that man and woman are hidden families, since they have no clear identity, Sun Jia rushed to ask, will they offend others?


Stay tuned for the third!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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