The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1431: Xu Qinyang is famous (three more pink)

Congratulations to the students of Light Rain Sihan as the best!


In the end, Sun Yao decided to temporarily suppress the matter, first sent a personal secret surveillance, and then figured out the identity of the other party, and then decided how to do it.

the next day.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang walked on the crowded streets, and gradually they came to the square of Tianjiancheng. Tianjian City, as a family of first-class families, was originally huge. The central square is very vast. At this time, there is a magnificent building on the central square. It is built with fairy tales and can accommodate 500,000 spectators. This is a duel field. At this time, three platforms have been erected in the duel field, one ten battle platform, one hundred battle platform, and one thousand platform.

The tenth stage refers to a monk who wins ten games in a row on the ring, so that the grandson will give the monk a ten-game winning streak and a million tops.

The hundred battle platform is naturally a monk who wants to win a hundred games on the ring, so that the grandson will give the monk a hundred-game winning streak and give it to ten million top grades.

Thousands of stations are a monk who has to win thousands of games, so the monk will get a thousand-game winning streak and 100 million top grades.

This duel field was just established by Sun’s family, and it was thought of using the opportunity of this Wanxian Conference for a long time to operate. To know that a monk is in a duel, even if he wins, it is inevitable to be injured, or to consume Xianyuan force violently. Can you stand in a duel on the ring?

Therefore, this kind of duel is going up, and then go up to the duel in a few days, as long as you can win every game. You can accumulate a winning streak. If you lose a game, you must start from the beginning.

So why should Sun Family establish such a duel?

Make money!

It is the ticket money that will make the Sun family earn a lot, not to mention gambling.

Xu Qinyang saw this duel field and his eyes immediately lit up. Turned to Xu Ziyan said:

"Ling Bo. Let's go to the duel. Is it good to win the 100 million top grade fairy crystal!"

Xu Zi was white and he glanced at him: "We are civilized people, don't think about killing and killing all day."

Xu Qinyang turned a white-eyed road: "Of course you are a civilized person, you have the capital of civilization! You can make alchemy and you can also make a symbol, you can also refine and arrange. You can naturally use this civilized method to make a name. What about me? Just relying on drinking and posing cool?"

As he said, Xu Qinyang shook his hand in the wine gourd: "The place where I can make a name is in this duel. I want them to see the secrets of the hidden family."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said to Xu Qinyang: "Do you really regard yourself as a hidden family disciple?"

"Moral! This is professional ethics! Since you have to play, you must be true!"

Xu Qinyang thought for a moment: "Yangqin brother, do you really want to go to the duel?"

"Well! This is also an experience for me!" Xu Qinyang's eyes became firm.

"This...may be very dangerous!" Xu Ziyan's eyes were a little worried. If Xu Qinyang died on the ring, Xu Ziyan really did not know how to go back and explain to Xu Haotian.

Xu Qinyang shook his head confidently: "I have analyzed it. There is a rule in this duel. It is impossible for me to challenge Xianjun. And Xianjun does not have that interest to come here. How many yuan in this meta-galaxies? Xianjun? He will definitely give you the choice of opponents in the same realm. At the end of the day, I am too powerful. I will choose the monk who will choose the peak of the late nine-day Xuanxian. If you randomly choose, let me go to the monk in the Tianxian period. Can I take the 100 million fairy crystals in a day's work?"

Xu Ziyan pondered a bit and felt that Xu Qinyang made a point. And she thinks that Xu Qinyang is now the late nine-day Xuanxian. And with the water that he lends to him, it is really not afraid of the peak of the nine days of Xuanxian. However, there was still some concern in my heart, where I hesitated to disagree with Xu Qinyang to participate in the duel.

"Lingbo, don't worry about it." Xu Qinyang said firmly: "You know that my wood properties have reached the realm of Dacheng, and it is only one step away from the great perfection. Do you know what it means to cultivate wood properties to Dacheng?"

When Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked, she suddenly remembered that when she was in the underground world of the Cangwu mainland, Gu Teng once told her that if the wood property was cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, there would be a kind of supernatural power, which is called endless life.

"You mean... living endlessly?"

"Yes!" Xu Qinyang said proudly: "I have now cultivated to the endless realm. As long as I am not injured, I can continue to fight in the ring. I need pressure, proper pressure, and the same realm in the ring. The monk's duel, maybe I can cultivate the wood property to the great realm. I can't give up this opportunity. Not to mention I can use this opportunity to make a name for us to achieve our goal!"

Xu Qinyang said so. Xu Ziyan also has no excuse to block. Mainly because she also thinks that Xu Qinyang really has an advantage now. The five attribute roots make his original explosive power and Xianyuan force reserve much stronger than the ordinary monks. Nowadays, they add to their endless life, and almost all of them can consume the other party, even if the other party is the late nine-day Xuanxian. peak? What's more, there is still a palm of water to defend yourself?

In the end, Xu Ziyan agreed, but he was still jealous of him, and he was determined not to be able to fight with the monks of the Xianjun period. Xu Qinyang heard it and returned directly:

"You are stupid!"

With the decision, the two people walked into the duel field, entered the front hall, and went straight to the workbench. Xu Qin Yang made **** and gently knocked on the counter, towards a female repair inside. Smiled:

"Fairy, arrange a duel for me, I am going now."

The woman repaired her head and looked at Xu Qinyang. She smiled and said, "Please test it for repair."

As he spoke, he took out a jade slip with a rune engraved on it. Xu Qinyang held the jade in his hand and immediately felt that the celestial force in his body was sucked into the jade slip. However, just after turning around in the jade, he returned to his body.

"Nine days of Xuanxian late! Please register your information!"

After Xu Qinyang registered his own information, the female repairer arranged it and then told Xu Qinyang that his duel was scheduled for the next third.

Xu Qinyang smiled and promised to leave with Xu Ziyan, but was dragged by Xu Ziyan:

"Duke of the dulcimer, don't hurry!"

"What?" Xu Qinyang looked at Xu Ziyan inexplicably.

"Give me your fairy crystal, I will gamble." Xu Zi said with a smile,

Xu Qinyang heard a loud laugh and sorted out several storage rings and handed it to Xu Ziyan. He continued to laugh and left. And Xu Ziyan came slowly to the place where Sun’s family opened a gambling.

I have to say that the efficiency of Sun’s family is really high. I just waited for a while, and Xu Qinyang’s gambling bureau was opened. The fight with Xu Qinyang was also a late monk of the nine-day Xuanxian, called Huang Tian. It seems that the Sun family is not very familiar with the two people, and the repairs of these two people are quite the same, so the odds are all one.

Now there are not many celestial crystals on Xu Ziyan's body. There are more than 10 million best celestial crystals. I also looked at Xu Qinyang. I saw that Xu Qinyang’s storage rings are some of the top or middle grades. It is estimated that there are about two million best crystals. Therefore, Xu Ziyan bought a million yuan of the best fairy crystal, buy Xu Qin Yang win.

This bet has already been great, and the people at Sun’s gambling house are not surprised. Xu Ziyan was happy to leave with a gambling ticket and ran to the stands waiting for Xu Qinyang's appearance.

Far away, a grandson of the Sun Family took out a message that Yu Zhijian reported Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang to the foreign affairs chief Sun Yao. After receiving the news, Sun Yao slightly thought about it. The corner of his mouth passed a smile and his heart. This is a good time to understand the cards of the two people. I gave the deputy to the deputy general manager and hurried to the duel.

Xu Ziyan sat in the stands watching a duel, because this time the Sun’s duel field was just established. Only the ten battles were on the duel. The other two hundred battle platforms and the thousand platforms were still empty. No one has yet reached Ten consecutive victories. Because only a ten-game winning streak is qualified to sit down, the duel field only has requirements for the monk sitting on the battle. It must be a ten-game winning streak who is qualified to sit down, and there is no requirement for the challenged monk.

However, this is really a duel! Injury is already the most basic thing, and death is not unusual.

Soon, Xu Qinyang's figure appeared on the platform of the tenth battle platform. Xu Ziyan sat up in excitement and looked at Xu Qinyang, who was on the top of the ring. He slammed the sword with one hand and the other, and took a sip of the wine gourd. Then he looked at the opposite side of the ring. A monk glances.

At this time, Sun Yao also looked at Xu Qinyang above the ring with interest, and secretly said:

"Who is this person? His performance is not to treat the other party as a thing at all!"

The result proves that Xu Qinyang really has the qualification to not regard the other party as a child. The two people have not fought on three rounds, and Xu Qinyang has seriously injured the other side and won the first game.

Immediately, Xu Qinyang made a move that the audience did not think of. He simply did not fall down and asked the duel to arrange a second floor for him. He was not prepared to rest.

Regardless of this, Xu Ziyan immediately stood up from the platform and hurriedly ran to the Sun House gambling office. When he arrived at the gambling office, he found that Xu Qinyang’s odds had changed and became a loss of zero.

Xu Ziyan will now double up to 24 million of the best fairy gambling, Xu Qinyang won, this time he simply does not return to the stands, but went to the door, where he stood to watch Xu Qinyang's game. If Xu Qinyang wins the duel and still has to fight, she will bet on the fastest moment.


The third is more, ask for everything!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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