The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1432: She is the shot after all (one pink)

Thank you very much *^*0 classmates, Liu Wuchen, 888 students from Qianmen Street, Li lazy classmates, little girl Longlong classmates, Kdnio classmates, fish and sword classmates, God Mo Wangdao classmates, Youyou Linglong classmates, lost his heart゙ classmates, Nan pumpkin classmates, wanwl125 classmates, 蘩羽645098 classmates, zl9773 classmates, heartbreaking 33 classmates, wonderful classmates, charlottew classmates, plums~~~ classmates, silina0628 classmates, Zhang Danya classmates, seaphay classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, sweet meat The pink ticket for the classmates!


Xu Qinyang did not let Xu Ziyan disappoint. He really defeated his opponent very quickly. Xu Ziyan went to the gambling office and continued to bet.

Xu Qinyang continued to win, the odds of the gambling continued to adjust, and Sun Yao above the stands, his face was constantly dignified.

It took only two hours, and Xu Qinyang did not have a break. It was a great win to win a ten-game winning streak. Everyone thought that Xu Qinyang should have left, but Xu Qinyang went directly to the hundred battles, and made it clear that he wanted to continue the duel.

The entire duel field was boiling, and no one thought that today would see such a wonderful scene, everyone's emotions were mobilized, and they all wanted to see where Xu Qinyang's limit lies.

After two hours, Xu Qinyang won another ten games. This time he stepped down the ring, not that he didn't want to continue, but that the duel was at rest.

These 20 games, no matter how many comprehension Xu Qinyang has in the duel. Xu Ziyan was happy to pout. Even if Xu Qinyang's odds have been falling, and finally fell to a loss of one point, Xu Ziyan's search has exceeded one billion best. Fortunately, Xu Qinyang’s odds were declining, and Xu Qinyang was a Lien Chan. Let a lot of people buy Xu Qinyang to lose, this makes Sun family not pay much.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan walked happily back, and Xu Ziyan had already given Xu Qinyang some storage rings with 200 million yuan of fine crystals.

Wherein I have discovered the business fight. Wait until he sees the level and quantity of the crystal in the storage ring. I almost yelled out. When did he have so many celestial crystals, and is it still the best?

But he still resisted himself, and he smashed it in his heart: "Fashion! The grace of the hidden family!"

Xu Ziyan looked at him with a funny smile, and his heart was also leaping. Now Xu Ziyan’s body is rich, and the storage ring has nearly 900 million yuan of the best, so she has a kind of sweeping goods in Tianjian City. Thoughts.

Ok! I won’t go to see Qinyang’s brother’s duel tomorrow. Anyway, the odds of tomorrow will not know to what extent, I will go to several trade fairs tomorrow. See if you can trade something better.

Two people excitedly returned to the world inn, Xu Ziyan just thought of asking Xu Qinyang for 20 games in Lien Chan. Is there any gain?

Xu Qinyang shook his head slightly and sighed a bit: "Maybe I haven't touched any masters yet. I haven't felt the pressure. I said that today's nine-day Xuanxian late monks, even a nine-day Xuanxian late peak No, how can I have pressure?"


Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Yangqin brother. Do you think you are the invincible under Xianjun?"

“Hey!” Xu Qinyang’s face became dignified disposed with a serious expression: “At the very least, I can’t beat you!”

"Ha ha ha..." Both people laughed happily.

the next day.

Xu Qinyang went to the duel field early to participate in the duel. Xu Ziyan came out of the room and went to the counter and looked at the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper immediately nodded and smiled and said;

"Daoyou, what do you have to order?"

Xu Ziyan said softly: "Is there any trade fair recently? I want to participate."

The shopkeeper slightly thought about it: "There is an auction today. It is better for the Taoist friends to go to the auction today. I will try to find out the trade fairs that will be held in the next few days. I will ask you for one. How do you see the eligibility to enter?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and inquired about the location and time of the auction. Then he threw out a piece of the best fairy crystal to reward the treasurer. Shiran out of the inn gate. The treasurer took the piece of the best fairy crystal and smiled and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan.

"This Lingbo fairy is still very good to talk about. It seems that the last time I did something wrong."

Sun Yao received the information again. Said that the dulcimer went to the duel. The Lingbo did not follow, but went to the auction.

Sun Yao thought about it. Decided to go to the auction to see. In the duel field, there has been a basic understanding of the dulcimer, that is, the dulcimer has a strong combat power. However, there is almost no understanding of that Lingbo. And from the auction can also understand the character of a monk.

Xu Ziyan came to the auction, but at the time of an auction, there was no extra private room, and it was already fixed. Xu Ziyan does not care if there is a private room, but this is an identity issue. Xu Ziyan believes that Xu Qinyang’s winning streak yesterday should have begun to make a name, and he should have made up his mind because he even won the game. At this point, both of them should be undercover surveillance. At the very least, the Sun family should send people to monitor. This is the consciousness of the host of the Wanxian Conference.

Therefore, even if she sits down in a loose seat, she should show her own dissatisfaction and unaccustomedness. However, considering that he is a girl, and is still a civilized person. Therefore, Xu Ziyan only strongly expressed that the auction will be free to open the price, and he also has a private room.

Sun Yao, who has been monitoring Xu Ziyan, did not secretly give Xu Ziyan a private room. She has been watching from the cold, and analyzed the identity of Xu Ziyan from Xu Ziyan's attitude and tone.

Then Xu Ziyan was very dissatisfied and sat down in a sullen face. Let Sun Yao think that Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang have a basic understanding.

Ok! The dulcimer character is very arrogant and very proud. And this Lingbo character seems to be gentle. And arrogant with a little casual.

Look again!

Well, look again!

Sun Yao broke into the auction and went to the auction seat not far behind Xu Ziyan.

The auction started hot, and the price of the price came one after another. Xu Ziyan has been sitting there. I didn’t move it. There are a variety of things to be auctioned, including the materials of the elixir and the alchemy, the celestial and refining materials, the fairy symbols and the technical materials. Auctions such as flags, and some strange things, there are some fair auctions. These things are not interested in Xu Ziyan, so the level of Xu Ziyan really is not what she can see.

Sun Yao, who has been paying attention to Xu Ziyan, can't help but secretly nod, this is like a person with identity. Maybe she really came from a hidden family.

At this point, the auction has come to an end, Xu Ziyan is still moving. At this time, the auctioneer uncovered the silk scarf covered on a tray on the auction table. Showing a piece of slap-sized thing, releasing a faint brilliance. He slowly looked at his mouth and said:

"Dear friends, this thing belongs to an unknown item. Its characteristics are very hard. Li, the most famous six-piece refiner on the Zhongyuan galaxy, can't refine it. Others I can't say clearly, maybe It’s a chance for all your friends..."

The auctioneer also spoke very **** the stage, inciting everyone's emotions. However, Xu Ziyan sat up straight for the first time. Because she found this thing and the thing that she exchanged for a six-piece immortal in the open-air market. And when she exchanged the six medicinal herbs for that thing, she felt a little familiar in her heart, but she couldn’t remember it.

Now I see this similar thing again, and that familiarity has come to my mind. Suddenly, her heart moved, she found that the department is familiar, this thing and the master took the star that was given to her by the Wanli very much, but the nucleus of the nucleus that Master gave her, flowing a strong atmosphere. At this time, the things on the auction table were faint, and there was no slight breath.

Xu Ziyan transmitted a glimpse of the gods above the thing. At this time, a lot of gods are scanning that thing. The auctioneer did not stop it.

Xu Ziyan took back the gods, and she vaguely felt that there seemed to be a secret on the thing. The star nucleus that was given to her in the first place was sealed with mana, and the things on the auction floor could not see the mana seal, but they felt a hint of faint seal.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. If you can't see the seal of Immortal, if it is true, there is only one proof. That is, the above-mentioned fairy character is higher than itself, and it is much higher. Now she is already a seven-character fairy, and she can't see that the fairy with the immortal seal is the worst. It is also a super-character.

No one in the Central Galaxy can see this is very normal, but how can the Zhongyuan Galaxy have this thing? Is it the same as that of the monk in the open-air market, which was obtained from an ancient ruins?

Forget it, anyway, this thing must be obtained, no matter what price!

At this time, the auctioneer had already started to incite, and the knowledge of those probes was also collected. The auctioneer smiled and said:

“The starting price is one million top grades, and there is no requirement for each price increase. Now the auction starts.”

There are no sounds on the auction floor. No one wants to spend a million yuan on a thing that they don't understand. It is not the next product.

Sun Yao looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, and said in her heart: "I just saw her behind her back. It is clearly interested in this thing. Will she shoot?"

The scene was awkward, and the smile of the auctioneer had become a bit embarrassing. Gradually, there was a hint of helplessness in the eyes. It seems that this thing is going to be genre. He just wanted to announce the flow, and Xu Ziyan raised his hand and shouted the price:

"one million!"


The audience’s eyes were all focused on Xu Ziyan, and the auctioneer gave a soft sigh of relief. Sun Yao’s eyes behind Xu Ziyan showed a smile:

"She is the shot after all!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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