The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1435: You two are good

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The prince jumped up from the chair and shouted: "This is impossible!"

Thyme also glanced at the prince and arrogantly, raising the fairy in his hand: "Let me teach you. First of all, the gloss of this medicinal drug, the reason why it has almost no gloss, is because the essence of the medicinal herbs are almost all When Cheng Dan was restrained, he condensed into nucleus inside the Xiandan. For such an effect, Master Wang should know?"

Speaking of this, once again despised a prince proudly said: "The effect is to raise the quality of Xiandan again, let it reach the peak of the five products."

"As for the smell of the medicine you smelled..." Jun asked Tiantian to take the words and said: "That is because the essence of the medicine is all restrained, forming the Dan core, thus all the impurities are excluded, forming a layer. The protective film, so that the elixir's shelf life is longer, and there is no trace of medicine."

When the king asked the words, the **** used a little force, and the surface of the elixir was crushed by him. In his hand, there was a small circle of elixir. The soft light was released, and a rich and pure medicine was released. .

The prince’s face has changed dramatically. The mind becomes awkward.

"When it is over, it is defeated, and it is defeated by the family power. It is defeated in the public. The reputation of the world is paid. No, I am not willing."

The prince is arrogant and self-satisfied, and the momentum is compelling: "Yes, you said everything is good. But is this the secret of your family? If it is the same two elixir, you can not split the surface. The quality of the two medicinal herbs? If you say yes, I can also refine an elixir like this. Can you judge the quality?"

Jun Wentian and thyme heard a word, they really have no way to observe the quality of the elixir through a film. In the refining process of Xiandan, it is necessary to enter the immortality with the Xiandan division from time to time. These immortals will leave a mark on the elixir. This imprint will have a certain impedance effect on the monk's knowledge. Therefore, judging the quality of elixir still requires the experience of both eyes and years of accumulation.

of course. The most direct is to take food. But this judgment is not in line with the alchemy competition. Therefore, there is no way for Jun Tian and Thyme. As long as you are unwilling to nod.

This does not recognize that there is no way! If you don't admit it, the prince is really refining a kind of medicinal medicine like this on the spot, and they are still ugly. However, this is a way for them to find a prince who is hard to find. If it is retired like this, isn’t it a waste of effort? and so. Jun asked the day to say faintly:

"Long time master Wang's high name, today I also want to ask the master for an alchemy. Do not know if the master appreciates the face?"

This is the challenge, and the prince can not accept it. Moreover, he has never been accustomed to the family power of the Xiandan division. If you are on this high platform, you will be able to end the trip to the Wanxian Conference in the face of a large audience. Because my reputation will spread thoroughly. Therefore, he immediately interfaced:

“Zi proud is willing to learn from each other with Master Jun.”

The thyme retreated to the side, and the name of the prince and the prince was placed there, and she did not arrogantly sit on the chair. Instead, I stood there and watched it. As for Junlin and Bailiqing, I already had a high platform. They are not yet qualified to watch the two six-character Dandan alchemy on the high platform.

Jun Wentian and the prince proudly stood opposite each other on the high platform. When two people waved each other, they took out an alchemy furnace. Since it is two people who want to separate a high and low level, the natural refining is an elixir, six products chaos Dan. It depends on who has the quality of refining.

Xu Ziyan heard from the people around him a low-pitched voice, and heard that the prince is a six-product mid-level peak. It seems that the worst question of the king is also a six-product mid-term peak. Think about it again. Since the prince is still accepting the challenge of the king, the king should be in the same realm as the prince. Otherwise, the prince is not looking for humiliation?

In the moment when Xu Ziyan thought about it, two people on the high platform had already picked out the herbs, and each of them stretched out their left fingers and smashed a flame. They took a flame from the hands of the two, like a fire dragon, hiding the dragon, surrounding The alchemy furnace hovered, and the temperature of the alchemy furnace rose sharply.

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly, and this Xiandan division is still suitable for the two properties of firewood. Wood properties have a strong affinity for herbs, while fire properties have a strong affinity for fire control. It seems that these two people are all fire attributes.

At this time, Jun Wentian and Wang Ziao had begun to put herbs into the alchemy furnace. After that, they controlled the fire in one hand and continued to use the fairy in the alchemy furnace.

Xu Ziyan's eyes tightly locked the two people on the high platform. When the eyebrows were picked, she just saw in an instant that the prince was too high to ask for a glimpse of the sky. It was only a little higher. However, this is probably the key to winning or losing.

Wherein I thought about the 82-hour voyage. I think that the first-order scattered training must come from a hard time. I am afraid that it has been in the realm of low-grade medicinal herbs for a long time, but it is precisely because he constantly refines the low-level elixir that his foundation is very strong. The mastery of fire control technology has gained a slight degree.

However, the dispersal also has the weakness of dispersal. Their inheritance is often much worse than the family power, and the alchemy fairy is absolutely related to inheritance. It can be said that if you ask if Heaven can pull back that slight disadvantage, it depends on whether his inheritance can overcome the prince's pride.

Sure enough, Jun’s fairy tales are more fluent and mysterious than the prince’s arrogance, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a trace of regret. In the past few days, she has been watching the princes' evaluation of various Xiandan divisions. Although the prince has his mind, Xu Ziyan still respects him. A dispersal can be cultivated to such an extent that it is worthy of respect.

His fairy performance is a level worse than that of the monarch, not a little bit, which is doomed to his failure. Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up. The prince should know his weaknesses and fight at this time.

Shooting a light from his eyebrows instead of the left hand to control the fire, and then both hands start to enter the fairy, so that the immortal is more compact.

Time is passing, and the two people above the high platform are still completely ecstasy. Even the thyme above the high platform is a look of tension. Under the high platform, silence is silent, everyone is very nervous and very excited.

Watching the Six Pinxian Masters on the spot, you may be able to see this in your life. Every monk is extremely excited, but he is trying to suppress this excitement, for fear that a little bit of noise will destroy this test.

The news spread quickly, and there were constant monks coming to the place, after an hour. On the ring, Jun Tian and the prince arrogant stopped at the same time. It’s just that the spirit of the king’s question is good, and the prince’s arrogant has some overdraft. After all, in order to survive, he fully stimulated his potential.

Both of them took out the elixir, but at the same time. Because they don't know who to taste, here they are the highest in the realm of alchemy, and the thyme on the side is just the same as their realm. Which one will let the tasting of the elixir and the winners and losers of two people?

Xu Ziyan immediately understood the dilemma of two people, and the heart could not help but move. This is a good opportunity for a famous name! At this time, the monarch on the high platform said to the monks under the high platform:

"There are Dan Dao predecessors here. If there is, the younger generation will invite you to step up and give us a taste."

The prince arrogant is also looking forward to the bottom of the face, four silently silent, all silently looking around. Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, said faintly:

"I will check it out!"


All the people looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan walked gently toward the high platform, and the monks in front of them turned away. However, looking at Xu Ziyan's eyes is unbelievable.

how is this possible?

How can such a young woman be a master of elixir?

You must know that Jun Tian and the prince of the princes above the high platform are the six-pronged mid-level singer, is such a young woman a six-product late Xiandan division?

Are you a Chinese cabbage?

On the high platform, Jun Qiaotian was even more full of face. He just said that he would ask for a predecessor, and first of all he would like to live in the tone of the younger generation. He did not expect to have such a young woman. The prince is also a sly look, looking at Xu Ziyan at a loss.

The cultivation of two people is in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian. Naturally, it is also seen that Xu Ziyan is also the mid-term of Xuantian. Such a young nine-day Xuan Xian mid-term also made them have scruples, did not immediately get angry, and the heart could not help but hesitate. And just as they hesitated, Xu Ziyan had already arrived on the high platform and flew to the high platform.

Looking at the two people's face full of red, like the appearance of constipation, Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. Naturally, I know why they are. However, her face did not reveal a smile, but with a hint of arrogance, as if to come to Taiwan is to give the king and the prince a big face.

Jun asked Tian and the prince arrogantly blushing just wanted to say something, but was smothered back by Xu Ziyan, almost did not breathe.

"You two are good!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

This is a pure tone of voice, and there is some shame in my heart. Especially from the family of the king, it is hard to hide the anger. Just want to blame Xu Ziyan, but suddenly remembered the opposite standing and the prince proud. The prince of the prince, Ao Yisuke, did not speak out, but if he vented his reprimand, wouldn’t he seem to have no self-cultivation?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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