The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1436: Review

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season (200), the night moon 缥缈 classmates (200), An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates (200), seaphay classmates (200), Chongyang Feixing classmates (100), falling dust sand classmates (100) , Miao Ling Qing Zhang classmates (100), anna1978 classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (100), book friends 121125180033556 classmates (100), Xian Yi floating classmates (100), soil Reward by the students (100) in the water!


When Jun asked Tian, ​​he forced himself to take this breath and raised his eyes to the prince who was opposite. After all, the prince prince is just a sprawl. It is not as serious as the arrogance. I took a deep breath and kept the grace and said to Xu Ziyan:

"How do you call a friend?"

"Ling Bo!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The prince and the prince asked each other to look at each other. They all saw the confusion from the other's eyes. They turned their heads to look at the thyme. The thyme shook his head gently, indicating that he had never heard of the name. The prince proudly and cautiously said to Xu Ziyan:

"Would you like a few of them, or who are you?"

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly, laughing and arrogant and disdainful, looking down at the sweeping monarch and the prince. This kind of demeanor and gaze makes the king and the prince jump in the heart. This is the look and gaze that the disciples often bring out, and Xu Ziyan’s body also exudes the atmosphere of the superior. It is definitely not something that can be disguised, but the temperament and habits that have been cultivated for many years. The two men looked at each other and thought at the same time:

"Is this Lingbo in front of the family from that family?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan spoke up. An opening will take the unspoken tone of the family disciples:

"I know that you are asking me what I mean by this sentence. If you have something to say, don't bend and turn around without speaking."

When the prince is stunned, he can't help but change his face. How many years have he been reprimanded so unabashedly that the family patriarchs have to see themselves and have to give themselves three faces. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s words stopped his move.

"Don't you just want to know my grade? I will refine an elixir to you on the spot."

The prince and the prince asked the gods to change their colors. They looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes and became cautious. Can you tell me how to refine the elixir on the spot here?

The two men immediately retreated to both sides and gave the place to Xu Ziyan.

Under the ring, the Sun Jia disciple who had been following Xu Ziyan immediately left quietly, and went to an unmanned place. He took out the news that Yu Zhi would inform Xu Yao of the fact that Xu Ziyan wanted to be on the scene. Sun Yao heard a sigh of relief. Then I immediately rushed over. While driving to this, I was excited. I didn't think that Lingbo turned out to be a Xiandan teacher who surpassed the peak of the six products.

If she can really refine the six-pronged elixir, such a young six-pronged immortal master is definitely out of the hidden family. If this is the case, you must report it to the patriarch at the first time.

Above the ring.

"When ~~"

Xu Ziyan's sleeves waved, and a nine-piece fairy ware refining Dan Ding fell on the ring.

Jun asked the day, the eyes of the prince and the thyme are just a stay. With their experience, it is natural to recognize that this alchemy is a nine-piece fairy. The eyes of the three people are all red, and the onlookers of the elders under the high platform are also breathing heavily. Every Xiandan division knows what a good alchemy trip means for an elixir.

Xu Ziyan simply ignored them. The left hand slammed the bullets, and the sound of the dragon rang on the top of the ring. The nine fire dragons circled around the fingertips of Xu Ziyan and surrounded the alchemy.

When the nine fire dragons appeared, they shocked the audience. At this time, Xu Ziyan has cultivated the meaning of fire to the realm of great perfection. The fire dragon released is actually comparable to the prince. The monks who had just seen greed in their eyes suddenly became cautious.

To know that Xu Ziyan is the realm of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term, this cultivation is not low in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. On her top there are only two levels of nine days of Xuanxian late and late peaks. As for Xianjun. It is rarely involved in the world, they are usually retreating.

Xu Ziyan is now a nine-fire dragon, and the level of the nine fire dragons is obviously higher than the fire dragons released by Jun and Tian Wang. The discerning monk immediately recognized that the Lingbo above the high platform has already cultivated the fire attribute to the great perfection.

There is a fundamental difference between a nine-day Xuanxian mid-term monk who cultivates attributes to the great perfection and a monk who does not cultivate the attributes to the great consummation. Usually, a nine-day Xuanxian mid-term monk who cultivates a certain attribute to a great consummation. Its strength is already equivalent to the late nine-day Xuanxian. This result made almost all the monks who had been greedy for Xu Ziyan's nine products refining Dan Ding immediately extinguished the idea. Only a very small part of the nine-day Xuanxian late peak monk was still blinking there.

And just as their minds floated, Xu Ziyan had taken out the herbs for refining Chaos. The right finger tip is light, and the herbs are jumping at the fingertips, just like dancing, giving a beautiful feeling.

A single herb was screened out and wrapped in a bubble to keep it in the air. The right hand took a shot of the alchemy hall, and slammed into the sky. The right sleeves lingered, and the herbs that were trapped in the air fell into the Danding.

There was a humming sound in the air, and it was the sound of the hovering circle.

"When ~~"

The hovering and falling cover fell on the top of Dan Ding, and Xu Ziyan stood still and gently controlled the nine fire dragons.

The power of the nine fire dragons, and the realm of great perfection, is much higher than that of Jun Wentian and Wang Ziao. It is only a quarter of an hour, and Xu Ziyan begins to break into Xianyu.

"When ~~ when ~~ when ~~"

Whether it is on stage or under the stage, everyone is intoxicated in the fairy tale of Xu Ziyan. It’s not just the smooth and beautiful handcuffs of Xu Ziyan, but also the sound of being like a scorpio. The combination of the two. Just like a dancer dancing in the sky, it exudes beauty, nature, and a trace of heaven...

The nine fire dragons scattered with the left sleeve of Xu Ziyan. The right hand took a palm to the alchemy hall.

"When ~~"

Ding Guy hovered and flew into the air, and a strong medicinal fragrance was released from the alchemy hall. Xu Ziyan's right hand was caught in the void, and a medicinal herb was caught in her hands from the alchemy. The mind was moved and the alchemy hall was closed. Move the lotus walk to the table above the high platform. Put the medicinal herbs on top, and the corners of the mouth faintly arrogantly ask the king, Prince prince and thyme said:

"Look at it!"

The three people looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze at this time. They were all refining the elixir. They all saw Xu Ziyan's efforts to refine the elixir from Xu Ziyan. Now that I saw Xu Ziyan inviting them to taste the elixir, they surrounded them one by one and looked at the fairy on the table.

"Seven Pins of Essence!"

The three people exclaimed at the same time, and then looked up and stunned and looked at Xu Ziyan. Then bowed his head and carefully tasted the elixir.

The exclamation of the three people also heard the monks on the high platform.


The argument continued to spread, and Sun Yao stood in the crowd, his face full of shock.

"She... turned out to be a seven-character sage master...and...there was a duel in the duel field, and now it has won more than 400 games. These two people...should be from the hidden family? No, I have to go back and report to the patriarch immediately!"

Sun Yao squeezed out the crowd and rushed to the grandson's family.

Above the high platform. Jun asked the day, the eyes of the princes and thyme three people moved away from the fairy, sorted out the clothes, and bowed down to Xu Ziyan, and sincerely said:

"See Master Ling Bo!"

Xu Ziyan faintly said, arrogantly said: "I don't know if I have the qualification to taste your refining fairy?"

"Yes!" Jun asked Tian and the prince's face to be red, and put their own refined immortals on the table.

Xu Ziyan went to the table in two steps. Jun asked the day, and the prince and the thyme reverently retreated to one side. Xu Ziyan first collected the seven pieces of Xiandan that he had refined, and then looked at the medicinal herbs of the king and the prince. It is really difficult to see the quality of the two medicinal herbs on the surface. Both of them refine the six-product mid-level peak, whether it is from the gloss or the purity of the medicinal fragrance.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and the drooping eyes were blue. Just a moment. Then he sighed softly, and sure enough, he asked the remedy of the refining system to be stronger than the prince.

The shaped elixir is constantly being smashed into the fairy in the process of refining. Therefore, the interior of the elixir is layer by layer. The level of the elixir of the king’s refining system is stronger than that of the prince, but it is too clear and the situation of integration is not good enough. This is why he has poor control ability. Caused. The prince's arrogant system of medicinal herbs is worse, but the situation of integration is stronger.

However, when we look at it together, the efficacy of the monarch's refining medicinal herbs is still stronger than that of the prince. Although it is only a trace, it is finally a matter of victory.

Xu Ziyan looked up and glanced at the prince and the prince asked the sky. The two people were swept away by the eyes of Xu Ziyan. There was a feeling of facing the elders. The face became more respectful and the heart was a bit embarrassing. Xu Ziyan gently took the two medicinal herbs on the table in his hand and said faintly:

"The efficacy of these two medicinal herbs, Jun asked the day to be a little stronger than the prince arrogant, Jun asked Tiansheng!"

The look of the two men stunned, and then asked the gods to be ecstatic, while the prince arrogant was a dark look, and there was a faint disappointment between the looks.

Under the high platform, there was also a burst of arrogant discussion. Xu Ziyan said with a faint look: "According to the realm of both of you, you should also know that Xiandan is hierarchical."

"Yes!" Jun asked the day and the prince was arrogant.

"If you two dissatisfy my comments, you can use the immortal to peel off each of your refining elixir layers. Although the two of you refining the elixir on the surface, the gloss and the medicinal aroma are almost There is no difference, it is difficult to distinguish clearly, but as long as you compare them layer by layer, you will find that the more internal, the greater the difference. The level of both of you can be distinguished."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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