The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1437: disturb

I am very grateful to the little song children, ruby9413 classmates, wqiy2003 classmates pink ticket!


The prince and the prince asked the sky to look at each other, and both sides saw each other's heart. Seeing their appearance, Xu Ziyan carelessly waved his sleeves:

"Don't look at me, don't bother me."

When Jun Tian and the prince arrogant glanced at each other, they came together. The two men used Xian Xian to peel off the elixir layer by layer. As the layers of the elixir are peeled off, the prince's face becomes more and more ugly. As the Xu Ziyan said, the refining of the medicinal herbs is more internal, and the more powerful the medicine is than the refining of the heavens. Xiandan, that is, the medicinal fragrance is lighter than the remedy made by Jun.

At this point, two people were convinced of Xu Ziyan. However, in any case, Jun asked Tian to win the victory, and his face showed a faint joy. He thanked Xu Ziyan for giving him a gift again. The prince's arrogance is a stunned look. He is eager to make a difference, but he has gotten the result. He can't help but say that he is lifting his own rock and licking his own feet. However, in the face of people who are higher than their own alchemy, they also respectfully performed a ceremony.

Xu Ziyan looked at the prince who looked like a stunned prince. He saw that his whole person's spirit was fading. I know that after this failure, he will be depressed for a long time, and maybe he will never get a breakthrough. In the heart, the voice said:

"Wang Daoyou, do you know where you lost?"

"Under the school, the master is not good, so the master laughed." The prince said with a bitter look.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "You are not learning art!"

The prince arrogantly said that his eyes were bright, and he looked up at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes showed anxious color: "Please guide the master!"

Xu Ziyan said with a faint smile: "Since you were judged once, I will give you something. You are on the inheritance. Your alchemy handcuffs are too low. It should be that the inheritance was not complete enough, although you are I tried to complete it. But it didn't complete, and there were some mistakes, so your alchemy realm has been stagnant. You should be in the future to fix and correct your alchemy handcuffs, as long as you Solved this problem. Breakthrough is a matter of course."

The prince is proud of his spirit, but he has thought that it has taken thousands of years to repair the alchemy handcuffs. It is so easy, and there is some frustration in his heart. However, Xu Ziyan gave him a clear direction, his heart was still suddenly clear, and the spirit of God was no longer declining, and he went to Xu Ziyan to see the tunnel:

"Thank you for your guidance."

Xu Ziyan nodded faintly, turned his head and looked at Jun. At this time, Jun is like a child who is eager to get candy. Looking at her with excitement. Xu Ziyan passed a smile on his lips:

"You are already in the middle of the six-products, and you have been stuck in this realm for a long time?"

Jun asked the chicken to nod and smack in the same way. Xu Ziyan said faintly: "You are on the basis, your foundation has not been laid."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan put on a sense of emotion and said: "This may be a common problem for all disciples, because of the pressure from the family, good inheritance and resources, they want to improve their grades as soon as possible, and ignore It's your own foundation. It doesn't show up when the grade is low. However, when the grade is high, the weakness of the foundation will be exposed, making it difficult for the alchemists to go further."

When Jun Qiao began to hear Xu Ziyan saying that his foundation was poor, his heart was still not convinced, but when he heard Xu Ziyan’s next words, he fell into meditation and wondered where his foundation was worse.

Xu Ziyan saw that he could quickly calm down and think and said:

"You don't have to think about it, can I tell you where the difference is?"

"Really?" Jun asked the day to look at Xu Ziyan with excitement, knowing that Xu Ziyan only had to give pointers. Let him solve his own problems. He will be able to break through quickly and become the late Xiandan division of the Sixth.

It’s the so-called teacher!

A key point at a critical time is too important for the alchemy! Wherein we will have a smelter, where is there? If you want to get the guidance of an alchemy teacher. I don't know how much to pay. However, today, the high-ranking Qipin Xiandan master has to point him to him. How can he not be excited?

"You go back and practice the art of controlling fire. As long as you can cultivate the art of controlling fire to the realm of micro-invasion, it is the moment when you become the master of the six-products!"

Xu Ziyan’s words screamed like a thunder in the ears of Jun’s question, making his heart suddenly clear. A trip to the tunnel:

"Thank you for the guidance of the master!"

Xu Ziyan but laughed, his body gently fell under the high platform, and went outside the crowd. The crowd under the high platform automatically turned away from both sides, and the eyes of one worship all moved with the movement of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan no longer goes around looking for opportunities to be famous, even if she can't make a name in one day, nothing can be too far. Even if you want to continue to make a name, you have to go through a few days. Therefore, Xu Ziyan went straight back to the World Inn.

Above the high platform, the prince arrogantly looked back at Xu Ziyan's gradual disappearance, suddenly jumped off the high platform, and chased the past with Xu Ziyan. On the high platform, the king asked the first look of the gods, and then revealed the color of envy, whispering toward the thyme beside him:

"He is going to worship Master Lingbo as a teacher? I really envy him!"

"Although he is a dissertation, Master Lingbo may not be willing to accept him as a disciple!" Thyme shook his head gently, and then looked enviously and asked the heavenly voice:

"You don't have to envy him, I still envy you? After the guidance of Master Lingbo, waiting for the next meeting, you are the six-product late Xiandan division, and the younger sister congratulated here!"

When Jun asked the day to hear the words of thyme, his mouth was modest, but his face could not hide his smile.

Sun family.

Sun Yao hurried back and went straight to the patriarch's study. At this time, in Sun Shu’s study, Dagong Zisun and Ergong’s descendants stood in front of Sun’s and reported on the preparations for the Wanxian Conference. Sun Yao gently knocked on the door. After the permission of Sun Hao, he entered the study. After the ceremony, the things of Lingbo and Yangqin were originally told to Sun Wei.

Sun Yan slightly frowned and thought for a moment: "Sun Hao, do you mean that these two people are likely to come from the hidden family?"

Sun Yao didn't talk, just nodded.

"Father, no matter whether the Lingbo and the dulcimer are from the hidden family, a winning streak of more than 400 games, a seven-piece Xiandan division, is worthy of us to make friends. The children are willing to visit them." Dagong Zisun said.

The second son and grandchildren can't help but secretly give themselves a big slap in the face. How can such a thing get the big brother to take the lead? So I hurriedly said:

"Father, the baby is willing to go!"

Sun Hao waved his hand: "You don't have enough weight, or go for your father!"

When he said, he stood up from the chair. When he reached the door, he paused and said, "You two will follow the father!"

Sun Qiang and Sun Yue heard great joy and looked at each other and they all followed Sun Hao tightly.

In the other house of Sun's family, a figure quickly swept in, but it was the nine-day Xuanxian mid-stage peak Chu Qing who played in the Chu family and Xu Ziyan. She did not watch Xu Ziyan Alchemy on the spot. She just strolled around Tianjian City, but she happened to hear some monks talking about Xu Ziyan Alchemy and pointing thyme and Jun.

As soon as Lingbo’s name entered her ear, Chu Qing’s heart was a jump. Then he took a monk and asked Ling Bo's appearance. When she listened to Ling Bo's description, she had already determined that Lingbo was the Lingbo who had stayed at their Chu family.

Once the identity of Lingbo was determined, she never had to wander around the street. Because later they have learned from the Chu family's top management that Ling Bo is from the hidden family, so she has no complaints about losing in Ling Bo's hands, but has a kind of worship for Ling Bo. In particular, she remembered that Lingbo could resist the uncles of the family Xianjun period, and even had a longing for the hidden family.

The disciples of the super family are only proud of the monks of other families, and they encounter the same monks who are more noble than their own family.

She rushed into the room of Chu Yunfei. This time, a total of three people from the Chu family came to attend the Wanxian Conference. One was Chu Yunfei. Today, Chu Yunfei is already the realm of Xianjun in the middle of the period. The other is the peak of the late nine-day Xuanxian, called the Chu Temple, and one is the Chu Qing, the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian.

At this time, the Chu Temple was in the room of Chu Yunfei. When Chu Qing hurriedly ran in, Chu Yunfei’s face was a sinking road:

"How do you feel the hairy, which makes those people of other families see, isn't that the people of our Chu family are not cultivated?"

At this time, Chu Qing did not pay attention to Chu Yunfei’s attitude. Instead, he said, “Uncle, Lingbo Fairy is here!”

"What Lingbo..."

Chu Yun fluttered from the chair aunt and looked at Chu Qingdao with his eyes open: "Who are you talking about?"

"It is the Lingbo fairy, the fairy who has stayed at our Chu family."

Chu Yunfei immediately looked at the door and saw the shape of the purple smoke at the door. He turned his head and said to Chu Qing:

"What is going on? You tell me clearly!"

Chu Qing looked a glimpse, and this reminded me that I was over-excited. I just heard about the Lingbo fairy. I didn’t see the Lingbo fairy, I felt a little embarrassed between them, and took a breath. My emotions have stabilized, and this is how the matter goes through in detail.

After listening to Chu Qing’s speech, Chu Yunfei thought for a moment, and felt that to a large extent, this Lingbo, which appeared in Tianjian City, was the original Lingbo.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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