The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1438: Visiting one after another

I am very grateful to the students who are forever in the rainy season (200), Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Yan Hui students (100), KONG888 classmates (100), anna1978 classmates (100), Yu Yu 645098 classmates (100), night Yue Yan classmates (100), Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates (100), Tu Yishui classmates (100), Xian Yi floating classmates (100), wytwzh classmates (100) reward!


As for why Ling Bo did not reveal his identity to Sun's family like other hidden families, Chu Yunfei has already found a reason for Ling Bo. This may be the character of Lingbo Fairy. Do you think that she did not reveal her identity to the Chu family at the beginning? But a person ran to the trading hall of the Chu family?

When I think of it, I have already determined that Lingbo Fairy has arrived at Tianjian City. What else can I say? For so long, Lingbo did not go to the Chu family again. How can this opportunity be let go? Immediately to Chu Dian and Chu Qing Road:

"Follow me, let's go see Lingbo Fairy!"

In another house of Sun’s family, there is also a figure that is reporting to a middle-aged monk about Xu Ziyan’s alchemy. This individual house is the residence of the Sun family to the four super family Yun family.

All of the four super-families can stand for thousands of years, not only because they have the strength of Xianjun, but because they have the resources to cultivate family disciples to become Xianjun, because these four super families, each family Has a long term at the top of the Chinese galaxies.

The long term of the Chu family is the refiner, and the long term of the Yun family is alchemy. The long line of the Jiang family, the long term of the family is the system.

The young man who was reporting at this time was a disciple of the Yun family, called Yun Xiaoyao. How can a disciple like him who is from the alchemy family not go to see the prince's tasting conference? Although he is very disdainful to the prince, he does not hinder him from watching. But this look. I saw Xu Ziyan, which made him very shocked. Even if they were the alchemy family of the Yun family, they only had two Qixian early Xiandan divisions, so he rushed back to report to Yundan.

The Yun family came to Yundan and Yunxiaoyao this time. Yundan is the middle of Xianjun. Yunxiaoyao is the peak of the late nine-day Xuanxian. At this time, Yundan heard that the monk named Ling Bo could refine the seven-character fairy, and his heart could not help but shake. It’s just that the decision is made in an instant. Such talents must be gathered into their own family. If other super families are obtained, the advantages of the Yun family in the four super families will no longer exist. If such a person cannot be recruited, she must be killed. It is absolutely impossible for other super families to have the opportunity to recruit her.

"Go, let's go see the Lingbo fairy!" Yundan took the cloud and hurried away.

Outside the world inn. The prince is very entangled. He has been outside the world inn for some time. He wants to worship the purple smoke as a teacher, but he feels very abrupt, afraid that Xu Ziyan refuses, his heart has never been like this, and he has never No such hesitation. Walking around the world inn.

During his hesitation, a fairy car appeared in his field of vision, parked in front of the world inn, and three people came out of the carriage. The prince was naturally aware of the person who was walking in the middle, and could not help but move. :

"Sun's family got the news so quickly. Isn't Sun Hao recruiting Lingbo fairy?"

Thinking of this, the prince arrogantly couldn't help but grin, and said in his heart: "The Sun family is just a first-class family and wants to recruit Lingbo Fairy. There is no such qualification."

This day the inn is the Sun Jiakai. Naturally, it was brought to the front door of Xu Ziyan by the fart of the treasurer. The treasurer just knocked on the door, but was stopped by Sun Hao and gently knocked on the door.

Xu Ziyan sat in a chair in the room. I heard a knock on the door and a wave of sleeves. The door will open. Seeing three people standing at the door, two of them knew each other, one was the shopkeeper of the inn, and the other was the son of the Sun family. The eyes swept over the other two people, and the heart secretly:

"The middle-aged monk should be the grandson of Sun's family, and the young man should be the grandson of the grandson."

Xu Ziyan did not stand up from the chair, but looked at the door faintly and did not speak. On the face of the second son, Sun Yue’s face showed a hint of anger, and the great son and grandson were a calm face, but his eyes looked curiously at Xu Ziyan. On the contrary, Sun Hao’s look smiled and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Lingbo Fairy, under the Sun Jiajia master Sun Hao."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded faintly, and the body did not move a little bit: "Please come in."

The arrogance of Xu Ziyan made Sun Qiang, who was originally calm, appearing in the look of anger. Only Sun Jia still walked in with a smile and sat down on the chair, and there was still a apology in his eyes:

"Trying to come, disturb the fairy!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head indifferently: "I don't know what happened to Sun's family."

Sun Hao did not say a little bit: "Today, I heard people report that the fairy is actually a seven-character sage master, so that you can live in the inn is the old man's negligence, deliberately come to plead guilty."

Xu Ziyan faintly waved his hand: "This has nothing to do with you, I like to live in the inn."

Sun Yi still smiled and said: "Where is the fairy fairy?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes twitched slightly, and the glittering eyes in his eyes made Sun’s heart burst into his heart. But the eyes of the purple smoke instantly returned to normal, faintly said:

"I am just a wild crane, don't say anything!"

Just said here, there was another knock on the door, Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and just showed a trace of impatience, the sleeves waved, the door would open gently. Looking into the door, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile, stood up from the chair, and walked toward the door and smiled and said:

"How come Chudaoyou?"

The three sons and grandsons sitting in the chair, the eyes of the three at the same time, the three people who came to be the Chu family, one of the four major families, and all three Chu family appeared. There are also very good-faced expressions on my face. This is definitely not a dress, but an expression from the heart.

At this time, the grandson and grandson could not sit still. How can I sit in front of the four super families? Also hurriedly stood up from the chair and looked at Chu Yunfei.

Chu Yunfei’s face smiled like a chrysanthemum at this time. Haha laughed into the room and said:

"Hahaha, the fairy is not enough friends. When I came here, why didn't I meet my old friend?"

Xu Ziyan said with a faint smile: "The Taoist friend does not know, I don't like this person, and I am used to it."

At this time, from the outside, ran into the shopkeeper, smiled charmingly at Xu Ziyan, then took a few chairs from the storage ring and put them in the room, then smiled and retired. Close the door.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Let everyone sit!"

Sun Hao took the opportunity to hurriedly handed to Chu Yunfei: "I have seen Chu predecessors!"

Chu Yunfei nodded in a faint spot and did not speak any more. Of course, Sun Hao would not leave, and she sat down with a thick cheek. At this time, Sun Qiang and Sun Yue have no sorrow in their looks. Can they let Chu Yunfei smile and come to visit people, what qualifications do they have to be angry?

Just sitting here, I heard a cold drink outside the door: "Who are you? What are you doing in front of Lingbo?"

At this time, two people stood outside the door, and one of them was about to reach for the door. However, he was seen by the dulcimer who just returned from the duel, and he could not help but scream.

The two people outside the door are not others, it is the Yundian and the clouds. At this time, when I heard the dulcimer drink cold, I turned to look at it and saw a young man looking at them coldly. The body was rushing with a **** murderous murderous force. Let the cloud that is the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian late, almost lost heart.

Xu Qinyang has been in a duel these days. He has to play 20 duels almost every day. He will see blood killing almost every field. He has won 436 games and killed 432 people. This is not only a further understanding of the wood properties. The cultivation is constantly improving. Gradually approaching the peak of Xuantian in the late nine days, more importantly, he is no longer the original Xu Qinyang who only knows cultivation, but has become a tyrannical Xu Qinyang. The temperament of the body has undergone earth-shaking changes. Like a **** of killing.

At this time, the murderous will be released, that is, the Yundian Temple in the middle of Xianjun also flashed a trace of color in his eyes. but. The dignity of Xianjun cannot be hurt. No matter who is right or wrong, as long as he offends Xianjun, there is only one way to die, especially a monk without background. However, remembering that the other party just called Lingbo's name, there is a trace of scruples in his heart. After all, the first purpose of his own coming is to recruit the Lingbo fairy, so he will hesitate. Between this hesitation, I saw the door in front of me opening, and there was a woman’s voice inside:

"Guests come in!"

The Yundian immediately put down Xu Qinyang and turned to look inside the room. The smile that had just been piled up on his face turned into a horror, and then there was a gloom in his eyes. Because he actually found that the three people in the Chu family were sitting in Lingbo's room. A thought can not help but come to mind:

“Does the Chu family want to recruit Lingbo? If this is the case, this Lingbo must be killed.”

Xu Ziyan did not stand up this time, but looked at Yundian Road faintly: "Two?"

The look of the Cloud Temple and Yunxiaoyao is a sinking, and they have never received this treatment. Especially the Yundian, in any case, he is also a mid-Jianjun. Even if the ancestors of the four major families saw him, although they did not get up and meet, they were also smiling. As for the other Xianjun, at least they have to get up and meet. Where is the Lingbo fairy in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian in front of him, even if he got up and owed it.

At this time, Sun’s father and son were completely a dull expression. I remembered that I was waiting for someone to blame Lingbo for not getting up and waiting for myself, but now? The family’s Yunjia face of the four super families is not given as usual.

At this time, Xu Qinyang also came in from the outside, Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair and smiled at Xu Qinyang:

"Brother, come over, I will introduce you to the friends I met when I last traveled."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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