The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1441: Jiang Jia and Xiang Jia

I am very grateful to Su Liuyan students, Xianyi floating classmates, yanz0530 classmates, Li lazy classmates pink ticket!


This time, Xu Ziyan was quick to nod and agreed, which also made Sun Hao’s heart looser. Several people talked for a while, and then they met again later, and they politely bowed one by one. This time, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang also stood up and sent several people to the door.

The two men had just returned to the room of Xu Ziyan, and they heard another knock on the door. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly. I really couldn’t think of anyone else, and the sleeves opened and opened the door. I accidentally saw the prince. Standing outside the door.

When the prince saw the door open, he looked at Xu Ziyan with a nervous look. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, couldn't think of what the prince was doing here, and asked about the past.

The prince arrogant finally walked into the room with a look of anger, and "噗通" screamed in front of Xu Ziyan, and worshipped it:

"Please ask the fairy to accept pride and pride, and pride will definitely loyalty to Master."

Xu Ziyan sat there, and the shadow of Cheng Yaoge suddenly appeared in his mind. Cheng Yaoge was the first alchemy disciple Xu Ziyan collected in the mainland. He did not expect to come to the fairyland, and another monk wanted to worship himself as a teacher.

Xu Ziyan sat there and meditated. Now Xu family is really lacking a six-product mid-level alchemy teacher like the prince, and he only wants to pass on him and point him out. He will soon become a six-product late alchemist. This is already the first alchemy teacher in addition to her Xu Ziyan.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan said faintly: "The prince is proud. You have to think about it. If you worship me as a teacher, you will serve my family for life and loyal to my family!"

"The disciple can do it. The disciple can swear!" the prince said firmly.

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "You will follow me first. When I feel that you can become my disciple, you can worship again!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Xu Ziyan puts a hand in his hand: "Don't call me Master first, I haven't accepted you as a disciple. I have to observe you for a while."

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him silently, and waved his hand and let him stand up and said, "Go back first!"

"Yes, Master, the disciple came to serve Master in the morning."

The prince proudly and deeply performed a ceremony, then he went backwards, gently closed the door, and then secretly raised his fist. Excited to leave.

Xu Qinyang looked at Xu Ziyan strangely and asked: "Who is he?"

"A six-product mid-term peak alchemy division." Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"What?" Xu Qinyang suddenly jumped out of the chair.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand: "Calm! He worshipped me as a teacher, but I didn't worship him as a teacher. What are you excited about?"

"Call~~呼~~" Xu Qinyang spit out two breaths, no longer said anything, just extended a thumb to Xu Ziyan, then turned around and said:

"I have to go back to the room to practice, and the pressure you have given me is too great. It is the heart of your exercise to have such a sister!"

Chu Yunfei and Yundan left the Tianxia Inn together. Yundan went directly to Chu Yunfei's carriage and laid a soundproof array method. He whispered:

"Chu brother, do you know what family Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang are from?"

Chu Yunfei said earnestly: "I don't know what family they are, but they must be hidden families, and they should be the kind of fascinating family." Those hidden families have touched us before. When have you seen a family that can both refine and refine?"

Yundan did not stop at the head: "Chu brother, do you know the repair of Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang?"

Chu Yunfei shook his head and said: "The repair of Mr. Yang is not known to me. But the Lingbo fairy once easily caught the full blow of Yunhai in the Chu family with the realm of the early days of Xuantian."

"What?" Yundan asked in surprise. After a while, I cautiously said: "Do you mean that they hide the repair?"

Chu Yunfei solemnly nodded and said: "You don't want to ignore their age. I think that Mr. Yang should be only three thousand years old, and that Lingbo fairy is even younger, but it is not good to explore her bone age. ”

Yundan was in a daze. quite a while. I muttered: "Isn't that Lingbo fairy say that she is a civilized person? Isn't she good at fighting? Is it weak in combat power?"

Chu Yunfei deeply locked his brow and said: "If she tells the truth, then she can only explain one thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Mr. Yang’s cultivation is higher. The fighting power is stronger!"

Two people look at each other and look like a dull person.

In the next few days, Chu Yunfei, Yun Dan and Sun Wei both banqueted Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, and Sun Hao also specially sent Sun Qiang to accompany Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang did not go to a banquet. He spent the whole day in a duel duel. At this time, the gambling on Xu Qinyang in the duel field has become how many games he can win in a row, and whether he can win thousands of games.

Xu Ziyan went to Chu Yunfei separately, and Yun Dan and Sun Hao each had a banquet, and then they stopped going. During this period, Xu Ziyan also went to participate in two meetings, one is the nine-day Xuanxian level, and the other is the Xianjun level.

These two trade fairs, Xu Ziyan went alone, did not alarm Chu Yunfei and others, even the prince proud did not alarm. It’s just that these two trade fairs have not brought many surprises to Xu Ziyan. Although they have changed a few things, they are not extremely cherished.

However, at the Xianjun period trade fair, she saw some other Xianjun again. However, everyone has a mask that is released by the jade card, but they can't see each other's true faces.

Xu Ziyan initially saw nine celestial princes, and his heart was shocked. She opened the eyes of Kun Peng, and naturally saw Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan. I thought about it in the heart. There should be four super-family sages, and there should be a sinister family of the hidden family. The rest of them should be scattered.

In this way, Xu Ziyan is even more afraid to take it casually, and it does not have anything that makes her look too much. However, she still shot twice and exchanged two kinds of eight treasures.

The next time, Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan went to the room of Xu Ziyan every day.

These two people also have alchemy and refining equipment. Chu Yunfei is a six-product early refiner, and Yundan is a six-inner alchemist. Two people are entangled in Xu Ziyan to keep asking questions. These problems seem to be very simple in Xu Ziyan. From this point of view, the inheritance of the Chu family and the Yun family is not complete, and the basic part is not complete.

A lot of things seem to be the basis of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan understands why the success rate of Yunjia and Chujia alchemy and refiners is so small. This is because their inheritance is missing in the basic part, all of which cause the foundation to be unstable. When it comes to high quality, naturally There will be problems.

The reason why they can also become a super family, that is, the inheritance of other families is not as good as their family.

Xu Ziyan only pointed them out several times. The two men were already convinced in their hearts, because they were not able to get such clear instructions from the mouths of the two seven-inner alchemists and refiners. In this way, they are even less willing to let go of this opportunity.

However, they clearly saw that Xu Ziyan’s face was impatient. Two people also raised their cheeks, and Xu Ziyan went on, they accompanied them all the way. Xu Ziyan just showed a little interest in something. Two people rushed to pay Xianjing, so that Sun Jiada, who was originally trying to perform well, was depressed all the way.

The patriarchs of Yunjia and Chujia received a message from Yundan and Chu Yunfei, and immediately sent people to **** two of the family's seven alchemy masters and refiners to the Sun family, and the owner of the Yun family also came to visit Not to mention the Chu family’s long Chuyun movement. However, according to the distance calculation, I am afraid I have to wait until the start of the Wanxian Conference.

Chu Yunfei and Yundan are accompanying Xu Ziyan every day. Even Sun Hao is trying to take time out of his busy schedule to accompany Xu Ziyan. How this situation may not attract the attention of others. Especially the other two of the four super families, Jiang Jia and Xiang Jia.

On this day, Chu Yunfei and Yundan just accompanied Xu Ziyan to go around, squinting and asking each other a question in the room of Xu Ziyan, which was a joy to leave. The two of them talked happily all the way. Just entering the door of Sun’s house, they saw Jiang Fuji and Xiang just standing at the door waiting for them.

Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan looked at each other and immediately understood what Jiang Fuji and Xiang just stood here. These two people also know that they can't hold on to Jiang and Xiangjia. They just hold the idea that one day is a day. Now when they see people blocking the door, they know that they can't drag on. However, the two people still pretend to be ignorant, saying to Jiang Fujie and Xiang Gongjun:

"The two brothers are standing here to go out?"

Jiang Fujie and Xiang Gong smiled bitterly: "The two brothers will not know that we are waiting for you here?"

Chu Yunfei and Yundan’s heart is so cool, Chu’s relationship with Yun’s family is good, and Jiang’s relationship with Xiang’s family is good. Both sides used to be very proud of each other and refused to whisper a little. Today, Jiang Fuji and Xiang Yu’s justice to them Two whispers, two people only feel refreshed from the inside out. However, two people shrug at the same time:

"do not know!"

Jiang Fujie and Xiang Gong smiled and looked at each other. They turned to Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan and said, "Okay, let's not block the people at the gate. Can you go to the Chu brother to ask for a cup of tea?"

"Please!" Chu Yunfei can no longer quit, only smiles.

Four people came to the other courtyard where Chu Yunfei lived, and they were seated separately. Chu Qing retired after going to tea. Jiang Fujie took a jade box from the storage ring and put it on the table. The item was also taken out and a jade box was placed on the table, which was pushed to Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan respectively.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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