The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1442: Sluggish again

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Chu Yunfei opened the jade box and saw a smile on his face. The jade box contained a group of silk inside, which was the fairy Zen silk. It is a good material for a refiner. And Yundan’s face also showed a smile on his face. His jade box contained a white cloud, which is also a precious medicine.

The two men quietly collected the jade box, Chu Yunfei said softly: "In fact, we have not done anything in the past few days, just met a new friend and accompanied her around."

How is Jiang Fujie and Xiang justice new? They also secretly tracked Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan, and they saw their performance in front of Xu Ziyan. The performance of the two of them made Jiang Fujie and the project fair and shocked. Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan, who had always been proud, even showed a smile in front of the woman.

How can this be?

This is of course possible!

Since getting the pointer at Xu Ziyan, the two people have completely lowered their posture. Once this gesture is lowered, it gradually forms a habit in the subconscious. In the performance, I unknowingly reveal a flattering smile.

"Is it not good to give such a reply?"

Jiang Fujie and Xiang’s face were somewhat gloomy. The two people’s hearts were somewhat unpleasant. What they thought was that they had already given you two gifts. You are too disgusted with this? Are we very good at playing?

Chu Yunfei said with a smile: "We really don't know much about the new friend's situation."

"Well, I believe in you." Jiang Fujie said faintly: "Can you ask the two to introduce the friend for us?"

At the same time, Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan’s faces showed a distressed look. They were really embarrassed and could not be allowed to leave. Both of them were very valued by Xu Ziyan at this time. I don't want to leave a bad impression on Xu Ziyan's heart because of this. In the absence of the consent of Xu Ziyan, where do they dare to be the master directly?

Jiang Fuji and Xiang Zheng have been observing the look of Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan. With their mutual understanding for many years, they feel that Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan are really embarrassed. This makes their hearts more curious, who is it? Will two elves from the super family be embarrassed?

Is it... the hidden family?

Even if it is a hidden family, don't you be so embarrassed? Have you seen the hidden family?

Is it the super family in the hidden family?

Yes! It must be like this!

With this in mind, Jiang Fujie and Xiang Gong’s heart were also hot. The two men looked at each other and their eyes turned around in their eyes. Jiang Fujie said more low-key:

"Chu brother, Yunxiong. This way, it can't make you embarrassed. When you go shopping with the fairy in tomorrow, my brother and I will go out shopping, and you will meet me... you see..."

Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan looked at each other and smiled bitterly: "Okay, but we just introduce it to you. After that, I can't help!"

"Okay, so thank you Chu brother and brother!"

Jiang Fujie and Xiang Gongg handed a thank you, and the four people chatted a few words. Jiang Fujie and Xiang Jun gave their words, and Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan sent the two out.

The two returned to the house and sat down, relatively silent. For a long time, Yundan said softly: "Chu brother, if we do this, will we offend Lingbo Fairy?"

Chu Yunfei smiled and said: "How do I know? However, this thing must be clear to the mind of Lingbo Fairy. We are accompanying her all day. The other two super families cannot be ignorant, so they may not blame. we."

The next day, dawn.

Chu Yunfei and Yundan two people went to the World Inn in the morning, and then accompanied Xu Ziyan to wander around. During the stroll, ask questions that you have never understood. Xu Ziyan is happy to answer a few words, and if he is not happy, he will play and buy things.

In fact, the two people did not ask a few questions, because every time they know the answer to a question, two people must feel something. Therefore, it is often Xu Ziyan who is elated and eager to purchase. Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan both followed Xu Ziyan's back and frowned and thought about what Xu Ziyan had just said. Then paying for the matter is the turn of Chu Qing, Yun Xiaoyao and Sun Qiang three people.

In order to pay for Xu Ziyan, the three people struggled for a break.

The prince arrogant also followed the Xu Ziyan's side because of Xu Ziyan's relationship. The Chu family and the Yun family's monks also respected him very much.

Jiang Fujie and Xiang Wei came slowly from the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, and saw far behind the Xu Ziyan, Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan two people frowning and thinking, they called:

"Chu brother, Yunxiong!"

Chu Yunfei and Yundan Huo Ran woke up, looking up and looking across, seeing Jiang Fujie and Xiang Wei are slowly coming. The two people were very well dressed. They didn't even look at Xu Ziyan. It seemed that they only saw Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan. They didn't see Xu Ziyan at all, and they didn't bother to see the general.

Xu Ziyan is more like a dress, I am who you are? Our hidden family is to be noble and arrogant. Xu Ziyan is like not hearing the call of Jiang Fujie and the fair. The eyes don't look at the two of them. The eyes are still on the goods around, and there is no pause in the footsteps.

Seeing Xu Ziyan walked past Jiang Fujie and Xiang Wei’s side, Jiang Fujie and the project were just anxious, and they were no longer calm. Hastily greeted Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan. Chu Yunfei smiled bitterly and hurriedly called:

"Lingbo Fairy!"

Xu Ziyan turned back and his eyes revealed the inquiry. But there is no words.

Chu Yunfei walked two steps and came to Xu Ziyan's smile. "Fairy, these two are the friends I have just met. This is Jiang Fujie of Jiang's family. This is the fairness of Xiangjia. Two old Friends, this is my friend Lingbo Fairy."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a joy, and the dark road said: “There was no in vain effort. These days, there was no point in pointing to Chu Yunfei and Yundan. Finally, the four big families were brought together. As long as there are support from the four super families, let’s not let Xu Jia Above the Sun family, Xu family does not have that strength now. However, there should be no problem in getting Sun Jia and Xu Jia to live in peace. Especially the Sun family belongs to the sphere of influence of the super family Jiang family. As long as the Jiang family speaks, the Sun family cannot. promise."

However, the appearance of Xu Ziyan naturally does not reveal a half-day joy, but only a faint look at Jiang Fujie and Xiang Yi. That Jiang Fuji and Xiang Zheng have seen the good looks of Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan in front of Xu Ziyan for several days. Naturally, they dare not have the slightest support. The two men bowed their hands in a respectful manner:

"I have seen a fairy!"

Xu Ziyan faintly returned to the ceremony, then turned and continued to move forward, as if Jiang Fuji and Xiang Zheng were just two passers-by. The look of the two men could not help but stagnate, and there was an anger in the heart. I took a hard breath and caught up with two steps. The item said with a fair smile:

"Lingbo Fairy, it is a fate to meet. Today I am doing the East, please the fairy to appreciate."

Xu Zi’s cigarette **** did not swing back and waved, and continued to move forward. Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan no longer care about Jiang Fujie and Xiang justice at this time. Anyway, I have already introduced it to you. It is also worthy of the gift. It is also with Jiang Fujie, and the project is fair and arched, and quickly follow the footsteps of Xu Ziyan. .

Jiang Fujie and Xiang Fairy gloomy face each other and looked at each other. The ceremony has already been delivered, and people have seen it. If so, go back. This breath does not say that you can't swallow it, that is, this person has no place to lose. However, it is impossible to turn a face with that Lingbo, and what the background of the people is still not clear. and so. Only two people can bear this breath and follow it. In the heart:

"I will follow, to see if you have something that is worthy of Chu Yunfei and Yundan whispering?"

The two follow-ups almost followed the day, not only the two of them, but Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan also secretly complained in their hearts:

"This woman really can't let her go shopping, and it's endless when I go shopping."

However, two people are still happy, because the two people always take the opportunity to ask for a place where the alchemy refiner does not understand when Xu Ziyan is in a good mood. Xu Ziyan also casually pointed a few words. That alchemy is only natural, Xu Ziyan knows himself, and the refining device is only after Xu Ziyan asked the device.

This road came, Chu Yunfei and Yundan's heart was very happy, and they found that the problem solved by Lingbo Fairy today seems to be a few more words. This gave them two more understanding of the alchemy refiner. Where did the two of them know that this was the intention of Xu Ziyan, that is, to the future of Jiang Fujie and Xiang Wei.

Jiang Fujie and Xiang Yu were shocked. At this time, the hearts of both of them also understood why Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan were so low in the face of Xu Ziyan.

The project just quietly accelerated two steps, and made a mess to the side of Xu Ziyan, whispered:

"Fairy, how to improve the success rate of the system?"

"Basic, the first to cultivate spiritual strength, to cotton, long, fine..."

Xu Ziyan seems to react suddenly. This is not the voice of Chu Yunfei and Yun Dan. He turned back and gave a fair look and accelerated his footsteps.

The scene was a bit strange. Only Xu Ziyan walked forward alone, and the others stopped in a sluggish manner. The fairness of the item was originally just a question of trying to see it. Most of it was because the heart was not tempted by the purple smoke. I wanted to see Xu Ziyan’s answer, and the purple smoke was ugly. However, he did not expect Xu Ziyan to answer very happy, but very accurate.

Is the family of Lingbo Fairy actually familiar with the three aspects of alchemy and refining?

What I think in the heart of justice is exactly what Chu Yunfei, Yun Dan and Jiang Fujie think. Chu Yunfei and Yundan originally thought that Lingbo Fairy was well versed in alchemy and refining, and did not think about it elsewhere. How can a person, after mastering the alchemy refining device, have the spare force to study the system?

However, today, this kind of thing happened to live in front of them, directly shocking the power of these meta-galaxies.


I heard that the students in the water are sick, and I wish you a speedy recovery!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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