The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1444: Xiaojin's magical power

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"We still have a way to ask Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang to have a meal." Chu Yunfei thought and said: "We didn't bring any precious things out this time. The weight of the family is not enough. It's not as good as each of our four families." Something, together, feast their brothers and sisters once."

Everyone heard the words and nodded. Chu Yunfei said that it was really a truth. One by one, I was thinking about what I was doing.

In this way, several people went back to the Sun family all the way, each returned to their own hospital, frowning and thinking about giving Xu Ziyan what gift. Xiandan, Xianfu, Xianju and Xianzhen are certainly not good. These people can refine themselves, so there is only material.

The next day, early in the morning.

The four families gathered at the gate of Sunjia, and then took the monster car to the Tianxia Inn.

Came to the entrance of the inn, got off the bus, went upstairs, knocked on the door, and entered the room of Xu Ziyan. Chu Yunfei took out a jade box on both hands and pushed it to the front of Xu Ziyan. He smiled and said with a smile:

"Fairy. This is the gift I gave you."

Xu Ziyan looked at him in amazement and took the jade box and opened it, looking into the inside. It is a fist-sized empty jade, and the empty jade is a material for refining space fairy. Such a large piece of empty jade has been able to refine a small space fairy. It is an eight-product material. This is already a very precious material. Xu Ziyan put the jade box on it and looked at Chu Yunfei, revealing the eyes of the inquiry.

And it is at this time. Yundan also walked up, took out a jade box with both hands and put it on the table, pushing it to the front of Xu Ziyan:

"Fairy, this is the gift I gave you."

Xu Ziyan reached out and opened the jade box. He saw that there was a herb in it, and it was also eight products. It was a wire grass. The jade box is also covered.

Jiang Fujie walked up and pushed a jade box to the front of Xu Ziyan. The fairness of the side also put a jade box on the table and pushed it to the front of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan opened the jade box of two people. When I saw Jiang Fujin's jade box, it was Yunjinsi, which is an eight-product material for refining the flag. The jade box of the fair is filled with a roll of fairy skin, and Xu Ziyan knows that it is a fairy skin of the early Xianjun.

Xu Ziyan covered the two jade boxes separately and did not close them up. Instead, they looked at the four people. Chu Yunfei said carefully:

"Fairy, I got a lot of advice from you these days. We four want to invite you and Mr. Yang to have a meal, you see..."

Xu Ziyan gently waved his sleeves and gently sent the four jade boxes on the table back to their respective fronts, faintly saying:

"No need!"

"We are sincere and sincere, no other meaning, just thanks!" The four men also reached out and pushed the jade box back.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought about it. He said it was difficult: "Okay, but at night. You know my brother is going to participate in the duel during the day."

"Hehehe... This is of course!" The four hearts were all put into the stomach and laughed together. Chu Yunfei’s eyes reveal the color of envy;

"I saw the volatility of Mr. Yang yesterday, and his wood properties will soon be perfect. After he has made a breakthrough, he will improve again. I don't know what kind of realm Mr. Yang is now in the Xianjun period. /"

Chu Yunfei talked for an exit. The other three people also raised their ears. They are all very interested in the cultivation of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

Xu Ziyan looked at Chu Yunfei faintly, and said with a smile: "My brother is a nine-day Xuanxian late, if he understands the greatness of the wood property, it should be the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian late! You will not know?"

Chu Yunfei said with a smile: "Know. Know, slippery. Speaking."

Xu Ziyan said with some boringness: "I will not go out today, and Tianjian City is almost around. I want to take a break today."

"That's good, we have retired a few of them. I sent Chu Qing to pick you up and Mr. Yang this evening."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan stood up and four people retired with interest.

After the four people were taken away, Xu Ziyan closed the door and collected the four jade boxes. The materials in these four jade boxes are all good things, but Xu Ziyan did not care too much. A man sat quietly in his chair and fell into meditation.

The purpose of today is almost reached, but it is also at a critical juncture. You must be careful not to show a little bit of sloppyness. Otherwise, once you show your feet, you and Xu Qinyang are in an extremely dangerous situation.

Nowadays, the four super families fear themselves and are very polite to themselves. That is because they have a strong family behind them and Xu Qinyang. If you let them know that the family behind them is just a second-rate family, not to mention killing themselves and Xu Qinyang, but they will certainly catch themselves.

Moreover, the patriarchs of the four super families will soon appear. Also, there are three hidden families in the Sun family. Who knows how many hidden families will be there on the Wanxian Conference. At that time, once other hidden family disciples know each other, they and Xu Qinyang No one knows, how to deal with that occasion?

Ugh! After all, it was too weak for myself and Xu Qinyang. Qin Yang’s brothers are so desperate to participate in the duel these days, but also want to break through the nine-day Xuan Xian late peak before the Wanxian Conference?

Xu Ziyan began to sit there and count his own cards, many of which have been used by himself, such as Wan Jianyi and Lei Lei. And some have not used it. Xu Ziyan thought about leaving it for himself. For example, Huo Linger, step by step lotus, etc. If you use it as Lingbo Fairy, how can you use it as a purple smoker in the future?

How about using it yourself?

Xu Ziyan thought about it. noob? Certainly not, I will use it as Xu Ziyan in the future, and then she will not use it.


Forget it, he and Xiaobai are in a realm.


Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered the **** Jin. I thought about it. Summoned Xiaojin. After thinking about it and setting up a lineup, I asked Xiaojin:

"Xiao Jin, what do you have?"

Xiaojin licked his head and bit it with a finger, and his bite squeaked. After thinking for a long time, this small eyes blinked twice, and suddenly the golden light was released from both eyes, scanning the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan has a feeling of being completely seen through. I can’t help but be shocked. What is this little gold?

After the fine light in Xiaojin’s eyes was put away, Xiaojin put down the finger contained in the mouth and said forcefully;

"Is the master practicing a refining body?"

"Well! It's a sword!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"The master's sword has been cultivated to the peak of the eight products, but because of your own realm problems, it is not able to completely release the power of the king, and only passive defense. There is almost no attack. Unless It’s a close fight.”

"Yeah, is there a way for Xiaojin?" Xu Ziyan's eyes lit up.

“Yeah!” Xiaojin nodded. “I can blend with your body, so I can play some power!”

Xu Ziyan happily took Xiaojin’s hands and jumped out of the chair. “What do you mean by saying that after we have merged the two, I have the power of Xianwang?”

Xu Ziyan excitedly held Xiaojin on the ground and strolled back and forth and said: "Then I have tried my best to pay for the four big families here? I will go back and open the door to Xu Jiada. Who will provoke me, I will Killed on the door of their family. With the cultivation of my immortal king, the four big families rushed me, and I will destroy them. From now on, our Xu family is the largest family of the Zhongyuan galaxy! Hahaha ......"

Suddenly I felt my palms itch. Look down. It turned out that Xiaojin was lying on his own palm without a word, and a small finger was drawn in her hand to draw a circle.

Xu Ziyan stopped his footsteps, and some said awkwardly: "Xiao Jin, then you...the host is a little excited..."

"Master!" Xiao Jin stopped drawing circles. From the palm of Xu Ziyan stood up and said: "I am also growing up, not so big. And the master's own cultivation is only a nine-day Xuanxian mid-term. Although your body strength reached the mid-eight But the two of us can be combined to achieve a true power of the early Xianjun."

"It’s just the beginning of Xianjun!" Xu Ziyan lost his face.

Xiao Jin’s face is very tangled, two small hands squinting at the eyes, a pair of purple smoke shy looks like:

"What is the beginning of Xianjun?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and stretched out a finger to touch Xiaojin’s head: "Okay, okay, it’s my greed, is it OK? I want to ask, after we merged, it’s the real fairy, or Only the power of Xianjun can be found, and there is no pseudo-Junjun of Xianjun."

Xiao Jinqi was able to sway in the palm of Xu Ziyan’s hand, and powerfully shouted:

"Of course it is the real fairy! Of course it is the real fairy!"

"Oh~~Oh~~Oh~~ I know, don't worry, I still have questions to ask you."

Xiaojin stood in the palm of Xu Ziyan's hand, and looked up at his waist and said, "What is the problem?"

"I still have a avatar, don't know if you can merge with her?"

Xiao Jin bit his finger again and thought: "I have to look at it first."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the chaos appeared in front of Xiaojin. Xiaojin’s eyes immediately released two golden lights, scanning up and down the chaos, and then smiled and said:

"Master, you are better than you!"

Xu Ziyan was full of black lines, and he said with a calm face: "Say business!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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