The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1445: Banquet room

I am very grateful to the rabbit ★ baby classmates, the old urchin classmates of Cixi, the pink ticket of the classmates!


"Oh!" Xiaojin is still looking at the chaos, then nodded: "It turns out that her **** is under your control. As long as you want her to die, a thought will do."

This time it was the chaos of a black line, and turned to Xu Ziyan said: "Ziyan, what is this little thing? It is better to give him to me, I will make him a fairy."

"Don't make trouble!" Xu Ziyan smiled and looked down at Xiaojindao in his hand: "How?"

Xiaojin took back the golden light in his eyes: "Her body strength is not weaker than you, um, it seems to be a combination of the characteristics of the demon demon. And her cultivation is also higher than the master, if I merge with her, it should be able to reach The realm of the peak of Xianjun."

"This is good!"

Xu Ziyan spit a long breath, anyway, finally, there are some guarantees. Of course, the idea that she wanted to kill God and kill the devil and become the first family of the Zhongyuan Galaxy was very decisively annihilated.

"Xiaojin, how long does it take you to integrate with me?"

"Soon, the time to breathe."

"Oh, I need a good time! This is not short! If you merge with me now, will you reveal the cultivation of Xianjun?"

"Of course, I can't hide."

"That... okay! I will call you again when I need you!"

Xu Ziyan sent Xiaojin and Chaos back to the purple smoke space, and they sat on the bed and began to practice.

The time of day passed quickly and it was at dusk. First, Xu Qinyang came back and heard that he was going to dinner. He quickly went back to wash. Shortly after the washing, Xu Ziyan was discussing the future with Xu Ziyan in the room. There was a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I saw that Chu Qing stood there and prayed to the two:

"Fairy, Mr. Yang. My uncle let me come and have two."


Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang nodded and got up and walked toward the door. Chu Qing led the way in front, then asked the two to go to the monster car and go to the grandson.

I came to the gate of the Sun Family Hospital and saw Chu Yunfei, Yun Dan, Jiang Fujie and Xiang Fairy all standing at the door, and standing next to Sun Hao. Chu Yunfei saw Xu Ziyan look at Sun Hao with a strange look. I explained:

“The Sun Jiazhu heard that we are going to host Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang today, and I am asking for all the hospitality...”

Xu Ziyan understood it as soon as he heard it. This is the other house of the Sun family. What else can you hold the Sun family? How can he give up like an opportunity to entertain himself, and Chu Yunfei and others who live in the Sunjiayuan are not good at rejecting Sun Hao. However, they did not know all that Xu Ziyan had done. In fact, all of them are meant to lead the Sun family. How could she mind the appearance of the Sun family? Then, he nodded faintly, but he did not look at Sun Hao, and he was surrounded by Chu Yunfei and others into the other hospital.

The banquet was placed in a lakeside pavilion in the garden of the other house. Seven people sat in the small pavilion. On such occasions, Chu Yunfei and others naturally would not ask for some alchemy symbols. The problem of the array, but the various interesting things about the fairy world. This is enough to attract Xu Ziyan. I listened to it with a sigh of relief.

Xu Qinyang also rarely took out a wine gourd scent, which made Chu Yunfei, Yun Dan and Sun Hao look great, but Jiang Fujie and Xiang Jun, who had not drank the scent, are also looking forward to it.

Wait for a glass of wine to fall. Everyone is satisfied and a fascinating look.

Between the banquets. No one is going to explore the details of Xu Ziyan, such as Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang. If it is not a hidden family, is there any reason?

I have a determination in my heart, and I know that Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang are not willing to reveal the family behind them, so they will not use words to mention anything about the Lingbo Fairy Family.

As long as you can see the power of the family behind them from Lingbo Fairy and Xu Qinyang, you don’t want to think about the relationship with the family behind Lingbo Fairy. However, as long as the relationship with the two people in front of them is enough, the family will benefit.

Therefore, the five people at the banquet did their best to make the best of Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang. When I had a good time, Chu Yunfei said that she had a relationship with Lingbo Fairy, and she said diligently:

"What happened to the fairy when I came out this time? If you need help, the old brother will do his best to help, and the fairy should not be polite with me."

Several people present at the scene looked at Chu Yunfei with contempt, and secretly said: "It’s really shameless. Nearly long lived people are cheeky and be old brothers, and he can’t help but export.”

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "There is nothing to come out this time, just to accompany my brother to come out and distract."

“Hey?” Chu Yunfei turned to Xu Qinyang and asked with concern: “Mr. Yang, what can't be solved? If it is convenient, say it, can you see if your old brother can help?”

The other four people also look to Xu Qinyang, who have never been so eager to help others solve problems.

"噗嗤~~" Xu Ziyan covered his mouth and smiled: "You don't have to ask, you can't help him."

Aside from the side, Xu Qinyang looked black and stunned and glared at Xu Ziyan. The rest of the five people looked erroneous and looked at the appearance of Lingbo fairy smile, not like a big event. Since it is not a big deal, why do two people have to run out of their hearts, and we are the four super families anyway! If it is a big thing, it can't help. Since it is a small matter, there is no reason to help it.

How can the opportunity to win a good impression can be missed, Chu Yunfei has not spoken yet, and Yundan on the side is screaming through the wine.

"Mr. Yang, we have no other skills in the cloud family, that is, the quality that helps others. You said, what is it, our cloud family is to solve the problem."

Yundan’s words are also exchanged for contemptuous eyes.

Is there a quality that helps you in the cloud family? After your Yun family doesn't kill people, it's not bad to squeeze out the bones of the human bones. It's really thick enough.

Xu Ziyan smiled and waved: "You can't really help this thing."

Looking at everyone's unbelief, Xu Ziyan looked at Xu Qin and said: "Brother, I said?"

Xu Qinyang leaned back in the chair and took a sip of wine without saying anything. "I would like to say, I don't care, anyway, I have been used to it."

Xu Ziyan smoked a chuckle, and the noble one was naughty, which made everyone feel respectable and intimate.

"In fact, it is not a matter of doing anything!" Xu Ziyan said softly: "My brother likes to make wine, and the others don't like it. Even the cultivation is not very popular, let alone the alchemy system. So, father. I often yell at him. It was even more mad before the day... So, I will accompany my brother to come out and distract."

Xu Ziyan said so, these people understand everything. This Mr. Yang is addicted to winemaking and has ruined cultivation. This... If I have such a son, I am afraid I will be jealous every day? What happened in the past few days, although Lingbo Fairy did not say, it should have been given to him by his father. As a result, everyone was a little embarrassed and calmed down for a while.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Xu Qinyang is free and easy to take out a gourd scent, while pouring wine to everyone, said:

"When people live, they have to do whatever they want, and do what they like to do. Otherwise, what is the meaning of immortality? Drinking, drinking!"



Everyone also toasted, this is really not something they can do. At the same time, it is also a glimpse in the heart. People just don't like cultivation. They are brewing all day, and they are all cultivated to the present level. How strong is the family's heritage! However, what is the repair of Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang? That Chu Yunfei is convinced that the Lingbo fairy has revealed the strength of the Xianjun period. Is this true or false?

Anyway, this Wanxian Conference will be open for half a year, and both of them will come out and distract, and will not leave soon. And... Five people are in the heart. Today, Sun Jiake is not only Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang, two people from the hidden family, and three people from the hidden family. Maybe there will be something between them, and then they will know. The real repair of these two people.

After drinking this glass of wine, Chu Yunfei continued to be cheeky and said: "Fairy, this old brother really can't help much, but if you need your old brother to accompany you to go to the heart, the old brother will never give up. For This middle galaxies, old brothers still know very well, can take you to a few fun places."

The other four people are even more contemptuous, but they are also vigilant. If Chu Yunfei is accompanied by Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang all the way, this benefit is not all returned to the Chu family? How can this be done?

Jiang Fujie, who has always dealt with Chu’s family, said with some enthusiasm: "Chu brother, you let the fairy call your old brother, are you not afraid to make the fairy look old? I remember you are over ten years old? The fairy is very young." !"

Chu Yunfei an old face immediately rose red, my heart said: "I don't want the fairy to call my old brother, do you want her to call my uncle, grandfather? I am uncomfortable?"

I was cheeky and shouted: "The fairy family has no years, and it is not a matter of thousands of years old. My friendship to the fairy is true."

After listening to Chu Yunfei’s words, he couldn’t help but say: “Can you ask the fairy to be married?”

Xu Ziyan’s face was reddish, and the fairness realized that he was somewhat abrupt. How to ask the age of the girls in person, for fear of giving the other party a bad impression, and hurriedly said:

"That... I am abrupt!"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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