The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1446: solve

I am very grateful to the 3 students (99) who are forever in the rainy season, Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates (199), night moon 缥缈 2 (99), Tu Yishui classmates (100), Mo Hua students (100), one or two small stars classmates (100), Tu Yishui classmates (100), czr918 classmates (100), light rain thinks students (99), hknt16104 students (99) rewards!


The red blush on Xu Ziyan's face gradually disappeared, still with a little shyness, and mixed with the continued sigh: "There is nothing to say, Xiaomei has now spent sixty-nine, it is really five in the mountains, cultivation has no years. !"


The five people had a wrong face. They thought that Xu Ziyan was very young, but he did not expect to be so young. This age... is still a child in the fairy world! Even children are not, how is this possible?

Looking at the five people's sceptical and skeptical look, Xu Ziyan said in the heart: "It is necessary to constantly scare you and make you more scruples."

Sun Xi’s cultivation was too low, and the remaining four people were all repaired by Xianjun. The heart secretly gnawed their teeth, and each of them transmitted a glimpse of the gods in the hands of Xu Ziyan holding the glass. After all, they have scruples in their hearts. They dare not scan the body of Xu Ziyan, but only scanned it on her hand.

In doing so, they have two purposes. One is to see if Lingbo Fairy has lie, and the other is to explore her true cultivation. If she doesn't feel the scan of her own people's knowledge. That is to be lower than the cultivation of others. It is necessary to know that among these four people, the justice of the case is only the cultivation of Xianjun. If Lingbo fairy can't feel it, then her cultivation is doubtful. If her true age is no longer sixty-nine, then her identity is also doubtful.

Xu Ziyan is not aware of their knowledge. But Xu Ziyan can think of it. Therefore, Xu Ziyan looked at them in a slightly gloomy face. Anyway, even if they didn't scan their bones, they put on this expression, what happened? If you can't figure it out, think about it. Have a background. The powerful people are so overbearing, what happened?

The four people just swept the gods in the hands of Xu Ziyan in an instant, and then they looked at Xu Ziyan with shock. People are really sixty-nine years old!

And... It seems... people still feel the knowledge of themselves and others, otherwise why look at themselves with a gloomy face?

Bad things!

This rash move offended people, and the relationship that was finally established must be broken!

The atmosphere in the lake heart pavilion suddenly dignified, and suddenly Chu Yunfei haha ​​laughed:

"Ha ha ha... I said that I and the fairy are thousands of years old. It really is only a thousand years old, hahaha..."

"Hey!" The other three people secretly smashed Chu Yunfei in his heart. However, Chu Yunfei’s words broke the stagnation in the air and eased the atmosphere.

These four people are the great monks of the Xianjun period, and naturally have the temperament of a great monk. Apologize to Xu Ziyan together:

"Under the shock, I was suddenly abrupt, forgetting the fairy forgive me!"

Xu Ziyan looked a little slow, but it was still a bit ugly, and Yi Xing swayed and waved: "Forget it. Come here today, I am tired!"

"Fairy..." Five people spoke in unison. In addition to Sun Hao, the other four people had remorse on their faces.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is dark, the timing is almost the same, that is, when they have remorse in the four hearts, they will ask Xu’s business. So they still dare not give pressure to Sun’s family and do everything they can to help me.

When I think of this, I pretend that I don’t want to take care of Chu Yunfei’s four immortals, but I look at Sun Hao casually and say:

"Sun Master. I am asking you something."

"What is it?" Sun Hao’s spirit rose. The heart is ecstatic, the fairy is looking for me to help.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a trace of thoughts and said softly: “Is this family meeting going to be a family meeting?”

“Yes!” Sun Hao nodded. “Now it’s almost here.”

"Oh?" Xu Ziyan's eyes lit up: "So I asked you about a family?"

"Fairy please say!" Sun Hao secretly made up his mind, regardless of the family mentioned by Lingbo Fairy. I must have a good relationship with the family after I go back.

"Xu family, living in the Xu family of Tianguixing!"

Sun Hao’s look is like a boxing in the sudden. Standing there stiffly. Four people, such as Chu Yunfei, are also blinking. The things of Sun Jia and Xu Jia have been rumored in the fairy world. A second-rate family has let a first-class family eat a closed door. Nothing is more relishing than this.

Everyone knows that Xu is not far from the genocide. Now the Sun family has not dealt with him. It is because the Wanxian Conference is held. As long as the Wanxian Conference is over, it is the time when the Sun family is fighting against Xu.

No one is optimistic about Xu, a second-rate middle-class family and a veteran first-class family, the ending has already been doomed.

But... today, there is a profound hidden family disciple who asks Xu Jia...

The first reaction came from Jiang Fujie, who is within the sphere of influence of the Jiang family. He made a decision in an instant, Jiang's decision to see the attitude of Lingbo Fairy, this is an excellent opportunity to pay the Lingbo fairy.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the expression of the crowd, Xu Ziyan made a realization of what, a face gradually gloomy.

This matter cannot be concealed. Now the monks in the entire Tianjian City know the things of Xu Jia and Sun Jia. As long as the Lingbo fairy in front of them goes out to find out, they will know. Sun Hao had to explain the matter evasively.

Xu Ziyan gently leaned back and leaned back on the back of the chair. He said faintly: "My father likes Xu Ziyan very much. The family of Xu family is passed by my father."

Everyone's heart is a glimpse, but the heart will soon be relieved, and only so. Can you explain why the purple smoke can lay out a big seven-piece array.

This problem will come out, how to deal with Xu's business. This matter has nothing to do with the Chu family, the Yun family, and the Xiang family. Naturally, I am happy to help Xu Jia to pay the Lingbo Fairy. Jiang Fujie also made a decision in an instant. This matter must support the Xu family. Some of the grievances can only be accepted by the Sun family.

And it is not a big grievance, but it is a second-rate medium family. Even if they let them develop, can they surpass the grandchildren?

Even if the family behind Lingbo Fairy likes Xu Ziyan, will she help her free of charge? Nothing will be done in the future with Xu's family. With the foundation of Xu's family, what is worthwhile to get something to do with the Lingbo Fairy family?

At this time, Sun Hao also wants to understand. In fact, the Sun family does not have any loss. It is also very likely that this will be related to the Lingbo fairy. Maybe the benefits will be more than lost. And the only thing I paid was to lose some face. There is also the sacrifice of the dragon family.

Therefore, Sun Hao also made a decision in an instant. I haven’t waited until Jiang Fujie opened her mouth and said with sincerity:

"Lingbo Fairy, since this thing Lingbo Fairy opened, I immediately transferred the Dragon Family away from Yueji City and handed over the entire Yueji City to Xu. After that, Sun Family and Xu Family are friends."

Xu Ziyan was very happy in his heart, but his face was not moving: "Xu Ziyan and my sisters, I am the grandson of the purple smoke sister."

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Xu Ziyan turned to Xu Qin and said: "Brother. I am tired!"

Chu Yunfei and others naturally heard the meaning of Xu Ziyan's words. Xu Qinyang also got up and said goodbye. Then he and Xu Ziyan left the Sun Family Hospital and went to the World Inn.

After Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang left, Jiang Fujie called Sun Hao to his own hospital and made another trip, so that he must handle the Xu family's affairs satisfactorily, Sun Hao said.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang returned to the Tianxia Inn. As soon as they entered the house, Xu Qinyang excitedly let Xu Ziyan set up the law. After the purple smoke will be set up, the layout will be completed. Xu Qinyang laughed happily.

Xu Ziyan also felt that Dashi, who was in his heart, finally moved away. During this time, the pressure between her and Xu Qinyang was too great. The mood suddenly opened and she laughed very unimaginally.

This smile. Laughing to the barriers in my heart, the two people stood up and laughed. Then I sat in the chair and continued to laugh, until the tears of my smile flowed out.

Gradually the two stopped their laughter, Xu Ziyan wiped away the tears and looked at Xu Qinyang sitting opposite. Seeing that the joy in Xu Qinyang's look has disappeared at this time, it is a look of disappointment. Seeing Xu Ziyan looked over, did not wipe the tears on his face, his eyes firmly looked at Xu Ziyan, the two fists held tightly together, condensed and said:

"Ziyan, I swear here today. I will do my best to let Xu family stand at the top of the fairy world. I don't have to worry about it anymore. I want to beat the enemy in front of me with strength. ”

Xu Ziyan’s attitude gradually became serious, but the voice was light, but it was very clear, and he said one word at a time:

"Qin Yang brother, you are the five spiritual roots, the king of Xu family. Xu family's cultivation holy land will bring rich resources to the family in the future. With these resources, you will be able to be the real king above the fairy world. ""

Xu Qinyang's eyes became radiant, and his face showed a sense of fortitude. But suddenly it became weird:

"Ziyan, why didn't you say you?" Speaking of this, he reached out and scratched his head, and suddenly destroyed the image of the firm:

"I feel that you are leading the Xu family to the celestial world. You are more suitable than me. Purple smoke, what is your ideal?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a tired color, recalling his past, his mouth flicked a trace of helplessness:

"Qin Yang brother, in fact, this person really has no ambition. Even the cultivation is not very keen, my biggest ideal is to have a tyrannical family cover me, then I will practice after practicing, I will play and play. I hope that if I travel around, I will not worry about traveling around, and I can still have a prestige and life outside."

“噗~~” Xu Qinyang couldn’t help but smile and said, “Isn’t this the life of the second generation of Zhu Xian?”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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