The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1450: Silent contest

I am very grateful to the classmates of the post-rain season forever (99), wqiy2003 classmates (588), Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates (199), Xian Yi floating classmates (100), cherry blossom melody classmates (100), light rain Sihan classmates (99), cheeze classmates (99) reward!


This kind of gas field makes the two men's looks cautious, but the middle woman is different. She was the Ouyang Yu who was competing with Xu Ziyan at the auction. Xu Ziyan did not see her, she was in the second floor of the box, but she saw Xu Ziyan downstairs. Originally, I had an anger at Xu Ziyan in my heart, and she did not know Xu Ziyan before.

It is necessary to know that there are also exchanges between the hidden family, and there is also a gathering like the Wanxian Conference on the level of the hidden family. However, she has never seen Xu Ziyan, and she has already identified Xu Ziyan as a liar. Therefore, after seeing the look of Xu Ziyan's black night Xu Qinyang, it was only a short confusing, and the anger in the heart was even stronger.

"It’s coming to the end, still loading! I see when you two can be loaded?"

At this time, the three youths have stood in front of Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, looking at Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang coldly together.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang did not change the look of the two people. They still looked at the three people as usual. The two sides looked at each other like this, and the atmosphere on the viewing platform suddenly became stagnant.

Sun Hao stood at the entrance to the viewing platform and opened his mouth. He finally closed his mouth. He himself knows that his weight is not enough, and going up to speak is also self-seeking. Only the look is standing there.

The ten-odd time seems so long.

This longness is for everyone, not just the monks on the high platform. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang also feel long, and the three people of Ouyang Yu are equally long. Because it is the opposite of what they imagined. The other party was not unnatural under their coldness, but the slightest smile of Xu Ziyan’s mouth became clear.

It is a kind of cold.

Xu Qinyang’s lazy look transmitted a hint of mockery.

This made the hearts of the three hidden family disciples very uncomfortable, that is, the hearts of the two young men also floated a little, not to mention Ouyang Yu.

Ouyang Yulian's foot is a step forward. The momentum of the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian in the body suddenly broke out, and the two people pressed against Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

In her thoughts, Xu Qinyang, who was at the peak of Xuantian in the late nine days, may still be able to resist himself, but Xu Ziyan in the middle of the nine-day Xuan Xian must be unable to withstand the pressure of his own knowledge and will be ugly on the spot.

There was a sneer in the corner of her mouth, as if there was already a stun of Xu Ziyan in her eyes, and the cold and sweaty body.

However, the ending made her look narrow. Not to mention that it is now Xu Qinyang, who is the peak of Xuantian in the late nine days. It is the Xu Ziyan in the middle of the nine-day Xuan Xian, which is also a light and light appearance.

This situation has also surprised the hearts of the two young men. Where do they know that Xu Ziyan is indeed a nine-day Xuanxian mid-term, but her strength of consciousness is the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian. Using God's knowledge to deal with Xu Ziyan, I really found the wrong way.

The two young men around Ouyang Wei glanced at each other and each stepped forward. The fierce momentum pressed against Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang immediately felt the pressure. After all, he just broke through to the peak of Xuantian in the late nine days. In fact, he felt painful when he faced Ouyang Yi. Now, with the addition of two nine-day Xuanxian late peaks, where can he resist?

However, before he showed his panic, he felt that there was a layer of water flowing on his skin, and the pressure on his body disappeared without a trace.

It is a palm of water!

Xu Qinyang’s heart immediately eased, and the ridicule on his face gradually spread.

The water of a palm is only slowly flowing under the skin of Xu Qinyang, and the other's sacred attack is dissolved into invisible. It is completely impossible to detect.

The look of Xu Ziyan still has no change, but the coldness of the corner of his mouth is more intense. When the gods who came from the attack entered her knowledge of the sea, they were solved by her labyrinth in the sea, and dispersed into millions of silks to be absorbed by Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang did not fight back. Because of the strength of their gods once they counterattack. It will immediately fall into the trap and let the other party know the true repair of both of them.

So, don't look at the fact that the two of them look light and light, but they are very passive. Only able to defend, but not able to attack.

but. Don't forget, the attack is always more powerful than the defense. And it is even more difficult for people to come to Taiwan.

defense! However, it can be installed * forced * said to disdain and the other side. However, if the attacked person can not cause any harm to the other party, then it is difficult to ride the tiger.

Today, these three youths are in this situation. With the power of three people, time has passed for more than ten interest time, the other two have a look of effortlessness, but there are so many monks watching around, which makes them really do not come to Taiwan, three people The face gradually rose red.

The surrounding monks were surprised to see the two sides, most of the monks did not know what happened to them, why is it so arrogant.

Chu Yunfei, Yun Dan, Jiang Fujie and Xiang Zheng four people exchanged each other:

"Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang really are not the peak of the nine days of Xuan Xian!"

"Yeah, the other side is the peak of the three nine-day Xuan Xian, but you can see that Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang are still very capable!"

"You said, what exactly is Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang?"

"I don't know, I think the worst is also the beginning of Xianjun!"

"Maybe, don't forget, Lingbo Fairy said that Mr. Yang's cultivation is higher than her. If Lingbo Fairy is the beginning of Xianjun, what will Mr. Yang do?"

Ouyang Yu three people behind the three people, the three immortals exchanged a line of sight, standing in the heart of the scent of Ouyang Yu, a sigh, she can not help but this time. If you don't shoot again, these three young people will lose adults.

She took a serious look at Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang. My heart determined that the two people in front of me were not Xianjun. The heart flashed a bit of a strange, how could the other god's knowledge be so powerful?

However, she couldn't think of it so much at this time, and her momentum suddenly broke out. The gods who belonged to the Xianjun period burst out and rushed to Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang naturally does not care, but Xu Ziyan has been severely tested. The labyrinth in the sea was almost instantly shocked, but it was still rapidly diverting the other's gods, but it felt a bit of pain in the sea. Xu Ziyan endured with enthusiasm and made no change in his face.

"Xianjun shot!" Chu Yunfei and other four people began to talk again.

"Yes, but there is still no change in seeing Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang!"

"There is a change, I feel that the Lingbo fairy has to work harder."

"Yes, it seems that Lingbo Fairy has not lied. Mr. Yang’s strength is stronger than Lingbo Fairy."

After a few moments of time, Xu Ziyan knew that the maze in the sea began to collapse, but the speed of the collapse was extremely slow. Even so, the heart of Xu Ziyan was uneasy. This is just a shot of Xianjun. If the two immortals are also shot, they will certainly not be able to resist it.

The mind quickly spun up and suddenly remembered the cloud baby, but she was able to confine the gods. Immediately sink into a glimpse of the gods into the purple smoke space, and quickly talked to the cloud baby about the side of the face. Just as she divided her mind into the purple smoke space, the labyrinth within her knowledge of the sea collapsed faster.

Yunbao listened and immediately said: "Master, dealing with God's attack is my natural instinct, helping the owner without problems."

Xu Ziyan left a sentence, "Come on me soon," and immediately thought of it, bringing the cloud baby into his own sea. As soon as the cloud baby entered the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, he immediately wrapped the maze of Xu Ziyan's gods inside, and the **** of Xu Ziyan was hiding in the palace of gods in the middle of the maze.

Yunbao is naturally unable to isolate the purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked at the opposite Xianjun and said to the cloud baby in a sea of ​​hate:

"Cloud baby, can you send a similar attack to the other person?"

The voice of the cloud baby screamed in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan: "No!"

Xu Ziyan could not help but feel lost, very uncomfortable. In this way, people are attacked and can only passively defend. It is really uncomfortable and extremely uncomfortable.

“But...” Yun’s voice rang in her sea of ​​knowledge: “I can absorb their knowledge.”

Xu Ziyan’s heart lit up and immediately said, “Let’s absorb it!”

At this time, the other side of the Xianjun saw his own gods attack and the three nine-day Xuanxian late peak monk's sensational attack still can not be the other two, her heart is also slightly confused. The two fairy singers beside the side:

"Does the two friends still not shoot?"

The two sinisters hesitated at this time, this situation is too strange. A nine-day Xuanxian late peak, a nine-day Xuanxian mid-term, but in a Xianjun and three nine-day Xuanxian late peaks of the attack of the gods did not have the slightest reaction, which can not help but make them both cautious.

Now the other two are still only defending, if they are fighting back? What kind of result would it be?

At this time, the Shannon and the three nine-day Xuanxian late peaks suddenly felt that their gods were passing by quickly, and they disappeared from their knowledge of the sea, as if there was something that attracted their knowledge. .

The hearts of the four monks were suddenly shocked. At this time, there was still a scruples to attack each other. If their own knowledge disappeared, their gods would soon be hit hard.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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