The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1451: Dwarf star

I am very grateful to the 513 students of Qi Ge, Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates, I am not Angel classmates, jj Xiaojin adults, light purple 1985 classmates, 腋裘 classmates pink ticket!


The four monks involuntarily wanted to stop the attack of the gods, but within the four seas of their knowledge, the gods still rushed to the outside in a steady stream.

In this way, the hearts of the four people are really flustered, and the face is also flustered. All of this was seen in the eyes of the surrounding monks, and their minds floated with a thought at the same time:

"Starting to fight back!"

The four monks repeatedly tried to stop their gods from escaping, but the speed of the passage not only did not slow down, but also became faster and faster. At this time, Shannon no longer refuses to be reserved. She knows that this situation is very dangerous. If God continues to die like this, even if it does not die, it will be reduced. I hurriedly conveyed to Ouyang Yi three people:

"God knows the storm!"

When the words fall, they no longer wait for Ouyang Yu and others to immediately release the storm of consciousness in their own knowledge. In her time, the gods gathered together and formed a whirlwind, but the whirlwind was still flying outside the sea of ​​knowledge.


The storm in the sea has been smashed away, and the storm of the gods has broken the passage of the cloud baby to absorb her knowledge.

Forcibly cut off the passage of the cloud baby to absorb their knowledge, so that the knowledge of the four monks was also slightly hurt. The four faces turned pale and the body shook a little, which stabilized the figure. One by one looked at Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang's eyes full of surprises.

All the monks on the high platform have now seen that four monks from the hidden family have suffered a dark loss. Chu Yunfei has exchanged sights for four people. Everyone’s eyes reveal a meaning:

"Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang really are Xianjun!"

At this time, a lazy and dissident Xu Qinyang taunted Ouyang Yu:

"Girl. You blocked my sight!"

The monks on the entire high platform looked at Ouyang Yu, and no one thought that Xu Qinyang had done something wrong. People sat there well, and did not provoke you, you went straight to the people. Then I used the gods to attack people. If Xu Qinyang and Xu Ziyan were sitting there and they didn’t say anything, it was not normal.

Xu Qinyang also considered this kind of thing, and this had to be heard. In fact, he was also on the scalp.

This "girl" called Ouyang Yu's face a stagnation, and the surrounding monks were forced to smile. At this level, they were more concerned about their identity. It was really a long time without saying "the girl".

Ouyang Yu’s face immediately rose red. However, the eyes are full of taboos, and there is no arrogance in the beginning, and there is panic on the face.

Xiang Xiang stepped forward, she naturally knows that Xu Ziyan absorbed her knowledge, so she said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ouyang family Ouyang Xiang, ask friends!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly: "My brother said that you have blocked our sight!"

Ouyang Xiang’s look was stagnation, and his face was shivering. However, she did not dare to attack. The woman has already suffered a loss, and she has fear in her heart.

At this time, Sun Hao felt that he should have spoken. At this time, his master would not speak again, and he could not say it. He hurriedly flew over, first arching his hand toward Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, an expression of apology but not knowing what to say, but in fact he did not know what to say.

Xu Ziyan waved his hand faintly, and the clouds were light and windy. It seems that what happened just like a fly flies. Sun Hao has respectfully respected the three hidden families:

"Several seniors. Please come down. The ceremony is about to begin!"

This is also a step for the three hidden families. Ouyang Xiang snorted and slammed his sleeves away, and the other five people naturally followed.

Ouyang Xiang sat down on the chair. The surface sinks like water. After a few moments, my face gradually slowed down. She already wanted to understand at this time. If you are invaded by the portrait just now, and you still have an advantage, I am afraid that the reaction will be more fierce than that of Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang. This does not blame Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang, but they have not figured out the strength and background of each other.

Is it... the other party is really from a hidden family?

But how come you have never seen it before?

Ouyang Xiang slightly brows her brows. Of course, she does not know the hidden family disciples. She can't know all the hidden family disciples, but it is impossible to be a young disciple in such a high-spirited disciple. So no reputation!

She recalled the young heroes in each hidden family in her mind, how could she not find the shadow of Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang, even these two names have not heard of it.

Turning his head and looking at the two immortals next to him, they exchanged their voices. The three people exchanged each other for a while, but they were even more confused. No one had ever heard of Lingbo Fairy and Mr. Yang.

At this point, the grand ceremony has begun.

The ceremony lasted for an hour and then the Wanxian Conference was about to begin. And the competitions such as alchemy, syllabus, refining, and array are about to begin. Of course, all kinds of evangelistic conferences, trade conferences, and exchange conferences will also start one after another. This has opened the prelude to the Wanxian Conference.

The flow of people has begun to flood into the door of the Sun family, but not everyone can come in. Either have an identity background, or repaired in the late nine-day Xuan Xian, other monks are still able to revel in Tianjian City after watching the ceremony, after which various activities will be carried out in Tianjian City. Not in the Sun family. Of course, there will be some top-level activities in the Sun family, and it is not the ordinary monks who can participate.

Just as the monks on the viewing platform were preparing to evacuate, there was a sudden commotion from a distance. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw a team of hundreds of people moving slowly toward the Sun family. Xu Ziyan glanced at him and didn't know those people. At the same time, he didn't care who they were. In his heart, he finally passed a pass in front of the hidden family. He took a breath and felt a little loose. He said to Xu Qinyang. Road:

"Qin Yang brother, you are really wonderful today!"

Xu Qinyang smiled and said: "Don't make fun of me, my heart is nervous. Right, I see that the four hidden family monks who attacked us seem to have been hurt, are you sending out gods to them? Know the attack? Ziyan sister, what is the strength of your knowledge of God? It is really amazing!"

Xu Ziyan sighed and said: "Where I am so powerful, it is the cloud baby."

"Cloud baby has this ability?" Xu Qinyang was shocked, and his eyes were filled with envy. "Ziyan sister, I really envy you, where are you so big, not only have a palm of water? There is also a cloud baby."

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently and wanted to stand up and leave. However, when I turned around, I found that the monks on the viewing platform did not leave, but the eyes of a optimistic drama looked down.

Xu Ziyan followed their gaze and saw the team of hundreds of people who were slowly moving. Then turned to Xu Qinyang whispered:

"Brother, who are they?"

Xu Qinyang slightly frowned and said: "Ziyan, I heard that the monks from the lower galaxies have said that in the lower galaxies, the Terran and the Mozu often launch large-scale wars, right?"

Xu Ziyan nodded, and Xu Qinyang stopped speaking. Instead, he whispered: "There is almost no large-scale war between the fairy and the demon in the Zhongyuan Galaxy. Do you know why?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head, and Xu Qinyang smiled and explained: "Because there is a star-shaped sea between the starry territory of the Zhongyuan galaxy and the starry territory of the Mozu."

"Xinghai?" Xu Ziyan is puzzled.

“Yeah.” Xu Qinyang nodded. “It’s a wonderful place. It’s actually a broad and vast nebula that divides the entire starry sky into two zones, but that nebula is almost always a water property, so it’s called Xinghai. There are countless starry beasts in the Xinghai, so it is almost a Jedi for the monks. Of course, there are countless treasures in the Xinghai.

It is precisely because of this vast and vast Xinghai that the people and the demon can not directly contact, so there has not been a large-scale battle of the fairy. However, there are adventurers in the dangerous places, and they can always come up with ideas. Just want to pass this Xinghai, not only need to be cultivated high, but also need at least eight more than the fairy boat. By the way, what is the cloud baby now? ”

Xu Ziyan screamed at the ear and said: "She? Six products!"

“Oh~~” Xu Qinyang was disappointed and continued: “However, among the nebulae of these water properties, there are also some other attributes of the planet, which are scattered among them.”

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows raised: “It’s like an island in the sea on a planet?”

"Not bad!" Xu Qinyang nodded: "And among these planets, there is a planet not far from the Terran side, called the Dwarf Star. Of course, the monks on the Dwarf Star are also human, not the Mozu. Not too short, only universal It is at least one shorter than us. It is only the monks on this dwarf star that gather almost all the shortcomings of the Terran, greedy, deceitful, insidious, and hot. Its character is very complicated, almost a contradiction of arrogance and inferiority."

The eyes of Xu Ziyan looked at the hundreds of people who were going closer, and they saw that their figure was really short, and on average they had more than one head on their own side. However, one by one is quite chest-lifting, that is, the mouth is also squatting hard, as if there is no ear blocking, it will hit the back of the head.

"In the past, when our Terran was very strong, the Dwarf Star monk saw our great constellation monks very respectful, like slaves. But since 5 million years ago, our Terran and the Yaozu broke out a huge war of the shemale. After that, the strength of our Terran was greatly reduced. During the War between the Terran and the Demon, there was a small group of Mozus who took the Eight-Star Park through the Xinghai and entered the Dwarf Star."

*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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