The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1452: Grand banquet

I am very grateful to the night moon 缥缈 classmates (400), forever after the rainy season classmates 3 (99), An ^ _ ^ Jing classmates (200), Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates (199), Tu Yishui classmates (100), flying over the moonlight Hai classmates (99), light rain think Han classmates (99), not old butterfly classmates (99), hknt16104 classmates (99) reward!


The dwarf star was conquered by the Mozu. The Mozu first burned and killed the dwarf star, and then played the female repair on the dwarf star. The funny thing is that the monks on this dwarf star not only do not resent the Mozu, but they are extremely admired by the power of the Mozu, and they are willing to put themselves in a slave position. In this way, the Mozu stopped the killing and managed to become a Mozu.

This dwarf family is also a clever person. During these millions of years, they have limited the combination of Terran and Devils in a limited way, but they have also created some strange exercises, and because these exercises are not Pure, leading to this dwarf family is very **** * 秽, not shame for us! ”

Xu Ziyan heard a red cheek, and revealed a trace of disgust in the eyes of hundreds of people:

"So how did they come to the Wanxian Conference of our Terran?"

Xu Qinyang smiled and said: "They squandered their practice of cultivation as a true heavenly power, saying that they are the real human race, and naturally they are coming to participate in the Terran Assembly of the Terran."

"Oh ~~" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "So how come they come?"

"Oh..." Xu Qinyang’s face showed a sneer: "The important characters are the last appearances!"

At this time, hundreds of people are going slower and are about to reach the gate. Xu Ziyan’s eyes carefully sweeped through the monks. Want to see how they differ after they have cultivated the Mozu martial arts? His eyes suddenly shook, and a familiar figure appeared in her vision, and her heart could not help but be shocked.

At this time, the Sun family’s Sun Hao was after the grand ceremony. He has already taken Sun Yue down to welcome the guests at the gate, and left Sun Qiang on the viewing platform to entertain these VIPs.

Xu Ziyan on the high platform did not pay attention to how Sun Hao greeted the dwarves. Instead, he fixed his eyes on a red-haired woman who walked among the dwarves. The red hair was different from the past. There is a metallic luster, but Xu Ziyan still recognizes her at a glance.

The woman seemed to feel that someone was paying attention to her, and looked up at the high platform, her eyes were a glimpse. She saw Xu Ziyan, but she frowned slightly. Because Xu Ziyan has changed her appearance at this time, she did not recognize it.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are condensed, and today’s Yang Linglong is already the peak of the late Luo Jinxian. Slightly wrinkled her brows, she felt a touch of familiarity from Yang Linglong's body. Suddenly, she jumped in the heart and she understood why she felt familiar. It is the breath that Yang Lingxi exudes. The breath on her body is very similar to that of Long Aotian. It is a kind of atmosphere that cultivates metality toward the extreme direction.

At this time, the monks on the high platform have been led by Sun Qiang with family disciples. After the ceremony, the Sun family naturally has to spend a lot of time in the family.

Xu Ziyan walked down the high platform. Did not immediately go to the place where the banquet was, but walked toward the door. Xu Qinyang saw that Xu Ziyan was walking in a strange direction, but did not ask anything, but followed behind Xu Ziyan. Two people stopped at a distance from the gate, and Xu Ziyan looked toward the dwarf family.

Seeing that the first person is short, but the appearance is still positive, temperament concise. The dress is extremely gorgeous, but it is also the realm of Xianjun in the early days. Every move exudes a sultry atmosphere, which makes the heart of Sun Yi, the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, have a lot of pressure.

There was a young man standing beside him, and his body was shorter than him. An embroidered white robe. Although the figure is short, the body shape is very well-proportioned, but the body has also reached the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian mid-term.

Sun Hao greeted the dwarf family with a smirk, despite the pressure of the other party. But I also tried to straighten my waist and face the dwarf fairy. There is no fear at all. Sun Hao’s attitude made Xu Ziyan appreciate, and his hostility to Sun’s family was reduced a lot.

The dwarf family saw that the other side had only one nine-day Xuanxian late peak to meet themselves, not even a fairy. There was a hint of suffocation on his face. However, he also knows that the peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian in the immediate future is the grandson of the Sun family who held the Wanxian Conference. The Sun family does not have Xianjun as a first-class family, so he is not good at saying anything.

When Sun Hao saw the other person walked in front of him, he smiled and said: "Liu Xianjun is coming, welcome!"

"Sun's family is polite!" Liu Xianjun nodded slightly, his face still not very good-looking.

"This is?" Sun Hao looked at the young man standing side by side with Liu Xianjun.

"This is my family's lesser, Fu Linhai."

"It turned out to be Fu Shaoxing Lord, welcome!"

"I have seen the Sun Master!" Fulin Sea looked at Sun. Sun Xin knows that this is not how much Fu Linhai respects him, but the etiquette of their dwarf star family, they laughed and said:


Sun Hao and the dwarf family walked slowly from the front of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s gaze once again fell on Yang Ling’s body. She did not understand why Yang Lingxi was with these people, and her cultivation was the lowest among the hundreds of people. The rest of the dwarves were the lowest and the first nine days of Xuanxian.

Xu Ziyan could not help but worry, would it be that these dwarves forced Yang Linglong? But she couldn't see a little forced look from Yang Ling's face. And she is behind Fu Linhai. Is it...

Xu Ziyan shook her head and thought of the grief of Yang Lingxi’s death at the beginning of Fan Haixin’s death on the mainland. So she could not understand why Yang Lingxi was mixed with the dwarf star.

Yang Linglong also felt that Xu Ziyan had been paying attention to himself, and could not help but look at Xu Ziyan again. She doesn't understand why this young woman is always looking at herself. Is it because you are not a dwarf star?

Yang Lingqi’s body was originally tall, and she was one and a half head taller than Liu Xianjun. She naturally knew that her identity could not be concealed.

Yang Ling’s eyes turned. It was discovered that Xu Ziyan was watching her at this time, that is, the monks around him were watching her, and those people’s eyes showed disdainful eyes.

Yang Linglong once again turned to look at Xu Ziyan, and the sight and Xu Ziyan touched. Immediately felt that there was no trace of disdain in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, but there was a worry.

Yang Linglong’s body shape slowly passed by Xu Ziyan’s body, and she could not help but think:

"Who is she?

Why is she worried about me? ”

Suddenly, Yang Ling’s heart trembled, and she felt the woman who was worried about her. The eyes are very familiar, but I can't think of it for a while.

"I must know her!"

Yang Lingqi Huoran turned to the head and looked at Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s eyes were looking at her back, and the two men’s eyes touched each other in the air.

"Xu Ziyan?"

Yang Ling's heart suddenly emerged from the name, these eyes are too much like Xu Ziyan's eyes.

Do not!

She is Xu Ziyan!

Yang Ling’s lips moved, but eventually she said nothing, slowly turning back, revealing a trace of despair in her eyes:

"The gap between me and her is getting bigger and bigger!"

A sigh in my heart, a thousand turns...

Xu Ziyan looked at Yang Ling's figure gradually drifting away. In the heart, "Does she recognize me?"

The shock of Xu Lingyan in the eyes of Fang Ling’s eyes can be clearly seen. This makes Xu Ziyan somewhat suspicious that Yang Linglong has recognized herself. However, Yang Linglu did not convey to herself, did she recognize herself?

Shaking his head, Xu Ziyan dispelled the idea of ​​seeing Yang Ling with him. Because this idea is too dangerous, once you reveal your identity, not only yourself and Xu Qinyang are likely to die. Xu family will also be completely destroyed.

This risk, she can not take it!

Gently sighed and turned back and smiled at Xu Qinyang: "Brother, let's go!"

Xu Qinyang nodded lightly, and the two walked side by side toward the peach blossom circle of the Sun family.

Peach Garden!

A peach garden in the Sun family is a kind of fairy peach, which is naturally much worse than the purple peach.

The area is very wide, because there are too many monks coming here, and the banquet is here.

Taoyuan, Xian Brew. Calling you fairy friends. Talking about the fairy, the monk is a great thing...

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang walked side by side, watching Xu Ziyan look like a heavy heart, Xu Qinyang whispered:

"Sister. What happened to you?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and woke up from meditation. Shallow smile: "I am fine!"

Xu Qinyang hesitated a little, and finally whispered, "Do you know the woman?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and his look was a bit complicated.

"She is your friend?"

Xu Ziyan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "The things between me and her are very complicated. We know each other in the mortal world on the vast continent."

Xu Qinyang frowned slightly: "How come she is with the dwarf?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "How can I know?"

Two sidewalks chatted into the peach garden, and their eyes were swept away. At this time, everyone had already looked for their seats. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang both randomly found a seat to sit down.

After sitting down, I looked carefully around. At this time, I saw that there are more than 2,000 people in the large peach garden. The repairs are almost all of the nine-day Xuanxian. Occasionally, there are several Da Luojinxian, which are also very young, closely following the middle-aged or elderly monks. At first glance, there are young people with backgrounds.

Xu Ziyan blinked and saw Yang Lingwei. At this time, Yang Linglong sat next to Fu Linhai and sat in front of the two of them, Liu Xianjun. This table only has three of them.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked in other directions. He saw that six people in the hidden family occupied a table, and the four super-family sages such as Chu Yunfei also occupied a table. As for the four super-families The juniors occupy another table. There are also two scattered Xianjun who also occupy a table.

His eyes swept to the side and saw that the seven old people occupied a table. Xu Ziyan whispered to Xu Qinyang and asked:

“The seven people are seven of the top eight families?”


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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