The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1453: Direction of cultivation

I am very grateful to I for loving the students of Manchuria, my heartbreaking 33 classmates, the wooden pile mother-in-law, and the small ticket of Yu Xiaokai!


After Xu Qinyang took a look, he nodded slightly. Xu Ziyan gazed a little, her eyes looked around, her eyes could not help but brighten, she saw the purple clothes, and several female practitioners occupied a table.

The gaze went on, and the brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. He saw Long Gufeng and Long Aotian, and there was a woman who must be Sun Xiaoqian.

After Sun Hao’s simple and enthusiastic speech, the banquet began. In addition to a few tables of monks with identity, the monks of other tables began to pick up the table after a while, and some familiar monks were enthusiastic. The place has been exchanged.

The whole Taoyuan is very lively, but there is a deserted place. It is Liu Xianjun. Every monk is like hiding from the table while avoiding the gods, even if it is passing by.

Even Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang were occasionally invited to pay tribute to the wine. The noise around them seemed to be the coldness of Liu Xianjun's table, causing Liu Xianjun's face to be almost gloomy on his instep.

Yang Linglong sat there and felt very uncomfortable. She had never felt this way. Just sitting here, she could feel the gaze around her like a sharp arrow on her. The look hesitated, and whispered a few words with Fulin, and Fulin Lin frowned slightly, but he finally nodded with a sullen face. Yang Linglong stood up and looked at the four sweeps, and then walked toward Xu Ziyan.

Yang Linglong's figure changed, and many of the monks' eyes looked with her. They all want to see Yang Lingling, where is this going? Who will take care of her?

Yang Lingqi frowned slightly, and she did not think that the dwarfs would be so unpopular in the fairy world. Then I opened my brow again. There was indifference on his face and he walked slowly toward Xu Ziyan.

When passing by Long Aotian's side, Long Aotian's eyebrows suddenly shrugged, and he felt that Yang Ling's body exudes the same breath as him. I couldn’t help but feel excited. He did not expect that in this fairy world, there would be a monk who would practice metality to the extreme as he did, and he would still be a...female monk.

Long Aotian stood up and smiled at Yang Linglong’s hand: "This fairy..."

Sitting on the chair, Long Aotian and Sun Xiaoqian’s face are a change. They did not think that Long Aotian would talk to a woman who was mixed with the dwarf at this time. Long ancient wind color:


Long Aotian quietly waved his hand toward his parents. Long Gufeng didn’t know what Long Aotian was doing, sitting there with a gloomy face. At this time, Yang Lingling felt very surprised. She did not expect that in this case, someone would take the initiative to talk to her. Even Xu Ziyan, she is doubting whether she will take care of herself at this time.

Yang Ling’s footsteps turned and turned slightly, her eyes were bright. She and Long Aotian are the people who cultivate the ultimate in metal. She is able to feel the breath of the other person in an instant. She did not expect to meet someone who is as self-cultivating here. The heart will inevitably come up with a touch of kindness and whisper:

"This friend..."

"In the next dragon proud, ask the fairy name?" Long Ao Tianbin politely once again handed a gift.

Yang Linglong also hurriedly ceremoniously said: "Under the Yang Lingling."

Long Aotian’s face glowed with a warm smile: “Is there a chance to talk to the fairy alone?”

Yang Lingwei was somewhat moved, but saw the gloomy face of Long Gufeng and Sun Xiaoqian, and there was Xu Ziyan there. Shaking his lips, rumors refused:

"I am going to meet a friend, and when I have time, I will talk to Longdao friends!"

After all, he bowed to Long Aotian and bowed, and then turned to the table of Xu Ziyan. Long Aotian's face is full of regrets, looking at Yang Ling's back is somewhat reluctant. Not far away, Fulin's eyes stared at the back of Long Aotian, and his eyes gradually turned into murderousness.

Xu Ziyan saw Yang Linglong walking towards herself, although there was no change in his face. I can't help but smile in my heart. In front of Yang Linglong, he admitted that he was a purple smoke. Still denied?

Just when Xu Ziyan had not made a decision, Yang Linglong had already come to Xu Ziyan’s face and marched toward Xu Ziyan:

"Daoyou, can I sit down here?"

Xu Ziyan stood up from the chair. The arched hand said: "In the next Lingbo, this is my brother. Dulcimer. Can you ask a friend?"

Yang Lingyi understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan at the first sight. Xu Ziyan did not want to expose his identity. I smiled and said:

"Under the next Yang Ling."

In the distance, Fulinhai saw Yang Lingqi really go to talk to a female practitioner, his face was slightly slowed down, and his eyes could not help but look forward to Long Aotian. This hope, a sudden rise in evil in my heart. It turned out that Long Aotian had already told Yang Lingyan about the metal cultivation to the extreme. The Long Gufeng couple also hesitated at this time. Long Aotian and they said very clearly, if he could make a relationship with Yang Linglong. The couple, under the joint force, can multiply. And if they cultivate to a certain extent and fully cultivate the body into metality, the two of them can fit together and exert greater power.

This is too big for Long Aotian's attraction, so after simply telling his parents about things, he looked at Yang Linglong.

Seeing that after Yang Linglong left, his eyes were still staring at Yang Linglong. How is Fu Linhai not angry?

At this time, Yang Lingwei was talking softly with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes showed a slight concern:

"Yang Daoyou, you... interact with the dwarf family..."

Yang Lingxiao smiled and said: "Where do I know where they are from the dwarf star, it is strange why they are so short. Even if I later know what dwarf star they came from, I didn't take it seriously. Because I am fundamentally I don’t know where the dwarf star is. I don’t know why the monk’s monk is so hostile to the immortal monk!”

Speaking of this, Yang Lingxi sighed a bit: "I saw a metal ore in a shop. I met a dwarf star and bought it. We both fought. Then the blessing The sea was there, and I wanted to give the ore to me. Of course I couldn’t accept it, and he didn’t insist.

Later, under our communication, he took out some high grade ore. And tell me that as long as I am willing to join his family, he will provide me with all the resources needed for cultivation. Therefore, I followed him all the way to Tianjian City. On this road, he has given me a very fast metallic ore. It is these metal ores that have raised my cultivation to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian. ”

Xu Ziyan looked up at Fu Linhai in the distance, and then looked back at Yang Lingxiao and smiled lightly:

"I don't think it's as simple as wanting you to join their family!"

Yang Linglong’s cheeks are slightly red: “I naturally know that I originally thought that he was polite along the way. Even if he joined their family, as long as I disagreed, he would not force him. But now I see them. Being hostile to the monks of the Immortals, I was hesitated, purple... Lingbo, do you know what it is for?"

Xu Ziyan whispered to Xu Lingyang and heard about the dwarf star. After listening to Yang Linglong, there was a hint of fear behind her face. She did not think that the family she wanted to join would be like this.

"That... Do you have a family of dwarves now?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

Yang Lingyan gently shook her head and said: "I have not promised yet, saying that I have to go and see."

Xu Ziyan smiled easily: "This is all right, as long as you don't follow them, this thing is over."

"Don't say this thing first. I heard some rumors about... these days, is it true?" Yang Ling asked softly.

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly and thought about it again: "Can I invite you to join our family?"

Yang Lingyi hesitated and shook his head gently.

“Why?” Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably: “My family can try to satisfy the resources of your cultivation. We are from the same continent after all...”

Yang Lingling shook her head and stopped Xu Ziyan, whispered: "Do you remember what I said when I was on the mainland?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a while, his face gradually became helpless, and whispered: "Are you still insisting?"

"Yes!" Yang Lingyi nodded firmly and said: "I will fight you after all. If you join your family, it will make me feel uncomfortable."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze gradually became clear and nodded. “Then I will wait for you!”

"for sure!"

"for sure!"

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

Xu Ziyan and Yang Lingyi looked at their own affairs and carefully looked at Yang Linglong. In the end, she still couldn't hold back and said softly:

"Exquisite, the practice of your cultivation..."

"How?" Yang Ling's eyebrows picked one, and the eyes showed a strange look.

Xu Ziyan thought about the wording and whispered: "Have you ever thought about the consequences of cultivating the attribute to the extreme and mutating?"

Yang Ling’s body was shocked, and he sighed and thought. “I think the final result should be to cultivate this attribute to the Tao!”

"Daojing?" Xu Ziyan was silent, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"Not necessarily!" Xu Qinyang suddenly said.

Both Xu Ziyan and Yang Lingqi were shocked and stared at Xu Qin. At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart was moving. Both she and Yang Lingqi were too young, and they probably had their own aspects and proficiency in their cultivation. However, if they talked about Guangbo, it should be really not as good as a disciple of thousands of years like Xu Qinyang. Therefore, Xu Ziyan sincerely asked:

"What is the understanding of my brother?"


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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