The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1458: Weiwei

Congratulations to the heartbreaking 33 students to become the best master!


This kind of situation is not something that ordinary family disciples can do. It must be a kind of genius disciple who has a very complete family. Thinking of this, Ouyang Xiang has a hidden fear in his heart.

There is a shyness in the eyes of the Mozu monks. At this time, he has already seen that Xu Ziyan is exhibiting space and light attributes. The fusion of these two attributes makes the Mozu monks unable to touch and appear hidden. Track.

What he didn't know in his heart was that Xu Ziyan's heart was very helpless at this time. Her heart is very clear, at the moment it seems that the Mozu monks have no way to take them, and in the scene as if they are still pressing the Mozu monks. In fact, it is not the case at all.

She used the current repair as the basis to take the other side, there is no way, do not look at each attack, they are stunned by the other's magic mask, but they can not attack the other's magic mask. And now the Mozu monk is only stunned by his sudden burst of space and light attributes, and when the other party reacts, his strength is definitely not the opponent of the opponent.

Sure enough, the Mozu monk saw that Xu Ziyan had bombarded his magic mask dozens of punches in an instant, but his magic mask was not smashed by the other party, and one heart calmed down. When this calm down, I immediately understand it, even if the other party has the understanding of the spatial attribute and the light attribute. Her lack of cultivation can not cause him the slightest danger.

The mind is determined, and the confidence in the heart is restored. Looking at the shape of Xu Ziyan constantly flashing in the air, a pair of magic eyes filled with coldness. The two big hands suddenly turned to the sky. Push up.


In the sky, there are two black hands that cover the sky, and the whole space is instantly imprisoned by two black hands.


The two big hands smacked toward the shape of Xu Ziyan. The Xu Ziyan under the two giant hands is like a tiny ant. Chu Yunfei's face is a change, his right hand is moving. Just want to shoot. Yundan stopped by Chu Yunfei:

"Chu brother, Lingbo Fairy has not released the power of Xianjun, what are you worried about?"

The look of Chu Yunfei was relaxed at once, and there was a splendid flash in his eyes. Looking at Xu Ziyan, the heart is dark:

"This time she will release the power of Xianjun!"

The face of Xu Ziyan in the air has changed. Once the other party completely releases the power of the peak of Xianjun, it is not completely resistant to it. At this time, she just wants to use space attributes and light attributes to avoid it, and her body is completely imprisoned in the air. Xu Ziyan knows very well that if these two big hands are bombarded on their own bodies, their bodies will definitely be hurt. Even if you are the body of the mid-eight of the Eight Elements. It will also be subject to the reasons for not being able to repair it, and will not be able to withstand the real strength.

"Little gold, fusion!"

Xiaojin was quickly smashed out of the purple smoke space by Xu Ziyan.

"Just give me a good time!"

Xu Ziyan looked up at the two giant hands that fell in the air and waited anxiously.

The breath of Xu Ziyan's body rose in an instant. When the two giant hands were less than a foot away from Xu Ziyan's head, Xu Ziyan's body suddenly broke out of Xianjun's early power. The house was shattered and the hands slammed up. Two golden fists were magnified in space, and the power of Xianjun rumbling to the two giant hands on the head.


Two loud bangs, the dark space that was originally covered by two black giant hands, restored the light in time, and the two giant hands were completely shattered.

Xu Ziyan and the robes of the Mozu monks suddenly fluttered toward the rear, hunting and screaming.

Xu Ziyan glanced at Xu Qinyang, and his mouth flicked a smile. After the combination of Xu Qinyang's body and the water of a palm, there is the strength to suppress the early stage of Xianjun, not to mention himself. Moreover, because of the lack of strength of the body, and the integration of the water of a palm, Xu Qinyang is still the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, and after the combination of himself and the small finance, it is the early stage of Xianjun. It is the beginning of the real Xianjun.

The Mozu monks looked at Xu Ziyan, who was standing in his own side. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He did not think that the other party turned out to be an immortal. When I think of the other side, I actually suppress the cultivation and fight with myself. In my heart, I immediately feel a shyness.

This... too much to look down on myself!

What if you are a fairy? However, it is an early stage of Xianjun. Can you still beat me at the peak of Xianjun?

"She really is Xianjun!"

Chu Yunfei and others exchanged their eyes and looked at Xu Qinyang. One heart and one mind:

"Lingbo Fairy has released the power of Xianjun. Is it true that Mr. Yang really wants to solve the Liu Xianjun by suppressing the repair of the peak of the late nine-day Xuanxian? However, look at him by the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period. If you cultivate it, you can suppress Liu Xianjun. His strength is really more than Lingbo Fairy. Lingbo Fairy really didn't deceive us."

"It's over!"

Just as the Mozu monk was ready to completely release his first peak of Xianjun, and the time when Xu Ziyan was defeated, the space sounded a faint voice.

Xu Ziyan, who is standing in the air, suddenly releases a dazzling light from the body.

It was a golden light, released from the body of Xu Ziyan, spreading rapidly toward the earth and the sky, expanding, like a huge golden sword with the same handle, straight into the sky, endless, releasing endless power.

The shape of Xu Ziyan has completely disappeared at this time, and a long sword has appeared in the entire space. The space has become unstable and small space cracks have appeared around it. A scent of destruction spreads in space...

This is... the sword of gold!

Chu Yunfei and Ouyang Xiang and other immortal eyes are full of brilliance, and suddenly a jump in the heart.

Do not!

This is not the sword of gold!

This kind of sword seems to be... as if it is higher than the sword of gold. But... Is it... on the sword of gold... is there a realm?

At this time, in the eyes of the Mozu monks opposite the Xu Ziyan, the eyes of the devils were cracked. He felt that his surroundings were full of an artistic conception. The artistic concept completely suppressed him and made him feel like this in this artistic conception. It is so small, he seems to be in a metallic world, as if he has been completely split, in an independent space, completely lost contact with the outside world. Surrounded by the sword, let him how to motivate the power of the peak of Xianjun in his body, and can not stop the invasion of the sword of gold.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart was filled with ecstasy. When she found that she was completely integrated with Xiaojin, she released the golden sword and actually entered another level. A level she never thought of was so ethereal and It is such a mystery, although it is only a catch, but it can feel that it is so powerful.

"What is this?" Xu Ziyan could not help but mutter.

"This is the meaning of gold!" The voice of Xiaojin sounded in the gods.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked and asked in the gods: “What is the meaning of gold?”

"I do not know!"

Xu Ziyan was disappointed in his heart. The heart estimated that Xiaojin had a hint of gold after his birth. This may be just its sacred power, which can be displayed but cannot be said.

She closed her eyes and the whole mind was in a mystery. There is a natural and mysterious color on the face. The golden light that was released from the body grew stronger.

The body of the Mozu monk has not been able to move at this time. The space that has been isolated seems to have become an entity, and his body is constantly squeezed, and a sword is thrown into his body, causing his destruction. body. Opened his mouth, but could not make a sound at all.

On the other hand, Xu Qinyang saw the power released by Xu Ziyan, and he couldn't help but swear. Originally thought that after the integration of one's own water and one palm of the water, the combat power does not say more than Xu Ziyan, at least it is also the same with Xu Ziyan. It seems that Xu Ziyan is not in a grade at all.

I looked up at Liu Xianjun and raised my heart. "Ziyan and Chu Yunfei said that my strength is stronger than purple smoke. I can’t always show my feet at this time! Come on, let me prevail. Let's go!"

Xu Qinyang instantly opened the body of the seven-character fairy, the body's breath suddenly climbed to reach the realm of Xianjun.


The hundreds of water dragons suddenly skyrocketed, one by one became free and several meters thick, thousands of feet long, rolled up huge waves, with a fascinating power to rush to Liu Xianjun.

"Mr. Yang also released the Xianjunwei!" Chu Yunfei and other immortals Huo Ran Zhang.


Ren Liu Xianjun struggled, but they were like a sea of ​​wandering in the night. Just in the blink of an eye, they were twisted into a powder by a water dragon.

Xu Qinyang's momentum declined, and the restoration of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period was restored. The surrounding Wang Yang also gathered toward the middle, disappearing without a trace, revealing the shape of Xu Qinyang's unruly, slowly descending toward the ground.

At this time, although Xu Qinyang still reveals the repair of the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian period, who would dare to regard him as a nine-day Xuanxian late peak monk? And just now, Xu Qinyang only revealed the power of Xianjun’s initial attack. He also strangled the same monk who was also an early Xianjun. Chu Yunfei and Ouyang Xiang could not help but secretly doubt:

"Is he really just an early Xianjun?"

In particular, Chu Yunfei, a few of the centuries, asked himself, that is, he may not be able to strangle a Xianjun early!

Xu Qinyang looked at Chu Yunfei's stunned eyes of a few Xianjun, and could not help but sigh: "This palm of water is really powerful!"

At this time, the eyes of the monks gathered in the air of Xu Ziyan. At this time, everyone’s minds have already understood that the Mozu monks have died, and when they die, it depends on when Xu Ziyan started.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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