The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1459: stiff

I am very grateful to Yu Yu 645098 classmates, ♂紫云幽梦♀, oldandstupid classmates, large flying pig classmates, the fate to go to Yangfan classmates, not a classmate, rainy azure _007 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan was immersed in the glimpse of the golden sacredness, and the right hand unconsciously smashed out. Like a dance, he saw that the giant sword was shattered and turned into a thousand small golden swords, which sounded in space. Interlaced, golden, not waiting for everyone to see clearly, the Mozu monk has been turned into a powder.

However, Xu Ziyan did not stop, but his hands were still waving constantly, his body shape was also fluttering and moving, and the space of thousands of golden swords shuttled with the movement of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan's eyes are somewhat blurred, his right hand is constantly licking his fingers, and suddenly pointed to the air, and thousands of golden swords are set in the air.

The left hand slammed the fingertips toward the sky, and the square metal sensational force condensed toward the air. In the eyes of everyone's shock, a huge word of "Tao" appeared, shining in the air with substantial light.


The huge "dao" word smashed away and turned into a thousand small "dao" characters, flying toward the thousands of golden swords. Every word of "Tao" floats toward a golden sword, and the word "dao" and Jinjian begin to merge.

Every Xianjun on the ground knows that Lingbo Fairy has another insight into Tiandao. Every Xianjun looks to Lingbo Fairy's eyes full of shock and envy.

“Is this the true heritage of the hidden family?”


A golden sword and a "dao" word were merged, and a clear "dao" was printed on the sword. The "锵" sound oscillated in the space. A trace of heaven spreads in space...

Chu Yunfei and other immortal minds suddenly trembled, although he did not cultivate metal, but the trace of heaven also caused him to resonate. As the saying goes, one has a clear understanding. Chu Yunfei immediately reached the ground with his knees, and transmitted the gods out, trying to catch the heavenly sky.

The other monks also realized that they were sitting on the ground. Capture your own opportunities.


In the air, another word of "dao" is combined with a golden sword. That trace of heaven is expanding...

Outside the Tianjian City, the two figures suddenly stunned and looked back into the air. I only feel the heart shaking, the far-reaching golden sword and the word "dao" have great appeal to both of them, and I can't help but want to run back.

When the woman’s figure was moved, she wanted to fly back, but she was grabbed by the man and grabbed her arm. She was struggling to remove her eyes from the golden sword and the word “dao”:

"Yang Xianzi. We can't stay here, hurry and get out of here!"

Yang Linglong swallowed a bite of spit, and there was a bitter bitterness in her eyes: "Dragon brother, are we going to live a life of escape in the future?"

Long Aotian said helplessly: "Yang Xianzi, I am afraid that it will not take long. The monks of the whole fairyland will know that the two exercises of our cultivation can be refined into other people by the other people. I don't know how many crazy people will hunt us two. No one can keep us. And we can't trust anyone, or take advantage of the opportunities now, and flee!"

Yang Ling bite her teeth and slammed her foot in the air: "Go!"

The two bodies swiftly swept away and quickly disappeared between the clouds.

Soon after the disappearance of two people, hundreds of dwarf star monks flew out from the sky sword city and fled to the distant warehouse, but it was the hundreds of dwarf star monks who followed Liu Xianjun and others to attend the Wanxian Conference. They took the monks in the peach garden into the comprehension and escaped quietly.

As soon as he escaped from the Sky Sword City, he released several flying boats. Leave in an instant.

In the fly boat.

The atmosphere is very depressed. All the dwarf star monks are sullen, with fear in their eyes. For a long time, a monk finally couldn’t resist this oppression and said with a trembling:

"There are few stars who are dead. What do we do?"

When this sentence is exported, everyone’s eyes are spreading with despair...


The golden sword and the word "dao" in the air kept on merging. The word "dao" has been printed on the ninety-eight gold swords, and the ninety-ninth "dao" is being merged with the ninety-nine swords.


A loud bang, the ninety-nine-handed golden sword and the word "dao" burst into bursts.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

The sky continued to scream, and the words "dao" and Jinjian burst one after another. The air is hurricane and the space crack is expanding. Soon, in the air, only the ninety-eight gold swords that blended the word "dao" were left.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes and revealed regrets in her eyes. She finally realized that one percent of the heavens had not yet realized one percent, and she was forced out of the epiphany by the roar of defeat.

Looking at the ninety-eight-handed golden sword in the air, he sighed and waved his sleeves, and the ninety-eight-handed golden sword dissipated. Then let Xiaojin return to the purple smoke space, and her cultivation has also fallen from the early days of Xianjun to the mid-ninth period of Xuanxian.

Xu Ziyan's body shape descended from the air, and all the monks on the ground were awakened by the bursting of Jin Jian from the comprehension. There were surprises and regrets in each eye.

Surprise is that I got the insight, but the time is too short.

Watching Xu Ziyan fall to the ground, Chu Yunfei bent slightly toward Xu Ziyan. This is the etiquette that has been handed down from the fairy world. You have gained insight through the opportunity of others' insights, and you must express your gratitude. At this point, the hidden family is no exception. What's more, they are really getting the benefits. Therefore, Ouyang Xiang and others also sincerely bowed to Xu Ziyan, and thousands of monks in the entire peach garden neatly bowed to Xu Ziyan.

The entire peach garden was re-cleaned and the banquet resumed. On one of the tables, there were eleven people, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, two fake immortals, Chu Yunfei, four super-families, Xianjun, three hidden family, Xianjun, and two scattered Xianjun. At the table next to them, they sit on the heads of eight first-class families.

Xu Ziyan has already discovered that Yang Linglong and Long Aotian have disappeared. They only thought about it for a moment, and they knew that the two men had fled because of the fear in their hearts. The monks of the dwarf stars are gone, and it goes without saying that they have escaped with the opportunity of the monks to comprehend.

The extension of the periphery is the patriarch of the second-rate family, and the outer circle is the patriarch of some third-rate families and some disciples of the second-rate family. The banquet has started again, but everyone is silent at this time, just focusing on the table in the middle of Xianjun.

Ouyang Xiang three immortal sinister faces, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qin Yang smashed the dwarf star's few star owners, which is bound to cause the dwarf star crazy revenge. A dwarf star is not in their eyes, but behind the dwarf star to stand a strong demon, and Xu Ziyan will also kill the Mozu monk. How can this be good if it causes the Great Devils?

Originally, these things have nothing to do with their hidden family. Even if the demons fight, they can continue to live a hidden life. However, the few star masters and the Mozu monks died in front of their eyes, and Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang who killed them were from the hidden family, although they now do not know which hidden family they are from, but they already It is recognized as a hidden family. In this way, the hidden family is bound to be dragged into this matter.

Chu Yunfei's four super families are also very embarrassed at this time, because if they fight with the Mozu at this time, they are the most unwilling to see. The hearts of all four of them are very clear. Their ancestors of the late Xianjun died inexplicably. This time is the weakest time of the four super families. It really can't stand the attack of this storm. Therefore, they very much hope that at this time, the hidden family can stand up.

However, the other small characters, Chu Dian, Chu Qing, Yun Xiaoyao and others are a look of excitement. At this time, Xu Ziyan said, "If the heart is weak, the strength is strong, and it is also passively beaten. The Terran will always be a weak race. Only when the heart is strong, the Terran will really be strong!" Still echoing in their Ears.

This sentence makes them **** and let them boil. One by one excitedly gathered in the middle of the table, I can't wait for the people on the table to make a decision immediately, to open the fairy war, they immediately went to the front.

However, Chu Yunfei and other four super-family Xianjun, it is difficult to make a decision at this time. After all, they are not patriarchs. Even if they are patriarchs, this is not a matter of a certain family, but the whole of the celestial celestial celestial world. When they think that their family is not in the late peak of Xianjun, they are all frowning. .

There are no scruples in the two scattered sages. Anyway, they are both lonely and lonely. Even if the sorcerer war is open, they are willing to go and have a look, and they are not willing to go.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang have no scruples. What the two people think is that, after they left the Wanxian Conference, they will hide and restore their original appearance. In the future, the Yuan Galaxy will no longer have Lingbo Fairy and Dulcimer. Mr. As soon as the Demon Wars opened, there was almost no impact on Xu Jiaji. Anyway, Xu family is now closing the mountain, and it will not be a big deal.

However, if the Demon Wars really started, Xu Ziyan really wanted to see. And that Xinghai Xu Ziyan is also very curious, I don't know what baby there will be there.

The immortal on the table in the middle did not speak, and the atmosphere was very dignified. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang naturally can't talk. The two scattered repairs will not even speak. Chu Yunfei and others are not here now, and they can't make decisions, so they only have to talk about it. In this way, the three hidden families will be somewhat upset.

Because in any case, the hidden family has always appeared in the fairy world with a high-level attitude, and now things appear under the eyes of your hidden family, your hidden family always have to stand up and say something?


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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