The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1464: Lonely little boy

I am very grateful to the students, the students in the water, the students in the water, the students in the rain, the students in the j, the students in the paradise, the students in the parasitic world, the students in the espflykite, the students in the meditation, the pink tickets of the book friends 08910205917581!


Xu Qinyang’s head was pulled down. He also knew that Xu Ziyan was telling the truth. People can pass on the Xujia alchemy system, the inheritance of the refiner array is not bad, so they have no choice but to nod. After thinking about it, I asked:

"Ziyan, after you pick up the family disciples, do we return to the family immediately?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "Jin Yang brother, I want to go see the Xinghai, I don't know what Xinghai would look like?"

"Alright!" Xu Qinyang nodded. "We are going back this time, I am afraid I will retreat. The Fairy War will soon begin. Who knows what will happen in the future. At this time, strength is the most important thing."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded lightly. “You are here for a few days. I will pick up the family disciples and go to see Xinghai together.”

Xu Qinyang left alone in the inn, Xu Ziyan left the land to build a city. Flying in the depths of the sea, I found an uninhabited island, then summoned the chaos, and then went directly to the palace with the baby.

The thirty-six disciples saw Xu Ziyan, and gathered one by one excitedly. Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept through the thirty-six disciples and he was very satisfied. I also asked about their cultivation status. When I knew that several of them were already six sects, my heart was more and more happy. Looking at these eager eyes. Xu Ziyan also knows that they want to think about their loved ones. Immediately announced:

"I have already discussed with the owner here, I will take you home immediately!"


Thirty-six disciples immediately cheered up, and after a while cheering, they calmed down again. One of the disciples said respectfully:

"Auntie Ziyan, Master, what about them? We want to say goodbye to Master!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and was happy for their gratitude. Called in the heart, they will call them. After some touching farewell. Xu Ziyan brought thirty-six disciples into the fairy boat and then flew out of the palace. The chaos and the palace were collected, and then the city was set to fly to the ground.

When I arrived at Xu Qinyang's inn, Xu Ziyan did not let the thirty-six disciples come out from the fairy boat. Instead, he directly let Xu Qinyang leave the inn. Two people were on the transfer array, one planet and one planet, and the star-shaped sea. The direction is transmitted away.

Two months later. Two people appeared in the land.

This planet is the closest planet to the Xinghai with a transmission array, but it is still far away from the Xinghai. There are still some planets between the Earth Star and the Xinghai, but there are no more transmissions on those planets, because it is too close to the Xinghai, very chaotic.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang entered the Xianzhou and flew in the direction of Xinghai.

Earth Yin.

The nearest star to Xinghai, the purple boat of Xu Ziyan fell to the earth star. at this time. Xu Ziyan has already let the cloud baby change the shape of the fairy boat. It is no longer a closed appearance. Everyone looks out through the porthole.

The entire gut star gives a feeling of ruin, although it is also human, but it is much rarer than other planets. However, it is also a lot of sorrow, and the breath released from them can be seen.

This is an abandoned town.

Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang strolled on the streets in the small town. Xu Ziyan had already collected the baby, and did not release the thirty-six disciples. It was too dangerous here. They are the treasures of Xu family. Xu Ziyan naturally does not let them come out to take risks.

Occasionally, there were two or three monks on the street. One of them looked sharply from Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, but when they saw that they were repaired, they just stood there and looked at them. No one came up to trouble.

Two people walked down the street to the street, and in the distance was an abandoned square. Xu Ziyan’s gaze reveals a strange look. Sitting in the center of the abandoned square, a little boy of about ten years old, buried his head between his knees, motionless. After listening to the footsteps, Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang turned their heads and saw a middle-aged monk coming towards them. They saw them looking over, and they looked a little hesitant, but they finally came to their front. , said the hand:

"Two friends have invited!"

Xu Ziyan swept his eyes and saw that the other party was a nine-day Xuanxian early, and his heart relaxed. However, she did not speak, and there was Xu Qinyang, she was too lazy to think. Xu Qinyang also knows that Xu Ziyan’s heart is unwilling to manage things, and he nods:

"This friend invited!"

The monk once again looked at Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang, and then he asked: "The two Taoist friends came to the Yinyin, but what materials do they want to acquire?"

"Oh?" Xu Qinyang snorted, and his heart was amazed. These monks who stayed here must be adventurers in Xinghai. Then sell the resources that are obtained in the Xinghai. So Xu Qinyang is also very curious about what resources they have, and then they open:

"What resources do you have?"

The monk carefully looked at Xu Qinyang. After all, the pressure of a nine-day Xuanxian late peak was still very great. Whispered:

"Daoyou, what resources do you need?"

Xu Qinyang did not pretend, but said with a smile: "Daoyou, don't hesitate to say that we are really not coming to buy resources, but come to watch Xinghai. Of course, if you have any good things, we Will also buy it."

The monk hesitated for a moment and finally took out a storage ring and handed it to Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang took over the storage ring and looked at the inside with the knowledge of God. He looked at it and there was nothing to attract him. I just wanted to return the storage ring to the other party, but suddenly found five white beads of nail size. He really didn't know what it was. I took it out and watched it in my hand.

Xu Ziyan also looked over his head, but before they both looked carefully, the water in the palm of Xu Qinyang suddenly fluctuated and called in Xu Qinyang’s consciousness:

"Buy it!"

Xu Qinyang looked awkward but did not hesitate. Don't say that the water of a palm is just for this thing, you have to give it. A palm of water gave him a lot of help, so he immediately looked at the opposite monk and asked:

"How much is it?"

The monk squinted at Xu Qinyang: "The Taoist friend has a vision. This is a baby, called the water pearl, which has a great effect on the monks who practice the water attribute method."

Xu Qinyang knows that this is the basis for the price increase, but he really doesn't know what this water bead is, but he can feel the extremely strong water property from the water pearl. It is a baby. Therefore, just looking at the other side faintly.

The monk's face was slightly red, and I felt that Xu Qinyang must know this water bead and know the price of the water bead, so he did not dare to raise the price. In the late nine-day Xuanxian peak, the price was known by the other party. Is this not looking for death? So he said cautiously:

"Daoyou, such a large water bead requires one million top grades!"

"One million..." Xu Qinyang thought in his heart: "Not expensive! I just won 100 million top grades in the duel!"

His indulgence was to shock the monk and said: "Daoyou, this is not expensive, it is a fair price."

Xu Qinyang nodded and said: "I have to do all five!"

After the words were settled, five million top grades were given to the opposite monk, and the opposite monk was overjoyed. He put up five million top grades and looked at Xu Qin with expectation:

"What do Daoyou still see?"

Xu Qinyang shook his head and handed the storage ring to the opposite monk. The monk’s face revealed a slight disappointment. Xu Ziyan didn't know why Xu Qinyang wanted to buy this water bead, but it was only five million, and she did not care. But she was very interested in the child sitting in the abandoned square. I don't know why he was sitting alone, pointing to the child:

"This friend, what is the child?"

There was a hint of fright in the eyes of the monk, which made Xu Ziyan very strange, what a child has any fear. The monk swallowed a spit and looked at the child again, pressing down the voice:

"The child is not clear about the origin. I don't know when he came here. But he is very sinister. There used to be a monk who wanted to catch him, but he was killed by his life, and he sucked the blood of the monk. Later, he was besieged by the friend of the monk, and he could not kill him."

“Hmm?” Xu Ziyan asked strangely: “Is he very high?”

"No! No!" The monk shook his head and said: "His cultivation is only a fairy, but his body is very strong. At first, the monks of the monks could not hurt him, and later burned with fire. Did not burn him, but he escaped the bondage, and killed a monk, sucked the blood of the monk. Scared the rest of the monks ran, and since then, no one dared to bully him.

You also know that although there is no master here, the mid-term cultivation of the nine-day Xuan Xian is basically the highest. But there is no problem with dealing with him as a child. Although he could not kill him, it was no problem to drive him away. Therefore, when everyone understands his details, he will not be tempted to provoke him, but if he wants to provoke others, he will be beaten by others.

Therefore, he has only one person, and everyone avoids him like a god. No one wants to approach him. This is also in the earth star, if in other stars, I am afraid that it has long been caught by the big family. Those big families are not us, there is always a way to kill him. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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