The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1465: Xinghai Escape

I am very grateful to Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), Miao Ling Qing Zhang classmates (100), condensed classmates (100) reward!


"That... he was sitting there all day?" Xu Ziyan asked in amazement.

"Not!" The monk said: "Sometimes he also goes out. The monks who have good things have followed him. After tracking, they suddenly found out that this kid was going to hunt some low-level fairy beasts and then eat them raw. The flesh of the beast, the blood of the beast. And... and later discovered that he even sneaked into the monk who had placed the order, even the flesh and blood of the man..."

The monk left, Xu Ziyan looked at the child in the square, thinking about it. Xu Qinyang whispered:

"Ziyan, let's go, we still don't want to provoke such a monster."

Xu Ziyan's look hesitated, and finally agreed with Xu Qinyang's opinion, and Xu Qinyang left here, flying in the fairy boat to the Xinghai.

Over the square of the small town, a vulture is turning around the square. It is a fairy beast in the heavens. The monks in several small towns saw the vulture, no one to care about it, but instead looked at the vulture of the heavenly fairy in the air with interest.

The vulture flew lower and lower, and gradually flew toward the child sitting in the middle of the square. The child still buried his head between his legs, motionless.

The vulture turned around the child's head for a few laps, and the child still motionless and rushed toward the child.

The little boy who buried his head between his knees suddenly raised his head, and the two eyes suddenly turned into black and ink, without a trace of white. Jumping from the ground, slammed his arms around the vulture's neck, opened a small mouth, and bit the neck of the vulture.


A miserable tweet. The vulture flew vigorously toward the sky, while the two claws kept clutching the little boy, and his mouth kept glaring at him. But the little boy was still holding the vulture's neck, clutching the vulture's neck tightly. Sucking its blood in a big mouth.

The vulture finally lost its power and fell vertically from the sky to the ground. The little boy did not use his ability to fly in the fairy season, but fell vertically with the vulture.


A pit appeared on the ground, and a dust was swaying. In the pit, the little boy still sucked the blood tightly against the vulture's neck.

The surrounding monks looked far away, waiting to see the little boy crawling out of the pit with blood, and sitting on the ground like nothing. These talents spread out in twos and threes.

At the edge of the Xinghai.

Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang and thirty-six Xu disciples floated in the air, looking at the endless Xinghai, Xu Ziyan could not help but blurter:

"so beautiful!"

In front of them is a blue, vast and endless. On the vast expanse of the sea, occasionally flying a giant fairy, the waves in the starry sea surged. From time to time, I jumped out of a starry beast and exudes a strong breath. In it, some planets are scattered, giving people a sense of loneliness.

Xu Ziyan suddenly blinked and saw a fairy boat in the distance, and couldn't help but turn around and look at Xu Qinyang:

"Qin Yang brother, you are not saying that only the eight-pronged boat can drive in the Xinghai? You see that the fairy boat is just a fairy in the late five products!"

Xu Qinyang said: "Ziyan, I am saying that only eight Pinxian can travel across the Xinghai, and did not say that other grades of Xianzhou can not travel in the Xinghai. The boat is only driving offshore. The problem, they are afraid to enter the deep sea."


Xu Ziyan nodded. Spread his arms to the sides. Take a deep breath and call out with joy:

"Good rich water power!"

"Yes!" Xu Qinyang’s face was somewhat regrettable: "Unfortunately, it cannot be used."

"How?" Xu Ziyan asked confusedly.

"It is said that although the water power in the Xinghai is rich, it is very violent. It is impossible for human beings to absorb it. Only on those planets can it be cultivated. And even on the planet. The place where it can be cultivated is The location of the center of the planet, other locations are not good."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan looked at Xinghai. The beauty in front of her eyes made her eyes faint, and her body leaped toward Xinghai:

"I went to see!"

Upon entering the Xinghai, Xu Ziyan immediately felt the tyranny of the water power, criss-crossing and strangling each other. Not to mention that cultivation here is a monk who is a poor monk, and will be strangled by these waters here.

The figure was flashing, and he left the Xinghai. He stood by Xu Qinyang: "Sure enough, the water power here is too violent!"

When the words fell, they looked toward the fairy boat in the Xinghai: "What are they doing in the Xinghai?"

"They are hunting starry beasts inside the Xinghai!"

"Then let's go see it too!"

With everyone in the fairy boat, driving into the Xinghai. Xu Ziyan let Yunbao turn the fairy boat into almost all transparency. Everyone sits inside the fairy boat and sees the outer Xinghai clearly.

The distant fairy boat saw the cloud baby flying over, and the fairy boat sounded a warning. One monk rose from the sky and entered the fairy boat, then looked at the cloud with vigilance. baby.

When Xu Ziyan saw the appearance of the monks, he consciously deviated from the direction of the boat and flew in the other direction. She came here just to see the scenery, not even thinking about what treasures and other things, naturally, will not bother others. The monk above the fairy boat saw the cloud baby leaving a long distance before opening the hatch once again, looking for treasures in the Xinghai.

Xu Ziyan has been in the Xinghai for a long time, and the scenery of the Xinghai is so beautiful. Not only Xu Ziyan, Xu Qinyang and the thirty-six Xu disciples are also very happy.

Suddenly, a cannon in the distance awakened them to those who were intoxicated in the scenery. I hurriedly looked into the distance. I saw that the Xianzhou was being besieged by three Xianzhou boats at that time. A canon of the cannons rushed to the fairy boat, and the fairy boat fled back and fled.

"Where did the three lucky boats come from?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"If you don't guess wrong, it should be a dwarf star!" Xu Qinyang said with a slight frown.

"Then we will save people!" Xu Ziyan was eager to transfer the fairy boat.

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "You don't have to save them, or keep yourself!"

Xu Ziyan heard a glimpse of it, and looked at Xu Qinyang's gaze. Sure enough, he saw five sacred boats marching toward him.


The five fairy boats saw that the distance was close, and five rune guns were bombarded. Without waiting for the purple smoke command, the cloud baby quickly hid behind the four runes, but was still hit by a rune. The entire fairy boat swayed, and Xu Ziyan immediately felt that the cloud baby was injured.

Xu Ziyan suddenly became angry, and his body flashed, and he went out of the fairy boat. Directly took out the only piece of Yanshan soul to refine the innate fairy treasure, five attributes of the sword. The meaning of running water is perfect.

Originally, it was a place with extremely rich water properties. The use of Xu Ziyan was the perfection of water properties, and the hands were congenital Xianbao, and the power was multiplied. A sword passed, a fairy boat was smashed into two halves, and then swept across the sword, and the rest of the monks were turned into powder.

At this time, the cloud baby is also dodging the bombardment of the other side of the fairy boat, and attacking the other side. At this time, the remaining four enemy Xianzhou were shocked by Xu Ziyan's sharpness. Immediately, two Xuzhou boats were locked in the air, and a rune was fired at her.

The area of ​​the rune cannon is very large, that is, the speed of the cloud baby can hide in the past, the speed of Xu Ziyan and the cloud baby have a big gap. When accidentally, it was hit by a cannon, and the figure was slammed and flew straight out, and a blood spurted out of the air.

The cloud baby flew to her side in an instant. At this time, Xu Ziyan refused to try to destroy the other side's fairy boat and immediately got into the fairy boat. Looking through the porthole, I saw three dwarf stars in the distance, and the celestial beast that had hunted the starry beasts had been blasted away, and was falling over her head and approaching her.

"Cloud baby, go!"

Xu Ziyan was in a hurry, and Yun Baby also raised the speed to the extreme and flew away in one direction. However, Xu Ziyan found that the speed of the cloud baby is much slower at this time, and the heart can not help but rush:

"Cloud baby, don't you hurt?"

The voice of the cloud baby screamed in the consciousness of Xu Ziyan: "Master, I am fine, just let me recover in the chaotic gas for a while. It will be fine. It will affect my speed now."

"Well, if the cloud baby escapes this time, I will immediately heal you."

Xu Ziyan also voiced the voice in consciousness, and then looked around through the porthole. At this time, I didn’t know where there were a few fairy boats. There were actually twelve together, and there was a fairy boat. It is an eight-pin fairy boat.

Xu Ziyan stared at the eight-pin fairy boat, and thought that this fairy boat might be owned by the Mozu. It was because of this fairy boat that the Mozu monks were transported from the opposite side of Xinghai. Looking at the twelve fairy boats, they were chasing after them. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. It seems that the Mozu is really a small picture, and there are so many fairy boats that they are casually coming out, and the grades are not low.

I remembered that I was injured by Xian Zhou, and I looked at the fairy boat that I was chasing. Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh. In Xinghai, it is not the world of monks, but the world of Xianzhou. It seems that the Terran really needs to form the Xinghai Fleet, otherwise it is impossible to conquer the Xinghai.

Looking at the outside, Xu Ziyan's face was more gloomy. She found that the other 12 ships were very experienced. The formation has already sealed their other directions, leaving only the direction of the deep sea.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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