The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1466: Black space

I am very grateful to the *^*0 classmates, the students in the soil, the loss of his heart, the classmates, the parasitic world classmates, the silina0628 classmates, the book friends 110410192204613 classmates pink ticket!


Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and Yunyun baby tried to escape as soon as possible, and began to close his eyes to heal. I still don't know how to restore my cultivation to the peak state. This is what I need to do now.

It was bombarded with a cannon, and the body like Xu Ziyan was also injured. In the case of taking medicinal herbs, Xu Ziyan also spent three days and three nights to fully recover the injury.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and opened his eyes. Looking around, he saw a nervous face.

Xu Qinyang and the thirty-six disciples saw Xu Ziyan woke up, and all the faces appeared with joy: "How? Have you recovered?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, then turned to look outside the fairy boat and asked: "How is the situation?"

Xu Qinyang said with a smile: "It has not yet caught up, but the cloud baby can not afford to lose because of the injury. In these three days, Yunbao used various methods to change direction and tried to get rid of each other, but they did not succeed. The other side has twelve canals, and it is not easy to get rid of it. What is more important is that now we don’t know where it is and completely lost its way."

Xu Ziyan carefully looked through the porthole through the fairy boat and looked around. It really did not distinguish the current position. Xu Ziyan simply leaned back and leaned back:

"What do you do with the tube? Anyway, look at what it is today, they can't catch up with us. Get rid of them and give them to the cloud baby. What should we do?"

It’s also the reason that everyone listens, and they can’t help if they are in a hurry. And when Xu Ziyan wakes up, they immediately have the backbone and no longer worry. I went to smile and smiled. Even Xu Qinyang sat down and swallowed the medicinal herbs into the cultivation. Ever since he experienced a battle with Liu Xianjun in the Sunjiatao Garden of Tianjiancheng, Xu Qinyang has never been eager to become a true immortal like he is now. He uses any time to practice.

Xu Ziyan also closed his eyes and communicated with Yun Bao in consciousness.

"Cloud baby. Can you hold on?"

"Master, it is difficult to absorb the power here, and it can't be recovered quickly as it is outside. So, when I can't hold it, the master just needs to give me some more crystals."

"Xianjing? There is no problem, I will give you some now."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan took out a storage ring and pressed it directly on the bulkhead of the fairy boat. The bulkhead swayed and restored smoothness. The storage ring was taken in by the cloud baby.

Cloud baby is different from other fairy boats. Other fairy boats need to be driven by monks, and the cloud baby itself has intelligence, and does not need to drive purple smoke. Therefore, after Xu Ziyan gave the cloud baby Lingshi, he began to swallow the drug into the cultivation. In this starry sea, you want to cultivate only the swallowing remedy. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan, they do not lack medicinal herbs.

Time flies in silence, and Xu Ziyan is too lazy to calculate time, and they all practice quietly. Behind the cloud baby, twelve Xianzhou are still chasing after. From time to time, the rune cannons are issued. Even if the cloud baby has more intelligence, the speed is faster, and the reaction is more dexterous. The other 12 ships in the same boat will be occasionally bombarded. Here, the speed of the cloud baby has dropped a little bit.

This made the Demon monk in the eight-character celestial boat happy, it was an early Xianjun. He first saw the cloud baby. Just look at the cloud baby, the fairy boat made by Yun Baby makes him too jealous. Therefore, he has been commanding other fairy boats to chase after him, just want to get the cloud baby.

A long chase. Let people forget the years, Xu Ziyan gave the cloud baby a batch of Xianjing. The brow can't help but wrinkle deeply. At this time, she had no thoughts on cultivation, and the speed of the baby was getting slower and slower, and it was gradually pulled closer by the fairy boat behind.

Xu Ziyan frowned and thought, if this continues, she will only take the cloud baby away, and then use her own surgery to escape. However, this in the Xinghai has no purpose to move, she is really afraid to move to a more dangerous place. If you move to the front of a starry sky monster, isn't it looking for death?

These days, the cloud baby did not encounter the starry behemoths in the Xinghai, the cloud baby either killed the other party, or evaded the speed, but more and more starry beasts encountered in this star sea, this is An indisputable fact. This makes Xu Ziyan more worried, which proves that they are gradually approaching the deep sea.

Xu Ziyan sighed silently and closed his eyes. This situation can only be said after waiting. I don't know how long it took, Xu Ziyan suddenly sat up straight, she found a difference, the usual Yun baby always released a rune gun from time to time to attack some of the starry beasts, but now she found that the cloud baby has not released the rune gun for a long time It is.

what 's wrong?

Is it that the cloud baby is far from the deep sea and is about to escape the Xinghai?

Xu Ziyan looked through the porthole, did not see the traces of the starry beasts, looking toward the back, the twelve canals are still chasing, but at this time, they no longer fire rune guns. They have already seen that the speed of the cloud baby has dropped a lot. As long as it can be caught up in a few days, the Mozu monk does not want to completely blast the cloud baby.

Xu Ziyan made the cloud baby transparent in consciousness, standing inside the fairy boat and looking around. She found that the surrounding of the Xinghai was really quiet. There was no trace of the starry beasts. There were only Yunbao and Dwarf stars on the entire Xinghai.

And... the sky seems to be a lot dim.

This dim does not seem to be at night, but... seems...

Xu Ziyan couldn't figure out the situation, but was keenly aware of a danger. I couldn't help but close my eyes and fell into thinking.


Suddenly, Xu Ziyan heard Xu Qinyang’s panicking voice and hurriedly opened his eyes. Half of my mouth just wanted to ask what happened, but suddenly it was there.

In front of them, as if the world had come to an end, it was dark. Endless darkness. It’s so dark and horrifying.

"Master!" The voice of the cloud baby was anxious: "I can't control myself, the darkness in front is attracting me."

Xu Ziyan's body flashed and left the fairy boat. Standing on the top of the fairy boat, the gods spread wildly. This **** has just spread out, and Xu Ziyan’s face is a panic.

She found that even her own knowledge was absorbed into the endless darkness. At this time, she had already understood why she had found that she was very dim around, because the light was absorbed by the darkness.

Disconnect yourself from the gods that have spread out, and look up at the darkness. It stands in the sea of ​​stars, as if it were a black curtain. Another big mouth of a starry beast, is swallowing everything, no wonder there is no starry behemoth here.

Looking at the cloud baby who was rushing to the black screen, Xu Ziyan sighed softly. At this time, she was not suitable for staying in the cloud baby body. The baby's defense is not as good as her. If the cloud baby is ruined by the unknown black curtain, Xu Qinyang and the thirty-six Xu disciples are also dead.

Mindful thoughts. The cloud baby was taken up, and then Xu Ziyan thought about making a big move. At this time, she also refused to see where she would be moved. Anyway, she could leave here. However, what frightened her was that the restraint of the shady scene made her big move invalid.

Feeling that his body was like a meteor, he rushed to the dark curtain. Xu Ziyan sighed helplessly and looked back. The twelve fairy boats were also rushing toward the black curtain.


Xu Ziyan's body shape entered the dark curtain. The figure fell to the bottom.


Xu Ziyan fell to the ground. But the four times are not clear at all. It’s completely black, and you can’t reach your fingers. Xu Ziyan immediately released the gods, and the released gods were absorbed by the black space, but it was not completely absorbed and probably left 20%. But the knowledge of God is also dark, and there is no trace at all.


Not far from her, there were several sounds that landed. Although Xu Ziyan could not see clearly. But I can think of it as the twelve lucky boats that were absorbed.

Xu Ziyan immediately teleported, she found that after entering the black space, it can still be teleported, but only 50% of the black space is suppressed, and only half of its ability is left. However, this must be escaped first, otherwise, once surrounded by the monks in the twelve fairy boats, in this unknown world, Xu Ziyan can escape without any slight grasp.

After staring in one direction and continuously teleporting for about an hour, Xu Ziyan stopped. Spreading the knowledge of God, there were no traces of people around, and the body shape flashed into the cloud baby. As soon as he entered the cloud baby, Xu Qinyang asked anxiously:

"What's wrong? What happened? Where are we now? Have you been sucked into the shady scene?"

Xu Ziyan sat in a chair and said helplessly: "Yes, we were sucked in, and we don't know how to go out."

Inside the fairy boat, it was silent, half-sounding, and Xu Qinyang asked: "What is the situation outside?"

"Inky, not to distinguish between the southeast and the northwest." Xu Ziyan's tone was depressed: "Qin Yang brother, I will take you out to see."

When the words fell, holding Xu Qinyang’s hand, he came out from the fairy boat. In the dark, two people couldn't see each other at all, just knowing that the hands of both sides were in one piece. Xu Qinyang's hand was tight, and he held Xu Ziyan's hand tightly. After fear of separation, the two could no longer find each other. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, two people have returned to the fairy boat, relatively silent.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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