The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1474: Nine days of Xuanxian late

I am very grateful to the students of Dream Poetry 0327. I am not an Angel classmate, a rain868 classmate, a flying classmate, a man of the wind, and a classmate of Linglong.幻の青青草同学, eryanu classmates, sunset, classmates' pink ticket!


Very regular sounds rang in the space, and the surroundings were only black, but I felt that there was no danger, and the sound of "咚咚" came from my ears.

Xu Ziyan called out the fire spirit, and then the fire, Xu Ziyan saw himself seems to be in a huge space. There is a dark red glow under the feet. I stepped on the foot with my foot and found that the ground under my feet was not hard and soft. Looking seriously at the foot, I saw that I was standing on a very large pipe. Compared with that pipe, she was like a cockroach.

Xu Ziyan struggling to fly upwards, looking at the bottom with the light of Huo Linger, and his body shape, almost fell from the air. The muscles on the face were distorted by fear, and it turned out to be under her... It turned out to be a huge heart.


The voice was exactly from the huge heart. With the "squeaky" voice, Xu Ziyan could see the huge heart beating.

Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed his mouth, fearing that he would scream with fear and awaken the owner of the heart. Hold your breath and rush to the top and want to fly away.


Xu Ziyan's figure flew toward the sky, but there was a restraint that pulled her tightly. Her figure was flying more and more slowly, and she was gradually pulled to stop. Then he began to fall down to the bottom, and finally fell to the huge heart with helplessness.


With the sound of "咚咚", Xu Ziyan felt the heart under his feet vibrate. I have been waiting for a long time, but only the heart beats. Nothing else happened anymore.

Xu Ziyan transmitted the gods out. It is found here that God's knowledge is unrestricted and can be extended without hindrance. As soon as this **** spread out, she immediately felt the darkness of the heavens. That is because here, the dark nature of the heavens is too dense, and the purple smoke is stunned. The dark nature of the original black space has been absorbed here. But what exactly is this place?

Is the whole black space a person or a fairy? Is this the heart of this person or fairy?

Think of this, Xu Ziyan's heart fear. Looking around, I whispered:


no respond.

Xu Ziyan raised a little voice, but the tone was weak: "Predecess?"

Still no response.

The voice of Xu Ziyan is getting higher and higher. Shouted dozens of sounds, but still did not respond.


Although she did not get a response, Xu Ziyan took a long breath, after all, this shows that she is temporarily safe. Sitting on the huge heart, he looked up at the sky and his face was tangled.

This... I really can’t go back!

Xu Ziyan sat there so dumbly. For a long time, a sigh was made in the space. Xu Ziyan touched the fire spirits on his shoulders and whispered:

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Huo Linger squinted and thought: "Master, if you are practicing here, maybe you can be rushed out if you are high."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan surprised the thigh: "The original high-sentence said that no one rushed out of the black space, because there is no master. The reason why there is no master, it is because of the thinness of the heavens. But now Here, Tiandao is very dense. If I have been practicing here to Xianzun, can I still rush out? Maybe I can go out without practicing to Xianzun."

Xu Ziyan is a courageous person, think of it. The fire spirit is collected. Also entered the drug tripod. The situation here was repeated with Xu Qinyang and others, and some Xiandan were distributed to them. They were trained in the medicine, and then they left the medicine tripod. Once again, sitting on the heart, spread the knowledge. Into the dark nature of the heavens, began to comprehend.

Xu Ziyan was immersed in the comprehension, and she felt different. She found herself comprehending quickly, and the speed surprised her. Because she never realized that she was so fast. After a little attention, she found the reason.

It turned out to be the cause of the heart.

The beating sound of the "咚咚咚" heart even coincided with the heavens, and Xu Ziyan quickly pulled into the heavens, letting Xu Ziyan's whole heart linger in the heavens.

Xu Ziyan lowered his eyes and his mood was rising rapidly.

It’s only seven days.

In the original space in the purple smoke space, there is another black spot at this time, but it is still very small, only the size of the rice. However, it is growing rapidly.


Xu Ziyan’s state of mind has finally broken through the Xianjun period and reached the early stage of Xianjun.

Purple smoke inside the space.

Chaos star.

The chaos suddenly opened his eyes, and then closed his eyes again. Her body broke out with a strong breath. The fairy power in the purple smoke space screamed toward her, and the chaos broke through, breaking through the cultivation of Xianjun.


The barrier in Xu Ziyan's body was broken. She broke through and repaired it to reach the late nine-day Xuanxian.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked up into the sky. Whether she is looking at this place will also be robbed.

The robbery came as the covenant.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and now the drug tripod lives in Xu Qinyang and others. He can’t use the medicine to resist the robbery. The darkness contains the dark attribute fairy. I don’t know if it will be used to resist the robbery. Damage to the fairy in the Nether? Use a five-color sword? The consumption of Xianyuan is too powerful.

Xu Ziyan thought about it and eventually prepared to use a five-color sword.

When she thought about the beginning, her body should be able to withstand the catastrophe of the late nine-day Xuan Xian, and wait for the last time to resist, and then use the five-color sword.

The robbery clouds in the sky are constantly condensing. Weineng landed.


Xu Ziyan’s gaze was a contraction. The robbery turned out to be a black thunder, and he was on the body of Xu Ziyan.

It is the real pain of the soul. In particular, the **** of Xu Ziyan is generally painful like a needle.

This is something that has never happened since Xu Ziyan was robbed.

Here, the robbery will even cause damage to the gods.

Xu Ziyan strongly endured the pain and kept adding a maze of consciousness to the sea. The maze of the gods was constantly destroyed by the catastrophe, and Xu Ziyan kept adding. However, the speed of replenishment is not as fast as destruction.

A day of robbery came down. After a day and a night, the maze of Xu Ziyan’s hard work was finally completely collapsed. That day, the robbery began to attack the palace of the gods in the center of the sea.

A day of robbery rushed into the sea above the palace, making the palace crumbling.

Xu Ziyan kept mobilizing the gods in the sea to strengthen the palace, but the palace was still rapidly collapsing.

After a day and a night, the palace of the gods knew that it would collapse completely. Xu Ziyan stood up from the heart, holding a five-color sword in his hand and slamming the past against the black lightning that had fallen.


The black lightning struck above the five-colored sword and shone on the five-colored sword. Spread over her arm, rushed into her sea of ​​knowledge, bombarded on the temple of the gods in the sea, let Xu Ziyan's body shake painfully.

This... even the five-color sword can't stop the black lightning.

Xu Ziyan panicked, it was really panic. At this time, she has some realization that this black lightning is not directed at the body, but against the gods.

The five-color sword was collected. Xu Ziyan summoned the cloud baby from the chaotic gas of the purple smoke space to the sea of ​​knowledge. Wrap your own gods tightly inside.

Another day passed, and the palace of the gods in the sea finally collapsed completely.

The black lightning bombarded the baby on the cloud. On the baby's body, the black lightning flashed and swayed around, but the black lightning was finally blocked.


Xu Ziyan took a long sigh of relief. From the beginning of the robbery, there was nothing to stop the black lightning. Now the cloud baby can stop it.

Day by day.

ninth day.

It seems that at the next moment, the black lightning has become more and more powerful, and the cloud baby has been somewhat unsupported. Xu Ziyan felt that the cloud baby could not resist the black lightning several times. Her heart was flustered and she did not hesitate to summon the water of the palm of her hand.

Xu Qinyang within the medicine trip felt the water of a palm away from the body. He stood up and his face was full of worries. Don't ask. Since Xu Ziyan did not even talk. Just take back the water of a palm, it must be that Xu Ziyan encountered extreme danger.

What danger did she encounter?

Xu Qinyang anxiously walked back and forth in the medicine tripod. The look of restlessness on the face were getting bigger and bigger, and the thirty-six disciples saw the uneasiness of Xu Qinyang, and they were all uneasy.

The water of the palm of the hand enters the sea of ​​knowledge. Immediately, the purple **** of Xu Ziyan was wrapped up, and the cloud baby let Xu Ziyan immediately send back the purple smoke space to the chaos.


The black lightning bombarded the body of a palm of water. Blocked by a palm of water.

Xu Ziyan took a long breath and the water of this palm was much stronger than the cloud baby. The last nine days of robbery collapsed, and the robbery clouds over the sky dissipated.

Xu Ziyan just breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt an irresistible force to completely ban her, and Xu Ziyan struggled to resist, only to find that she could not resist.

Xu Ziyan felt that she was so small that she felt very small and shrouded her, so she could not help but tremble, this is something she has never encountered before. Although she thought about resisting, her body was involuntarily. That power reveals a high-spirited atmosphere.

Some of Xu Ziyan’s reaction came over. This breath is likely to be the owner of the huge heart under his ass. When he thought that he had stolen the other side’s heaven, he must have alerted the other party during the robbery. Do not call weakly:



It’s too hot to write!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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