The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1475: Detach

I am very grateful to the 2 students of the post-rain season forever (1888), Ann ^_^ Jing classmates (200), anna1978 classmates (100), Dan Yu Sihan classmates (100), cher Feifei classmates (100) reward!


"Small hoes, even the dark attributes have been cultivated into the realm of Xiaocheng, the qualifications are good!" A majestic voice sounded.

Xu Ziyan is not stupid. At this time, I must maintain enough respect: "This is a gift from the predecessors!"

"Yeah!" The voice really revealed a trace of satisfaction: "You still know gratitude, then do something for me!"

" are unconventional, supernatural, full of heaven and earth, and there is boundless magic. Will there be anything for the younger generation to work for? The juniors have low skills and they have misunderstood the great things of their predecessors..."

"Little girl, don't be guilty, you got my heaven here, is it white? Don't talk nonsense, if you don't help, I will kill you."

Xu Ziyan can't help but smile, can this still not agree? But there is still a faint color on the face:

"Predecessors, how can the younger generation not agree? Just afraid of the mistakes of the seniors."

"Yeah!" The voice showed a satisfactory tone: "I will leave a glimpse of your **** on your god, and then I will send you out of here. After you leave here, you will come back a hundred years later. I will report the situation outside. What is the situation of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu today. Well, I have to explore the traces of the two monks, one is called 琅琊, the other is called Quebec."

"A palm of water. You have heard it. He wants to leave a glimpse of my **** on my god. What should I do? Hurry and find a way!"

In the consciousness, I talked about the water of the palm of my hand, but the time in the mouth delayed: "Predecessors. If you leave a glimpse of the gods on the younger gods, what are you going to do with the younger generation after a hundred years? The younger generation went out to see, think of You don't know it?"

"Hey. Little girl, what do you know? I need to sleep, so I need to come back to wake me up after a hundred years."

"Oh ~~ This reason is very good!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "But, that's it..."

Xu Ziyan is talking about this, the voice of the palm of the hand came from consciousness: "Master, the other party is too strong, and I can't stop him alone. Even if he blocks his ignorance, he will be discovered." By that time, you are in danger. If he is angry, just drop it and you will die."

"Crap, hurry to find a way." Xu Ziyan angered in consciousness.

"Master, I think if the five properties of Jinmu Shuihuo are complete, it may be able to stop him from knowing the gods and create a fantasy. Like the real world, he can't find it. But now only me and Fire Linger, um, that enlightenment tea tree is also counted as one. Although he is still weak, he can barely use it, but you still lack metal and soil properties."

Xu Ziyan heard the big joy, but in a flash he will realize Xiaoxiao, Huo Linger. Xiaojin. And Tu Long pulled to know the sea, said to the water of a palm:

"A palm of water, how do you see them?"

"Yes!" The water in the palm of the hand shines.

"What do you want to say?" There was a voice that was angry outside.

Xu Ziyan is a jump in the heart, this ... happy to forget the outside person. I hurriedly said:

"Predecessors, since you are going to sleep. Then let me know what God is doing on my god. You will not have to send me out. I will wake you up when I come back."

"Hey! Little girl, don't be smart with me. If you don't come back when you don't come back, it's not cheaper. I leave a glimpse of God, and when you dare not come back, I will kill you with one thought."

Xu Ziyan has a glimpse of his heart, but there is no other way. They can only hope that they can help with the water.

"Hurry up, open the sea of ​​knowledge, or I will destroy your knowledge of the sea and don't blame me."

Xu Ziyan hurriedly watched his own knowledge of the sea, saw a palm of water, Huo Linger, Xiao Wudao, Xiaojin and Tulong were connected to form a ring, and then they became five small spots closely connected. Together, and then synthesized a five-color spot, hidden into her god, the sound of a palm of water came from consciousness:

"Master, okay!"

Xu Zi smoked his heart and opened his own knowledge. The surrounding atmosphere was obviously relieved. A black god’s knowledge drifted into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan and was printed on the Yintang of the **** of Zi Ziyan.

When his ignorance drifted over, the five-color spot that they synthesized in the palm of their hand quickly moved to the eyebrows of the gods, and the black gods were printed in the five-color spot. The five-color light spot slid the fascination into the inside, and synthesized a fake god, Xu Ziyan was scared and waiting.

Dim... two interest... three interest...

"Okay!" The voice rang again: "I don't use your help anymore. If you hold it, it will be good for you to understand the dark nature of heaven."

In front of Xu Ziyan's eyes, the dark attribute Tiandao began to condense toward the middle. At about ten minutes, a fist-sized black bead was condensed in front of her, releasing a black glow.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to collect the black beads, and then said: "Thank you for your predecessors."

"Well! I am sending you out, eager to return to here after a hundred years, otherwise I will detonate the ignorance of God and let you disappear."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan replied respectfully.

In the black space, a gap suddenly opened. Xu Ziyan only felt dizzy. When he was clear, he found himself standing on the Xinghai. Looking back, dozens of miles away, it was the shady scene.

Xu Ziyan took a long sigh of relief and finally came out.

Divide a glimpse into the purple smoke space, check the cloud baby, found that she was very weak, could not help but sigh, did not bother her.

Without the cloud baby, Xu Ziyan had to summon Xiaobai, this little white stayed in the chaotic gas in the purple smoke space, and actually reached the half-step Xianjun's point, Xu Ziyan felt that it would not take long, she Can break through the realm of Xianjun.

Lifting his foot and making a step, Xu Ziyan jumped on the back of Xiaobai, and his white eyes flashed, confirming the direction and flying away from the Xinghai.

Xu Ziyan lay in the soft feathers of Xiaobai, looking up at the sky, so comfortable that she was a little sleepy. However, if you have a heart, you can still communicate with your palm in the mind:

"How about a palm of water? Has it succeeded?"

"Well!" The voice of the palm of the hand came from consciousness.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan waved his fist in excitement. After the emotion calmed down, Xu Ziyan said in consciousness:

"A palm of the water, can the gods disappear?"

"No!" The sound of the water of the palm of the hand rang softly: "With our five current strengths, you can't eliminate him. Instead, you can bring him out of your god, but we still need five of us to trap him. Otherwise He found the anomaly and it was very easy to return to your god."

"唉~~" Xu Ziyan sighed and sighed. Half-sounding, helplessly said: "Is this said that from now on, you five can only be trapped all day, can not do anything else?"

"Well!" The sound of the water in the palm of the hand was also a bit depressed.

The water in one palm is depressed, and Xu Ziyan is more depressed. Not only did he leave a time bomb in his own god, he did not know when he was killed by the gods, and he lost five cards, which made Xu Ziyan not depressed.

After a while, I suddenly remembered one thing, and asked in the water of consciousness:

"Do you know who the master of the gods is?"

"I don't know!" The water of the palm of the hand quickly replied: "But he is very powerful. It is just a glimpse of the gods. If it is his body, I am afraid it will kill me very easily."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was awkward, and he was even more taboo to the master of the gods. As soon as he thought that the man had left a sacred knowledge in his own god, he could not help but sigh.

Half a day later, Xu Ziyan’s emotions recovered and he was completely calm. Self-consolation:

"In any case, there are waters in the palm of the hand. The five of them are confusing the gods. I have at least one hundred years of freedom. Who knows what will happen in a hundred years? Maybe, if I haven’t waited for a hundred years, I will be able to If you solve that ignorance, you don't have to go to the dark curtain.

Only after they have lost a handful of water, they have five help, and their strength has to drop a lot. However, there is no big problem. Am I not a lot of fairy? Besides, I am also the realm of the nine-day Xuanxian period. The ordinary early Xianjun is not my opponent. By the way, my state of mind has already broken through Xianjun, what is the chaotic repair? ”

Xu Ziyan immediately sank into a chaotic planet that entered the purple smoke space. It was obvious that the chaos of today is the beginning of Xianjun. With the chaos mastered by the chaos and the strongness of the ontology, I am afraid that in the middle of the immortal period, it is not her opponent.

From this point of view, he now has the basic self-protection strength in the lower meta-galaxies. And he also has a fairy, and Tilian, Ruyi Aquarius and Yanshan soul give their own five-color sword and other fairy. Well, there are water bottles...

Right, the water!

The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan landed on the planet of the water, and the heart was a joy. The earliest water rafts have now reached the peak of the nine-day peak of Xuan Xian.

I joyfully retired the gods and entered my own sea of ​​knowledge. I saw my own gods sitting in the sea. There is a five-color spot in the eyebrow of Yuanshen, and Xu Ziyan knows that it is the **** in the five-color spot.

Suddenly in the heart, she found that there are many black spots in the sea of ​​knowledge. A careful resolution, immediately recognizing those tiny spots of light is the time when the robbery in the black space, the heavens left behind by the robbers. At this time, their own gods are constantly absorbing those light spots, and with the absorption, the realm of the gods is slowly increasing.

This is right!

Xu Ziyan nodded and nodded. After the robbery, there will always be colorful light falling from the sky to improve his body. And this attack on the **** of the gods, naturally should leave some benefits to the gods.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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