The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1476: Meet the little boy again

I am very grateful to the wll112233 classmates, Su Liuyan classmates, ykwxh classmates, Ж绫罗Ж classmates, fat cows and classmates' pink tickets!


He happily withdrew from the sea, lying on the back of the white, and smashed the nine-character fairy. Divide a glimpse of the gods into the gloom, and the gloom is a nine-piece fairy. The space inside is extremely large. Xu Ziyan knows that he has collected nearly 300,000 dark attributes.

Among the nearly 300,000 dark attribute fairy beasts, the lowest strength is also the fairy beast of the nine-day Xuan Xian period. This is not surprising, as long as you think about it, there is a central area in the entire black space, where the dark attribute is the strongest place, the dark attribute is the most dense place, and the strength of the dark attribute fairy is naturally high.

Among them, there are more than 200,000 dark attribute fairy beasts in the early days of Xuanxian. There are more than 80,000 in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian, more than 10,000 in the late nine-day Xuanxian, and then there are more than two hundred and sixty in the early days of Xianjun. In the middle of several Xianjun, eight late Xianjun, two Xianjun peaks.

At this time, the gloom in the gloom has become a piece of chaos, the fairy beasts in the early days of the nine-day Xuanxian fled here, the fairy beasts in the middle of the nine-day Xuanxian are engulfing the fairy beasts in the early days of the nine-day Xuanxian, the fairy beasts of the late nine-day Xuanxian They are also chasing the fairy beasts whose strength is lower than them. The fairy beasts of the Xianjun period are engulfed by the fairy beasts chasing the nine-day Xuanxian period.

Xu Ziyan found that each of these fairy beasts will grow in strength. Xu Ziyan suddenly thought that if there was only one fairy beast left in the last 300,000 beasts, what strength would it be?

From the consciousness, she transferred the technique of controlling the soul through the gloom of the Yanshan soul. It took two quarters of an hour to comprehend it and looked at the dark attribute fairy in the Nether. After thinking about it, Xu Ziyan grabbed a nine-day fairy tales in the early days of the immortality to begin to control the soul through the phantom.

In an instant, Xu Ziyan felt that his mental strength had rapidly passed away, and Xu Ziyan’s face gradually became pale. The mental power was continuously consumed, and it took a full day. Xu Ziyan almost collapsed, and then controlled a nine-day Xuanxian early fairy beast. After that, Xu Ziyan lay down on the back of Xiaobai and went to sleep.

It has been a full day of sleep. When Xu Ziyan woke up, he hurried to the gods to find the dark attribute fairy that he controlled.

Xu Ziyan cried at the time, and the fairy beast that he managed to control was gone. He didn’t want to know that he was swallowed up by other beasts.

Xu Ziyan directly gave up to control the fairy beasts in the gloom, just control a nine-day Xuanxian early to get tired of almost collapse, but there are nearly 300,000 beasts, if they are controlled, they do not have to Do something else.

I thought about it with my head down. Xu Ziyan took out a character to control the soul and hesitated in his hand. If this is the control of those nine-day Xuan Xian period, more than 200,000 scored how many of them understand the heavens, this is not appropriate. She looked at the two peaks of the late Xianjun, and finally shook her head. She had only two ways to control the two beasts. One is that the other party is open to the sea, which is simply impossible. The other is to stun them first. That... it seems unlikely.

Thinking about it, in fact, the method of Yanshan soul is easy to use. You can cast spells directly on the beast, no matter what its strength. And will not divide their own insights. But... a nine-day Xuanxian spent her day in the early days, and almost consumed her mental strength, to control a peak of the late Xianjun will be what is the situation?

Just think about it, Xu Ziyan involuntarily played a cold war.

However, if you don't control them, this phantom is a display. Xu Ziyan simply did not dare to release a dark attribute fairy, because once they were released, they would not attack her because the purple smoke is the owner of the phantom. and so. This can only add to her confusion. But it can't help.

If the heart is moving, anyway, chaos is idle all day, it is better to let her control slowly. Anyway, after she controlled, as long as she passed the transformation between the two gods. Can instantly become your own control.

Oh, this is to give the process to others. As long as you have the result.

Xu Ziyan immediately took the phantom to enter the purple smoke space, giving the solitude to the chaos, and the main task of her from now on is to control these fairy beasts. After that, I retired with joy.

Sitting on the back of Xiaobai, he was so happy and happy for a while. Suddenly he thought that he had not told the person inside the medicine trip that he had come out of the black space. When he thought about it, he moved Xu Qinyang out of Yao Ding.

When Xu Qinyang appeared on the back of Xiaobai, his look was a glimpse, and then he said with great joy: "Ziyan, are we out?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded.

"How come out?" Xu Qinyang asked, curiously.

Xu Ziyan simply said things, but did not tell him that the five attributes combined to trap the gods, but only told him that the water of a palm is controlling the gods.

Xu Qinyang asked with some concern: "So, the water of one palm can't eliminate that god?"


"Then you have to go to the black space in a hundred years?"

"Maybe, who knows? I might have wiped him out in a hundred years."

Xu Qinyang was silent, sighed for a long time, and his face was full of worries. Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled:

"Jin Yang brother, don't worry. It's just that this thing should not be with others. I don't want others to worry about me."

“Yeah!” Xu Qinyang nodded. “I won’t talk to people.”

Slightly paused, and said: "If you can't solve the sacred knowledge after a hundred years, I will accompany you."

Some of Xu Ziyan’s heart was moved, whispered: “Qin Yang’s brother, I’m fine, there’s still a hundred years, I believe there will be a way.”

"Yeah!" Xu Qinyang also nodded hard.

The speed of the white is very fast. After nine days, I finally saw the edge of the Xinghai, and soon flew to the Yinyin Star. Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered the little boy sitting alone in the middle of the square. He curiously thought, I don’t know what the little boy is doing now? Are you still sitting alone? Let Xiaobai fly to the small town.

When it was over the small town, Xiaobai lowered the speed and hovered over the small town. The pressure of the half-step Xianjun descended from the air, and the monks in the small town were afraid to hide in the house one by one. Xu Ziyan looked down and saw that the little boy was still sitting alone in the center of the square, buried his head between his legs, and even more lonely in the ruins.

Xu Ziyan patted Xiaobai, and Xiaobai fell down to the bottom and landed on the edge of the square. Xu Ziyan and Xu Qinyang jumped from Xiaobai’s back and looked at the little boy in the middle of the square.

"Ziyan, what do you want to do?" Xu Qinyang asked as he looked at the little boy in the middle of the square.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze revealed that he thought: "I have to go and see, the little boy is very strange."

"I am going with you."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan patted Xiao Baidao: "Xiaobai, you are waiting for me here."

"No, I will go too." The words fell, and Xiaobai turned into a little girl, followed by the footsteps of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled and smiled and walked toward the little boy in the middle of the square. As I approached, I observed the little boy. Xu Qinyang and Xiao Bai also looked at the little boy with vigilance. After all, the little boy was described as terrible, but Xiao Bai was instinctively emitting a dangerous atmosphere from the little boy.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of the little boy, and the little boy still buried his head between his knees. Xu Ziyan did not move, so he looked at the little boy. The little boy also did not change his posture. He still buried his head between his knees. The two men were like two statues.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were blue and opened the eyes of Kun Peng. There was a shocking color on her face. In her eyes, she could see that the little boy’s physical discomfort was generally strong, almost like himself. This is just a child, what would it look like if he grew up?


Although the smell of this little boy is no different from that of other human monks, but the eyes of Xu Peng, who are not swaying, have a huge magical force in his body. It seems that his entire body is condensed by the magic power. It seems that there is a ban on the surface of his body to imprison the magic power, so that the magic power can not be uttered.

"Will he be a Mozu? If it is a Mozu, who is this ban?"

Xu Ziyan's eyes are blue and grand, and they have returned to normal in an instant. They have taken up the eyes of Peng Peng and fell into meditation. In her eyes, she found that the boy’s ban on the body was seamless. Can a human monk set the ban so perfect?

At this time, the little boy seemed to feel Xu Ziyan observing him with a secret method, slowly lifting his head up, Xu Ziyan fixed his eyes, what a beautiful face! At a young age, there is a handsome face, and the gods are like jade.


Xu Ziyan's gaze shrank, and the little boy's original black and white eyes gradually changed. The entire eyelids were dark and the original handsome face became awkward.


Jumping from the ground, and arms wide open to Xu Ziyan, a small mouth also opened wide, biting toward the neck of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan held out a hand and held the boy's head. The body of Xu Ziyan was not weaker than the little boy, and the repair was too much higher than him. The little boy was held down by Xu Ziyan and could not get close to Xu Ziyan. , waving two small arms, anxious not the slightest way.

Xu Ziyan looked at the little boy's anger, and his heart flashed a fascinating light. The little boy's body contains a rich magical force, all of which are dark attributes. If he also releases the dark attribute, will he be close to himself?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan immediately runs the dark attribute, and the body releases the smell of dark attributes.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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